Player 3.0 ♛ Colby Brock

Von ashbro16

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"The world is trying to play a game with us, but we won't let them win, right player?" *Being republished s... Mehr

Chapter 1 ♛ The Call
Chapter 2 ♛ First Time
Chapter 3 ♛ Happy Birthday
Chapter 4 ♛ Biltmore Hotel
Chapter 5 ♛ White Walls
Chapter 6 ♛ Move On
Chapter 7 ♛ You & Me
Chapter 8 ♛ Mission Inn
Chapter 9 ♛ Drowning Liquor
Chapter 10 ♛ Queen Mary
Chapter 11 ♛ Hold Me
Chapter 12 ♛ Sweet Escape
Chapter 13 ♛ Prove It
Chapter 14 ♛ Sweet Dreams
Chapter 16 ♛ Game Over
Chapter 17 ♛ Just Fall
Chapter 18 ♛ First Anniversary
Chapter 19 ♛ God & I
Chapter 20 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 1
Chapter 21 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 2
Chapter 22 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 3
Chapter 23 ♛ The Past
Chapter 24 ♛ It's Negative
Chapter 25 ♛ Mike's Dead
Chapter 26 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 1
Chapter 27 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 2
Chapter 28 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 3
Chapter 29 ♛ Full Moon
Chapter 30 ♛ New Friendship
Chapter 31 ♛ Reality House
Chapter 32 ♛ Ugly Truth
Chapter 33 ♛ Old Memories
Chapter 34 ♛ Bloody Nightmares
Chapter 35 ♛ The Origin

Chapter 15 ♛ Old Enemies

3.1K 55 119
Von ashbro16

Atmosphere's P.O.V:

I was woken up by two unknown voices that were arguing with one another. My dark eyes rapidly flutter, trying to get my vision to focus and once it did, that's when everything hit me. My heart started to violently pound against my chest as the events of what had occurred the last time I was awake flooded my mind.

My eyes wandered around the empty cabin, and I quickly noticed that my wrists and ankles were tied up with thick ropes while my mouth was covered with duct tape. I tried wiggling out one of my hands through the ropes, but all it really did was cause rope burn on my skin.

The sound of heavy footsteps heading my way sent panic throughout my already trembling body, but I knew I had to play it cool and pretend that I was still fast asleep. Hopefully, whoever kidnapped me won't do anything to me if they see that I'm still passed out.

I quickly shut my eyes and let my body go numb as the door to the cabin swung open. I heard not one, but two pairs of feet walking over to me before stopping a couple of wood beams away.

"Damn, this bitch is still past out." That dark voice growled.

My heart sank once my mind jot back to that night in the TrapHouse. I didn't want to believe that the guy who tried hurting me that night was standing right in front of me, but deep down I knew he was, because after that night I could never get his stupid voice out of my head no matter how much I tried to.

"Cause she's weak, what do you expect." Tori snarled.

Tori? Tori is the other one who kidnapped me? The one who I didn't press chargers against, because I didn't want to ruin her stupid life?! This bitch got away easy the first time and now instead of staying low, she wants some revenge?! I can't believe this is happening right now. I should have let Jake drown her with that damn paint bucket that day.

"So, are we gonna wake her up or not?" He asked, clearly impatient that their plan was taking too long to happen.

"Let's first go get the rest of the supplies and then we will." She said.

"I get to still have my way with her, right?" He asked, chuckling as well.

A groaning sound left her lips, "I don't fucking care!" She spat at him, "Just stop asking me about it!"

"Don't talk to me like that!" He snapped, "I can easily ruin this little fucking plan of yours!" He threatened.

"And lose the chance of you getting ten million dollars?"

"How do you even know if she still has her parents money?" He asked, "For all we know she could have already spent it all."

"Have you seen her fucking clothes?!" She laughed, "She still has it. Plus, not in the best hiding spot."

"And how did you find out where she keeps her money?"

"Through the grapevine." She sang.

"So, you're doing this just because of the money?"

"The money is just the cherry on top of the sundae." She said, "I just want her completely out of the picture, so I can get back into that group and closer to Colby again."

