bloom. h.s ✔️

By vanillasoy

1.3M 32.8K 100K

// "Shit Flower, I miss you." // In which a former drug dealer who fell in love with the bosses' daughter fin... More

a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, man cannot live without love
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
a shameless promotion


34.9K 872 4.8K
By vanillasoy

The faint shrill ringing penetrated my ears as I rolled over groaning and buried my head further into my pillow and I willed the noise to go away.

I didn't even know what it was but it was annoying.

Soon enough it stopped and I reached out to grab my water bottle from my bedside table and took a long drink, pushing myself up to lean against the headboard. My head wasn't throbbing as badly anymore.

But that might have been thanks to the two showers I'd had today and the six paracetamol I'd swallowed. The first three having been when I'd woken up at about eight this morning, which was my first shower too.

That was a hard one considering I'd been asleep for four hours by that time. And I'd smelt so strongly of alcohol that I'd thrown up before I'd even managed to get in the shower.

The second lot of three and the second shower had been a few hours ago when both Lindsee and I surfaced properly, the state of my best friend had sent me into hysterics, which was probably thanks to the lack of sleep.

Now I was napping on and off in bed.

I was right, I was miserable toady and I was nursing a hangover but I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't grateful that Lindsee hadn't taken my pity party as an answer and we'd still gone out last night.

Plus it did take my mind off what today was for a while, especially while we were stuffing our faces with a delivery from McDonalds.

I groaned as I heard the shrill ringing start to drift into my room again and I sighed, I mean I probably should get up and sort dinner out considering it was, actually I didn't know what the time was.

I didn't even know where my phone was.


My eyes shot open as Lindsee shouted my name and I let out a half hearted call back of yeah.

"Your phone keeps ringing!"

So thats where my phone was.

I frowned as I rubbed my face before I pushed myself out of bed, I had no idea who was ringing me. Nobody really rang me purely because we were all anti social and preferred text messages.


I swore as I tripped, my hands shooting out in front of me but I managed to keep my balance and stayed upright, my eyes finding the culprit which were the pair of black thigh high boots I'd worn out last night and I glared at them before I left my room.

"It's Harry."

I looked up as Lindsee spoke up from where she was lounging on the sofa, an episode of what I recognised as Jersey Shore on the screen. Her simple two words making my stomach drop faster than the alcohol had.

After a bit of hunting about I finally found my phone, on a kitchen counter with exactly thirty three percent and I sucked my teeth as I looked the screen, two missed calls from Harry and a message that he'd sent at twelve thirty asking if I wanted to hang out.

I let my head thud back against the cupboard as I exhaled through my nose in something that was a mixture of a sigh and annoyance.

Harry was the last person I wanted to see today.

I didn't know whether or not I should reply to his message, I mean he'd asked six hours ago, surely he'd got the answer by now. Even without me saying anything.

I jumped as my phone buzzed rapidly in my hand and I was glad I'd plugged it into charge considering I was close to dropping it. The X-Files theme song soon began to ring out and I cringed as I saw Harry's name on the screen.

"Hi." I answered quietly, I didn't even know what I was so scared of.

Things were different now, right?

"Third time lucky, huh?" Harry's voice flowed into my ear and I let my head thud back against the wall. "You alright?"

"Yeah, sorry." I said, sitting up right. "So uh why are you calling?"

"Yeh' didn't answer my text."

"I was asleep." I chewed my lip as I played with the hem on my t-shirt.

"Do...d'you not wanna hang out then?"

I swallowed at the hesitation and the uncertainty in Harry's voice, immediately feeling guilty. But even that guilt couldn't outweigh the fear in my veins, it had been two years; I should be over it.

But it was two years that Harry hadn't told me why he left.

"I want to talk you." Harry said in lieu of a response from me making me swallow thickly.

"You are."

"No, Poppy. We need to talk. Can you come over?" Harry asked and I felt the fear increase ten fold.

