hacked // a newtmas au

By bookara

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the game is the only stable thing in newt's life ,,, after the death of his sister his life changed forever b... More



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By bookara

Newt, Thomas and Teresa just stood there with their mouths open, like they were too in shock to say anything.

The ramen noodle boy stood there also, looking extremely confused with noodles dangling from his mouth.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Teresa suddenly screamed. "You're alive?!'

"Yeah of course I'm alive what the fuc-" The boy's eyes widened and he physically dropped the ramen noodle bowl on the floor, sending its contents all over the porch. "No.Fucking.Way."

Teresa made eye contact with him, his eyes were still blown as he whispered softly.

"Yes you dumb fuck!" Teresa yelled again as she threw her arms around his shoulders. Minho grinned as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground.

"Don't worry you guys are next!" Minho exclaimed over the girl's shoulder.

"I thought you were dead you bastard!" Teresa's words were muffled in his shoulder. "You better have a good fucking excuse!"

Minho gently put her down. "I'll explain in a sec."

"I don't know which one of you is which..." Minho started as he yanked both Newt and Thomas to him in a hard hug.

Newt was squished awkwardly against Minho's right side with Thomas on the other. In reality, Newt didn't mind. He hugged Minho back tightly, fisting his hand in the back of his shirt. He was alive. He was fine, he smelled like ramen, but he was fine.

"You had us so worried you dipshit!" Thomas scolded as he pulled back and smacked Minho's head.

"Ow!" Minho yelped. Then he grabbed Thomas' face and pursed his lips. "Hmmm...Oben?"

Thomas nodded.

Minho clasped his hands over his heart as he turned to Newt, then he dropped to one knee and held out his hands. "Sang, I can't believe I'm in the presence of such a legand..."

"Get up you bloody idiot!" Newt snapped as his cheeks heated up.

Minho was grinning as he stood up. "Wow you're not at all what I was expecting...any of you."

"How so?" Thomas asked.

Minho pointed to him. "You're like a weirdly sexy nerd who gives off too strong of bottom vibes." Then he pointed to Newt. "You look like you eat nothing but lucky charms but also kinda like one of those kids who would hiss at me in the hallway at school." Last he pointed to Teresa. "And you're hot."

"I don't even like lucky charms!" Newt protested.

"Okay, like this was the best surprise ever, but why the hell are you guys here?" Minho asked.

"Can we go inside?" Thomas asked. "I'm fucking exausted. I took a train to Newt's house then we drove here, I want to sit."

"Oh shit yeah!" Minho opened the door wider. "Ma I got friends spending the night!" He called into the house.

"She doesn't speak the best english, so just try your best," Minho said as they walked into the house.

Minho's grandma was the definition of a sweet old lady. She had grey hair tied in a bun with a little ribbon and she was wearing an apron. She waved to them and looked at Minho. "Your friends?"

Minho nodded and muttered something to her in a language Newt didn't understand.

After they exchanged a couple of sentences, Minho gave her a thumbs up which she shook her head at.

"Alright guys, follow me to my man cave."

"Your man cave?" Newt scoffed and Minho just held his finger to his lips.

Minho led them up some carpeted stairs and down a hall. He grinned as he swung a door open. "And here's where the magic happens."

Minho's room was clean. That was the first thing Newt noticed. Besides an overflowing laundry bin, everything was very organized. Minho had a giant desk in the corner with his computer and headset, it had a really cool gaming chair too. His comforter was dark green and black and there was like five pillows on it.

He had some LED lights in random spots that actually looked kinda cool. He also had some posters up on his wall but Newt wasn't even too sure exactly what they were of.

"Wow," Thomas said.

"Cool huh?" Minho grinned as he flopped back onto his bed.

"It's clean," Teresa said in awe.

"Okay I'm not a heathen, I don't know why you're all so shocked that my room is clean!" Minho protested as he scooted over on the bed. "You guys can sit."

They all sat in a weird circle on Minho's bed. It was surreal.

Thomas instantly wrapped his arms around Newt, making him jump. He rested his head on his shoulder and sighed softly. "You owe me for earlier, now we're even."

"What the fuck did I miss?" Minho asked as he looked at the two.

"You should be explaining right now!" Teresa snapped.

"Oh fuck right! Okay so basically I got suspended from school righ-"

"How the fuck did you get suspended?!" Newt asked.

"Let me finish! Okay anyways, I got suspended from school for riding my skateboard down the halls, yes it's stupid I'm very aware, but my grandpa kinda flipped shit and shut off the wifi for, well for however long I wasn't replying for."

"So you're telling me, we drove all this way because you were being an idiot at school?"

"Essentially yes."

"Did you know how freaked out we were?!" Newt asked.

"I assumed you would be, but I didn't think you'd come here...honestly it's really fuckin cool of you guys. I'm sorry I really am."

"It's not your fault," Thomas mumbled from Newt's shoulder.

"Jesus O, you gonna start jacking him off while you're there?"

