Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no...

By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

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The event of this story is few years after the incident in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. It's about Endou Kaminar... More

Let's go! Raimon Eleven!!
Let's Play Together Again!
Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!
Our First Match! Tengawara Jr. High!!
The Wild! Nosei Jr. High!!
Fighting All-Girls Team!
It's Time! Raimon Move Up!!
For Real?! The Hard Training!!
Final Match! Teikoku Academy!!
The Strongest Hero! Kaminari's Keshin!!
The Nationals Tournament!
Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!
The Strongest Defense!
Breaking Through! Inazuma Break!!
Hard Clash! Another Tough Challenge!!
Raimon VS Gassan Kunimitsu!
The Genius Playmaker!
Heat Up! Match on the Hot Field!!
The Semi-Final Match!
Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!
Blow Everything! Sunshine Break!!
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Kai's Desicion!
Fierce Opponent! Storm Wolf!!
Burst! Yamata no Orochi!!
The Impregnable Defense!
Ryuu no Hoko!
The Warrior of Ocean!
Wolf's Determination! With Fire and Ice!!
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Breaking Our Limit!
Fierce Challenge! Malaya Beast!!
Final Play! The Representative of Asia District!!
It's Break Time!
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Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 2!
Reserve Players for Inazuma Japan!
To the World Stage!
The Group League Starts!
The Fight Continues! Awaken Soul!!
Reunion with Friends!
Clash! Japan VS America!!

The Match! Raimon vs Kaiou!!

835 19 2
By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

As soon as the whistle are blown, Kaiou do some passing to each other until Raimon steal the ball and quickly went to the territory of Kaiou.

Kaiji: Don't let them score!

Yuuya is dribbling the ball with his speed along with Homura and Ren behind them. As two Kaiou player are sliding toward Yuuya to steal the ball, he jumped and pass it to Homura.

Yuuya: Homura!

"Minamisawa pass the ball to Gouenji! She keep dribbling until she reach the goal of Kaiou! She's so fast!"

Garu: Stop her!

Homura keep on the dribble and pass through three defenders as she reach right the front of Kaiou's goal.

Garu: Then, bring it!

Homura: I'll score with this hissatsu technique!

She stump the ball and kick it up in the air with the back of her leg. Then she jump up while do right spinning as her legs covered in fire.

Homura: Fire Tornado!

She kick the ball and it engulf in fire, and head toward the goal.

Garu: What?!

He jump to the left but the ball was too fast until he can't even reach it and the ball enter the goal.

"Goal!! The first one scores in the match is Raimon! They only reach best 8 in last year's Soccer Festival, but now they just score the first point in just minutes! That's faster than last year!!"

(Raimon) 1 - 0 (Kaiou)

Homura high-five with Yuuya and Ren because of their teamworks. Kaiji look at them from distance as one of Kaiou's midfielder, Wanda, went next to him.

Wanda: They become stronger than last year. More than that, a girl scores the point.

Kaiji: Someone related with Gouenji Shuuya, huh? We shouldn't underestimate them.

Wanda: What now, Captain?

Kaiji: Of course, we'll win this match no matter what. *turn to Kaiou* Men, show them the spirit Kaoiu! We'll sink right in the ocean!

Kaiou's Players: Yeah!!

Kidou look at the Kaiou's team and then look at the Raimon. Raimon went back to their position to ready to resume the game.

Kidou(In mind): Kaiou should be a team with unstanding offensive, so why didn't they attack from the start? Also, why they put Dan as forward by himself?

The referee blow the whistle and Kaiou start the kick-off and head toward Raimon's territory.

"With the kick-off from Kaiou, the match continues. Dan and Wanda head on with two more midfielder following them!"

Kaiji: Wanda!

He pass the ball to Wanda.

Wanda: Okay!

Homura(In mind): They're coming!

Higashi: Everyone, don't let them get through our defense! We can't let them score!

Yuuya: Leave this to me!

Ren: Minamisawa-senpai, don't act reckless!

Yuuya do a slide but Wanda able to dodge him and pass it.

Wanda: Captain!

Kaiji receive the ball and head toward the defense area. He dodge Shun and Shin so easily.

Shun: Crap!

Shin: He's quick!

Then Kaiji look at Higashi that in his position, ready to catch the ball when he make a shoot.

Kaiji: Show what you have, Raimon team's captain! Sai!

Higashi: What?

"Oh! While the defenders are focusing too much Kaiou's captain, they leave Sai free! This is a chance for Kaiou to score!"

Tasuke: Crap, I don't see him!

Gento: Captain!

Sai: Here I go!

