Second Chances

By Radbren13

1.1K 27 6

It's now 2008 and it's 10 years after graduation. What ever happened to Emaline and Kate, and the rest of the... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 1

382 7 2
By Radbren13

Kate steadied herself and pulled open the front door of Boring High School. Stepping into the hallway, a torrent of memories began tumbling through her mind. She walked past her locker, remembering the way her heart leapt into her throat the day she saw "dyke" written on it, past the stairwell where her heart fluttered and her stomach filled with butterflies when Emaline told Kate that she liked her, past the auditorium where the AV and Theatre clubs had played spin the bottle together and where they'd screened their first movie. Kate paused just past the auditorium door and turned back, the memories cascading from her brain and igniting the flame in her heart that she'd long held for Emaline. The thoughts of Emaline made Kate's heart race. Kate stepped inside the auditorium, remembering the first time she kissed Emaline in that very room. Kate could feel Emaline's hands around her as they swayed to Duran Duran, she could see the glow of the ghostlight dancing in Emaline's eyes like sunlight on water, and she could remember exactly what Emaline's kiss felt like on her lips, unlocking worlds previously unknown to Kate. Their first kiss was soft, sweet, and electric, sending bolts of lightning through Kate's body. Kisses that powerful leave a mark. Kate was forever changed by Emaline Addario.

As she walked towards the stage, Kate's mind began to play a slideshow of all the moments she'd shared with Emaline right here in this auditorium. Suddenly she was 16 again standing on the stage where they had almost had their first kiss that night everyone played spin the bottle. Kate remembered every detail about Emaline from that night- the way her red plaid pants hugged her hips and complemented her figure, her golden hair twisted into Gwen Stefani knots, the tease of a red bra poking out from her white tank top that highlighted her shapely shoulders, and the mischievous flicker of the corner of her mouth when she slid an empty Zima bottle across the floor, daring Kate to spin it. While neither one could have admitted it that night, they had both been disappointed that they hadn't gotten 7 minutes together after the bottle came to a standstill pointed in Emaline's direction. They made up for that lost time, and more, later on, though. The stage became their "spot." A place to sneak away to before school, at lunch, and sometimes even in the middle of class when they timed their rendezvous just right. Sometimes they would just talk, their legs swinging off the edge of the stage, about everything and nothing, words excitedly spilling between them. It became a place where they could vent to one another, trading off who was pacing the stage gesticulating wildly, depending on the day. A lot of the time they sat cross-legged on the floor, quizzing each other on assignments and then, when they could no longer stand to be apart another moment, falling into one another, arms tangled around each other, hands caressing faces and arms, kissing like their lives depended on it.

Kate climbed onto the stage and looked out into the empty auditorium. The space seemed smaller somehow. It was still exactly like she remembered it, and different, all the same. Like a dream she had once in another life. She sat down on the edge and swung her feet over the side, like she had done a hundred times before. Kate thought about her last year at Boring High. It had been anything but boring. Kate had graduated early, testing well enough on all her AP and CLEP tests in her junior year to exempt her from her senior year, entirely, and fulfilling all the requirements for graduation. She didn't see the point in sticking around high school for another year when Emaline was going off to college. It's not like Kate cared about going to senior year activities or the prom, again, because she had already gone to all those events as a junior with her senior girlfriend, Emaline. Kate's last year of high school had actually been her junior year, but everyone treated her as a senior, anyway. It was an exciting time for Kate. Falling in love with Emaline was easy. It felt unlike anything Kate had ever experienced. It felt right. It felt like home. Not to say Kate didn't feel at home with her dad, but things changed after Kate's mom died. Their family dynamic was forever scarred. Kate's relationship with Emaline was different- unbroken. When Emaline was around the air crackled with excitement, dreams for the future had sprouted in Kate's mind like rosebuds bursting into blooms, and anything felt possible.

Kate remembered the day on this stage that she'd told Emaline she had decided to graduate early. She and Emaline had talked about it many times and now she was ready to take the necessary steps to make the future they'd dreamed about a reality. 

"I'm coming to Chicago with you next year," Kate whispered to Emaline as she kissed her girlfriend deeply and freely. Emaline grinned at the thought, whispering back in Kate's ear "I really hope you do," before planting a kiss on Kate's neck. 

"I'm serious." Kate moaned as Emaline grazed Kate's jawline with her teeth.
This admission caused Emaline to break from the kiss she'd begun to lay on Kate's lips.

"Really?!" Emaline cried, "please, don't joke about this, my heart can't stand it!"

"I am really coming with you, I was accepted into DePaul. My early acceptance letter came yesterday and my Dad is fully on board," Kate told Emaline with glee.

"Shut up, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Emaline exclaimed, pulling Kate into a tight hug.

"I can't believe I'm going to Northwestern's drama school and you're going to be at film school RIGHT there. Kate we are going to have the best time!" Emaline proclaimed.

Kate declared, "we always have the best time, Em. I'm crazy about you," as she gazed at the sparkles in Emaline's eyes.

Kate couldn't help but mirror Emaline's wide smile and they both giggled, stars shooting between their eyes.

"I'm equally crazy about you, Sweetie. I can't help but smile when I'm around you, Kate," Emaline mused.

Kate's smile widened. "You're so cute, I can hardly stand it," Emaline said before pulling Kate in for another kiss.

Kate wrapped her arms around Emaline's waist, returning the kiss with enough heat to cause Emaline's knees to buckle.

As she leaned her weight onto the taller girl's body, Emaline rested her head on Kate's chest and breathed, "with you I'll be smiling forever."

Except Kate wasn't 17 anymore. She was 27. And that memory was something that happened a long time ago. Back in reality, Emaline wasn't around and Kate's heart sank at the thought. In the beginning, things between them had been so full of hope. They had made plans for the future. Like going to different colleges, so they could each have independence and a well-rounded college experience, but choosing schools that were close enough to one another that they could see each other whenever they wanted. Kate was going to study film, while Emaline studied drama. They were going to move to New York or maybe Orlando after graduation and start their careers, because LA was too cliche. Besides, you can always move to LA, but starting a career somewhere else would give them an edge, they thought. They wanted to travel to places like Vietnam, Brazil, Iceland, and Prague. They were going to beat the odds. And although neither one ever said it to the other, they each thought they would end up married some day, in some sense of the word. Kate was lost in thought when suddenly the door to the auditorium swung open.

"There you are. I thought I might find you in here," called a familiar voice.

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