𝕄𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝔸𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕒...

By kaitlynn-bush

75 1 9

★·.·'¯'·.·★ 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘? ★·.·'¯'·.·★ ↪ 【yes】 no ⌌ ⌍ 𝚌�... More

𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝒶𝑔𝑒

limitless || k. bakugou

19 1 0
By kaitlynn-bush

WARNINGS: alcohol, attempted kidnapping/stalking, happy endings :)


out of all of the people in this world, you were the only one able to calm the explosive blond down. most claimed it was your quirk, but others... others claimed it was because he had actually found a soft spot in you. you refused to believe it, despite being well aware that you hardly ever used your quirk when talking to him.

you had two quirks; charm and force fields. charm wasn't necessarily good offensive wise, but that's where your force fields came into play. despite being inheritably a defensive quirk, you still managed to find some offensive uses for it. you were able to form force fields around your opponents, pivoting any attacks they used back onto them. you were also able to summon a (f/c) 'wall' in front of someone who was approaching you, making them run into it.

needless to say, your charm was your main quirk. it was kind of like mind control, but more persuasive and less of a command. instead of "turn yourself in" it was more "would you mind turning yourself in? it would make me super happy!" the downside was that it wouldn't always work. if the subjects willpower was stronger than your quirk, or if they were intoxicated or under the influence of a different substance, it wouldn't work.

which is exactly how you had ended up in this situation.

you were walking home from school when you felt a presence following you. multiple presences, actually. you shoved your hands into your pockets, tightly gripping your phone before sneaking a quick glance over your shoulder. you pretended to brush some hair out of your face as you analyzed the situation.

behind you were three men, seemingly in their late 20's, trailing behind you. they seemed about a block away, keeping their distance from you. you decided to take a turn (one that you didn't need to make to get home) to test if they were following you or not. trying to walk at a normal pace, you snuck another glance behind you to see they were still there. in fact, they were closer than before.

you were shaking at this point, trying your best to calm yourself down. you pulled your phone out of your pocket, being sure to keep it out of the men's eyesight, and sent a quick text to the first person you could think of. you turned on "share my location" and quickly put your phone back, leaving your thumb to hover over the call button.

you made a few more turns, making sure to note what street you were on and where you were in comparison to your home. you kept an eye out for landmarks and tried your best to memorize them. having been so distracted trying to memorize everything around you, you had forgotten one important thing.

the ones trailing you.

next thing you knew you were shoved into a nearby alleyway by what seemed like a strong force of wind. you stumbled and fell, but you managed to turn in time to land on your butt rather than your face. you scrambled to stand up and took a defensive stance. as they stepped closer you went to use your charm quirk before stopping. the scent of booze was overwhelming and you knew at that moment you were fucked.

you quickly fumbled for your phone and pressed what you hoped was the call button, feeling mildly relieved when it started vibrating in your pocket.

"heh," the man in the middle chuckled. "look at this fine beauty. could be worth a pretty penny if we find the right guy."

"more like right guys," the one on the left commented. "surely there'll be a line of people waiting for their sweet alone time with 'er."

the one on the right cut in. "but you know we're the first ones in line, yeah?"

throughout this entire conversation, you were shaking violently. you felt your phone stop vibrating and for a split second you panicked, thinking that the call was canceled. suddenly you heard katsuki's voice through the phone.

"what the fuck is going on? you start sharing your location, and then you don't respond to my texts? is this some kind of sick joke? what are you doing so far away from your home, anyway--"

he was cut off by the men in front of you continuing. "'course. you think we're gonna let this beauty go without havin' our turn with 'er?

you heard katsuki curse loudly before telling you to stay on the phone and to not hang up. even though he couldn't see you, you still nodded slightly.

all three of them smirked and stepped closer, a lustful glint in their eyes. you quickly pulled up a force field that protected you from them, crossing your arms and hiding your face into them. you could feel them kick and use their quirks against it, and knew you wouldn't be able to last long like this.