The ball stop in front of him as he run toward it with water waving around him. Then he jump and use his right knee to kick the ball as bunch of flying fish appear.

Sai: Flying Fish!

The ball covered with blue-water energy along with some flying fishes follow it.

Higashi: I won't let it in!

He hold his right hand up as it covered with green energy, clench his fist and he pull back his right hand and punch toward the ball.

Higashi: Metal Hand Punch!

He tried to punch the ball away from the goal but the shoot power is strong.

Higashi(In mind): This is stronger than last year!

Because of the power, his right hand got pushed back and the ball enter the goal.

"It's a goal!! Sai's hissatsu shoot, Flying Fish, able to break through Hazama's hissatsu technique like it was nothing! Kaiou tie the scores!"

(Raimon) 1 - 1 (Kaiou)

Tasuke: What a power!

Shin: Nii-san...

Shun: Yeah. They are more powerful than the last time we face them.

Higashi look at his right hand and clench his fist before looking at Kaiou. Not just them, Kaiou also become stronger than before.

Higashi(In mind): There's no way I can be a captain if I can't even block the shoot!

Then he grab the ball look at the stands where the spectators along with the team from different schools are watching the game. He look around be he didn't even saw Kaminari anywhere.

Higashi(In mind): Kaminari... You still hate soccer?

Everyone went to their position as the Raimon will start the kick-off.

"Now, it's Raimon's ball. The score is 1-1, a tie. Which between these team will win? Will it be Raimon, or Kaiou? Make sure you don't look away from this match!"

Yuuya: Homura, remember, we can't act reckless on this one.

Homura: Senpai, you're the one who act recklessly back then.

Yuuya: Yes, and I make that mistake. Remember, don't let them have the ball, Kidou Kantoku told us that there's Keshin user in Kaiou.

Homura: That would be a trouble.

Yuuya: Give me the ball the when we near the defense area. Just let me handle at this point.

Homura: Eh?

Yuuya: Just trust me, I got this. Trust me as your teammate, not as your senior.

Homura: Fine...

The referee blow the whistle and the Raimon start the kick-off. Homura dribble the ball toward Kaiou's area while Yuuya follow her from behind.

"Woah! Gouenji boldly heading toward Kaiou's goal. Despite having many defender trying to stop her, she able to dodge them. Will this be the the second score for Raimon?"

Kaiji: Stop her! Don't let her shoot again!

Wanda rush toward and do a slide to steal the ball, but Homura able to dodge it and jump up.

Homura(In mind): It's now or never!

Sai and Kaiji jump up in front of her to stop her from do the hissatsu shoot.

Sai: We won't let you!

Homura: *smirk* Sorry, but you get the wrong person! Minamisawa-senpai!

She pass the ball back at Yuuya.

"That attack just a feint! Minamisawa is free, not even one person mark him! This is an absolute chance!"

Yuuya: I'm going to score this one!

Garu smirked.

Yuuya: Take this!

He stump the ball, causing it to spin up and covered with light green-white energy.

Yuuya: Sonic Shot!

He kick the ball, and it stopped for a moment until the ball burst toward Kaiou's goal.

Garu: Water Geyser!

He punch the ground causing a burst of water come out of the ground and hit the ball. After few seconds, the ball went up. The water disappear and the ball fall in Garu's right hand.

Yuuya: What?!

Garu: That kind of shoot won't work on me. If you want to score, kick even stronger!

Kaiji: Garu!

Garu: Yeah!

He throw the ball really hard toward Kaiji and he receive the ball, and quickly went toward Raimon's area.

Homura: He's too fast!

Kaiji ran quickly pass through Suiryuu and Ren before they can anything. They can't even keep up with them.

Higashi: Strengthen the defense!

Shin/Shun: Okay!

They rush toward Kaiji and both of them slide but Kaiji do a back pass at Wanda. Gento and Tasuke tried to steal the ball but they can't even touch the ball.

"Dan pass back to Wanda! This is good teamwork, they getting closer to Raimon's goal!"

Wanda: Score it, Captain!

Kaiji: *receive the ball* Okay!

Higashi: Damn!

Kaiji: I'll score with this!

He shout as a purple and dark blue aura come out from his back and merge into humanoid form. It wearing blue ocean based armor, holding a trident and light blue skin.

Kaiji: Kaiou Poseidon!

Higashi: What?! A Keshin?!

"Keshin! It's a Keshin! Dan has summon his Keshin!"

He jump as blue energy covered the ball and engulf it with fire. He kick the ball as Poseidon thrust it's trident at the ball.

Kaiji: Trident Thrust!

The ball move in high speed toward Higashi. He block the ball with his bare hands but didn't work causing the ball and himself enter the goal.

