By okaharreh

58K 1.2K 288

In which a small town girl gets herself involved with the biggest popstar. She has no idea what she got herse... More



1.9K 56 7
By okaharreh

"The video is up in, three, two... one!" Evan said and everyone began cheering as the video started playing. I looked around to see if Harry was here and sure enough he was standing in the doorway of the living room.

I looked back to the tv before he noticed I was staring just as I popped up. Katie, Linda, and Hannah all silently cheered making me giggle softly. When I seen Cameron pop up I looked at him with a goofy smile then placed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled back and wrapped an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.

The video was actually so good. It was edited perfectly and better than I thought it would be. When the video ended everyone cheered again just like they did when the video first started.

Evan stepped up in front of the tv and started shushing everyone. When they quieted down he began his speech.

"I would like to thank the crew and producers for making yet another successful music video. Thank you to Linda and Katie, my girls! And also thank you to Anna and Cameron, you both did absolutely amazing." He said then looked over to Harry. "Most importantly thank you to Harry for sticking around and participating, hopefully we can make many many more music videos just like this one but better in the future!"

An applause erupted and Evan smiled and silently thanked everyone. "Now let's have some drinks and celebrate!"

Katie quickly turned towards me. "Do you guys want to see the game room?"

I looked to Hannah and she quickly nodded. "Hell yeah, let's go."

Katie, Linda, and Hannah got up from their seats and walked off and I was about to follow behind them but I was gonna convince Cameron to come first.

I stood up and grabbed his hand to pull him up. "Come on, let's go to the game room."

"I dont want to, I'll just stay here and chill." He said making me frown.

"Are you sure? I want you to have a good time." I say to him.

"If you want me to have a good time then stay in here with me." He offered but I knew his idea of fun was sitting on the couch and talking.

"I want to hang with the girls. It okay you don't have to go." I told him and leaned down to give him a kiss on his lips but he turned his head so I kissed his cheek instead.

I backed away with a confused look across my face.

"What?" He asks.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked.

"Just go hang out with the girls, I'll be in here." He said.

I sat down next to him instead. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Just go." He said, slightly raising his voice and making me flinch then causing a few heads to turn.

I stood up and walked away not wanting make him anymore mad than he already is, and away from everyone. As I walked out of the living room I passed by Harry who has been in the same spot this whole time.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, stopping me.

"Yeah." I nodded, but I felt my hands slightly shaking. I never have been shouted at like that by him before and I guess it scared me a little bit.

"You sure?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I told him then walked off. Since when is he concerned about me?

Hannah was walking towards me, probably wondering where I was.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Can we just go to the game room please?" I asked her. She hesitated but nodded and took my hand, leading me towards the room.

The whole time the girls were playing on games but I felt to stressed about Cameron. After he had lashed out on me and embarrassed me I felt somewhat stressed. The girls noticed and tried to ask me about it but I pushed it off and told them I'm fine. I didn't want to ruin the night.

They were all playing on a racing game and when they finished Hannah sighed.

"I'm thirsty." She said. "Do you guys want a drink?"

"Sure! I'm kind of thirsty as well." Katie said and Linda agreed.

"Okay." She smiled then looked at me. "Come with me."

I followed shortly behind her into the kitchen. I thought she was gonna get the drinks but instead she leaned against the counter and stared at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "You've been distant every since we went in the game room. Did Harry say something?"

I shook my head. "No.."

"Tell me what's wrong, Annabelle Rose." She said sternly.

"Cameron lashed out on me." I finally gave in.

"What? What did he say?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed and I knew she was growing angry.

"I wanted him to go to the game room with us but he seemed upset and yelled at me in front of everyone." I said, crossing my arms and leaning against the island.

"Do you want me to beat his ass?" She asked me making me laugh. "I'm serious. I'll kick him right in the balls."

"Hannah, stop." I giggled.

She leaned in for a hug and I gave in. "No one hurts my best friend."

"He didn't hurt me, he just embarrassed me." I said to her.

"Same thing." She shrugged and pulled away. Someone walked into the kitchen and I looked over to see Cameron.

Hannah glared at him as he approached me.

"Can I talk to you?" He looked down at me. I nodded my head.

"I'll be right back." I look at Hannah. She gives me a look that she has always given me saying, "Be careful".

I followed Cameron onto the back porch and he basically just apologized for lashing out at me and claimed that he was tired. Of course I gave in and we ended up hugging eventually.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"It's okay. Let's go inside, it's cold out here." I grabbed his hand and brought him inside.

