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when seb and his sister, avani gregg, stay at the sway la for two weeks, sparks automatically fly between her... More



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author note:
There will be a change in plans. Addison, Nick, Dixie will be joining the Bahamas like in baecation 2. I didn't want to write about two baecation because there would get boring to read. Sorry If you don't like this change. The rooms are Charli and Chase, Avani and Anthony, Seb and Nick, Madi and Christopher, Dixie and Addison, Bryant and Madi's Mom with their own.

Anthony POV
I wake up and Avani is sleeping. I stroll through my phone for a little bit then I slowly get up and shower. I don't bring my clothes into the bathroom because I thought Avani was sleeping but when I exit in my towel, Avani is sitting up looking at me. She blushes and hides under the covers. I laugh.

Anthony: Sorry I'll be quick.
Avani: I'll have to see i-
Anthony: Huh?
Avani: Nothing. Just tell me when I can look.

I get changed quickly and join Avani in bed. She smiles and hugs me. I kiss her forehead. Her hickey has began to fade. She seems me looking at her chest.

Avani: No Ant. No more hickeys.
Ant: How did you know I was thinking about that.
Avani: Because you seem like causing me major embarrassment when my friends see them.
Ant: Or maybe I just like kissing you.

She pecks me on the lips and runs into the bathroom. She giggles and shuts the door. I'm waiting for Avani to finish getting ready. Madi knocks on the door and walks in.

Madi: Please stop making out! Please put on some clothes. Please stop!
Anthony: Chill... Avani is in the bathroom getting ready.
Madi: Oh- You don't get dressed in front of each other? Never mind. We are heading down to the pool for a bit if you want to come with us.
Anthony: When?
Madi: About twenty minutes
Anthony: Okay i'll ask Avani.
Madi: Thanks!

She walks out. Eventually I begin to get ready for the beach and I pack a small bag. Nick texts me.


Where are you and Avani?

She's still getting ready...

We are going down to the pool, meet us there?


There's a little crash sound from the bathroom. I automatically run to the door.

Anthony: Avani?
Avani: Anthony?
Anthony: Are you okay?
Avani: I tripped. I hurt my knee.
Anthony: Are you decent?
Avani: Help me for goodness sake!

I walk into the bathroom and Avani is sitting on the ground naked. I close the door behind myself and get a towel. I wrap it around her and help her stand up. I try not to look but it's kinda hard not to. I grab her a sweatshirt and some shorts and help her change. I quickly run to get a ice pack from the main reception on the way back I quickly text Nick and explain the situation so he can tell the others. As I walk in Avani is crying.

Anthony: Sorry Bebe does it hurt.
I quickly place it on her knee and cuddle her. She falls asleep in my arms. I kiss her head and drift in and out of sleep.

Avani POV
When Anthony leaves the room, I just break down. I really don't have the self confidence to show my body off. On social media they already say so much negative and hurtful things. I've learned to get used to it. However Anthony, I love him and his opinion on me is important. I don't think I was ready to show him... well me. I don't love my body so I don't know how and why he would. When he walks back in he acts so sweet and perfect. I cry into his chest and he comforts me. I eventually fall asleep. I wake up and it's like 4 PM. Anthony is awake.

Anthony: Hey Bebe. Does your knee feel better?
Avani: Yeah thanks.
Anthony: What's up?
Avani: Nothing...
Anthony: I literally  know you better than I know myself, tell me please.
Avani: I just really wasn't ready for you to see me naked I guess.
Anthony: Avani...
Avani: I'm sorry if I wasn't up to your expectations.
Anthony: You are so much better than my expectation. I love you avani gregg whether you had no boobs or big b00bs.
I giggle.
Anthony: Avani Gregg. We are trying to have a normal conversation here and you are giggling knowing what that does to me.
Avani: I can't stop it! It just slips out!
Anthony: Every time you giggle I'm give you one hickey.
Avani: How is that fair?
Anthony: I don't make the rules. Now hurry up we are going out for dinner.
I half limp half walk to my bag and get out a black dress. I get dressed right next to Anthony feeling a lot more confident. He grabs my waist from behind and whispers You're gonna make me act up Avani Gregg. I giggle then put my hand over my mouth. He puts up one finger, was he really being serious? Of course not. I pack my bag and put on a little concealer, mascara and finish off with lip gloss.
I grab Anthony hand for balance and also to show all of the possibly thirsty girls here that he is mine! Charli notices us and runs up and hugs me.