Harry never wanted to talk, Harry never wanted to talk about anything difficult and it was rare he even wanted to talk about happy things. We'd seen each other on Thursday, had I done something wrong?

"Uh..." I trailed off, my voice cracking.

"We really need to talk. I'd come to you but...Lindsee." Harry continued.


"I think we need to talk and I don't wanna do it over the phone." Harry said and I bit my lip.

Harry didn't like confrontation. This had to be serious.

"Okay." I agreed, a hum coming from the other end.

"I'll text you my address."

I hung up quickly before either of us could say anything else and if Harry asked I'd lie and say it was a bad connection. The fear inside of me wouldn't let me say anything else.

My phone buzzed and I glanced at the address, copy and pasting it into the Uber app and I saw there was a car about two minutes away from me and I froze, my thumb hovering over the request button.

Was I sure I wanted to go over there?

Harry sounded serious.

I swapped my leggings for a pair of jeans before I requested my car, grabbing my keys and slipped my feet into a pair of flip-flops before I said a quick goodbye to Lindsee before leaving the flat. I took the stairs down instead of the lift in an attempt to release some of my nervous energy.

Only one thought remained in my brain as I slid into the back of car, sighing at the cool leather as I tried not to let my anxiety eat me alive.

Was I about to be dumped by the boy who's not my boyfriend, again?

The tall white door stared down at me as I stared up at it, I was right when I had assumed Harry lived in the Soho area too. His flat was exactly one street behind Oxford Street and right next to a Starbucks.

And coincidentally only a ten minute drive from my flat.

But that wasn't important, it wasn't important that Harry had very clearly upgraded, it was more that I had bile rising in my throat, an unfortunate by product of my anxiety I'd discovered around the time I was seventeen.

And even more so that the buzzer next to the neat little white card that had Harry's slanted scribbled handwriting on it saying H. Styles was waiting for me to press it.

I reached out and pressed the buzzer, the same thought that had been repeating in my head the entire way ride here as I heard the immediate clicking of the front door unlocking and I glanced at the number once more before I stepped in.

Was I about to be dumped by the boy who's not my boyfriend, again?

"Are you okay?"

The words were out of my mouth the moment Harry opened his front door. The entire lift journey up here, to the sixteenth floor no less, was spent with my brain trying to convince me that something had actually happened to Harry.

Cue my internal panic.

"Good evening." Harry blinked as he drawled before he smirked at me and motioned for me to come in.

"Hi puppy." I smiled, briefly forgetting myself as Gatsby beelined towards me as I wandered into Harry's hallway, the fluffy dog giving my hand a good lick before I slipped my feet out of my shoes.

"Are you hungover?"

I turned to find Harry leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and regarding me with an amused look.

"No." I lied, aware of his lips twitching and an eyebrow raising. "Not anymore."

Harry hummed but he didn't say anything as he gestured for me walk through the archway in front of me and I did as I was silently told, Gatsby following closely behind me and even in my hungover state I felt my eyes widen.

Harry's new flat was nice.

The kitchen was the first thing after the archway and his kitchen was a decent size compared to his old one and had a built in L shaped counter with a bar splitting the dining area up from the kitchen. The living area was still all part of the same room but Harry had managed to split it up nicely.

In fact he'd almost done it better than Lindsee and I had.

"If you need to chuck up, the bathroom is in there."

I looked to where Harry was pointing, the doorway directly on the left of the entrance to the kitchen and I simply nodded. Now that I'd gotten over my interest in his flat, my anxiety had rendered me speechless.

Harry held out a bottle of water silently and I took a hold of it with a small smile.


"Welcome, go sit down." Harry said, casually pointing at the sofa and I swallowed as I headed over there, Gatsby following behind me obediently before he jumped up on the sofa alongside me and rested his head on my leg.

"He's not-"

I looked up at Harry spoke, his own bottle of water uncapped in his hand as he made his way over, his eyes trained on Gatsby before he glanced at me and shook his head.

"Never mind."

