
By Melanin_Yanka

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If there's anything Kiara Washington wants nothing to do with, it's her white peers at Chancely High School... More

Author's Note & Disclaimer


239 17 8
By Melanin_Yanka


Chris gaped at me with pure confusion. "You... what?"

I nodded, meaning every word that left my mouth. "I want you."

"In what way?"

"Every way." I found myself saying. "I want you as a friend, an ally, a confidante... a significant other. I see you, Chris. When I look at you, I don't see some white boy... well I do, but that's not all I see anymore."

He laughed, wiping away the last of my tears from underneath my eyes. "Tell me what you see."

"I see... everything I've ever wanted in a man. You're such an admirable human being. I see somebody who only aspires to give love to those he cares about. I see someone who is persistent and stubborn, but only because he's passionate and caring. You inspire people, Chris. You inspire me. You were the first person who ever really took the time to get to know and understand me, and there was never an agenda. Yeah, I got Devon and the girls, but... it's different. I feel different. Even when I couldn't get away from you, I didn't want to. You're clearly a blessing I can't afford to miss out on... I want there to be an us."

"You know how I feel about you, Kiara." Chris's voice was serious as he spoke. "I know today's been an emotional one for you. When I'm fully for somebody, I go all in. I don't wanna put my energy into something that you may change your mind about in the next few days."

"I promise you, I won't. These feelings aren't impulsive. I've been trying to fight the emotions you've sparked in me for weeks. The first time I kissed you wasn't just for the hell of it. I couldn't hold back anymore. There's something special between us, and I wanna explore it... but only if you're down."

He silently stared at me for only a second. "You know I am."

He gingerly grabbed me by my face and pulled me towards him. Our lips smashed together desperately, hungrily. I immediately found my hands tangled in his hair, as he gripped my body even tighter. The temperature in the room instantly increased, and I couldn't help but feel the desire to have him as more than just my emotional partner. I'd fallen for him, but in that moment my body wanted more than reciprocated feelings.

I took him by his hand, leading him to my bedroom which was right beside the one we were in. The second I shut the door, Chris had me pinned against it. He moved my hands above my head and made a painfully pleasurable assault on my neck. It'd been awhile since I'd last had sex or messed around with someone, so the hormones took no time traveling to my core.

I cried out in ecstasy when he bit down on a special spot on my neck. Chills ran through my body, but it was also hot as hell. In between my thighs was on fire-- I needed to get out of my jeans.

One of Chris' hands let go of my wrists to play with the hem of my top. Now freeing my wrists completely, he removed my top and tossed it. I gasped when his hands slid down my body before grabbing me by my thighs and effortlessly lifting me. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his torso as our lips reconnected and he carried me to my bed. 

He stopped at the side of the bed and sat me down before removing his shirt. Being able to really look at him, I marveled at how attractive he actually was. He had a beautiful body with nice toned muscles and a defined six pack that I wanted to run my tongue down. I could feel my core burning with need. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I hooked up my Bluetooth speaker and hit shuffle on my RnB for sex playlist... don't act like you don't have one. Rocket by Beyonce started to play. Chris sat down on the bed just as I stood up and went to close my curtains, darkening the room. 

Both the dimming of the light in the space as well as the music set a sensual mood that caused the mutual desire to strengthen between the two of us. Chris reached out for me, and I met him halfway so that our kiss could continue. His hands travelled down my body and I quietly moaned when he gripped my ass cheeks. Our make out was becoming sloppy as our need for each other grew. Chris undid my pants before flipping us so that I was laying on the bed. I fought back a giggle when he yanked my jeans down my legs and pulled them off completely. I sat up and removed my bra, loving the way Chris licked his lips at the sight of my now exposed breasts.

"Don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to stop." He whispered. 

I nodded, knowing I had no intentions of doing so. He leaned down to kiss my lips again, before pressing kisses on my cheeks and having his lips trail down until they reached the top of my breasts. He sucked on the skin and I bit my lip, loving the feeling. Once he reached my nipple, he ever so lightly flicked his tongue against it. A shock went through me and I softly groaned. His mouth went to cover my nipple and I happily hummed at the way his tongue skillfully played with the bead.

I gasped when one of his hands slipped inside my underwear and rubbed circles against my very wet center. My back arched up off of the bed when he let two fingers slide inside of me. Another loud curse left my lips and I could feel the vibrations of his laughter against my body.