"Goal!! Kaiou scores again! This time the score come from the Dan, the captain himself! He scores with his Keshin shoot without giving Hazama time to block! Kaiou has become stronger again!!"

(Raimon) 1 - 2 (Kaiou)

Poseidon disappear as Higashi stand on his right knee until Kaiji get close to him makimg he look up.

Kaiji: Sorry, but we Kaiou can't afford to lose to Raimon. We'll win this match.

Then he turn his back and walk away back to Kaiou's side. Higashi punch the ground because he angry of himself.

Higashi(In mind): Damn it! If I give the correct decision, we might be able to block that shoot without me! This isn't how a captain should be! So why would Coach

His team can see how frustrated their current captain is. Some really do wanted to comfort him but some do agree that Higashi shouldn't become the captain.

"With only few minutes left in the first half, Kaiou is leading with one-point difference. Can Raimon catch up from this moment?"

Gento: Coach, are this okay? We'll lose if this keep up.

Kidou: This just fine.

Gento: Coach!

Kidou: That's all. Just play like you always do.

Gento(In mind): Is this really okay? What is Coach thinking anyway?!

The managers are quite worry about the team. Higashi looks like he lose his courage and Gento doesn't seem to be consoling him, and Shinji do agree with that.

Shinji: I knew it, we shouldn't have him as the captain.

Gento: So, you think you can become the captain?

Shinji: That's not it. What I mean, we need a captain that can lead us. He's not much good to be captain, but why Coach would choose him? What kind of reason is this for?

Gento: Don't ask me. I won't know what reason it was.

Shinji: It's not that I'm asking you.

Gento: *glare* What?

Asuka saw that Gento and Shinji seems to be argueing. Asuka turn to Kidou.

Asuka: Coach, is this really okay?

Kidou: They'll play just fine. Only few kinds of mistake won't effecting our team.

Asuka: But if this keep up...!

Kidou(In mind): This isn't the right time. When Raimon really need help the most, then he will come out.

"The game resume with Raimon's kick-off. Can they score a goal to tie the points again, or Kaiou will be able to stay and win?!"

Homura(In mind): We can't lose another point. If we do, we don't have chances of winning!

Yuuya(In mind): The next point might be the end of the match. Even if we able to hold on in this first-half, can we score in the second-half?

The referee blow the whistle and the game resume. Homura do a back pass and Ren got the ball.

"Oh! Gouenji do a back pass and Kazemaru obtain the ball! This might be a chance!"

Ren(In mind): *dribbling* Even if this an exhibition match, we can't afford to lose! This won't be place where we lose!

Sai: I won't let you!

Ren: Shippu Dash!

He run in high speed, dodging Sai from stealing the ball. But Wanda suddenly appear and do a slide, stealing the ball from him.

Ren: No way!

Wanda: Too easy!

"Wanda steal the ball easily from Kazemaru, and head right toward Raimon's territory! Kaiou attacks like raging wave!"

Shin and Shun tried to stop him but he easily dodge them while Enji and Gento are covering the Kaiou players so he can't pass to any of them.

Wanda: This kinda of defense won't work on us!

Higashi: You guys, Sai is free!

Shun: What?!

Wanda: It's too late for that!

He jump up and pass it Sai who is free.

Higashi: I won't let you!

But instead of Sai score it, it was a feint. The ball went toward Kaiji. He use strong heading and score another goal.

"Another goal!! Kaiou just score another goal! Now it's two-point difference! Raimon is now in a big pinch!"

(Raimon) 1 - 3 (Kaiou)

Homura fall to her knees, Yuuya grit his teeth and Ren clench his fists.

Shin: No way...

Homura: Even after I score the first goal... Why are we keep losing points...?

Yuuya: Damn it!

Higashi(In mind): *clench his fist* It's my fault... If I give an order to everyone, this is won't be happening! I can't give at least one order! This is all my fault!!

"Raimon is in a big pinch. With two-point difference, it's going to be hard for them to catch up in this situation! How will they catch up with Kaiou?!"

Then the referee blow the whistle for the end of first-half.

"That's it for the first half! Kaiou in the lead with 1-3, will Raimon able to take the lead in the second-half? Make sure you don't miss it!"


Nami is looking at the match with a bit of feeling down, because the team from his brother's school is losing.

Nami: Raimon is losing...


The players from both team went to their section to have few minutes break. Raimon is in the worse condition because they'll losing with two-point difference.

Namikawa: You guys did well.

Kaiji: Thank you, Coach.

Wanda: When that girl score a goal, we think it'll be hard. But it was to easy.