"Damn, you bitches are fucking crazy." He murmured.

"Says the one who is helping me with this plan." She hissed.

"Listen, I'm only going through with this, because who the fuck doesn't want free money?" He made very clear, "Plus, it would be nice to see that stupid kid suffer knowing that I had my way with his little slut."

Tears were threatening to leak from the corner of my eyes, but I held them back with all my might. I didn't want them to know that I was wide awake and hearing their awful conversation. But I know I can't hold my tears in for much longer cause I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and fight them at this moment, but I can't.... because I will lose. I will always lose.

"We should get going." Tori said, "The sun is about to set soon." She added.

"We aren't taking her car, right?" He asked.

"Clearly not, idiot." She spat, "I wouldn't be shock to find out if there's a missing person's report about her  already out there, because of her dumb-ass friends. So we can't take her car." She explained, "Also, we need to finish with this plan before tomorrow morning." She added.

"Sounds good to me." He chuckled.

Once they left me all alone in the cabin, my watery eyes fluttered open letting my tears roll freely down my cheeks.  I knew this was the perfect opportunity to make my grand escape before they come back and execute their plan.

The sound of a rusty engine driving away gave me validation that they were gone for sure and that I can't waste no time now. I rocked myself up onto my butt and ripped the tape off my face since my hands were tied in front of me.

"Fuck." I hissed from the burning sensational it left behind.

"Fucking idiots." I murmured staring down at my tied wrists, "Who the fuck ties hands in the front? Have they never watched a crime show before?" I questioned their stupidity.

I leaned forward letting my fingers mess around with the knots on the ropes that were wrapped around my ankles. I kept tugging like there was no tomorrow, not caring at the fact that I was giving myself painful rope burns.

"Please." I begged, "Just fucking..." My voice trailed off when the ropes fell from my ankles.

"Yes." I breathed with a weak smile on my face.

My eyes wander around the empty cabin, hoping I could find something that would cut the rope from my wrists, but there was absolutely nothing in here, only a small metal chair.

A memory I had once forgotten flooded my mind. I remember that Colby left his pocket knife underneath my driver's seat in case of an emergency. I always thought that he was dumb to even do that, because when would I ever need that? But right now, I'm thanking that boy with all my heart for doing that for me, because clearly this is an emergency and I need that pocket knife now.

I stumbled onto my feet before making my way over to the door, shaking the door handle as hard I could but it wouldn't budge open. This means they had locked it from the outside, so I wouldn't be able to escape if I had woken up without them here.

My eyes wandered around the room until it landed on a small landscape window off to my right side. I pushed up the glass frame but it stopped halfway through.

"Jeez, you can't fit through this." I whispered to myself as I examined it. It was fairly too small and there was no way in hell I would fit through it, unless I broke the rest of the glass off.

I grabbed the metal chair that was behind me and held it up above my head, "You got this." I whispered to myself before chucking it towards the window.

The sound of glass shattering brought a feeling of hope inside of me. A weak smile appeared on my face before I climbed right through it. I didn't care that I may have gotten a few cuts from the broken glass that was still stuck in the window pane, cause I rather come home with a few cuts then to not come home at all.

"What the..." My eyes wander around the area I was in. I was in the middle of the woods in a place I knew nothing about. But I knew that I shouldn't waste any time and just head over to my car, get what I need and then get the hell out of here.

"No, no." I noticed that my car was locked and there were no keys to be found anywhere which left me with no choice, but having to break one of my car windows.

I picked up a well sized rock and chucked it into the driver-side's window, causing it to shatter, but the only problem is that it did set off my car alarm.

"Fuck." I hissed.

I scrambled to find the knife as my car's alarm started to fill up the once quiet air. Anyone from a three middle radius will be able to hear the noise, because of the echoing effect the wooded area has, and if the other two are still nearby they will obviously hear it and be heading their way back here as soon as possible.

"Yes." I breathed as I pulled out the pocket knife. I started to saw away at the ropes that were around my wrists. And after a few minutes, they were finally off. I let out a shaky breath, because I was finally free.

