Long Live Love

By Kayemen22

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Starling is still reeling from the destruction brought on by Malcolm Merlyn. This city needs a hero and Olive... More

Sparkle of Hope
Visitors of the Past
Light In The Darkness
Saving Harbinger
Saving Harbinger II
Opened Doors Can't be Closed
Test No. 2
The Moment
The End of the Beginning
'Til Death
Long, Live, Love,


506 16 4
By Kayemen22

"I've always felt that if you back down from a fear,
the ghost of that fear never goes away.
It diminishes people."

-Hugh Jackman

At some point in Katie's life, dead men who aren't really dead just didn't surprise her anymore. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme in her life, one she doesn't really like. She knew the dead man standing in front of her really was dangerous, which is why she watched every move he made very closely. Katie glanced over to Oliver who was still staring slightly wide eyed as if he'd seen a ghost. And in that moment, she realized that he was staring at a ghost from his past.

"You know, when I look at your mother—" Slade said turning with a smile to Moira as he moved to place a hand on her back. It was a move that made Oliver stand a bit straighter. "—I think about everything that you went through after the quake. All I can say is, you and I have something in common."

"What's that?" Oliver asked.

"I know how difficult it is to pick yourself back up when other people have written you off." Slade said turning to Moira with another endearing smile that the majority of the people in the room knew was wholeheartedly anything but. He looked back to Oliver his smile growing a bit.

"What's wrong, Mr. Queen? You look a little piqued."

"We just came back from a trip." Katie decided to answer taking a step forward so she stood next to Oliver. "We're both just a little out of it I guess."

"Right." Oliver said turning to Katie and holding out the keys to her. "Why don't you head home now." he stared into her eyes hoping she saw the seriousness he held, which she did, but really didn't care.

"That would be rude Oliver." Katie said turning back to Slade with a smile of her own. "Mr. Wilson came here for a reason, we might as well witness it first hand." Slade's eyes lingered on her for longer than Oliver would've liked.

"And I would very much like you here then." Slade replied looking over to Oliver. "You know Mr. Queen, if I had someone as beautiful as your dear Katherine, at my side, I would never let her out of my sight." Katie took a quick step forward, and looped her arm around Oliver's catching him before he could take that step he was so close to taking.

Suddenly one of the maids rolled in a drink cart, and Moira smiled thanking the woman.

"Mr. Wilson was kind enough to bring a bottle of authentic Australian rum." the woman said, and both Oliver and Katie glanced over to the cart, both noting the ice pick that sat beside the bucket. Both recognized it as a easily accessible weapon if needed. "Will you two join us for a drink?"

"Yes." Oliver said glancing over to Katie who subtly shook her head. "Of course."

"It's still kind of early for me." Katie replied with a smile as she turned back to Moira and then Slade. "Plus I've never been one to hold her alcohol well."

"You know I think I will remember that." Slade replied as he went to pour the rum in to three glasses. And so they drank. Katie and Oliver would trade looks ever so often for the next moments as Slade milled about the room, complimenting the artwork. They figured they were both wondering the same thing and that was what could Slade be planning.

Slade was standing, admiring a painting, when Moira told him how Robert was a collector of 19th century American landscapes.

"I'd love to see them." Slade suggested with a smile as he turned.

"Maybe some other time." Oliver said, his tone harsh as he stood to his feet. "We have some family business to discuss." he looked over to his mother, hoping she would get that he wanted the man gone, but instead she just shook her head.

"I'm sorry." Moira said standing to her feet and walking around to Slade. "My son seems to have forgotten his manners." She glanced over to Oliver. "Actually Oliver, would you come with me, there is something I would like to speak to you in person." the moment the words left his mother's mouth, Oliver's eyes instantly went to Katie and then to Slade, who suddenly was smiling.

"Mom, I don't think—"

"It won't take up too much of your time I promise. And I'm sure Katherine and Mr. Wilson will get along just fine." Moira replied.