The two of us sat silently for a moment and I was glad for Gatsby as one hand was buried in his fur, preoccupied for stroking his soft head.

"Think I know why you've been avoiding me." Harry said suddenly and I blinked.

Oh god, I had done something wrong.

"I'm not." I said quietly, watching as Harry shook his head, letting out laugh.

"Still a bad liar Poppy." Harry shook his head, "I know why you've been avoiding me and I'm sorry. I thought I was making the best choice but it wasn't and it was stupid, so fuckin' stupid and I'm sorry."

"Oh god this is happening now."

Harry laughed at my words as I flushed, realising that Harry wanted to talk about exactly what today was.

"As much as I wanna pretend it didn't happen, it did. I was a cunt and I'm just so sorry."

I focused my eyes on Gatsby, already feeling them start to sting with the beginning of tears. The soft brown and black dog calming my nerves and racing heart despite it being his owner who was the cause.

"Harry," I started before stopping almost immediately. "You just, you just left me."

I looked up at Harry, his own eyes sad as he looked back at me and he nodded slowly.

"I thought everything was good, everything was good! For me at least and I know I should have asked about it more and talked to you before it got that close but I didn't, but I also wasn't the one who just left. And you were mean. You were really mean to me that night and it hurt. It all hurt. Do you know that?"

I looked up at Harry, my eyes darting to him before looking back at Gatsby who had his eyes closed and I assumed he was asleep on my leg.

"And you know what our last interaction was? It was you, raising your arm so I could cuddle you in bed that night. And I thought, I thought that meant it was going to be okay. Our reconciliation. But then that morning, you were gone. You were gone and I never got any answers."

I was crying.

I knew I was going to, I wasn't able to think about this whole thing without crying. Even now, even now despite having the best time in New York, despite having Lindsee and all my other friends who made me happy and made me forget.

The memories were always there. The thought of Harry just leaving again was always in the back of my mind.

Harry didn't say anything, he just kept his eyes on me and if I wasn't so wrapped in my feelings I would have been embarrassed that it was two years later, that I was two years older and still crying.

"I tried to be mad, and I was. For a while at least. I was so mad that you were a coward who walked out in the middle of the night because you couldn't do it to my face, when I was awake. And I spent those days in France alone just praying that you'd come back, that you'd come back to me and say sorry.

"But I knew you wouldn't. But it didn't stop me from hoping, I hoped all the way to the airport that August. That you'd turn up and tell me you were sorry that you loved me, but you never did. It was just like we'd never known each other. You were just gone."

"Poppy I'm sorry."

"Are you?" I snapped, my tears blurring my vision but I could still see the sadness in Harry's face, hear it in his voice.

"I'm so sorry." Harry repeated. "I was so stupid and I was scared. I was scared of you leaving that I just didn't want to deal with it in anyw-"

"But I wasn't leaving!" I butted in.

"You were moving to New York."

"But I wasn't leaving you! I would have never have left you."

I sniffed as I held my head in my hands, the tears just gathering all over my lashes at this point although I was sure some had escaped.

"Harry I would have never have left you. I was in love with you! I was-" I paused to wipe at my eyes, sniffing heavily. "I was so in love with you and I gave you everything and I would have given you the rest of my life too."

"Loving you was like I went to war." I said as I sniffed, I shook my head slightly, it was dramatic and I knew it. "Loving you was like I went to war and I never, I wasn't the same afterwards and I never came back the same. And I don't think I'll ever be the same again. I gave you all of me Harry and I thought you'd stay.

"Because I loved you and you just didn't, you just left me. And I just-, who could ever-, I thought you could've-"I sniffed again, I didn't know where I was going with this. "Who could have ever loved me, like you loved-I thought you loved me but-"

"I did, I do." Harry said and I looked up at him through watery eyes, my head shaking as his words barely registered with me.