Thomas opened one eye. "Can you just let me rest without making everything weirdly sexual."

Newt kinda wished he could die.

"We have a guest room too," Minho said as he pointed to the hallway. "It's the room straight across."

"Thanks for letting us stay, I know we didn't really...ask," Newt said.

Minho shrugged. "Seriously, I've been dreaming about meeting you guys for months now, circumstances were bad but this is sick. I'm happy to have you guys here."

"I'm happy we're here," Thomas mumbled.
Minho snorted out a laugh. "What the hell did you guys do to him?"

"His train left at like 7am and he'd been traveling pretty much ever since," Teresa explained.

"Del, you can have the guest room and the three of us can like sleep around my room or something," Minho said.

"I don't mind sharing," Teresa said. "It would be stupid for me to have a bed to myself. I trust you guys."

"I wanna sleep with Newt," Thomas said as he tightened his grip on him. "We're gonna cuddle."

"When's the wedding boys?" Minho snickered as Newt flipped him off. "You okay with sleeping in here T?"

Teresa nodded. "Of course, as long as you don't take up all the space."

"I haven't ever shared this bed before so no promises there."

"We were planning on staying for the break, if you don't mind having us. We thought we were going to have to like...find you."

"Please stay as long as you guys want, Ma won't mind. I think she's done being angry about the whole suspension thing, it wasn't the first time."

"We all brought bags, they're in the car though, we can get them later," Teresa said as she rubbed her eyes, she was probably tired too.

"You guys can borrow some clothes if needed," Minho offered. "I only have like...cheap man smelling soap but if you want to shower you can use it."

Teresa smiled softly. "Thanks Min."

"I think I need to go to sleep," Thomas mumbled as he cuddled into Newt more.

Newt had no idea where this was coming from but fucking hell he didn't hate it one bit.

"Come on," Newt said softly as he nudged his shoulder up a bit. "We'll go to the guest room."

"I'm tired too honestly," Teresa said.

"Don't worry I'll make sure to wake you all up in the morning so we can do some fun stuff and maybe some WICKED stuff." Minho shot finger guns at Newt.

"Oh shit T, can you catch him up?" Newt asked as Thomas finally got off his shoulder.

"Yeah, got it." Teresa nodded.

"Alright you drama queen, let's go to bed." Newt climbed off Minho's bed and followed Thomas across the hall.

"See you in the morning sweetheart!" Minho called after him.

Thomas pulled off his beanie and threw it on the floor before putting his glasses on the nightstand. He pulled his jeans off and flopped face down on the bed. It took all of Newt's willpower to stop his eyes from dragging over the poor boy's body.

"You are so dramatic," Newt chuckled as he did the same. He felt weird sleeping in his boxers and a shirt with Thomas but there was no may in hell he'd ever be able to fall asleep in jeans.

"I'm so tired Newt you don't even understand. Traveling makes me so tired even though it's a whole lot of not moving."

Newt turned off the light and blindly got into the guest room bed. "Tommy you gotta go under the blanket or I can't use it and we can't go to sleep."

Thomas groaned loudly but did as he was told.
Newt didn't realize how tired he was until he laid down. His entire body practically sunk into the mattress and every muscle in his body screamed in relief.

"Hey Newt?" Thomas whispered softly.

"Yeah Tommy?"

"Hang on."

Thomas shifted so he was on his side, facing Newt. Newt decided to do the same, their faces were less than a foot apart and Newt started to wonder why he thought this was a good idea for his sanity. He could just barely see the color of Thomas' eyes and he could feel his soft breath against his face. If Newt died right there and that was the last thing he saw, he honestly wouldn't be that upset.

"I've never slept somewhere that wasn't my house before."

"How come?"

"I don't know, it freaks me out...I wanted you in here because you seem to get it, if that makes sense. I'm sorry if that's stupid, I should have asked you first."

"It's not stupid."

"I agreed to come because I thought Minho's life could be in danger and that's more important than my stupid sleeping anxiety."

"It's not stupid would you stop it with that."
Thomas let out a breath. "But like...would it be too weird if I asked you to cuddle me?"

Holy jesus mother of christ, saying things like that randomly should be illegal because Newt was going to have a full blown heart attack.

"No...it's okay."

Thomas gently pushed Newt to his back and slid against his side. He let his head rest on his chest and his arm hooked around his waist. He tangled their legs together and sighed happily.

"You're such a good friend Newt," Thomas mumbled against his chest.


Thomas held him a little tighter and hummed. "My old girlfriend used to hold me like this, it used to help me so much."

Okay double ouch.

"That's nice," Newt said weekly.

"Sorry you seem tired, I'll shut up and let you sleep."

"It's fine Tommy."

"Goodnight Newt."

"Night Tommy."

Newt stared at the ceiling for way longer than he'd like to admit. He wasn't too sure why those sentances bothered him too much, but this time his stomach was flipping in a bad way, not in an "oh my god Thomas is holding my shirt in his fist while fast asleep that's cute as fuck" kinda way.