Charli: Are you okay?
Avani: Yeah thanks. I was just sore.
Charli's eyes go a little wide then she smiles. We catch up to the group and she whispers something to chase.
Anthony: Are you sure it's not hurting Avani?
Avani: It's fine.

We get to the place and we all order our food I sit next to Dixie and Anthony. We all make small talk and tiktoks until our food comes. Dixie turns and whispers something to me.

Dixie: Did you and Anthony have sex?
I choke on my fry. Everyone looks at me.
Avani: No. Who told you that?
Dixie: That's why everyone thought you were sore.
Avani: Oh my days! No! My knee is sore.
Dixie: Oh.
Avani: Not my, you know.

We continue eating with everyone else. Every time I giggle Anthony nudges me and puts a finger up we are at 8. We all put our cards in the middle and the waiter chooses Addison's and she was extremely excited about that. That's Addison. Me and Anthony walked back holding hands. We were saying our goodbyes and Sebastian added "Don't have too much fun" I giggled.

Anthony: No promises!
I blushed then everyone laughed again. We thought he was joking but oh how we were wrong... We turned the corner to go to our room and Anthony said "9"
Avani: You aren't being serious!
Anthony: Am I?

As we got into the room, I took of my shoes and Anthony looked the door. As soon as I turn around to face him, he starts to kiss me and slowly takes off my dress. He then picks me up and places me on the bed then begins to kiss my chest. I was already hot so hickeys formed quickly. Damn. He was serious. He gave me 9 hickeys on my chest then one on my neck below my ear.

Anthony: For good luck
Then he walks into the bathroom.
Avani: Where are you going?
Anthony: To shower...
Avani: After that?
Anthony: After what?
He was enjoying this wasn't he... I called Amelie.

Amelie: Hey! How's Bahamas.
Avani: So good! There's so much I have to tell you.
I walk into the balcony so Ant can't hear me.
Amelie: Spill!
Avani: so we were planning on just relaxing in the pool then going to dinner but in the shower I tripped and hurt my knee.
Amelie: Oh my god! Are you okay?
Avani: Yeah thanks. but that's not the bad thing when I tripped I couldn't walk so I had to call Anthony.
Amelie: But you were in the shower-
Avani: He saw me naked Amelie!
Amelie: Ahhh! Really?
Avani: Yeah. It ended better though. He told me I exceeded his expectations and that I'm perfect the way I am.
Amelie: Aww! I need me an Anthony.
Avani: Find your own.
We laugh.
Amelie: Is that it?
Avani: No it gets worse when we went out for dinner, Charli asked me if I was okay but I said I'm just sore. She thought I meant sore from sex! So they all thought I wasn't a virgin! That was embarrassing too!
Amelie laughs.
Avani: It gets even worse!
Amelie: How is your life so exciting?
I giggle and remember what just happened and blush.
Avani: When we woke up after I cried about my body. Anthony got annoyed that I kept on giggling.
Amelie: Why does he find that attractive?
Avani: I don't know! But he declared that every time I giggled from then until we got back until the apartment he'd give me a hickey for it!
Amelie: No he didn't!
Avani: Nine hickeys! Then one for good luck.
Amelie: He really did that...
Avani: I thought he was joking but clearly not.

Amelie tells me about her day and then I hang up. Anthony is lying in bed. I get changed right in front of him and then jump into bed. He tries to cuddle but I don't cuddle him back.

Anthony: That's what you wanna do then?
Avani: Night Bebe.

Anthony POV:
I woke up and showered and got dressed before Avani got up. I shook her and she woke up.

