Rāmāyana Rahasya (Secrets of...

By Ramayana_

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This book unfolds various events of Ramayana and many questions we come across. This book is based on many sc... More

Introduction to Book and Author
Power of Mata Sita
Sita Vanvas - An Analysis
Why Uttarkand is wrong?
Dharma of Veebhishana
Parabrahman Lord Rama

Who are Sri Sita Rama?

431 14 14
By Ramayana_

The Epic Rāmāyaṇa is the main source to know about Śrī Sītā Rāma. Akhil Brahmānda Nāyaka Śrī Rāmcandra is the Soul of the universe while Parameśvari Mahāmāyā Bhagwati Sītā is the threefold universe, consisting of five elements.

Śrī Sītā Rāma are the supreme truth, the object of highest attainment, the delighter of hearts of devotees. They are the supreme bliss, the highest joy.

Bhagvān Śrī Rāma’s self

Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa gives a detailed account of Bhagwān Rāma's personality. He is described as Niyatātmā (Immutable Absolute). He is not just the king, he is not just the human rather he is verily Parmātmā, the creator of all beings who knows how to show the path to his created beings. He is one who will leave every comfort and meet his dear ones by leaving the luxuries of palace, the one who will undertake all hardships to show a way of life to humans, the one who is verily compassion himself, the one who is actively involved in life with his devotees. He not only shows compassion but become a party to humans joy and sorrows and support the being in his journey of life.

He is Bhaktvatsala, the one who dearly loves his devotees, he always gives protection to one who seeks it. There is none like him in the entire universe, that only one is Śrī Rāma, Dharma himself. He is perfect.

By his wish alone this universe exist, by his wish alone the life sustains, he creates millions and billions of worlds just by thought, he also can cause the destruction by the blink of his eyes alone. Śrī Rāma is Śāśvat Satya, the forgiving God.

कथंचिदुपकारेण कृतेनै केन तुष्यति |
न स्मरत्यपकाराणां शतमप्यात्मवत्तया || २-१-११

That Rama, because of his good bent of mind, feels glad even by whatever way a good thing is done to him. He does not remember any number of bad things done to him. - Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa

Bhagvati Sītā's form:

The goddess who in her three forms creates the universe on wishes of Bhagwān Rāma, the compassionate mother having three forms of Shri, Bhu and Neela, the one who is Goddess of Undying prosperity, of life, she is Bhagvati Sītā.

5. The Goddess who is the great Illusion, whose form is unmanifest, and who is denoted by ‘i’ becomes manifest, beauteous as the moon, faultless of limb, decked with ornamental garlands, pearls and other adornments.

6. At first, at the time of Vedic studies, She is essentially the clear Vedic speech. Secondly, on earth, at the tip of the plough She springs up, who, as the bliss of Brahman-realization, is ever-present. Thirdly, as denoted by ‘i’ She becomes unmanifest. So is She Sita. Thus they explain in the text of the Saunakas. - Sītā Upaniṣad

She is the heart of Bhagwān, she is the loving mother. Mātā Sītā is the personification of patience, she is the Rasa of every emotion, she makes the feelings alive, she is the nectar of devotion and she also is the ferocious flame which destroys the evil and also the sacrificial fire for the betterment of the universe. She is the potency of Bhagwān. As the ever-gracious mother she bestows unlimited powers on her devotees, she is always engaged in the welfare of kine even by undergoing the hardships herself. She is not submissive, neither she is dominating rather she is who she is, The mother with whose smile the Sun and Moon glow, The Goddess who is eternal, ever-present and of unimaginable compassion. The mother who helps devotees reach Bhagwān.

Thus are they, the eternal couple, the parents of universe, always delighting the heart of all devotees devoted to them in various Bhāva and Yoga.

May he be meditated upon, who has arms reaching his knees, who is holding a bow and arrows, who is seated in a lotus pose. who is wearing yellow clothes, whose eyes compete with petals of a fresh lotus, who looks contented॥

Whose sight is fixed on the lotus face of Sita, sitting on his left thigh, whose color is like that of rain cloud. Who shines in various ornaments and has matted hair which can reach till thighs, the Ramchandra॥

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