"I'll go and hang out with you, if you want." I said to him. Thought I owed it to him since I did make him upset.

"I'm actually gonna go home, if that's okay. I'm tired and I don't feel good at all." He sighed.

I frowned. It didn't look like he wasn't feeling good, but maybe the alcohol was getting to him.

"Okay, Ill walk you out." I proceeded to lead him out, after kissing him goodbye I watched as he got into his car and drive away.

I made my way back inside and Hannah was there to greet me. "Hey, you okay?"

"I'm fine. Let's go get a drink." I smiled.


"Take me to your best friends house, roll around this round about, ohhh yeah!" I sang at the top of my lungs and threw my hands up in the air. "Hannah, sing with me."

I approached her and started dancing on her. She grabbed my shoulders and leaned down to my ear.

"Anna, your embarrassing yourself."

I giggled when her breath tickled my ears. "Stop, d-don't tickle.. me."

She sighed the walked away. I guess she doesn't want to have fun like me. Everyone is always such a party pooper.

"I'm taking you home." Hannah said and pushed me towards the front door.

"Wait, wait, wait.. I didn't even g-get enough to d-drink" I told her.

"Anna, you've had plenty." She said.

She pulled me out of the kitchen as we ran into Harry.

"Harry! Tell Hannah.. t-that I h-haven't had a-anything to drink." I said to him but all he did was smile.

"I'm sorry, she never drinks this much." Hannah sighed.

I looked over to her and stuck my tongue out, trying to lick her cheek but she backed away. I started giggling at her reaction.

"Do you need any help?" Harry asked.

Hannah looked confused. Probably because she doesn't know me and Harry has made up earlier.

"I think I'll be okay. Bye Harry." Hannah said and dragged me towards the front door.

"I didn't even say goodbye to anyone!" I said loudly.

"Anna, shut up!" Hannah said to me.

"Help, I do not give consent!" I yelled as she dragged me out the front door.

"Can you shut up? I'm trying to get you home." Hannah said.

"Shit, I forgot that a limo drove us here." Hannah sighed then brought out her phone.

"Sit down on the steps while I call an uber." Hannah said, and I obliged reluctantly.

I sung under my breath and danced because damn I'm a good singer. I kept singing and dancing while waiting for Hannah till someone walked out. I turned around and seen Harry then smiled.

"Heyyyy" I drew out.

"Hey, uh where's Hannah and why are you sitting on the stairs?" He asked.

"She's calling an uber and, I am waiting." I said pointing at myself.

"Where's the limo?" He asked.

I just shrugged then laid back on the concrete. "I'm so tired."

"My phone fucking died- Oh hi Harry." Hannah said and put her phone away.

"I can call Taylor if you want, he should be here in about fifteen minutes." He said.

"I can't wait fifteen minutes, she's about to pass out and if I don't get her in a car soon then I'm going to have to drag her." Hannah said.

"I'm not going to fall asleep!" I said pointing to her then laying back down. I did feel a little sleepy. These stairs oddly felt so comfortable.

"Let me take you guys home, an uber will take twice as long." He offered.

"Are you sure?" Hannah asked.

I looked up at him and so he was upside down and giggled lightly.

"Yeah, it's fine. Let me get my keys." He went back inside and came back out about a minute later.

"Come on, Anna. Get up." Hannah reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Woahhh" I slurred. "There was life five of you." I laughed.

"Imagine that," I put up my hand in front of her face. "Five! Hannah's. I think that would be a little to much if you ask me."

"Okay chatty Cathy, let's get going." Hannah said and helped me to Harry's car.

I tried talking to them on the way there but all they did was ignore me. Harry did laugh at my jokes though, Hannah just ignored me completely. It kinda hurt my feelings a little bit.

"Thank you so much for the ride Harry." Hannah said and hopped out of his car.

"It's no problem." He said and watched as Hannah dragged me out of the back seat.

"Hey Harry!" I shouted and Hannah shushed me but I ignored her like she ignored me. "You should come inside."

I winked at him and he bursted our laughing. Hannah sighed in embarrassment.

"Thank you for the offer but I need to get back to Evan's." He said still laughing a little bit.

"You have a boyfriend, Anna." Hannah told me.

"We aren't together." I exclaimed. "We are just dating, but it doesn't mean-"

"Goodnight Harry!" Hannah said cutting me off and then shut the car door.

Well that was rude.

"You are never drinking this much ever again." Hannah said pulling me into the house.

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