Namikawa: Don't let your guard down, Wanda. You might don't have your brother's Keshin, but that doesn't mean you can underestimated their play.

Wanda: Okay, okay.

Namikawa(In mind): It's look like our victory has been set. But... *turn to Kidou* why isn't he feel anything?

Asuka is giving the team their drinks but they barely have courage to play.

Kidou: *smirk* The time has come.

Asuka: Huh?

Kidou: We're switching player. Kazemaru, you're on the bench, Minamisawa will take your position.

Asuka: Eh?!

Ren: W-Wait, Coach! But we don't have any substitute players!

Kidou: No, we have one.

He turn to the hallway. While looking at the hallway, they heard footsteps. A person slowly reveal as he walk out, and he does suprise the whole team when they saw him.

Higashi: No way!!

Yuuya: Why now?!

Kaiji: What?

The person is Kaminari. He's wearing Raimon jersey with the number 10 at the back of the jersey as he walk toward Raimon area and look at Kidou.

Kaminari: Geez, you do get some nerves to make me play, Kidou-san.

Kidou: Well, if you didn't play it will put your naturel talent at waste.

Then Yuuya and Higashi went to them.

Kidou: Minamisawa will change position into midfielder. Kaminari will take his place as a forward. Also, Hazama.

Higashi: Y-Yes?

Kidou: You said that you don't deserve to be the captain, right? You can give away your position as captain to Kaminari.

Yuuya: W-Wait, Coach! Why all the sudden?

Higashi: Okay.

Yuuya: Higashi!

Higashi: It's fine. I never wanted to become a captain, anyway.

He take out the band from his left arm and give it Kaminari. He take it and place it and his left arm.

Kaminari: *sigh* Well, it already happened so it can't be helped.


Yesterday, Kidou went to met Kaminari at the field near the riverbank.

Kaminari: You want me to play in the exhibition match?

Kidou: That's right.

Kaminari: Kidou-san, you know that I don't want to play soccer anymore.

Kidou: Then why you keep praticing in secret?

Kaminari: Th-That's...

Kidou: I'll register your name to the soccer club. Make sure you come tomorrow to the match. *walk away* I'll be waiting for you.

Kaminari look at Kidou before look at the soccer ball he's holding.

(Flashback End)

Kaminari: Remember, I only play this once.

Kidou: That's fine.

After the break, Raimon and Kaiou change places at the field. Raimon went into a new position with Kaminari as the new forward.

"Now the break is over, it's time for the second half. Oh, Raimon has change their player? What is this? Minamisawa is the midfielder while Kazemaru was benched, and the new forward is... Endou Kaminari!"

Kaiji: Endou Kaminari...? So, he's Endou Mamoru's son, huh?

Kaminari: *glance at Homura* When the whistle blown, give me the ball.

Homura: Senpai, do you even have plans?

Kaminari: Just believe in me.

Homura: Fine, only because it was Coach's orders.

Referee blow the whistle.

"Now, the second half start with the ball in Raimon possession. How will they turn this match around?"

Homura dribble ahead before back pass at Kaminari.

"Gouenji back pass at Endou!"

Kaminari: Let's go.

He run in high speed and he able to easily pass through the midfielders and defenders and instantly arrives in front of Kaiou's goalpost.

Kaiji: What?!

Wanda: How can he be so fast?!

Garu: Come on!

Kaminari kick the ball up in the air and jump toward it. The ball engulf with yellow energy as lightning covered his right leg.

Kaminari: Thunderbolt!

He kick the ball toward the goal, the ball burst right ahead.

Garu: What?!

It didn't give Garu time to use his hissatsu technique, and catch the ball with bare hands but it push him into the goal.

"Goal!! Raimon scores their second point in just seconds after the whistle was blown!"

(Raimon) 2 - 3 (Kaiou)

Garu look at his hands and see burn marks at his gloves.

Sai: What kind of shoot is that?

Garu: It's too powerful...!

"Raimon catch up with only one-point difference! Can they score again to tie the scores?!"

The whistle blown as it was Kaiou's turn to kick-off. But soon get stolen by Kaminari.

Wanda(In mind): He's too quick!

Kaminari dribble ahead as he dodge some midfielders and close to the defense area.

Garu: Stop him!

The defenders went to him but only for him to smirk and stop running.

Kaminari: You marked... *back pass to Yuuya* the wrong person.

Yuuya receive the pass and run pass through the defense line because no one marked him. The other two defender busy marked at Homura who's ahead but didn't realise about Yuuya.

"Wow! Minamisawa just run pass through the defense line with no one marked him! This is perfect chance!"

Yuuya: Let's go!