Chris fingering me alone had me ready to burst. It'd been so long and he was so damn good at it. It didn't take me long at all to start reaching my peak, but right before I could go over the edge Chris pulled his fingers from my opening. 

"Chris, what the fuck?!" The explosive anger was impulsive and he started laughing even more.

"I'm sorry, love." My heart leapt at him calling me love and I had to hide my smile with an eye roll. I grabbed his wrist and pulled the two fingers he had inside of me in my mouth, sucking off my juices. The smile faded from his face, and I grew smug at the way his eyes darkened and he bit his lip.

He started to undo his pants, yanking them and his boxers down to the ground. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from drooling. What kind of blessed genes gave him such a...

"Fuck." I mumbled, lifting my lower body off the bed to remove my panties.

Chris stared at me deeply. "You're so fucking beautiful, Kiara."

My heart began to pound as he leaned down to kiss me again. It was slow and intimate-- I didn't realize how much I needed that. He made me feel like so much more than I deserved. I couldn't even begin to fathom my feelings. Everything about this moment felt so right.

He broke away and looked up at the drapes on my canopy bed, silently swearing. "I don't have protection."

I pointed at the desk-table beside my bed. "In the drawer."

Chris didn't even hesitate. He pulled out an aluminum package, but before he ripped it open he asked, "and you're sure you wanna do this?"

I nodded. "I'm all yours."

Chris exhaled, rolling the rubber onto his length and climbing on the bed to hover over top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling my walls repeatedly clench and unclench as they sensed his tip alining with my center. My lips parted and I gasped at the erotic feeling of him sliding himself inside of me...


I half ran, half limped into the gym at 3:14 and exhaled in relief, seeing that Coach B hadn't arrived yet.

"Kiara!" Tiana and Monica ran up to me as I quickly set my cheer bag down beside the others along the wall.

"Hey y'all."

They both stared at me with odd expressions. "You good?"

"Yeah, sorry I got here so late. Chris and I fell asleep and literally woke up at 2:50."

"Y'all fell asleep?" We started to jog around the gym, and the other cheerleaders followed suit. "How'd that happen?"

I felt a smile form on my face as the recently acquired memories flooded my mind. "We were talking."

"Watchu smiling like that for?" Tiana made a face as we started our second lap. "You acting like you got dicked down or some shit."

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. Monica's eyes widened. "Kiara! Did you and Chris have sex?!"

I couldn't fight back my happy emotions anymore. I was still on a high from it. "Yep."

"Bitch!" Monica yelled, before lowering her voice. "Y'all did what?"

"I'm not even gonna act like we didn't. Y'all would've-- damn, slow down-- figured it out eventually." 

"Oh my goodness." Tiana freaked. "You can't even run. How'd it even happen?"

"I told him about my dad and Taylor." They rose their eyebrows in surprise. "He was so... compassionate and caring, and in that moment I realized I couldn't fight my feelings anymore. I didn't wanna sit on them either, so I told him how I was feeling. One thing led to another, and well... yeah."

We finished our laps and went back to the center of the gym floor to start stretching. Whenever Coach B didn't lead in warm-ups/work outs, we didn't do as much. 

"How was he?"

I exhaled as I stretched my arm over my head. "Girl. He was magnificent."

"Dead ass, or is that your dry spell talking?"

I shook my head. "He put in work. I actually orgasmed both rounds. Afterwards, we just laid in my bed and cuddled until we fell asleep."

"So are y'all fuck buddies now or something?" Tiana asked. "You said you told him how you feel, but you haven't even told us how you feel."

I shook my head. "We're actually gonna try to pursue this. After Friday's game, we're going on a date and will just see what happens from there."

"So you really like him. It's not just lust?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah... I really do. It's not just lust."

"This is so exciting!" Monica squealed, as we sat on the gym floor to stretch our legs. "I'm so happy for you, Kiki!"

"You're literally glowing." Tiana added.

"Hi, ladies." Coach B said as she entered the gym. "I have a couple announcements." We all stopped stretching to listen to what she had to say. "I've been watching each of you carefully these past 2 weeks. As you know, Friday is our first game, and I need to decide who will be serving as captain."

An anxious air filled the gym, as we waited for her to continue talking. I'd noticed how since Coach B had initially said she was going to start watching us all to decide who would be captain, a couple of the girls had become annoying as shit. They would try to take charge and tell everyone what to do, and they'd kiss Coach B's ass. I knew they were just trying to compete for the spot, but it was annoying. Just do your thing and show you're committed from the jump.

