Learning To Love

By SidneyFaith15

551 18 10

Amber doesn't remember how to love, Spock is half Vulcan, so logically, he can't. What do they do when they b... More

The Vulcan
New Friends
The Game
Planet: Lo'fi'na

Breaking and Entering

63 4 2
By SidneyFaith15

I rolled my sleeves and planted my hands on my hips as I glared down at Spock as if he was crazy. Spock tried to calmly readjust his back against the purple tree stump I had left him leaning on, then he looked up at me as he finally found his perfect Vulcan sitting position. "Your kidding me, right?"
He arched his left eyebrow. "Doctor, Vulcans do not 'kid.'" He replied, keeping eye contact with me as he slightly swiveled his head. "While there is sufficient reason for you, as an emotional human to be...upset, there is not a reason my stratagem should fail, unless my logic is flawed. Do you see an error in my logic??" He explained as I rolled my eyes.
Shaking my head, I shrugged, my hands firm on my hips. "Your logic is flaw-'less.'" I dramatized 'less' to prove and rub in his annoying 'emotional human' point, rather proudly might I add. "Alright! Alright I'll go along with your plan." I finally gave in. Loosely shrugging with my hands, I squatted beside him and fumbled with my medical equipment as I slipped the straps off from around me and set them beside where he sat. "If I get killed, it's ALL your fault."
He curiously stared at my finger jabbed into his chest. "Before I signed on as a Starfleet officer I knew that at some point I would have to be in charge of other individuals lives, and I am fully prepared to take maximum responsibility should anything unfortunate occur." He averted his attention from my finger, back to me. "Nevertheless, I will 'anticipate' your return. I would like a rematch tomorrow at 3D chess."
I smirked, and raised my brows. "Oh Spock, you want to be murdered again in chess? I'll have to remember that when these freaky aliens catch me and start torturing me. Maybe the thought of me having to forfeit the game will give me the strength to succeed this, crazy Vulcan plan. I guess I'm going to have to agree with Bones the next time he asks if your out of your 'Vulcan mind.'" I giggled, standing up straight as I grabbed the little contraption he assembled.
          "Wish me luck..." I muttered, the reality of what I was about to do dawning on me as I headed in the direction Spock pointed out.
          Tripping over plants and long ago fallen trees, I found the edge of the woods.
          A sudden feeling that I was all alone swept over me, but I squeezed my eyes shut and I counted to 10.
          "...8, 9, 10. I can do this, I can do this..." I mumbled as Spock's injuries flashed through my head. If they get a hold of me...No! I can't think like that! Spock will be dead within a couple of minutes and here I am thinking about myself! Focus...
          A group of phaser equipped men were heading out of a maroon, three story building. Angry looking, they marched the total opposite direction of me into the surrounding woods. I sighed a sigh of relief, and watched as more guards circled a small but sharp one story building. I think that's it...it matches Spock's description. It's got the...oh what did he say? 'Hexagonal Pyramid shaped structure?' Very Vulcan, and very complicated. Why couldn't have he just said, 'it's the one that looks like a triangle?' I scoffed as I imagined Spock being careless. Yeah, right.
          Ok, he said the five guards circle around and are ordered to stay there at all times, no matter what goes on. I'm just going to have to convince them to leave! Simple enough...I scoffed once again. I waited for Spock's cue.    
          Where is he?!
          Suddenly, an ear piercing siren rung out across the city. I yelled out in pain and my hands races for my ears. My eyes squeezed shut and I dropped to my knees, attempting to block out that horrid noise. Focus, FOCUS! I scolded myself. I tried to stand back up to watch where the guards went, when I felt a warm liquid oozing onto my hands. There goes my eardrum...I whimpered as I watched the last of the guards disappear into the surrounding woods. They've probably captured Spock by now, so I HAVE to hurry!
          Thankfully, once the only guards remaining in the city were the ones surrounding the building I needed to get into, the alarm stopped. I watched as they continued marching around, as if nothing happened. These Lo'Fi'nians must have horrible hearing, how are they not all deaf?! I shook my head and set Spock's contraption on a 30 second timer. 29, 28, 27...I placed it under a branch and jumped up out of the safety of the log I was hiding behind.
          "Hey guards!" I screamed, waving my arms and jumping up and down. The five pairs of eyes landed on me, and they nervously glanced at one another. They knew they weren't supposed to leave their post but no one else was around to capture me.
          The one in the middle signaled the other four men to surround me as they charged straight towards me. I gulped and, all on adrenaline, twisted around and ran for my life in the opposite direction.
          I planted my heels in the dirt, dropped to the ground, and ducked my head down under my arms as the explosion sent nature in purple, brown and green blurs past me. After a couple of seconds, I opened my eyes, which I hadn't even realized were closed, and stood, looking around for the guards. Noticing them sprawled across the forest floor, I clenched my jaw and dashed over to them, heading to the triangle building. My hands were shaking, but I had to concentrate, or else Spock...I shuddered.
          Grasping the cold, maroon handle and ripping open the door. I scanned the room, my eyes falling on everything. Hi'chui'ian! That means force field right? I think that's what Spock said...I zoomed for the door and it swooshed open. A control center counter faced me and I started switching every option to 'et'ian,' or 'off,' not certain on which one disabled the force field.
         Suddenly, the horrid building disappeared out of my sight and there stood Scotty in transporter room three, with Captain Kirk and Bones to his right and Spock directly to my left-
          "SPOCK!" I gasped as I noticed him lying down on the transporter pad next to me, out cold. His limp arm seemed to be grasping his right torso.
That's his heart. I bit my bottom lip and dropped to my knees as I checked for a pulse. Kirk and Bones dashed up to us, Bones with his medical tricorder scanning Spock.
          "He's still alive." Bones and I muttered simultaneously.
          "...but not for long." Bones continued. "We need to get him to Sick Bay, NOW."
          Right then, two nurses rolled a gurney into the room, stopping as close to the transporter pad as possible.
          "Jim, help me..." Bones mumbled, signaling the Captain to help him place Spock on the bed. Jim grabbed his arms and Bones grabbed his legs and stood as I helped the two nurses stabilize the gurney. The two set Spock down as gently as possible, and I placed Spocks hands on his chest.
          "Let's go...hurry!" Bones ordered, the two nurses and I zooming Spock down the corridor to Sick Bay.

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