"I'm positive we will." Slade added with a nod directed only to Oliver. Oliver turned away to Katie who shrugged. The last thing in the world he wanted to do in this moment is leave Katie in a room alone with Slade Wilson.

"Well there you go." Moira said, looking to her son, who still only looked to Katie. "Oliver?"

"Right." he said turning to his mother, who nodded before walking toward the door. He looked between Katie and Slade once more before following behind his mother.

The moment Oliver left, Katie felt a shift in the room, and her eyes immediately went to Slade, who seemed to be staring right at her with a very annoying grin.

"You and Mr. Queen look happily in love." Slade stated turning back to the painting that hung high on the wall. "I once knew a love like that."

"What do you want?" Katie asked and the man turned to her with a quirked brow. "Oh please Mr. Wilson, you can stop the act. I know who you are."

"Oh I very much doubt that my dear." The man said turning to her and looking her over once again. "But I would say I know a lot more about you." he took a few more steps toward the woman, slightly amused that she didn't cower away like most would in her position. He found himself standing right in front of her, holding her intense gaze before leaning in slightly. "Twinkie—" Katie knew he didn't hear Oliver slip back into the room, grabbing the ice pick from the cart and sneaking behind the man. She thought the moment had come when Oliver would end Slade, but she was wrong. Oliver swung the ice pick to stab the man, only for Slade to catch his wrist. There was a slight smirk on his lips that he turned to Katie who didn't seem too surprised at Oliver's actions.

Suddenly the front door opened and a new voice tore through the room.

"Mom!" Thea called. "Ollie!" Katie glanced from the men, before rushing from the room to catch Thea. "Twinkie? Are you with Ollie, because he's been totally MIA for the past couple of days."

"Well we were in Gotham and—"

"You two went to Gotham without me!?" Thea exclaimed with wide eyes before shaking her head. "You guys suck." she glanced around Katie where she thought she spotted her brother. "You know I wanted to check out their new boutiques." Thea walked around Katie toward the living room and Katie quickly turned to follow. They both walked to see both men turned now facing them as they walked inside. "You went to Gotham, without me!"

"Thea, now is not a good time." Oliver said sharply, hoping the woman would get the hint, but like his mother it just went right over her head. Thea turned with a smile to Slade.

"Who's your friend?" Thea asked and Slade put on a charming smile before taking a step forward and gently taking the woman's hand.

"Slade Wilson." he introduced himself, and Katie could see Oliver tense up the moment the man touched his sister. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard wonderful things from your mother."

"About me?" Thea asked with a slight giggle.

"Thea what perfect timing." Moira said coming back into the room. "This is Slade Wilson and I—"

"They've met." Oliver said angrily, his agitation becoming too obvious for anyone to miss. Moira simply sent her son a glare before turning back to her daughter.

"I was about to show him our collection, but you're far more better suited." Moira said glancing back to Slade and nodding for him to follow. "Come." she began leading them out of the room when Katie and Oliver share a look before following.

Both Katie and Oliver were entirely focused on the man they knew was dangerous. Katie glanced over to Oliver who seemed to keep his distance from her as they walked through the halls listening as Thea went on about the artwork along the walls. She turned back to see Slade admiring the painting.

"Then you must never sell it." Slade said turning to Thea before glancing back to Oliver. "I believe when we lose someone we have the obligation to honor their memory." soon the man's eyes went to Katie who hadn't spoken a word for the majority of tour. "Wouldn't you agree doctor?" Katie glanced over to Oliver who suddenly refused to look at her, before turning back to Slade whose eyes were still on her awaiting her answer. "You lost your father as well, didn't you? Jacob I believe his name was." There was a slight smirk on his face when he said it that she only seemed to notice. She had to ignore her first instinct which was to punch the man, so she dropped her head and remembered the knives harnessed to her ankles.

"Jacob Robins is still a sore subject for Katie." Moira chose to answer with a slight smile. "The death of a loved one is not something that can easily be forgotten."