My eyes wander around my car, hoping to find my phone. I was praying that they had left it behind, because if I find it then I'm safe for sure.

"Yes." I whispered once my eyes landed on my iPhone. I quickly grabbed it, "No." I cried out when I noticed that it only had one battery percentage left.

I saw that I had hundreds of missed calls and messages from all of my friends, but I can't waste no time and read or answer all of them. So I called the one person I wanted to hear at the moment in case I would never be able to again.

"Please, pick up." I begged with tears rolling down my face.

After a couple of more rings, he picked up, "Atmosphere?! Are you okay?! Where are you?!" His voice was filled with panic.

"Colby." My voice cracked, "I'm fine for now, but I don't know where I am."

"Atmosphere, I can barely hear..." His voice was being cut off by some weird staticky sound.

"No, no." I breathed as I quickly put him on speaker and went to our messages, "Colby, I'm gonna send you my location." I still let him know even if it was hard for us to communicate, because of the poor cell connection.

"You're going to send me what?" He asked.

"No." I whispered, "It's not going through, Colby." I cried as I repeatedly pressed the resend button.

"Atmosphere, I... on... way... don't..." Colby's voice was cutting in and out, but he was trying his best to let me know he was there for me.

"Colby,  I can't hear you." I choked.

"Atmosphere..." His voice disappeared and all I heard was complete silence now.

"Please!" I cried out as I saw that my phone had died, "Don't leave me, Colby!" I screamed into the phone.

The sound of screeching tires in the distance over-towered my car alarm and my cries for help as well.

"No." I whimpered as my eyes fluttered down the dark dirt road.

They were coming back for me, and I knew I had to get far away from this place as soon as possible, because I don't want to find out what they would do to me once they have seen the damage I have done to their little plan.

Without wasting any time, I grabbed my pocket knife along with my phone before I took off running deep into the woods. I couldn't see anything, because of how dark it was at the moment. I was constantly running into trees and tripping over boulders, but I didn't let that stop me. I kept running.

The sound of my car alarm being shut off caused me to stop running. I turned around and noticed in the distance that the two of them were back and even though I couldn't make out their facial expressions, I knew that they were furious, because their screaming voices could be heard from miles away.

"You check the woods now!" Her voice echoed through the millions of tree branches.

"No." I breathed as I took a step back.

Like Sam and Colby taught me before when I'm in situations like this, stay low, don't panic and try not to make a single noise. Doing one out of those three will get you killed. So, I knew I couldn't keep running further into the woods. I needed to find a hiding spot and stay there until the coast was clear.

I let my hands wander around using them as my guide. Once they brushed against a large tree, I quickly felt around it and soon noticed that there was a giant boulder next to it. And by the way it felt, it seemed like both of them were at a certain angle where I could hide in between them without getting caught.

I sat down and pulled my legs in. My body was trembling from all the panic that I was feeling at the moment. I was completely alone in the middle of nowhere, in the dark with no chance of getting out of here alive.

"Don't make a sound, honey." My mother's voice filled the air, causing my heart to flutter a little bit, "He's coming this way, so be quiet." She whispered, causing fear to settle inside my bones.

I was praying that he wouldn't find me. I was hoping he would walk past me, or that something would spook him and he will make a run for it. But knowing how those two are, they had a mindset of wanting me dead, and they will do everything in their power to make sure they find me no matter what.

The sound of leaves crunching underneath heavy footsteps caused me to pull my pocket knife in front of me and hold it tightly against my chest. If it's truly him or Tori, I'm gonna put up a fight because I'm not going down this easily.

"Luke!" Tori called for him from the other side of the woods.

"What?!" He screamed back.

"I think I found her over here!" She said, causing my eyes to widen from the fact that I might make it out of here alive.

"Okay, I'm coming." He shouted back to her.

The sound of him walking away caused a sense of relief to flood my bones. If I just stay quiet then I can start running again and go get the help I need. I just still can't believe I'm gonna make it out of here alive without...

A loud chuckle radiated, "There you are...."

*****Author's Note****

Hey buddies!

I hope you guys are doing wonderful and I hope you guys have an amazing day or night.

Love you to the moon and back!


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