Percy Jackson, Grandson of Vo...

By Magizen

427K 10.4K 8.1K

Names hold power. In the world of gods, the name Perseus Jackson is a respected name, a name that has the res... More

Tours End, Camps farewell...and wizards?
Finding Perseus Jackson
Paint wars and Moldyshorts
Pigs disease, blue cookies, and a jailbreak
Making enemies with the wrong family
Gringotts Goblins
Meeting Remus Lupin
More shopping, when will it end?!!!!!
Gaining Titles
Percy chats with Charlie and Bill
Sortie the Sorting Hat
Learning the Cure
Studying time is...time skipped!!!
Officially at Hogwarts
Nightmare, Trickery, and Professor Binns
Percy creates a Miracle during Potions
Nico loses it...literally
Harry has a what?!
Celebrity Status
Ideas and Astronomy
Percy scolds the gods
3 Months Later
"Then pursue me"
Unknown Number and Visitors
Seeking Answers
The scars of war are never light
A little bit of fun
New teachers
Co-teachers, Storms, and a Lion
What do you mean you didn't awaken?!
Visiting Ava Evans
A brother...
-Extra- The Moon and her Lion
Problems, problems, problems

The horror called...SHOPPING!!!

16K 394 423
By Magizen






"Ugh." Percy moaned from where he lay between the two arguing demigods. Jason stopped and Nico muttered a quick no, ending with the final say. "What time is it?"

"Early morning, we're going with the Weasley's to die again alley or something." Jason explains.

"Why do wizards name things so weirdly. Die again alley, pig's disease, moldyshorts...they need to see a therapist." Percy muttered, yawning as he sits up.

"Agreed." Nico says, slipping on a new shirt. Nico's wearing black again, darn he needs some choice in his wardrobe. Maybe I should burn all of his clothes and choose outfits for him...

Jason lost in thoughts, doesn't snap out of it until he hears Percy saying they better go. "Coming." Jason said, bolting up and running after the two.

"What were you two arguing about anyway?"


The two keep their silence, not wanting to say. Percy will probably never share cookies with us again if we tell him we were talking about blowing up the Weasley's house. I still say we should blow it up with our powers, but Nico is convinced we should use Greek fire. Ugh, he got the last word in. When we blow it up it'll be with Greek fire, darn...I wanted to do a Leo stunt.

"Okay." Percy slowly said the word, looking between the two for answers. Wait?! We can't blow up the entire house since Mrs. Weasley makes good cookies, alright, everything but the kitchen. We just have to get mini Percy, Bushy hair, and annoyance to be in the explosion zone...wait, why do we need to blow up the house, can't we just kill the three that are being mean to our sweet little Percy?!

"Right, earth to Jason, get back to the present."

"I am in the present, just planning future explosions." Jason says, before his eyes go wide as he makes an 'I'm caught' expression.

"Right, and no, you can't blow up whatever it is you're thinking of blowing up. Except the killer horses, feel free to blow up those." Percy says, and now it's Jason and Nico's turn to wonder what he's talking about.

"...Percy, let's end this conversation." Nico says at last.

. . . . .


After reaching Diagon Alley the three showed some amazement by the place, but mostly they just snickered as they talked in that language, each looking like they found something hilarious. Hermione scoffs, wondering how the three can be so stupid.

After entering the bookstore Molly helped them choose the books they'd need. "Thank you." Percy said to the shopkeeper as he picked up his pile of books. The books were piled up, almost reaching the ceiling. They probably won't even get through the books for the first year, and why'd they choose to have the books in Latin and Greek? Those are dead languages, no one really understands them.

Mr. Weasley kindly takes the books home by apparating. With the books dealt with they continued on. "Let's see, we'll do wands last, how about we go get your cauldrons?" Mrs. Weasley asks the three, who shrug in response. "Oh wait, here's the pet shop, you three must come in and choose a pet. Most choose owls as messengers."

", is that a you need a pet, or just an if you want a pet?" Jason asks, with his head tilted slightly. Hermione blushes and looks away she spots some other girls also blushing. 'Definitely have to convince Jason to be on our side, it would terrible to lose another hot male to the dark side.'


Ron stared at Hermione's red face in jealousy. 'Why does she always blush with a single look from those three, ugh, she's my girlfriend!' Jealousy thunders through Ron as the group enters the store. All of the animals are deathly quiet when the group enters. All of the Weasley's, Hermione, Harry, Draco and the three death eaters makes up the group.

The animals quietly begin chirping, each lowering their heads. "Blimey, are they bowing or something?" Ron asks. A laugh sounds from the side, and everyone turns their attention to the origin of the laugh. A young girl, maybe sixteen stands there with raven-black hair and silver-grey eyes. She's extremely beautiful, Ron could hear his heart picking up speed the longer he looked.

"Sorry, I've been teaching them a new trick." She says with a small smile. Her eyes glance over the group, and Ron can tell whoever she is, she's a warrior. Ron swallows nervously, feeling extremely shabby when the girl about 13 glances over him. Her eyes stop on Percy, Nico and Jason and she visibly relaxes, a real smile on her lips.

'Bloody hell she can't fall in love with them, there death eaters!' "Moon, it's been awhile." Percy suddenly said, walking forward and hugging the girl. She laughs in his embrace, before pulling back. She gives Jason and Nico each a hug. 'She knows them?! Wait, is she a death eater, not possible, no one that cute can be a death eater.'