"I couldn't agree with you more Moira." Slade replied before turning back to Thea. "Shall we continue with the tour." Thea smiled before walking down the hall with the man, her mother behind her. Oliver watched them closely, before turning to Katie who hadn't moved. She looked over to him before walking over, both looking down the hall where the others had stopped to admire another painting.

"You need to leave." Oliver whispered over to her and Katie turned to him with a furrowed brow. "I want you to—"

"That's not happening." Katie interrupted before looking back down the hall to see Slade look back to them. "I'm not going anywhere." she took Oliver's hand in hers and pulled him to walk with her. "Like it or not Liver, I'm your back up now."

As they walked a sudden idea struck Katie, and at the moment when ideas weren't in abundance, she was inclined to just go with it. She suddenly let go of Oliver's hand and he looked over to her in confusion.

"Just go with it." she mouthed to him before she suddenly fainted. He quickly moved to catch her before she could hit the ground.

"Katie?!" he yelled and Moira, and Thea quickly ran over, as Slade seem to just saunter behind.

"Oh my god!" Thea cried dropping beside her brother who held the woman in his arms. "What happened?!"

"I don't know, she just passed out." Oliver said glancing over to Slade with a dark look before looking back down to Katie.

"You should call 911." Moira suggested worry obvious in her voice. Oliver quickly took out his phone before dialing a number and bringing the phone to his ear. After he hung up the phone, Oliver hoisted her up into his arms.

"I'm going to lay her down in my room until they get here." Oliver said before looking over to Slade. "Maybe it's time to end this little tour."

Oliver carried Katie to his room where he laid her on his bed. His mother and Thea both followed in after him before Oliver stood up straight.

"I'll show Mr. Wilson out." Oliver said and his mother quickly caught his arm.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. You've been a bit rude since you got here." Moira chided.

"Don't worry, at the moment I'm just concerned about Katie." Oliver said glancing to the woman who lie in the bed. "I'll be back." Moira seemed hesitant, but nodded before watching her son leave the room. She looked over to Thea who sat on the edge of Oliver's bed holding Katie's hand.

"I bet she's pregnant." Thea said turning to her mother once Oliver was out of the room. "Wouldn't that be awesome."

"I'm not sure that is the right word dear." Moira replied coming to the other side of the bed and taking a seat. "It's still pretty early for them to even be thinking about children."

"Just marriage I guess." Thea muttered and her mother shot her a look. "What? Oliver told me about the ring you gave him."

"I didn't give it to him to propose, I gave it to him for when he's ready." Moira replied turning back to Katie. "For whomever he feels should wear it."

"What are you talking about? That ring is going on this woman's finger." Thea smiled slightly turning back to Katie. "I'd bet my life on it." Moira didn't say anything before she stood to her feet.

"I should go make sure your brother wasn't rude to Mr. Wilson."

"What is up with that?" Thea asked looking to her mother. "He's being a complete ass." Moira turned away, figuring her son's attitude had more to do with her than Mr. Wilson.

"I'm not sure." Moira chose to answer. "I'll try to talk to him." and with that Moira walked from the room leaving Thea still holding Katie's hand. Thea stared at the woman before sliding along side her and laying her head on her shoulder.

"You're so pregnant." Thea said, her hand going to Katie's belly. "I'm going to be an aunt and I'm going to—" suddenly Katie's hand jolted up and caught the woman's hand on her stomach. Thea quickly jumped up to see Katie's eyes opened, searching the room. "Hey, you're alright." Katie turned her eyes to Thea.

"What happened?" Katie asked, her voice rough and weak. She tried sitting up, but only dropped back down.

"Don't try to get up." Thea said sitting up from the bed. "You fainted during the tour. Do you remember?" Katie just shook her head before glancing around the room.

"Where's Oliver?" she asked and Thea glanced over to the door.

"He was showing Mr. Wilson out. He called 911, they maybe here." Thea said and Katie dropped her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh.

"I can't believe this." she muttered.