Anthony:Morning beautiful
Avani: Morning Anthony.
I went to kiss her lips but she gave me her cheek.
Anthony: You are still treating me like a friend?

She giggles and goes into the bathroom. I sit on my phone for a hour and Avani still doesn't leave the bathroom. We are leaving soon. I go to the lounge and sit down. We are meant to leave to go in around thirty minutes so our tour guide should be coming soon. Dixie and Chase are sitting across from my laughing at memes. I decide to go on a walk, on my own, to clear my head. I would invite Avani but she's being difficult today and would decline.

Avani POV:
I'm filming A YouTube video today putting my boyfriend in the friend zone for 24 hours. I filmed the intro this morning. I started it last night by not cuddling with Anthony. this morning I didn't kiss him on the lips and I'm not calling him Babe, Bebe or anything you call your boyfriend or partner. I'm finally ready to leave for the boat but when I walk into the lounge, Ant's not there. I took so long to get ready so you couldn't see any of my hickeys because madi is vlogging. I sit down with Nick and we all talk to pass time. We are waiting for Ant and the guide.

Anthony POV:
On my way back from my walk I ran into a young girl and her mother. They asked me if I knew where Lounge Room III was and I told them that it was our lounge. They were our tour guides. I smiled and we walked together. The young girls name was Ariane and her mom was Caitlin. We got to our lounge and when Avani saw me with Ariane she cut her eye at me. I was clearly confused because I had just met them.

Anthony: This is Ariane and Caitlin our tour guides for this trip.
Chase: Cool! Nice to meet you.
Charli and Addison: Hey
Anthony: Avani?
She ignored me or she didn't hear
Dixie: Where did you guys see each other?
Ariane: We were lost and he found us.
Avani: How convenient.
Everyone looked at her. Why was she being so rude for?
Caitlin: Well! Let's get going! We have to catch the boat early.
Nick: What are the activities planned today?
Caitlin: We all be swimming with turtles and feeding some rescued animals.
Madi: That's so cute!

We all get our bags. I run up to Avani and try to hold hands with her but she doesn't grasp my hand back so eventually I let go. I was so confused... We didn't fight? Did she go on my phone? I don't have anything to hide though. I walk with Nick and we talk until we get the boat. We go to sit down and Avani is sitting in between Dixie and Addison so I sit down next to Nick. The tours give us a quick safety check and then they give us a thumbs up to relax on the boat until we get to the animals. Me and Nick start talking about fortnite and the battle pass when Ariane sits down next to us. It's kinda awkward because she doesn't even play but I can tell Nick is kinda into her so I get up and leave. Chase, Avani, Charli, Dixie, Addison, Bryant and Me all take photos but when it gets to couples Avani refuses. I'm super confused right now.

Avani POV:
I'm so annoyed right now! This Ariane girl clearly likes Anthony and he isn't even noticing. I'm trying to avoid him so he can't be cute and make me wanna scream THATS MY BOYFRIEND but it's so fucking hard. We were taking pictures and I refused and everyone now thinks we are fighting. On my way to the bathroom, I bump into Ariane, she falsely smiles and tries to walk away.