"I loved you so much, but I was so scared. I didn't know what love was and I certainly didn't think I was ever going to have it, let alone with someone like you. I have a Father who couldn't love or commit to anything, not even his own children. I watched my Mum fall in and out of temporary love with anyone who'd listen.

"I had no idea what I was doing but I knew I loved you. I loved you so much, it was the only thing that mattered and then just like that, it was slipping from my grasp. I couldn't let you leave because I knew you deserved better than me and that you'd find it in New York and I was just so scared of you leaving me that I decided-"

Harry's voice stopped immediately and I watched as he ran a hand through his hair before he shook his head and looked back up at me and I felt my heart break. Glistening tears collected on his lashes as we stared at each other.

"I thought if I left first then it wouldn't hurt. That you would hate me and then you'd find someone better like I knew you would but I wouldn't be hurt. Because I was the one that left."

"Did it?" I asked shakily, "Did it not hurt?"

"No." Harry shook his head, a several tears running down his cheek before he roughly wiped them away. "It hurt more than I could have ever imagined. And I'm so sorry Poppy."

"I'm sorry too."

"M'going to spend the rest of my life making this up to you, if you'll let me. I promise."

I exhaled shakily as I looked at Harry, his face crumpled with complete and utter despair and sadness and my heart ached. I'd never seen him look like that, not even back in France on that night two years ago.

I looked away from him as I combed my fingers through Gatsby's fur, a slight smile on my lips as I looked at the sleeping dog. He was an angel and did I really want to give up my visitation rights to him?

"I've missed you so much."

The minute the words had left my mouth Harry was reaching for me and I took a hold of his outstretched out, standing from the sofa and upsetting Gatsby in the process in favour of being pulled onto Harry's lap.

Both of his arms wrapping around me as I buried my face into his neck. He still wore the same cologne. I tightened my arms around his neck as I buried my face further into them, blurring the lines between my skin and his as tears leaked out.

"Missed you too Flower." Harry breathed, his voice quietened by my hair. "So much."

"Wanna do it properly this time." Harry said a little while later. I didn't know how long it had been, I just knew that his grip never loosened around me and my tears had slowly but surely dried up.

"Wanna do it properly this time, m'wanna go slower. We basically lived together and I want this to be real and proper this time around." Harry mumbled and I hummed, his words barely settling in my brain in my sleepy state.

I jumped as a loud rumble sounded through our bodies and I flushed as I realised it was my stomach, Harry's laughter coming not much later and I attempted to bury my face further into his neck.

"We should eat." Harry said and I nodded slightly.

Reluctantly I listened to Harry when he said he wanted to do things properly, I was glad we were on the same page, him wanting to do it properly, me with my boundaries and I took my seat back on the sofa although it was still next to Harry, Gatsby was unhappy with the way Harry had nudged him along.

"What would you like?" I asked as I rubbed my eye, glad that I hadn't put any makeup on. I'd considered it, but it wasn't like Harry didn't know what I looked like without it.

"I'll be right back."

Harry spoke before he disappeared into the doorway directly opposite his dining table and I let my eyes follow his tall body curiously before Gatsby nudged me and I went back to stroking his head.

"Is this still valid?"

I looked over at Harry standing in the doorway, a piece of crumpled up paper in his hands and I frowned, what was he talking about?

"What is it?" I asked, making Harry head back over to me and I held my hand out for it.

It wasn't paper, it was a piece of crumpled up card, the handwritten text was slightly faded and there were a couple of brown stains on the card as well and I gasped as I realised what I was holding.

"You still have this?"

"Course I do. Never got to redeem it." Harry said as if it was obvious and I bit my lip, tears rushing to my eyes. "Oh c'mon pretty girl no more crying. Please."

Harry was crouched in front of me within a minute, his hands on my face as he wiped under my eyes with his thumbs and I flushed as I sniffled, trying to stop the water works.

"Y'know I can't stand to see yeh' cry Flower. Please stop crying, for me."

I wiped at my eyes as I let out another shaky breath before I smiled shyly at him, Harry's own lips twitching up into a smile.