"So tell me." Thea said and Katie opened her eyes and looked over to her. "Are you pregnant?"

"No, I'm not pregnant Thea!" Katie replied with a shake of her head. "There are a million and one reasons why I could've fainted and me being pregnant is not one of them."

"Whatever you say." Thea replied still not completely convinced. "I'm going to go see what's keeping Ollie." Katie simply nodded before watching the woman stand and leave the room.

Thea was walking down the stairs when she spotted her boyfriend standing at the door talking to Sara.

"Where did you two come from?" Thea asked and they both turned to her.

"Hey." Roy said with a smile as he walked over to bring her into her arms. "I actually came to see you. Your brother let me in before he walked out your guest or whatever." Thea nodded but couldn't help but feel he wasn't being completely honest. She simply nodded before looking over to Sara.

"What are you doing here?" Thea asked and Sara simply shrugged.

"I was bored and thought I would find Oliver and Katie here." the woman lied, but before Thea could question her more, Oliver had came back into the house, his eyes looking to Sara and slightly shaking his head before turning to Thea.

"Katie's awake, and wondering where you are." Thea replied and Oliver nodded before heading up the stairs. "Is 911 one still coming?" as if on cue there was a ring of the bell and Sara took a step forward to open the door and in came the EMTs.

Oliver stood outside his door when the EMTs went into his room, and asked that he wait outside. He'd been there for almost a half an hour before the door opened and out came the two men.

"Is she alright?" Oliver suddenly asked rushing over to the men.

"She's fine. Most likely low blood sugar. She said she hasn't been eating regularly which is the most probable cause for her fainting. Make sure she eats, even if she doesn't want to, just make sure she does." the EMT ordered.

"I will, thanks." Oliver said shaking both men's hand.

"We will show ourselves out." the men replied before turning and heading down the hallway. The moment they were gone, Oliver hurried inside of his room making sure to close the door behind him.

"You're insane." Oliver said looking over to Katie who was sitting up from the bed. "And a genius."

"I know." she replied standing to her feet and stretching a bit. "I thought you were going to call for help, not the actually EMTs."

"I did. I called Felicity, who I assumed figured it might look suspicious if they didn't show up." Oliver replied walking over to stand in front of the woman. "Next time warn me before you toss yourself to the floor."

"Why would I do that? We'd lose the authenticity of the moment." Katie replied before placing her hands on his chest. "Slade?"

"Still alive." Oliver said, his jaw clenching at the fact that those words were even coming out of his mouth. "I can't believe it, I just—" Katie placed her hands on the sides of his face and he let out a deep sigh. "If he's here, then this is only about revenge." his eyes met hers. "He wants a fight, then I will give it to him, but I can't have my biggest weakness here for him to take advantage of. Which he will, it's only a matter of time of when."

"Doesn't this conversation sound familiar?" Katie asked dropping her hands to her side. "Oliver, I was right where you are right now, hell I still am, but you told me that together we could beat him. And right now I'm telling you the same will go for Slade Wilson." Oliver's hands slid to Katie's waist, pulling her so there was no space between them.

"I'm taking you home." Oliver declared and Katie simply nodded.

When they returned home, Katie didn't expect to find that their house was not empty. When they walked inside, they found John with an ice pack to his head, Sara leaning against the wall, and Felicity sitting on the couch with her laptop in her lap.

"I called, told them to meet us here." Oliver said and Katie simply nodded before turning back to her friends. "Where's—"

"I swear there's no food in their kitchen, but this—" Roy walked from the kitchen holding a bowl of what looked like the ice cream Katie had been dying to eat since they came back to Starling. "Oh, hey guys."

"Why is Roy here?" Katie asked turning to Oliver. Even after all of this time, Katie had yet to fully admit to being on this team even though Roy already figured it out.

