Never Again - Ruby Rose x Mal...

By Pie-inator

88.4K 994 782

Due to a tragic incident that took place in Haven Academy, (Y/N) (L/N) was forced to move to Vale. After bein... More

Welcome To Vale
You Belong
First Impressions
Dust Hike Brawl
Best Day Ever
Unfolded Past
Unfolded Past II
Proposing for a Dance
Swaying Preparation
Swaying Preparation II
Dancing with Fire
Stocking Up
A Close Encounter
Down Under
Brace for Impact

Last Stand

2.4K 24 1
By Pie-inator

Your POV

They poured out of the breach like there was no tomorrow, I made an attempt to fill it with debris using my semblance, but it didn't take long for them to break through. Not to mention we were running low on dust. Team RWBY was holding up pretty well, their movements were well coordinated and there was barely any hesitation in what they did.

"We can't let them one up us." Perseus countered an Ursa slash with his weapon, shot through it and smiled. "What's our plan of attack?"

"That's our plan," I said throwing a Beowolf off of me. "Attack!"

We set up a perimeter around the hole to minimize the amount of Grimm getting through as much as we can.

"Watch out!"

I look behind and see a Beowolf flying right at me. I step aside dodging it in time.

"Careful with where you're throwing these things!" I yelled at Etsuki. "That nearly hit me!"

"Sorry!" she smiled sheepishly before teleporting behind another one, taking it out.

"I'm out!" Perseus yelled from his side.

I look around and see a fire hydrant. I send a chunk of debris, breaking it.

"I'm sure Vale wouldn't mind the water bill." I said to myself.

Perseus hosed down Grimm using his semblance, sending some of them back into the opening.

"Well, I'm out." I threw the empty dust container at a Grimm making its head flinch back. It roared angrily.

"Oh man up." I said sending debris at it, taking it out.

Despite the amount of Grimm we were able to kill, it feels like there's no end to them. I can feel my body starting to ache as I was using my semblance non-stop. A King Taijitu emerged and forced itself through us. We were able to dodge it, but the Grimm went straight for Ruby.

"Ruby, heads up!" I shout at her.

Ruby notices and prepares for an attack, a loud bang occurs and we see Nora flying on her hammer towards the huge snake.

"Nora smash!"

Nora whacked the Grimm into the ground, and the rest of team JNPR followed.

"It's good to see you guys!" Wintria sighed in relief.

She was joined by Jaune and Pyrrha, who looked like they were having a bit of trouble. Jaune took out an Ursa after a few slashes, and it fell to the ground disintegrating.

"Way to go, Jaune!" I commended him. "You did it!"

"Nobody move!"

We turn our head to see Sun and Neptune flashing out badges.

"Junior Detectives!"

"We have badges now, so you know it's official!" Neptune added.

So much was happening around us, that it was hard to focus. Pain shot throughout my body as I had reached my limit. 

"Gah!" was all I could scream, before hitting the ground.

Etsuki teleports to me, helping me up. "Hey, woah, don't push yourself (Y/N)."

To our relief, a fleet of Atlesian Military arrived. We were so distracted and didn't notice the Grimm running at us. They were immediately gunned down by a dropship, saving us from their sudden advance. Androids were deployed to aid us in battle.

"Sorry we're late!" I hear a familiar voice yell from one of the airships.

"I'm just glad we got more help at this point." I look up at Velvet. 

Team CVFY and professor Port were dropped off and they joined in on the battle.

Yatsushashi was surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he simply unlimbers his weapon and smashed it on the ground, unleashing a shock wave that sent them flying. Velvet and Fox respectively kick and punch the Grimm. A large spiked Ursa roars before charging them. Fox intercepted with a kick then unleashed a flurry of slashes, an uppercut, and a blow to the head, causing the Grimm to swell up and explode. The spikes coming off from the once existing Ursa impaled nearby Grimm.

"They're insane." I said in awe.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Etsuki points at a girl with shades.

Their leader, Coco Adel, approached a large Beowolf. She seemed to have said a few words before swatting the Grimm with her handbag. The Beowolf flinches as it was kicked in the groin shortly after.

"That must not have felt good..." I winced at the sight. "I kinda feel bad for the Grimm."

As the Grimm falls to the ground, clearly in pain, Coco leans down at it and slams her bag into its head. She effortlessly swats away three more Beowolves, then leaps back avoiding a Death Stalker's tail.

"If they're this strong, I can't wait to see what Velvet can do."

Velvet was about to attack the Death Stalker, but Coco prevented her. Their leader transformed her handbag into a mini gun and mowed down the Grimm with ease, including the huge Nevermore's circling above.

"They're amazing!" Ruby joined us along with her team.

"No kidding, I'd hate to get on their bad side." Wintria added.

"It shows just how much more advanced they are compared to us first years." Pyrrha said in awe.

"Looks like everything is about to end." Jaune pointed towards the breach.

Professor Oobleck and Professor Port regroup at the opening and fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm. Ms. Goodwitch mopped up the remnants and closed the opening using her semblance.

"That's what I tried going for, only difference is that she completely fixed it." I sighed at my incompetency.

I felt someone hug my arm.

"Hey, you did your best and that's what matters." she smiled.

"Not to mention, more Grimm would be rampaging through the city if you guys didn't hold your ground near the opening." Coco approached us.

"All of you did a great job! We just came to mop up the rest." Velvet commended.

"I'm just glad it's finally over." Weiss sighed in relief.

~Time skip~

Ruby's POV

My friends, sister and I are sitting on the edge of Beacon's landing platform, Overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake.

"Well, we did it." Yang spoke up.

"We did it." Blake followed.

"If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed." Weiss scoffed.

"Weiss," Yang responded. "A two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it."

"Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything." I decided to speak up. "A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was."

"Well, not everything has a neat and tidy ending." Weiss implied.

"We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars." Blake tried to lift the mood. "And I think that's something we could be proud of."

"Yeah!" I agreed with what she said. "And if anyone tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them."

Yang dropped down to her back.

"Yay teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job..." she paused for a bit. "So, what now?"

"I suggest training for the tournament."

We look back to see (Y/N) and Wintria approach us holding a basket.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Wintria asked.

"Not at all," I smiled. "I'm glad to see you're okay now, (N/N)."

"Watcha got there?" Weiss asked.

"It smells delicious!" Yang perked up.

"Wintria thought it would be a good idea to make everyone food, as a small way to celebrate our victory today." (Y/N) answered.

"Where's Etsuki and Perseus?" Blake asked.

"They went over to team JNPR with the other batch." Wintria responds.

(Y/N) and Wintria handed out the food they brought, and joined us sitting at the edge.

"This is not dangerous at all." (Y/N) joked.

"I mean, if we did fall there's a huge lake below us." Yang commented.

"So then..." Blake spoke. "What after this?"

"Uh..." I tried to think of something. "We go to bed?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." (Y/N) took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Please." Yang pleaded as she took a bite out of hers as well.

We all laugh and enjoyed the food and scenery in front of us. After everything we've been through, I'd like to think that we finally won. But I know, and everyone knows, that it's far from over. All we can do now is focus on the tournament, and be prepared for when they strike again.



A/N: And we reach the end of Volume 1 and 2. I'll also end this book here, and will probably make a new one for Volume 3. I hoped you enjoyed!

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