The Unknown Publisher

By aynatulmarziya

542 117 241

It is a story of a normal girl who one day find her virtual book in a published book form at a bookstore. To... More


542 117 241
By aynatulmarziya

Note : This story will be mostly in third persons POV.

Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

In a Shopping Mall:-
At Burger king:-

Younger sister{whisper} : You said you'll ask.

Middle one : Wait let me create the atmosphere first. (I know you can do it, you just need to ask)

Elder sister : What's the matter?

Middle : Di, this burger is awesome.

Elder{while taking a bite} : I know right!

Younger : And these fries too.

Elder : Hmm, I agree.

Middle : Di, I'll bring an ice-cream for you. {She was about to get up from her seat}

Elder{raise one eyebrow} : Wait, stop!!! What do you both want?

Younger{nervously chuckle} : Why will we want something when you are with us?

Elder : Stop buttering, I know you both are upto something. Say it.

Middle : Actually di, while we were coming up... I saw a bookstore...

Elder : No no no...

Younger : Please di, just this once.

Elder : I brought you both with me for clothes shopping not book shopping.

Middle{with a pout} : Di, I'm your favorite cousin right?

Elder{roll her eyes} : Don't start your emotional blackmail now.

Younger{grinning} : Di, it's called love.

Elder : Yeah right! (They'll buy books in addition to that they'll torture me after reading it)

Middle : Di, you know I get inspiration from reading them to write my stories.

Younger : Me too.

Elder : I just hate the moment when you both discovered your inner writers. Common, let's go.

Middle/Younger : Love you di.{both hug her}

Elder : Only half an hour to buy your books or I'll leave.

Middle/Younger : Done deal.


Inside the bookstore:-

Younger : Romance or Mystery?

Middle : Umm, Mystery.

Younger : Okay but first let me have a look of "Beyondlocks" new book.

Middle : Alright, I'll be near mystery genre.

Younger : Fine.


After 15min:-

The middle one was going through the racks of books where Mystery genre was kept. Out of the blue she spot a book with the similar title as her virtual book. She pick it up to have a look of it when her younger cousin return back to her.

Younger : What's that?

Middle{smirking} : A book.

Younger : Very funny.

Middle : Haha, look at it's title.

Younger{perplexed} : How come it has the same title as yours?

Middle : Many people can have the similar title, right?

Younger : Exact same? Nope. Check author's name?

Middle : That's strange it is an anonymous author.

Younger : Open and read it a bit, hope it is not the same. Now-a-days people steal stories on top of that they publish them.

Elder{who arrived a bit ago} : Who will publish your books?

Middle{whining} : Di!!!

Elder : Sorry. {Middle one open a random page to read furthermore get shocked to find the exact same character names as well as dialogue's}

Middle : What the.....


What will be your reaction if you find your book published one day without your knowledge?


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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