Bts J Hope :My Brother loves...

By az1029383756

6.5K 575 249

Y/n: We can't be together...we are siblings!! Jh: we can if we want to Y/n: but... Jh: ok I More first fanfiction 💜💜💜 annoying mother stepbrother
4.We can' are my brother
5.second chance?
6.everything is ok ...I think
7.This is not right
8.what are you doing?
9.did you see anything?
10.did you like it?
11.stop it
12.thank you...I am Y/n
13.what are you doing here?
14.please don't
15.who are you?
16.I hate you
17.on the same BED?
18.I am scared of you
19.what should I do?'s not the right time
21.we have to go to the hospital
22.this is not a new chapter
23.I will protect you
24.don't worry
26.she is safe with me
27.pls Y/n don't die
28.who are those ppl?
29.this is not a new chapter
30.the kiss
31.a dream
32. happy birthday Taehyung
33. new storyyyyy
34. I can't keep doing this
35. who got your attention
36. boss
37.don't feel wick
38. what should I do
39. not a chapter
30. not a chapter
32. Jimin?
33.not a chapter
follow me...

31. not a chapter

101 10 5
By az1029383756

Hello there dear viewers

Hello there beautiful people

Hello the my LOVES

soo yesterday
My sister was at a friends house and she stayed the until 2am in the morning.

I was still awake at this time...

My mom got a call and wen she picked it up she heard my sister...

So after she ended the call I heard her talk to my dad and say...

"She found a little dog on the road"

I got out of bed soo fast and got down the stairs only to find a little puppy in the middle of the road and my sister stroking its head.

This little guy was left alone in the middle of the night.

As my sister said she saw the puppy with a dog beside it but the dog got somewhat scared and run away leaving the little boy alone.

We took him in my sister's room and fed him since we had puppy's food...

He cried a bit but over all he was just an angel...

Also do you know the Greek youtuber named "giannakopoulos"?

Well if you do I want to inform you that me and my sister called him and he agreed to take the pappy...

Also my sister is his girlfriend and she has shown herself in some videos.

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