Tommy never mentioned his ex girlfriend before, why did he choose now of all times to do it? That didn't bother him as much as it kinda made him jealous. Someone got to hold Thomas all the time in the past and it wasn't him. Honestly the friend part bothered him more even though it really shouldn't have. It was a stupid comment, but Thomas probably didn't even mean anything by it. It was honestly somewhat of a wakeup call for Newt. Why the hell did he even think that Thomas would like him in the first place?

Thomas hadn't made it seem like he was into him so the explosion of feelings was just stupid and irrational. Thomas was his friend, his best friend, a friend who he'd just met in person that day. Newt closed his eyes and tried to think really hard what his sister would say. She'd probably yell at him for what he was doing right now. He was setting himself up to get hurt by cuddling with a boy when he knew it was just going to make his feelings stronger. The soft breaths coming from Thomas' mouth on his chest was distracting and everytime he moved a little bit Newt's heart swelled to twice its size.

Newt was going to blame it on the fact that Thomas is probably the only boy who'd ever given him attention. That's a reasonable reason to develop a giant crush on someone. Online, Thomas was really just a fantasy, like he'd never see him or hold him, but now...now Newt's peace was ruined. Newt knew how good it was and the fact that it couldn't be like this all the time hurt.

Without thinking, Newt gently brushed the hair from Thomas' eyes and smiled. He was unfairly cute from what Newt could barely make out in the dark. Oben was Newt's everything, they all were, Oben, Del and Ki. They were his entire world and he was holding part of it it in his arms.

"I'm sorry I'm crazy," Newt whispered softly as he settled in the bed more, shifting a bit so he was comfortable but not enough to wake up Thomas.

I'll always be here for you Tommy, Newt thought as he let his eyes close. Feelings or not.

...Although it'd be really cool if you liked me back



Newt shot up in bed, his heart racing at a million beats per second.

Minho was standing in the hallway in his underwear banging pans together and screaming the outdated vine reference.

"Minho what the FUCK?!" Thomas screamed as he shot up next to Newt.

They were still practically on top of each other and Newt barely had time to feel embarassed about it before Minho pointed at them and screamed GAY at the top of his lungs.

"MINHO-" a voice sounded from the end of the hall. It then broke off into a string of rushed words in probably Korean.

"Fuck I woke the warden!" Minho gasped as he sprinted down the hall.

There was a crashing sound and Minho screamed high pitched.


Newt watched Minho sprint back down the hall and slam himself into his room as his grandma hobbled quickly behind him with her pink slipper raised above her head.

When Minho's door slammed she hit the door with her slipper and then slowly turned around. Her angry face broke into a smile when she saw Newt and Thomas.

"Good-morning Minho's friends," she said happily before disappearing back down the hall.

Newt and Thomas exchanged slow looks with each other before they burst out laughing.

"W-What the fuck."

Newt could barely contain his laughter. "Did that just happen?"

Thomas nodded as he wiped his eyes. "Oh my god."

Newt smiled at him and for a while all the negative feelings he had last night disappeared.

"This is the only time I'll admit it, I bloody missed Minho."


"So how was your night last night?" Teresa asked quietly as she sat next to Newt on the couch.

"Fine, how was yours?"


They were quiet for a moment before Newt sighed and started to word vomit. "We cuddled and then he called me friend and talked about his ex and I was being irrationally upset because who the hell brings up their ex while they're cuddling someone, like I'm experienced but I know that's off the table! Now I'm fucked because I can't get the image of him asleep on my chest out of my mind no matter how hard I fuckin try!"

Teresa blinked slowly. "Oh wow, okay yeah...that's intense."

Newt sighed. "Please tell me I'm being irrational."

"You're being irrational."

"Do you mean that?"

Teresa nodded. "We're all different from how we present ourselves online, it's gonna take a little bit to adjust, just learn to read him. He probably meant nothing by it and you're obsessing over the little things to let yourself down now so you don't get hurt later on."

"Are you some undercover therapist or something?"

"No, I'm just a girl."

Newt laughed softly at that. "Okay now spill, how was your night actually?"

"I asked him what he meant when he called me hot and he said he didn't think that girls that played the game were anywhere over a 5/10 but I'm a solid 11 and it took him by surprise...then he told I wasn't allowed to look at him ever because he'd probably fall in love with me."

Newt smiled. "Damn you made out good."

Teresa shook her head. "We shouldn't have shared a bed with them, it turned our brains into useless machines. Damn boys."

"They infiltrated our heads, abort mission."

Teresa laughed at that, which had Newt laughing too soon after.

Thomas and Minho walked back into the room with a plate of pancakes. "What's so funny?" Thomas asked.

"The size of your dick- OHHHH!" Minho grinned and raised his hand to Teresa who met it in a high five.

Newt just shook his head. They were all fucking idiots, losers and absoulte morons but despite all of that...

Newt had never been happier.

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