"Each of y'all are very talented and stellar athletes-- you wouldn't be on the team if you weren't. This decision wasn't based solely on your skills; I spoke to each of your teachers and Principal Karr about your attendance, attitudes, grades and how well you get along with others."

Whelp... that took me out of the mix. Even though I was getting along well with everybody now, that didn't mean my teachers and Principal Karr would see me as captain material. It honestly made me a little disappointed, but I couldn't really fault them.

"I took in their suggestions, but the decision was still solely my own. It was a tough one to make. That being said... I have made two different positions. We will have a traditional captain and a choreography leader. Your traditional captain will be Kaycee."

Everybody started clapping, as a shocked looking Kaycee shyly smiled. She did deserve it. She had been a Varsity cheerleader since freshman year and she was really nice to everybody. I was glad it was her over some of the other girls.

"And your choreographer will be Miss Kiara."

My eyebrows rose, as everyone clapped. Monica and Tiana excitedly hugged me. "Me?"

"Yes, you." She winked at me. "Both of you please stay after practice for a few minutes so we can discuss how this will work."

We both nodded, and Kaycee looked at me. "Congrats!" She whispered. 

I felt a smile play on my lips. "Thanks, you too."

"Everybody up! Today we're working on stunting. I'm going to assign you your stunt groups for Friday's game. My number one rule is safety! If a flyer hits the ground, you're all in big ass trouble."

Coach B assigned me, Monica, Tiana, and Kaycee in a group together. I was the tallest, so I was the back spot. Monica and Kaycee were bases and since Tiana was the smallest, she was the flyer. We worked together to learn how to do a basic prep. Once we learned that, we advanced to an extension. There were only nine of us, since Valeria had quit, meaning there were two stunt groups and a tumbler. Our group worked together really well, easily making us the better stunt team. Coach B was very pleased. Practice went on great, and everyone left feeling pretty good.

"Good job today, ladies. See y'all tomorrow. Kiara and Kaycee?" Coach B beckoned us over.

I turned to my friends. "If y'all spot Chris, can you tell him I'll be out in just a second?"

Tiana wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh yeah, we'll definitely tell him."

I rolled my eyes with a smile and met Kaycee and Coach B by the bleachers. "Okay ladies, first off I wanna say congrats. You both really stood out among your cheer mates and undeniably earned your positions."

We both thanked her and she continued. "Kaycee, you will be in charge of deciding what your team wears on home game days, hairstyles for games, and you will be leading workouts and warmups during practice for the remainder of the season. At games, you will be the one to start all the cheers. You and I will also collaborate on the design of our bows and what our team merchandise will be. Do you understand?"

She nodded excitedly. "Yes ma'am."

"I look forward to working with you. See you tomorrow." Kaycee grabbed her bags and went out the door. Coach B turned to me and rose an eyebrow. "You wanna explain to me why you skipped half of your classes today?"

How did she... "I... we had a debate in AP US History that was emotionally triggering for me. I felt overwhelmed, so I went home."

"What was the debate about?"

"It was based on our Unit about Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction period."

"What happened?" She leaned against the closed bleachers.

"It was fine, until we had to talk about current race relations. I didn't want to speak, but my teacher kinda forced me. Then some classmates of mine kinda started going off on me. I-I just felt a little attacked."

She exhaled through her nose. "I'm sorry that happened to you. How are you holding up?"

I shrugged. "It hurt at first, because some things they said hit too close to home, but I had a talk with one of my friends and I feel at peace."

"Good... as for your position, I want us to work closely together." Coach B said. "To be candid, you're undoubtedly my best. You've picked up on routines and cheers the fastest, and you're clearly a natural born dancer. I wanna challenge you."

"How so?"

"If you can, I'd like to meet with you for an hour or so after practice every Wednesday, starting next week. I want you to have some ideas for cheers and dance routines-- just skeletons, they don't have to be finished. That'll include drafting up sets and formations. We'll work together to fine tune."

I nodded. "That sounds good."

"Awesome, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at her and started to gather my things, when Coach be spoke again. "And Kiara?"

"Yes, Coach?"

She gave me a look that sent a wave of comfort through me. "If you ever need anything, even just someone to talk to... you have my number for a reason. Never hesitate. I'm here for you."

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