In a heartbeat// cb

By bitchyvvitchy

116K 2.4K 960

In which a girl goes to a wedding with her best friend and meets someone that catches her eye More



3.8K 89 38
By bitchyvvitchy

I came out of the bathroom, pouting. Colby was on his couch showing Sam something on his phone.

They looked at me, then at each other, and started laughing. "Don't laugh at me, I know I got burnt." I sat on the couch next to them.

"You're just surprisingly more burnt than Sam." That's when I saw Sam pout. His cheeks were red, from the sun.

"Well look at the time." Sam brought his wrist up, even though there was no watch. "I think it's time to leave." He stood up and left.

Which means Colby and I had the apartment to ourselves. "Here, I gotta help you some how." He stood up and started looking around.

He found some aloe to help. Good thing I had a tank top on. He sat down next to me as I picked a movie.

"Do you want me to put it on or is that too awkward?" Colby asked getting into his thoughts.

"You can put it on, it's okay." We positioned ourselves.

He was behind me, I was basically in his lap. He started rubbing the cold, goo like substance on my shoulder.

"How come you've never had a girlfriend in high school?" I ask curious. "There wasn't anyone there that interested me I guess." I could tell he shrugged.

"There were probably a ton of girls who were interested in you." He stopped for a second, but quickly went back to it.

"Why do you say that?" He questioned. I just couldn't hold it back anymore. "Because you're attractive." I tell him honestly.

I turned around to see him smiling a bit. "You think I'm attractive?" He asked, a small blush on his cheeks.

"I've always thought you were attractive. Ever since I first saw you." His face softened up a little bit.

He then looked at my lips, then back up at my eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, hope on his face. I nodded my head as we started to lean in.

Our lips lightly touched, a tingly sensation running down my spine. I've never had a kiss like this. So, pure. It's like he didn't wanna hurt me.

We both smiled during the kiss. But we had to pull away because we needed to catch our breath.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time." Colby flirted with me. "I've been waiting to do it too." I tell him.

He rubbed the rest of the aloe on me as we watched the movie. We made our separate ways, right as Griffin was facetiming me.

When I answered, he was eating his pretzels in bed. "Why do you look so happy, and burnt?" I wasn't surprised he asked that.

It was kinda obvious. "We kissed." I quietly told him. He sat up so he could look at me better. "Who did what now?" He asked putting his food down.

"Colby and I kissed." I boldly say. Griffin looked like he stopped breathing.

"Bitch, you left yesterday. What all could've happen in forty eight hours?" He asked as I laughed. I explained it all to him.

I told him how nice everyone was and how Parker loved everyone. "You really should've came." I pouted towards him.

"Bitch if I went with you I would be looking like you right now." I flip him off as he laughs. "Plus you know I don't do heat." He told me.

"Get some sleep, you look tired and crispy." He told me after talking for awhile. "Okay, go eat something you fatass." I make fun of him.

It was his turn to flip me off as he hung up on me. I just shook my head as I closed my laptop. He was right though, I instantly fell asleep.

I woke up to laughter coming from the other room. I check the time and it was almost noon. I go into the living room to see the duo sitting on the couch.

"What's up, Sydney?" Sam greeted. Colby looked at me, a little blush coming to his cheeks. "Hi." I lightly smile.

All the memories were flooding into my head. "Something happened last night, didn't it?" Sam asked looking in between us two.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go." He got up and left. Leaving us. "You slept in today." He spoke up for the first time.

"I think the sun wore me out." I tell him honestly. I went over and sat next to him on the couch.

I laced our fingers together while putting my head on his shoulder.

"I like this, it feels nice." He told me as I smiled. "I like it too." I brought my face up and placed my chin on his shoulder.

I look at his face and notice there was no flaws on it. It was like it was perfect. "You're so beautiful." He said making me smile.

"I was thinking the same about you." He then gave me a questionable look. "I was just thinking about how perfect your face is." His face blushed.

"Why did it take us so long?" I ask curious. He shrugged as he tried to think about it. "I guess we were too scared." He answered.

He's probably right. Plus there was that period of time where I was mad at him for not telling me how he was youtube famous.

"What's it all like? To film a lot and be on camera?" I asked curious.

"I don't know how to explain it to you because you're not in my position but it's really hard to know yourself as a person when everything is documented." He started.

"You gotta keep in mind that every day I used to walk downstairs to a camera in my face whither it's one of the roommates or myself." He explained.

It sounds exhausting. "I'm constantly on social media and I'm constantly putting myself out there for thousands of people to see." He sounded like he was ranting.

"And when you do that and you look back at the videos you can't help but compare yourself to other people." He sadly said.

"Hey, you're perfect the way you are and have no reason to compare yourself. I'm sorry you feel like that." I apologize.

He shook his head while looking at me. "Don't be sorry. This year has been crazy with getting arrested and everything." That made me think.

"What pushed you through everything?" I ask curious as he looked at me. "At first it was the fans support with everything." He started.

"Then it was you. You were the light at the end of the tunnel."

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