"Sorry." I said, the word slipping out without a second thought and I caught Harry's eyes rolling before I glanced down at the now open neck of his t-shirt.

I blinked as I caught the silver chain around his neck, it wasn't long. In fact it was resting just nicely against the centre of his collar bones but that wasn't what really peaked my interest.

I was more interested in the shiny ruby ring sitting against his slightly tanned skin.

I swallowed thickly as I tore my eyes away, aware of Harry looking at me in concern and I smiled. That was my ring.

Harry had my ring.

But I didn't think I could handle that conversation right now.

"What have you got in the fridge?" I asked instead, Harry standing up and holding a hand out for me to take a hold of before he pulled me into the kitchen.

"Not a lot." Harry admitted as he let go of my hand to rub his jaw and I pouted to myself as I watched him open the fridge and I peered in. "Chicken."

"Oh!" I suddenly remembered, "I have this really cool app that makes recipes out of the ingredients you put in."

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and quickly tapped in chicken breast and waited to see what it came up with. As expected there were seven hundred and twenty three pages and I bit my lip.

I scrolled for a little bit until one particular recipe caught my eye, soba noodles with garlic chicken.

"Do you have any soba noodles?" I asked Harry, who was just leaning against a counter watching me.

"The fuck are they?"

"I'll take that as a no." I laughed as I chewed my lip, what could we use instead? "Rice?"

"I definitely have rice." Harry smiled before he pulled open the cupboard he was standing in front of and handed me a box of rice.

"What about garlic chicken and rice." I smiled and Harry nodded. "Do you have these ingredients?"

I handed Harry my phone who's eyes flicked down the screen, his head nodding every few seconds and I put the rice box down. This was a pretty easy recipe, I was sure Harry would have no problems following along.


I looked over at Harry who pulled out a two litre bottle of soy sauce and I blinked.

"Holy shit?"

"Wot?" Harry asked, his eyes wide as I laughed but shook my head. "I like rice with soy as a late night snack."

"Of course you do." I laughed, before I looked back at my recipe as Harry got out some garlic and butter. "Okay so you just need to boil some rice, which you obviously know how to do."

"How much?"

"Um," I chewed my lip as I looked at the recipe it said a hundred and fifty grams of noddles but I doubted they weighed out the same, but that would be seventy five grams each, I wasn't good enough at maths for this. "A hundred and fifty grams."

I let Harry get to work weighing and rinsing the rice before he put a pot onto boil and I mixed some garlic and butter together in a bowl. I made sure to cut a little amount of butter to keep to the side for the rice later as well.

"Have you got any herbs?" I asked as I watched Harry watching the pot which was slowly coming to boil.

"Got wasabi."

"That's a spice not a herb but okay." I shrugged making Harry roll his eyes, "Should we put that on the chicken?"

"Yeh' why not." Harry nodded at me and I smile before I flicked my head at him.

"So rice usually boils in about three to five minutes and chicken is about five to ten minutes when its in a pan like this okay?" I explained and Harry nodded. "Okay so we'll use two chicken breasts cause they're pretty small and you just need to slice them up."

Harry grabbed a knife and I lent agains the counter as I watched him start at one end, pausing after his first slice to look at me and I nodded. I grabbed another knife to cut up the second breast easily.

"How much wasabi do you want?" I asked as I debated whether or not to smear it on the chicken or just to cook it in the the pan would be easier.

"Well I don't wanna blow my head off." Harry muttered making me laugh and ask for a spoon.

I squeezed out two tablespoons worth of wasabi before I dropped it into the pan and added the garlic and butter, Harry holding out a plastic spatula for me instantly making me smile.

"So you just push it around the pan until its melted but not completely gone and then just put the chicken in. Then give it about five minutes and put the rice in." I explained, Harry watching my movements intensely.

"Thought this would be harder." Harry muttered and I shrugged.

"It's an easy recipe."

"I tried one from one of the books yeh' gave me." Harry admitted and I smiled.