"Really?" Roy said walking over to the woman and taking a bite of his ice cream. "This is getting crazy. I know you're apart of the Arrow team. I figured Oliver probably wouldn't be able to keep something this big from you for long so you can stop pretending." Katie just furrowed her brow in confusion and Roy rolled his eyes before looking over to Oliver. "So dead guy whose now walking among us?" Roy lifted his spoon to take another bite, but Katie knocked the spoon from his hand and grabbed the bowl.

"Rule number one of Team Robins?!" Katie asked a bit loudly so everyone can hear.

"Don't eat Katie's ice cream." came their muttered response. Katie simply shook her head before storming into the kitchen.

"We're really not called team Robins, are we?" Roy asked looking over to the others who just shook their heads.

"Sometimes it's just better to just go with it." Felicity replied before looking over to Oliver. "You want to fill us in on your zombie friend?" Oliver simply nodded before walking over and finally revealing the story of one Slade Wilson.

Once Katie had finished her ice cream, she returned to the others in the mist of a bit of a question answer surrounding the topic of Slade Wilson. She sat down on the couch beside Felicity and just quietly listened.

"Look I don't even know how this is possible, but what I do know is that this man is dangerous and will do anything to hurt me." Oliver said before glancing over to John. "I want you to keep a close eye on Felicity—"

"Wait, what?" Felicity commented looking between the man, but Oliver didn't even stop his orders as he turned to Sara.

"Stick close to your sister, he may try something with her." Oliver said and Sara simply nodded.

"And I guess that leaves me to keep an eye on Thea." Roy added and Oliver nodded in his direction.

"And me to keep an eye on the Arrow." Katie said looking over to her boyfriend who gave a slight smile before glancing back up to the others.

After that, there wasn't anything for anyone to do and so they cleared out. Once everyone was gone, Oliver stood in the same spot for a few moments before turning and walking out of the living room.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Katie asked, knowing this sudden appearance by Slade was affecting the man far more than he was showing. Oliver glanced over to her and just shook his head. So Katie stood to her feet and walked over to stand in front of him. "We have escaped capture on a horrible island, have been searching for my father's body, traveled to Gotham to meet a psychotic clown, and came back where a dead man now walks." Katie placed her hands over Oliver's chest and let out a long sigh. "And right now I just want you to take me to bed and make me forget all about it for a little while." Oliver's hands went to grip her waist before leaning in to bring his lips to hers. In one quick move, Oliver lifted the woman off of her feet and into his arms, bridal style before carrying her toward the stairs.

When he finally fell asleep, Katie quietly sneaked from the room down the stairs out to the back porch where she found a familiar face waiting for her.

"You're late, and I'm tired. Why am I here?" Lyla asked standing from the steps and turning to Katie.

"Fine, Martin Ellis, where is he?" Katie asked and Lyla's brow furrows in confusion.

"Ellis went dark years ago, we lost track of him and we assumed after everything that happened with you and your father he would be smart enough to go underground."

"Well he's not that smart. I think my father's loyal assistant has a new face and has a fetish with rabbit masks." Katie said and Lyla's eyes widened at the woman's words. "Tell me ARGUS knew nothing about this?"

"Of course we didn't." Lyla said with a shake of her head. "He's been off the radar for years. Since you left the agency." she looked back up to Katie. "That's it. That's when all communications with the man stopped. Are you sure it's him?"

"I am and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. These lessons, they're all things my father wanted me to learn, so maybe this is Martin's way of seeing if I truly learned them."

"I thought you said there was a boss. Someone he's working for?" Katie just shrugged.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that if I'm right and this is really Martin, then I have a lot of explaining to do because I told Oliver and the others that Martin was dead, just like I was told." Katie said and Lyla turned her head. "If I have to tell them the truth, that I didn't witness this man being shot in front of me after he tried to save my life, then I want to know why."

"Don't worry, this lead may help us. Martin was a bit of Liason between us and your father while he was here in Starling. He was a creature of habit, so maybe we can look into his past to see if there is anything that could lead us to him." Katie just nodded. "You know it makes sense that he may be behind your father's disappearance."