you felt the cracks beginning to form on the bubble surrounding you as your arms began to ache. they continued to kick and slash at it, one of the men used a knife quirk, transforming his hands into sharp blades as he cut into the force field protecting you. you flinched every time the sharp blades crashed against the force field, cracking it even more. just when you thought about all the horrible things they would do to you, you heard loud explosions and your tears went from fear to pure relief. You could recognize those explosions from anywhere.

katsuki was here.

katsuki was here.

loud sobs escaped your throat as you curled into an even tighter ball, using what little strength you had left to keep the barrier up around you. After a few moments the sounds of fighting started to calm down, and you slowly lifted your head as you heard footsteps speed walking toward you. making eye contact with the explosive blond, you burst into another round of tears.

he knelt down in front of you as you released your hold on the (f/c) force field, allowing you to throw yourself into his arms. you sobbed into his shirt as he uncomfortably wrapped his arms around you. hugging people wasn't his forte. hugging crying people certainly wasn't his forte, either.

after taking a second to calm down his racing heart (which was simply beating so hard out of adrenaline, not because he was holding his crush and was scared shitless thinking about all of the "what if's" and "i should have's" that were beating their way into his skull) he held onto you and shifted so his back was against the alley wall with you on his lap. he hesitantly stroked your hair as you cried, not knowing how to comfort someone. not knowing how to comfort you.

slowly your sobs turned into hiccups, which turned into uneven breathing. once katsuki decided that you were calm enough to answer some of his questions and soothe his concerns. "are you alright?"

you nodded slowly, pulling away as you sniffed slightly. when you saw the tears that soaked into his shirt you swore. "fuck, i'm so sorry i didn't--i don't know why i texted you. i should have called someone else. i should have called the police. god, i'm so sorry for getting you dragged into this. i wish i could--"

"i wish i could have been here faster." katsuki cut you off, causing you to glance up at him. his ruby eyes were filled with a fire that was all-too familiar, but also so different from before. he was using the same tone and look he would always use when claiming to become the next number one hero, but it was softer. instead of pride there was concern. worry. "i wish i had understood what your text had meant sooner. i wish i could have been faster. i wish i could have prevented all of it."

he held your hands in his and looked down, trying to hide his embarrassing blush. stupid heart, liking people and shit. "we can all wish for a lot of things, but that'll never change the past. i don't regret you texting me for help. hell--i'm glad you did." he paused, deciding to look away and huff to pretend that his blush wasn't from embarrassment, but from being annoyed. "it gave me a chance to beat some bastards up, anyway."

at your silence he looked over in mild concern. you gave a small, sad smile before standing up out of his lap and backing away. "i--uh... thank you, bakugou. i appreciate that you came to help me." you bowed respectfully, biting your tongue in order to keep another round of tears at bay. "i should head home now," you stated as you straightened your spine. "my (mother/father/guardian) must be worried."

before katsuki could even think about replying, you had turned and left. swiftly walking in the direction of home and refusing to look back. your brain kept repeating the same phrase over and over; "why why why why why?" he only came because he had to. he only came because you were using your quirk on him. he only cares because your quirk is making him.

still in the alley, katsuki stood staring at the ground. "bakugou..?" he mumbled quietly to himself. he looked up at the sky, watching the dark clouds roll by above him. "what happened to katsuki?" he would never admit it out loud, but it hurt hearing you of all people call him by his last name so curtly. so forced. it wasn't right.

no one called him katsuki, but when you didn't...

it wasn't right. he needed to fix this, but he didn't even know what 'this' was. but he had to start somewhere.

three hours later, around 8:00, he finally forced himself to text someone for help.

fuck_off is typing...
fuck_off sent a message!

those were the last notifications kirishima was expecting at this time. bakugou was usually asleep by now, and if he wasn't, then he sure as hell wasn't texting anyone. he tapped at his screen, pausing the tv show as he unlocked his phone and opened the chat app.

okay shitty hair if you speak of this to anyone you're DEAD, you hear me?

