What Could Have Been... (Carm...

Oleh StueyBoii

41.9K 412 130

After Matt Watkins arrives on the WWE scene, the entire wrestling world is shook. The biggest free agent deci... Lebih Banyak

An Everlasting Memory
Let It All Out
Getting There Eventually
Bringing The Fight
The Battlescars Of Love
All At Once
The Right Time
The Sweet Smell Of Victory
Trying And Tempting
Oldest Trick In The Book
Life Priorities
Secret Betrayal
Speaking The Truth
Let Battle Commence
When A Battle Becomes A War
Making The Decision
A True Unification
Digging Down Deep
Greatest Day Of My Life (Epilogue)

Well, Well, Well...

1.2K 11 3
Oleh StueyBoii

After a few weeks spent at home looking after Arianna as well as major gym sessions, both Leah and Matt felt like they were ready to return to the ring, Leah more so. It was the Raw before Wrestlemania, and tonight was the official contract signings for the unification matches for the Universal & WWE Championships, the Raw & Smackdown Women's titles, as well as both sets of tag team titles. Leah was to be revealed as the special referee for the women's unification match, while Matt had other plans... They arrived at the arena with Arianna and Bradley in their baby carriers, Amy on Matt's back and set up their things in the locker room.

Leah: God, I cannot wait to be back in there tonight. Both Nia and Lacey better not get on the wrong side of me.

Matt: I'm just curious, you reckon Becky will be at Raw tonight?

Amy: Orange hair woman? I don't like her... she hurt Daddy!

Leah: If she does, she better not stick her nose where it's not wanted. I haven't forgot what she did to you and Lexi back at the Rumble.

Matt: Me neither, but this time, I feel like you can handle the business.

Leah: You betcha! When I feel like I'm ready, she'll know better to mess with my man.

Matt: I actually think I know why she's been after me and you...

Leah: Why's that?

As Amy was distracted playing with her toys, Matt explained the whole thing.

Matt: Well, a few years ago, while I was with Katie, and before Becky was in NXT, me and Becky got talking at my dad's 50th, she was a friend of my sister, Hannah, and long story short, after Katie had gone home, me and Becky had a few too many drinks, and we ended up in bed together, having a one-night stand. A few weeks after, she told me she got pregnant, and that's when I thought to myself that I shouldn't be choosing between Becky, her baby and the girl I love.

Leah: Oh my god...

Matt: After some thinking, I decided that I was staying with Katie, especially after I heard Becky had a miscarriage a few weeks after. I hadn't heard from her since then up until the Royal Rumble.

Leah: Whoa... So, you think she's after you or me?

Amy: Or me?

Matt: All of us. Cos she secretly had a thing for me, and never really liked Katie. So now, she's jealous of every relationship I've been in. And most likely, jealous of you. She probably wanted to be Amy's mum, not Katie or you.

Leah: But isn't she engaged to Seth?

Matt: Nope, he told me that they broke it off after her attack on me and Lexi at the Rumble.

Leah: Now I get it. So you two had a one night stand, she got pregnant, then had a miscarriage and you haven't made contact since...

Matt: Yeah, that's it. But enough from the past, let's focus on the here and now. First time in WWE for going on 9 months!

Leah: Wonder if the fans have missed me...

Matt: Duh! Of course they have, and they'll go mad for you tonight! Especially in that sexy referee outfit...

Leah: Not too revealing, is it?

The top was actually just a vest, showing off all of her new-found curves, and a pair of booty shorts, perfectly shaping her ass.

Matt: Not really. But it would have its perks if you kept it... for other uses in the future...

Leah: Ooh, cheeky! Now, the contract signing's coming up, so keep an eye on the girls for me, yeah?

Matt: Isn't that my job anyway? I am her dad, incase you didn't know!

Leah gave Matt a kiss as she headed off, leaving him, Amy and Arianna alone. Just as the door closed, Lexi and Josh turned up.

Lexi: Matt?

Josh: Bro?

Matt: Hold up a sec...

He re-emerged from the bathroom in his hooded bodywarmer, hat and wrestling trunks.

Matt: Wait until your mum sees what I have planned tonight! You didn't tell her anything, did you, Ames?

Amy: Tell who what, Daddy?

Matt: Good girl!