"I was thinking the same thing." Katie sighed. "The problem is, that we're no longer the only ones looking for him." Lyla looked up in confusion once again. "Have you heard of Superman?"

"Of course, he's a bit of a hot topic at the agency. "Lyla replied cryptically. "What about him?"

"He's in Starling, or around Starling, I don't know, but he came here and told me that he's going to find out where my father is. Said something about my father helping him once upon a time. Do you know anything about that? "

"A lot of your father's files are above my clearance level."

"So any answers I may be looking for may only be answered by the bitch I'm forever plotting how I can kill one day?" Katie asked and Lyla just nodded. "That's just perfect. Look I won't reveal this whole Martin theory until I'm certain that it's fact. I know Waller is all about need to know, but I really need to know if this is really him."

"I will let her know." Lyla said backing away. "Look be careful. With Jacob dead, if this really is Martin, we have no idea where his head could be right now."

"I will be as careful as I can be with so many psychotic people after me." Katie deadpanned before turning and heading inside of the house.

When Katie walked into the house, she had an immediate feeling of being stuck. There was no clear path or direction for her to go and Katie simply slid to the floor, her back against the back door in the dark kitchen.

Katie is not sure at what point in her life, all the twists and turns, she ended up following behind some man who she would say should fire his hairdresser for the bad dye job, down a long country road. They'd been walking for a while since the man apparently rescued her from that random house Martin had left her in. Ever since the man said he was a friend of her dead mother's, she just wasn't sure what the right conversation starter is and so she decided to keep it simple.

"What's your name?" she asked and the man glanced over his shoulder with a slight smile.

"Oh, she speaks." the man drawls, his accent more breathy than before. "I was wondering when you'd finally stop being scared."

"When did I start being scared?" Katie asked and the man chuckled turning back to the road ahead. "You have yet to answer my question."

"My name is not important. What is important is getting you to the train station that's a couple of miles a head." he said pointing to the sign that said the there was a train station twenty miles ahead. Katie glanced up to the sign and her face scrunched at the thought of having to walk any further. She glanced back over to the man whose trench coat moved in the wind behind him.

"You said you were a friend of my mothers."

"I said I am a friend of your mother's." he corrected and Katie waited for him to continue, but he said nothing and at this point the mystery of this man was just plain annoying and so she stopped walking. The man had only taken a couple of more steps when he realized she wasn't behind him and so he stopped and turned to her. "Let's go, we only have a couple of more hours of sun light and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be on this stupid road in the middle of the night with your friends after us."

"You are my mother's friend. What does that mean?" Katie chose to ask.

"It means just as it sounds love, now move your damn feet before we're late for your ride out of this forsaken place!" he snapped angrily before glancing to the side as if listening to something. He let out an annoyed sighed with a shake of his head before looking to Katie.  "Your name is Katherine Elena Robins, your favorite color is yellow, you're a doctor and upon your first tour of Doctor's without boarders you were kidnapped by a group who calls themselves ARGUS, and then you were captured by the League of Assassins before—"

"Alright, you know a lot about me, how?!" Katie snapped angrily before walking to stand in front of the man so he could see the seriousness in her eyes. The man glanced over her shoulder and sighed before looking back to her eyes.

"Do you believe in magic love?" he finally asked and Katie quirked a brow in confusion. "Your mother did, and it's the reason you're here right now."

Katie opened her eyes back to the dark kitchen wondering why she was suddenly being hit with the memories of the most confusing part of her life. Well that was almost true, as she now figures now is the most confusing moment in her life. With the demon still lurking in the background and Martin Ellis pulling strings in her life she didn't even know he could, then there was the fact that there was now a dead man walking in their city who she knows has very sinister plans for her city, but even after all of that, there was still one thing she's the most confused about.

It happened the moment she spoke with the EMTs earlier and one asked her when she'd had her last period and for the life of her she couldn't remember. Katie glanced down, her hand sliding across her stomach slowly, quietly praying that Thea wasn't on to something.

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