He stump the ball as it spin up and covered with green-white energy.

Yuuya: Sonic Shot!

He kick the ball ahead. It stopped for a moment before dash toward Kaiou's goal.

Garu: Water Geyser!

He punch the ground and water burst out and hit the ball but it didn't work like before. The ball able to break through and went right into the goal.

"Another goal!! This time Minamisawa scores the goal! What a good teamwork between these two! Raimon ties the scores!"

(Raimon) 3 - 3 (Kaiou)

Even the Kaiou players didn't believe that Raimon able to catch up with them this fast in the second half. Because of the tied scores, Raimon and Kaiou keep defending and steal the ball because the next point will decide the match.

"This is raging clash between this two team! Not even one of them giving up! The next score will decided the match! Which of this two team will win?!"

Wanda is running right toward Raimon's defense line. He get pass Suiryuu with desperate emotion.

Wanda(In mind): The winner will be us!

Then he pass the ball to Sai. Sai run in high speed as the ball covered with blue energy and then water. He jump up and kick the ball.

Sai: Flying Fish!

The ball dash toward Raimon goal followed by some flying fishes.

Higashi(In mind): Here it comes! Can block it?

Kaminari: Higashi, you can block it! Don't hesitate!

Higashi(In mind): Kaminari...

He look at the ball and clench his fist. He raise his right hand and green cover his right fist. He pull back his hand and punch at the ball.

Higashi: Metal Hand Punch!

After a moment, the ball get punched away.

"He stopped it! Goalkeeper, Hazama stops the ball!"

Sai: No way!

The ball then reach Suiryuu and he dribble ahead as he pass the ball to Shinji.

Suiryuu: Shinji-san!

Shinji: Okay!

Kaiji: I won't let you! Kaiou Poseidon!

He call out his Keshin but Shinji act faster before the Keshin can appear. He do a slide dribble as the ball start to spark.

Shinji: Sparking Dribble!

As he get close Kaiji, an explosion occured sending Kaiji back away and Shinji run ahead.

"Now, Amemiya use his hissatsu technique to get pass Kaiou's captain before he can summon his Keshin!"

Kaminari: Amemiya, pass it Minamisawa!

Shinji: Okay!

He pas the ball to Yuuya as he continue to run ahead and dodge some players.

"With not long time left, the scores still a tie. Because nearing the end, there's additional two minutes!"

Kaminari get pass Kaiou's players as Kaiji chasing him. Then Yuuya pass the ball to him while Kaiji tries to steal it.

Kaiji: I won't let you shoot!

Kaminari: We'll see about that!

He kick the ball up and jump up as it cover with yellow energy and his right leg with lightning.

Kaminari: Thunderbolt!

He kick the ball and it burst right toward Kaiou's goal.

Garu: Water Geys--

The ball get pass before he could even use his hissatsu technique.

"GOAL!!! Raimon scores they're fourth goal! This is an absolute miracle and good teamwork from them!!"

(Raimon) 4 - 3 (Kaiou)

The referee look at the watch at his wrist and blow the whistle for the end of the match.

"The match is over! The winner of the final exhibition match is Raimon Jr. High!! They able to win against Kaiou!!"

All Kaiou players feel reallt frustrated when they lose the match. Despite that, Kaiji look at the Raimon team and smile.

Kaiji: It's true that we lose... but this isn't the end. *turn to his team* You guys, we still have chance to beat them in Soccer Festival!

Sai: Captain... Yeah, you're right.

While at Raimon side, everyone went to the bench and praise Kaminari and Yuuya for scoring in the second-half.

Shin: Both of you are great! Homura is great as well!

Yuuya: Well, that's what we should do.

Gento: At least we win in match. With Endou's words, we able to win.

Kidou: You did good, Kaminari.

Kaminari: So, am I done here?

Kidou: Yeah.

Kaminari: Finally.

He take off the band from his left arm and give Higashi.

Kaminari: My roll here is done.

Higashi: Wh-What are talking about?

Kaminari: Kidou-san told me that I should play only this one match, and after it's okay if I didn't join anymore matches.

Homura: Eh?

Ren: Coach, is this true?

Kidou: Well, Kaminari only agree this once. If don't want to play anymore, that's fine by me.

Kaminari: Well, don't ask about stuff that I don't want anymore.

Then he walk away while Higashi clench the band at his right palm. Yuuya just look at Kaminari but some of them sure that Kaminari will come back.


"In the end, Raimon won the match. But this is just a small start for them. The next, will be even harder. There's more chance for Raimon to grow even more than before."

"Next time, Let's Play Together Again!"

"This is super-dimensional soccer!"

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