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
okay okay, chill
whats up?

i think (y/n) is mad at me

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
holy fUCK

nothing you dick wad
i just saved her from some creeps and she got all emotional and shit and then up and left

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
whellll, what makes you think she's mad at you?


@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr

she called me bakugou

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
im sorry
im confused
and that matters because..? bro everyone calls you bakugou

you know what fuck you
im revoking my ask for help card

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
put that card back right now
so she called you bakugou, can you think of any reason why?

noi didn't do anything besides save and comfort her
i don't see what i could have done wrong

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
did you yell at her?


@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
get upset?

stop asking me this shit

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr
im taking that as a no
have you considered that YOU didnt do anything wrong?
maybe (y/n)'s upset about something she did, or just in general
you haven't given me much context so im just pulling stuff out of my ass
so idk bro but think about it ig

goodnight kirishima

@ unofficialcrimsonriotjr

fuck_off deleted a message

no i didn't
i'm going to bed so fuck off

katsuki shut his phone off and rolled onto his back. he stared up at an older all might poster on his ceiling as he furrowed his brows in thought. assuming he didn't do anything wrong, then what was it? were you just scared from the encounter in general? that seemed fair, he supposed. you did seem pretty upset about having asked him for help. maybe you wished you had texted someone else?

he gave one last glare at all might's wide smile before reaching for his phone. he turned it back on, ignoring messages from kirishima and moving to your chat box. he eyed the message showing that you had shared your location with him and was tempted to check where you were, but he didn't. he skimmed through the worried texts he had sent before starting to type a new one.

fuck_off is typing
fuck_off sent a message!

you stared at the notifications for a second before sighing. you could see what he sent and leave him on read, ignore the message and forever live in curiosity of what bakugou katsuki was doing texting you past his bedtime, or actually respond. you were too nervous to simply not read it

you busy

you never ask me if im busy
what's up

are you upset

wow straight to the point
didn't even mention the weather

shut up
im trying to have a conversation

and im trying to avoid one
seems like we must battle to the death


because thats what people do when they disagree????

not that
why are you trying to avoid it

because im scared

what are you scared of?
those creeps?
dont worry about them, i handled it

no, THATS why im scared

i didn't actually kill them if that's what youre referring to
i sure wanted to though

i just


im afraid that ive been using my quirk on you

are you?

i mean
i dont know

youre not an idiot. you know when youre using your quirk
so one more time
are you using your quirk on me?


oh thank god

fuck_off deleted a message

youre not using it so now theres nothing to worry about

i hate to be that person but no
actually now i have different things to worry about

such as?

youre really gonna make me say it, huh?

say what

well time to tie the noose ig
i was afraid that you only liked me cuz of my quirk
also that you only cared because of it too
basically i was afraid that everything we had or did was because i was using my quirk

....that's the dumbest shit ive ever heard

* n o o s e  t y i n g  i n t e n s i f i e s *

damnit wait
dont start tying nooses
you probably dont even know how anyway so

i will hit you

good luck

not necessary, but appreciated

its the dumbest shit ive ever heard because i do like you dumbass
no quirk involved
your quirk isnt very good long distance, yeah?
even over the phone its iffy
so wouldn't i have caught on by now that you were messing with my head?

ah fuck
look at you being all logical and shit

suck a dick


since when did you eat chicken nuggets?

(since now / always, bitch)

are you feeling better?

yeah i am
thank you katsuki

dont mention it

alright alright
its way past your bedtime sonny
youll be big tired tomorrow

the only thing thatll be big tired tomorrow is your face after i punch it

that doesnt sound nice

never said i was

now go to bed loser




i like you too <3

im going to bed
delete me from your contacts

only if you block me first

why would i do that

goodnight katsuki

goodnight dumbass

you smiled down at the most recent text messages, butterflies in your stomach and throat. you did it. you finally confessed to your crush. your crush confessed to you.

turns out you two really were limitless.

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