"Which one?"

"Some lemon chicken and asparagus or summat."

"Was it nice?" I asked, it sounded nice and something both Lindsee and I would like.

"S'alright. I don't like asparagus."

"Oh." I laughed, I couldn't relate. "I love asparagus."

"Yeh' just like vegetables." Harry muttered with narrowed eyes making me nod and shrug.

The two of us were silent as our laughter died out and I bit my lip as I let my eyes move around Harry's flat. I knew I was going to sleep well tonight, I always did after crying but I was happy too.

And I always slept better when I was happy.

"I really want to kiss you."

I looked at Harry in shock, my mouth opening as I almost asked him to repeat what he said only to find him looking at me in a way that had my entire body turning red and I swallowed.

"Can I?"

I nodded slowly or at least it felt slow to me but my heart was thundering in my chest and the blood was rushing in my ears, so for all I knew I might have been nodding like a lunatic.

I watched Harry take a step forward, his eyes flicking between mine as if he was waiting for me to change my mind before he dipped his head and I felt the warm plump cushions press against my own.

I blinked as Harry pulled away slightly, a whisper of a gap between our lips and I looked at him as his eyes stayed closed. I swallowed thickly as I tried to control myself, that wasn't a kiss.

I lent forward connecting our lips this time, my top lip slipping in between his perfectly, as it had always done and my hand shot out to steady myself on his shoulder as Harry wrapped an arm around my waist.

His lips moved against mine, slowly and unsure at first before I pressed my lips harder to his and I felt them twitch against mine before he was dragging his tongue across my bottom, nipping at it soon after and I parted my mouth like I'd done a million times before.

Harry still tasted like mint.

"Oh shit, put the rice in now!" I pulled back slightly panicked and reluctantly let go of Harry so I could push the chicken around the pan, and I noticed it was the frying pan I'd got him for his birthday; I was surprised he kept it. "Oh that butter is for it too."

I pointed at the little bit of butter left on a knife and Harry nodded before he flicked it into the pot and I smiled to myself in amusement.

I knew I was a bit out of breath too and I knew for sure my face was burning red but I couldn't bring myself to care. Especially not when I had felt nothing but happiness and an overwhelming sense of being home during the kiss.

"When do I add the soy sauce?"

"Whenever you want." I hummed, aware of Harry's eyes dipping to my lips ever so often.

My eyes caught the ruby ring around Harry's neck as he bent down to look at the flame on the hob and I rolled my lips together, should I ask? I mean I knew I probably should but what if it caused an argument and we literally just said sorry.

I was just relived I hadn't lost it.

And although I really wanted to know why he had it, I knew it could wait. I also wanted to know how he had it.

"When did you move in here?" I asked instead, referring to his new flat.

"Last June I think." Harry said and I nodded.

"It looks really nice." I smiled, my eyes flicking around. "What do you do about him?"

"Balcony in my room." Harry answered easily, clearly understanding I was talking about Gatsby.


"Bigger than yours, that's for sure." Harry teased and I laughed. "He's got this grass box thing. Works a treat."

"Wow, Gatsby must shit in style."

"Yeh' really have a way with words, don't you Flower?" Harry snorted and I bit my lip as my cheeks flushed and I gave the chicken one last push around.

"Think we're ready. Is the rice done?"

I watched as Harry shoved a spoon in the rice as I turned the ring under my pan off and Harry took a mouthful of rice before nodding.

"Fuckin' hot."

"You just cooked it." I said pointedly as Harry grabbed two plates.

"Thanks yeh' know it all." Harry muttered making me laugh. "Rice first?"

I nodded and watched as Harry spooned out piles of rice onto each of the plates, which were black and matte and I silently admired his choice of crockery. They'd also match my matte black cutlery set.

I divided the chicken up easily between both our plates before Harry took the pan off me and I watched silently as he put all of the used cutlery and the pot and pan into the dishwasher before he gave me a knife and fork.