Lexi: Are you...

Josh: No way...

Matt: All I'm saying is, keep your eyes peeled. Keep an eye on the girls for me while I'm gone!

While Josh and Lexi were rendered speechless, Matt quickly rushed to gorilla where he watched the contracts being signed for all the unification matches. The tag champions signed their contract first, with the Raw champions, Cedric Alexander and Ricochet going against the Smackdown champions, The Miz and John Morrison.

Hunter: Now, for the women. Just so you know a few of the details, there will be a third participant for this match, by the name of...

After beating all of her fellow Horsewomen one week ago to earn the title shot, Becky's music then played and as she made her way to the ring, she stared down both of her opponents. She wanted revenge on Nia for breaking her face, and basically just wanted to beat down Lacey.

Becky: Any opportunity for The Man to make history yet again, so let's just cut to the chase...

All three ladies signed the contract, and soon after that, Hunter revealed something else.

Hunter: And also, to ensure a fair match between you three, I have appointed a special guest referee...

To a loud pop, Leah's music hit and out she came with her referee outfit on, doing her moonwalk. Once she got into the ring, she had a tense face off with both Nia and Lacey, but an even more tense face off with Becky.

Leah: Remember when you hit my man back at the Rumble, Becky? Well, hit this, bitch!

She slapped The Man in the face and as much as Becky wanted to beat her down there and then, Hunter held her back.

Hunter: Easy, Becky, take it easy...

As Leah continued to burn a hole through Becky, Hunter then moved on to the final contract, which was the top title on both brands.

Hunter: Now for you gentlemen, we plan on doing something a little different. Roman, Braun, Daniel, as you know, you three are all in this title match. But I felt there was something missing...

And right on cue, the lights went out for a few seconds.

Matt: Something missing, you say? How about... ME?

When the lights came back on, Matt had appeared, relaxing on a chair, feet up on the table. The pop he got was deafening. He then signed the contract and passed it to the others, inserting himself into the Universal Title match.

Matt: Let me make this perfectly clear. Whoever I pin on Sunday night, whether its Roman, Daniel, or even you, Braun, I plan on unifying the belts and making my history in 6 short days.

Hunter then spoke up again.

Hunter: On that topic, whoever wins that match will have a second match against the current WWE Champion, Aleister Black, where the winner will unify the belts and become the Undisputed WWE Champion!

Aleister then signed the contract for the unification match, eying up his potential challengers as he left the ring.

Hunter: So, I can see that you 4 gentlemen have some issues to sort out. Well, how about we see how big those issues are on Smackdown this Friday... when Roman Reigns and Matt Watkins will take on Daniel Bryan and Braun Strowman! May the best participant win...

As everyone went backstage, Matt showed up at the locker room, with Leah following close behind him.

Leah: So, you're in the Universal Title match now?

Matt: Yep, and after that, I'm unifying the belts as Aleister has said he wants to try and start a family with Zelina.

Leah: Aww, that's cute!

Just then, Leah realised something.

Leah: Hold on, if you're here... and I'm here... then who's watching the kids?

Matt: Babe, do you seriously think I would just leave our kids alone? Of course Josh and Lexi are watching them!

They opened the door to find Amy asleep on Josh's lap, Bradley asleep in his carrier, and Lexi bottle feeding Arianna.

Lexi: SHH! Amy's only just drifted off...

Leah: Hope they weren't too much trouble for you!

Lexi: On the contrary, I'm actually kinda good with this whole god-mother thing... and I'm going to need to be.

Matt: Why's that?

All three of them looked over at Josh, who was nodding at Lexi and motioning her to tell them.

Lexi: Well, I wanted you guys to be the first to know, but... I'm pregnant!

Matt: No way!

Leah: Congrats, babe! You and Josh will be such good parents!

Lexi: Thanks, just found out this morning after some violent morning sickness.

Leah: Okay, bit too much info!

Lexi: Anyway, that's why I don't have a match at Wrestlemania this year! So I told Nikki to find another partner to go for the tag titles with.

Matt: So who'd you get?

Lexi: Well, I spoke with a few ladies on Smackdown and even on NXT, and Tegan Nox said she was interested. You know, that Welsh-Scottish connection...

Matt: And the English from me! All we're missing is the Irish, but we all know who that is...