Ron yelps as a wolf walks out of the side room and growls at him and Harry, like they've done some grievous wrong. Harry and Ron begin backing up, and the wolf growls at them again. "Sorry, it seems my wolf doesn't like you two. Mind waiting outside?"

Ron sulks as he turns around, shooting the wolf his best glare before he stalks outside. Outside he tries to look through the windows to see more of that girl. "Ron."

"What Harry?" Ron says, still distractedly trying to spot the girl

"I think I'm in love." Harry confesses, and Ron whirls around.

"WHAT?!" Ron bellows, and Harry covers his mouth.

"Why are you yelling, you've already got Hermione, and she's perfect for me." Harry says defensively.


"Didn't think you'd be here Artemis." Percy whispers to Artemis, after Harry and Ron leave.

"Dears, we'll leave you to talk." Mrs. Weasley says gesturing for everyone to head out. Percy caught Charlie and Bill's thoughtful looks and makes a mental note to ask them what they know later. Once everyone is out, Percy, Jason and Nico wait for Artemis to speak.

"You three can guess why I am here, can't you?" She says, as she gestures to her wolf. Three foxes are asleep atop the wolf.

"Thanks Artemis." Nico says, knowing it's very rare for Artemis to ever pretend to be a muggle just to make a delivery.

"Sure thing, it's not often I make deliveries in such a way." She says, as Percy picks up the silver furred fox. The fox's eyes open, revealing beautiful gold eyes.

"Hey Kunai, missed you." Percy says, removing the small black band on its foot. Its form shifts, and it becomes a nine tailed fox. Nico picks up the black furred, red eyed fox, removing the band to reveal another nine tailed fox.

"Kyros, you look well."

"Korax, wakey, wakey." Jason says, as he picks up the white furred, blue eyed fox. The three are all nine-tale foxes. Aion of eternity and Ananke of compulsion are there parents. The three found them as kits trying to survive and took them in. The three nine-tales became their spirit animals. When visiting his mom, Percy let the three visit Olympus, not expecting the whole wizarding problem to pop up.

"Sorry for not being able to come get you." Percy murmurs, ruffling Kunai's fur. After a couple minutes with their spirit animals in their true form, they put the bands back on. The three look-like normal one tailed foxes. Percy smiles lightly when Kunai sits on his shoulder.

"So, do they allow foxes?" Nico finally asks.

"Mrs. Weasley says they often have owls, but Hermione has a cat. It should be fine as long as they don't eat the owls." Jason says.

"Here that Kyros, no eating the owls...or at least don't get caught." Nico says his fox's eyes glittering. Percy looks away, his eyes finding Kunai's golden ones.

"Has Kyros been a bad influence on you?" He whispers, and Kunai nods. 'In other words, Nico is a bad influence on the three. They're triplets, already Kyros is heading for the dark side, Korax is lazy and Kunai is the only mature one...what did the two do to ruin their spirit animals?'

"Percy what's with that look?" Jason asks, unnerved by Percy's soul piercing gaze. Percy says nothing, just looking away and ruffling Kunai's fur. 'I'm going to have to be careful about leaving Kunai alone with those two.'

"I must go now, I have found three maidens to join my hunt, slowly I will rebuild the hunt." Artemis says, with determined eyes.

"I'm glad you've found some worthy girls; you'll have to visit." Jason says, as Korax falls asleep in his arms. Nico is busy whispering something with Kyros, that is likely relating to the owls Mrs. Weasley mentioned. Percy sighs. 'How am I related to them again?'

"Bye Artemis." The three leave, meeting up with their group outside.

"Foxes?" Ron asks after a long period of silence.

"What's wrong with foxes?" Nico asks, a look promising death if you say the wrong thing.

"Nothing, they'll be fine coming to Hogwarts as your familiars." Bill says, looking over each fox with a small smile. 'Must be an animal lover'

"What next?"

"Robes." Mrs. Weasley says. Percy, Jason and Nico all shake their heads.

"No, no robes, ever." Nico states. Percy can just imagine tripping over the hem of his robes in a fight and impaling himself. 'The great hero of Olympus, death by not happening.'

"Wimp, it's just a robe, you afraid someone will make fun of you?" Ron sneers. Percy shoots Ron a glance. 'He's insulted Nico, strike one.'

"No need to fight, you three don't need robes since Dumbledore made an exception."

"Great." Jason says with a smile. Nico and Percy relax, Nico slinging an arm over Percy's shoulder. "What else do we need?"

"Wands and cauldrons next, come along, the wand shop is right over there."

"Ollivander's wand shop." Hermione says, pointing out the building as she works her way in between Jason and the other two. Percy can tell Jason is irritated as Hermione starts pestering him with questions about his life. Nico and Percy share a look, and Percy sighs. 'This is going to be an extremely long year.'

As the group enters Ollivander's wand shop, Percy spots an older man. His eyes narrow as he senses the aura of a god, or in this case a goddess coming from the man. 'Interesting, two goddess's in one day.' By Jason and Nico's glance at the women with thoughtful looks, Percy knew he wasn't the only one to sense her.

"Meet Ollivander, the best wand maker around. He'll find the perfect wands for you three." Bill said with a grin. 

Author: Thanks to those who commented, I've posted this chapter early for all of you!

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