"D'ya wanna watch something?" Harry asked as I took a seat on the sofa, Gatsby perking up the minute we sat.

I laughed as his noise twitched as he tried to get closer to Harry's plate, only to have Harry push him away and send him a stern look.

"What are you watching?" I asked before I took a mouthful of chicken and rice and hummed in appreciation. "This is really good."

"We make a good team." Harry smiled and I flushed, "Just been rewatching the American Office."

"I'm good with that." I said as I pulled my legs up under me, aware of Harry watching me for a long moment before he turned towards the TV and I just had to fight Gatsby's ever growing closer nose.

I smiled to myself as a new episode started and Harry started his dinner and I let myself soak in the moment, all my fears from this morning felt silly now.

This was Harry, my Harry.

How could I have forgotten that?


I jerked as I felt my body being jostled about and I blinked rapidly as I opened my eyes and I frowned.

"Easy pretty girl."

I blinked again as Harry spoke and I focused my eyes properly to see his head above me and I could feel his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked sleepily, a yawn leaving my mouth as I slowly realised he was carrying me, and walking.

"Yeh' fell asleep on the sofa. Five minutes into arguably the best episode of the Office. Putting yeh' in bed."

"Bed? I'm not at home."

"Thought yeh' could stay here if tha's' alrigh'. S'gone ten." Harry explained and I frowned as I rubbed at my eyes.

I fell asleep?

"I don't have any clothes." I said as Harry set me on the edge of the bed and I looked around the different room.

"When's that ever stopped yeh' before?" Harry laughed making me pout.

I watched through tired eyes as Harry wandered over to a set of drawers and I took a chance to look around the room, a set of double doors catching my eye and I slowly realised that it led outside.

I was in Harry's room.

"I don't have to stay in your room." I spoke up, I thought he wanted to do this slow.

"M'not letting yeh' sleep on the sofa." Harry shook his head as he held out a pair of boxers towards me and I frowned. "Don't think yeh' wanna sleep in jeans."

"Oh." I said quietly before I stood and I bit my lip. "Thank you."

Harry didn't say anything except nod and point towards a door I had noticed on the other side of the room and I watched as he disappeared inside and I heard running water and I realised it must be the bathroom.

I undid my jeans and pulled them off and easily pulled the pair of boxers up my legs, although considering the size difference, they were basically a pair of shorts.

I rolled my lips together as I hovered awkwardly whilst waiting for Harry to come back and I spotted a photo frame on the wall and I took a step forward only to have Harry appear in the doorway and I gave up my interest.

"Do yeh' sleep standing up now or summat?"

"What?" I blinked at Harry, his words going in my ears but they didn't really make sense.

"Get in bed Flower." Harry laughed, an eye roll being thrown my way as I noticed he was just in a pair of boxers and a plain white t-shirt.

"But its' your bed." I pouted making Harry shrug.


"Where are you going to sleep?"


"Don't be silly." I shook my head as I gave in and pulled back the duvet and slipped into the cool white sheets. "This is your bed."

"And yet you're already in it." Harry hummed and I flushed.

"You should sleep in your bed." I said firmly although my eyes were already drooping. "I'll just sleep on this side."

The bed jiggled as I buried my face into the pillow, very glad I didn't wear makeup now and I immediately felt warmer as Harry's body heat seeped across the white sheet and I sighed. There was something really nice about cool sheets and a persons body heat.

"Thank you."

I blinked blearily as I heard Harry's quiet voice and I touched his arm gently, too tired to ask him to repeat himself. But even in my sleep heavy state I noticed he was a lot closer than I expected him to be, but I wasn't complaining.

Not in the slightest.

"Jus', thank you Flower."

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//april showers bring may flowers// she was an angel, an angel trapped in the devils game, harry was no saint but at least he knew he wasn't a monste...
7.8K 105 34
***Sequel coming soon*** Louis and Sophie could be meant to be. That or they're chasing a teenage dream long outlived.