Leah: And rest assured, she'll get what's coming to her...

Matt: Just remember to call it like you see it, okay babe?

Leah: Don't you worry...

4 days later, on Smackdown...

Tegan Nox was revealed as Nikki's new tag partner, and The IIconics were shocked. Tegan then made her singles debut against Billie Kay, and put the Aussie away in a quick 5 minute match, thanks to The Shiniest Wizard. Liv and Nattie, the new champions then came out to confront both teams after they beat The IIconics at Fastlane for the belts. After that, it was main event time, with all 4 participants of the Universal Championship match involved. But as all 4 men waited, Hunter came out and made a surprising reveal.

Hunter: Now I can tell you 4 just want to unload hell on each other, especially Matt and Braun, but for tonight, there will be a special referee.

And as the arena went dark, out rose the WWE Champion, Aleister Black, sporting his title and a referee shirt. As the bell rang, Matt and Daniel started the match off, and to the surprise of everyone, Bryan was able to hold his own against Matt, with his strikes and suplexes enough to keep Matt down for a 2 count. Bryan then made the tag to Braun, and as Matt got to his feet, he went face to face with his former tag team champion. As Matt stuck his hand out for a show of respect, the Monster Among Men just pushed him away.

Braun: I'll show you respect when I win those belts and unify them!

As Matt got right up in Braun's face, he tried hitting a superkick to the Monster, but Braun countered it into a powerbomb, to which Matt crawled to Roman, who reluctantly made the tag.

Roman: Bring it, big man.

The two heavyweights traded blows, especially when Roman went for a Superman Punch, but Braun countered it and hit a chokeslam on the champion for a 2 count. As Matt then went for Bryan on the apron and lined him up for a Throwback, Braun saw it coming and hit his running shoulder block on the outside to not only Matt, but also, inadvertently to his tag team partner as well. He got back in the ring, only for Roman to meet him with a Superman Punch, and Matt to nail a Throwback, before Reigns then finished the job with a spear to get the win.

Greg: Here are your winners, the team of Matt Watkins and the Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!!!

Just as Roman picked up his belt from Aleister, Matt then connected with a Throwback to The Big Dog, before he was then met with a Black Mass from Black. Aleister then picked up his WWE Championship and the Universal Championship, and raised them above his head, signalling that he would be up for the challenge of unifying the titles. When the show was over, all 5 of the guys got backstage and exchanged some words of wisdom.

Roman: 2 days, and I will prove to you all that The Grandest Stage Of Them All is the Big Dog's yard.

Daniel: No kidding, will be expecting you guys to give it everything. I may be underdog in this whole situation, but I pulled off a miracle back in 2014, and I plan on doing it again.

Aleister: My first Wrestlemania title match, and I have no intentions on relinquishing this belt on order to unify it.

Braun: I've won tag titles at Mania before, but never a singles title... Now it's my time...

Matt: I remember that night, wonder what Nicholas is up to these days... All the same, let's just enjoy it and whatever happens, happens.

The group shook hands and as he got back to the locker room, he saw Lexi, Josh, Leah and the kids altogether.

Josh: Epic main event dude!

Lexi: That Black Mass looked like it really... hurt...

Matt: It kinda did, but I'm good now. Gonna just take a shower and will be right back.

Josh: We're gonna head off, cos you looked tired as hell, babe.

Lexi: Carry... me... home...

As Josh picked her up bridal style, Matt took his shower and came back to see Amy and Bradley asleep, and Leah giving Arianna a feed.

Matt: How you doing, babe?

Leah: As good as I can be to these two mini-me's!

Matt: You're a great mum already to Amy, and you'll always be a great mum to our little Arianna and Bradley!

As Leah got her shirt back on, Matt got dressed himself and the two then went home, tucking Amy and the babies in, with Pancake acting as a guard dog, who got a pat on the head from Matt, as well as a little kiss from Leah before the happy couple got into bed together.

Matt: I personally think you should give Becky a piece of your mind this Sunday. Do to her what I can't.

Leah: Trust me, she's gonna rue the day she messed with my family.

Matt: And I will do everything in my power to win and unify the men's belts too... for our family.

Leah: For OUR family, babe.

The two then kissed each other and fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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