Avani: Can you please stay away from Anthony?
Ariane: He's single?
Avani: He's dating me.
Ariane: That's why you have avoided him all of today like he had a virus.
Avani: I-
Ariane: And Nick informed me that you guys aren't official which means he's single sweetheart.
I wanted to punch her in the face.
Avani: Ariane can you just do your face and not try and ruin something good and i don't know do your job?
Ariane: Actaully Nick invited me to hang out with you guys tomorrow so. I'll do my job today and steal your man tomorrow.
Addison turns the corner and Ariane leaves.
Addison: She is a b i t c h.
Avani: You heard her?
Addison: Yeah she's terrible!
Addison hugs me.
Addison: About the cheating thing...
Avani: It's fine I know you had the best in mind.
Addison: What's up with you and Anthony?
Avani: Nothing. I'm filming a youtube video.
Addison: Oh that's great-
Avani: Putting my boyfriend in the friend zone.
Addison: Oh...
Avani: I can't let some rat ruin my relationship.
Addison: That's the spirit. Don't bring yourself to her level! Explain what you were filming to Anthony before you do anything.
I turn the corner and she her sitting next to Anthony ridiculously close so I simply sit on his lap
Anthony: Hey Voni.
Avani: Hi Bebe, oh hey Ariane.
Ariane: Hi... I'm talk to you later Ant.
I roll my eyes. She walks off and Anthony pulls me off of his lap. He looks annoyed.
Anthony: So you ignore me all day until you see me talking to Ariane? That's low Avani.
Avani: She was flirting with my boyfriend.
Anthony: Now i'm your boyfriend? Because all of today you haven't acted like it.
Avani: I was filming a youtube video...
Anthony sighs.
Anthony: Please Avani just trust me okay. Finish your goddamn stupid youtube video but imma make it difficult for your annoying ass.
We laugh.
Avani: We're taking videos when we see the turtles i don't care.
He kisses my forehead then pushes me away.
Anthony: Good bye- friend.
We both laugh again.

Eventually we pulled up at the turtle-filled area everyone begins to get excited. Caitlin walks us through what not to do and how to be safe around them. We all nod and get out of the boat. We all touch and take photos in awe. It's so beautiful. Bryant takes photos of me and Anthony and when he gives us the all clear Anthony throws me in the ocean. I scream. I charge at him and I eventually reach him and I really wanted to kiss him then he pushes me back. "stay in your lane gregg". I pout and Addison runs over and does it with me. Bryant takes our picture. Dixie and Charli are making tiktoks and being sister goals. Chase and Nick are still in awe about the turtles. Ariane keeps on glaring at me and I don't even bother get onto her level. I don't need to end up on tiktok room.

Caitlin: So now we are gonna walk onto the beach and we should see a nest of some rescued animals. Ariane will give you a pot full of grapes to feed them. Don't be scared they won't attack or hurt you however you may frighten them.

Dixie isn't doing it because she knows she will jump and scare them. Charli is sitting out with her. I aspire to have that relationship.

Ariane goes and hands me my grapes but then "accidentally" drops my grapes on the floor. Petty bitch.

Ariane: Oh my god! There's no more grapes here... There is some on the boat though. You can run by and get some?

Addison: She can just share with her friends it's fine.
Anthony: Come here Vani, share with me.

I walk over and me and Ant feed them. We laugh and every time it gets too "close" he always shuts it down. This video is backfiring! On the way back I fell asleep on Charli's shoulder. All I remember is being carried bridal style and then the warm air touching my body. I open my eyes and Anthony is holding me and we are bad in the hotel and he's holding a bag smells good.

Avani: We're just friends.
Anthony: You 100% failed this challenge.
Avani: I slept for the whole journey?
Anthony: Yeah. Didn't you get sleep last night
Barely. It was terrible sleeping without Anthony.
Avani: I did. Put me down
Anthony: Ok

Anthony pretends to throw me and I scream and hide in his chest. When I realise I'm safe I pretend to hit him and then he slowly puts me down. We begin to hold hands.

Avani: Friends hold hands.
Anthony: Friends with benefits.

I laugh. Anthony opens our room door and I kick off my shoes and jump on the bed. Anthony opens his bag and begins to eat fries and chicken nuggets. I start my outfit but then I can't wait to eat so I reach to get one and he pulled the bag away.

Anthony: Give me a kiss or no food.
Avani: Anthony.
Anthony: Avani

I pull him into a kiss then grab a chicken nugget. We laugh. We finish eating she then Ant gets in the shower so I end the video. Food will forever be superior.

Avani: I failed as you can tell. Anthony worked out what I was doing and decided to be extra extra cute today. I'm not gonna refuse free food and cuddles. Thank you so much for watching like, subscribe and hit the notification button to be notified when I posted new videos. comment what I should do next. I love you my little bebes! Bye!
I stopped recording.

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