one more night [alex a]

By -amarii

258K 5.1K 6.5K

[ fluff ] Season 1 & 2 of One Day At A Time! (alex alvarez au) Bianca Melo-Schneider is currently living wit... More

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𝟓𝟎𝐤 & (𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕) 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫


6.5K 165 199
By -amarii

May. Sunday.

I was planning on hanging out with Alex tonight, but he has a Bar Mitzvah that he's going to. I text Rachel, asking her if she wanted to go to the mall. She said sure as long as I promised to buy her Starbucks.

I walk down to the Alvarez's because I remembered I left my lipstick in Alex's room. I leave it there sometimes so I can fix it before I leave his room.

"Hey, guys! Sorry to pop in, I just need to get my lipstick from Alex's room." I say but Penelope stops me. "Why would it be in Alex's room?"

"Uh... Because, it accidentally fell out of my bag when we were doing homework one time." I lie. Pen shrugs and I go grab it. I walk out and see everyone heading out. "Bye, Penelope!" I wave to her. "I like the suit, Alvarez." I compliment Alex and he winks. God, I'm not sure why that's so attractive.

I walk out and head to front lobby to wait for Rachel's mom to drop her off so we could take the public bus. When we get down there, there are cops standing outside, blocking the doors. "I'm sorry, but you have to head back to your apartments." One of them say. "There is suspicious activity going on around here."

Ugh! This sucks. "Aww, man!" Alex complains.

We walk back upstairs and are met with the door being locked. "Lupe! There is a murderer running loose!" Lydia calls for her.

"Coming! I'm coming!" Penelope opens the door. She's wearing a jump suit and her lipstick is smudged... There's a boy over! I would know.

"You look nice." Elena complimented her. "Too nice." I start walking around her. When they all walk away, I start asking questions. "So, Pen." I start, but Schneider walks in.
He says he has everything that you would need in a time like this.
Pen looks like she wants to say something, but I'm obviously in the way.

"Bianca. Can you go check on Alex for me?" She asks. "Sure, but," I reach into my bag and grab a make up wipe, "Your lipstick is smudged. Homework really got to ya?" Penelope rolls her eyes and puts a finger over her lips, basically telling me to not say anything. I nod and walk over to Alex.

He's sitting at the table, on his phone. "I'm sorry that you have to miss the Bar Mitzvah."

"It's fine. I can probably just face time them later." He says.

"Kids, why don't you go to your rooms until dinner?" Alex and I nod, but Elena says, "You want me to be in my room alone, me and my date?"

"Door open, feet on the floor, Alex and Bianca can watch you." Pen grabs our arms. "They'll probably be too distracted with each other to notice." Elena says, walking to her room and us following.

"That's not true." I say.
We get to her room and I jump onto her bead. Alex sat next to me and we went on our phones.

"So I guess you're stuck with me." Syd said and Elena laughed very awkwardly.

"Oh, A Wrinkle In Time." They walk up to Elena's small bookcase. "Yeah, it's stupid." Elena lies.

"It's my favorite book." Syd says.

"Stupid how much I love it."

I shake my head. "Oh, gosh, I can't watch this." I turn to Alex.

"You okay there?" Syd asks her. Elena nods, "Yeah, I'm just super hungry."

I immediately look up, wide eyed. I put my face in Alex's shoulder and laugh. "For food." Elena reassures us.

I stand up and so does Alex. "How about we be normal?" Alex walks up to the door, "And get snacks." I finish.
"Elena, can you help us?" I ask.

"Shurbly-burbly." She says, trying to act cool. I sigh and Alex opens the door. I head out and wait for them to walk out.

"What is up with you?" Alex asks. "Nothing." She says.

I scoff, "Oh, are you shurbly-burbly?"

She pouts. "Can you guys help me make things less awkward?" She begs. She turns to Alex, "People say you're charming." Alex smirks and raises his eyebrows, "People are right."

And then she looks at the both of us, "And you two are always flirting."

"No we don't." I say.

"Don't think I don't see you walking out of Alex's room with smudged lipstick." She whispered.

Note to self, stop wearing lipstick.

Shit, she caught me. "Alex likes to mess up my lipstick to annoy me."

"With his lips?" Elena questions.

My jaw drops. "Shut up." I wave my hand in front of her face.
"How about, Alex, you go get some snacks, and Elena, I'll walk you through it."

"No, I should do it, you've never even had a girlfriend." Alex complains. I smirk.

"I'll have you know I had a girlfriend in second grade. Though, I didn't know what it meant." I inform them.

"Okay, lets go." Elena pulls me into her room. Syd is looking at her bookcase. "Okay, so just start a conversation. Ask them what their favorite color is or their favorite movie, and go on from there." I whisper. Elena nods and goes up to Syd.

"Hey." Elena waved to them. Syd waved back. "Hey."

"What's your favorite movie color?" Elena messes up. Oh, Lord. I get up and head for the door and I see Alex coming back with snacks. "You better take control of this, I tried."


Alex is playing around, "Double-A Alex Alvarez and Syd Vicious, coming at you, live, from hashtag lockdown."

Syd then shows the camera the fire escape, easy access for zombies. Syd makes Alex promise he won't let her turn. Then Elena takes the phone and says, "I'll kill you!"




She is hopeless. Then his phone starts ringing. "They're facetiming me from the Bar Mitzvah... Yeah this can't be my background, I'm out. Bee, you coming?" I get up and Elena silently begs me to stay and help.

I look at her, "Just be yourself." I walk out.


"Dinner!" Lydia calls. I've been bored the past thirty minutes because Alex has been focused on the Bar Mitzvah and I didn't wanna call Rachel while he was on the phone. I jump up and head for the dinning room.

"Yay! Food and group activity!" Elena rushes out of her room.

I grab my plate from the kitchen and go sit down. "Kids, don't be alarmed by the stranger. This is Schneider's sponsor, Max" Pen tells us.

"Hi." We all say and he nods. I lean towards Pen. "More like el novio." She gives me a "really bitch" look. I laugh and she says, "That's not me, that's you." (Boyfriend)

We all eat dinner, Lydia was being flirty with Max and Dr. B was sad that he wasn't being counted as "the man of the house". Typical night.

"Every women needs a man." Lydia says. I'm so not into the conversation, I'm lost. Elena clears her throat rather loudly. "Most women need a man." Lydia corrects herself corrects herself.

Elena, Syd, Alex and I all go sit on the couch, with me sitting on an arm chair and Alex on the end of the couch so Syd and Elena can have some privacy.

"So tell me, Max," Lydia starts, "does she make you want to fight a duel in her honor?"

I laugh and Alex turns to me and smiles. "I'd kill a thousand men for the pleasure of your smile."

I giggle a bit and look down. "That was sweet." I put some food in my mouth, "But you would never dirty your hands." I joke after I finish chewing.

He rolls his eyes, "I'm serious."

I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." I smile.

"One more time." He pleads and I give him one more kiss on the cheek.

Before I know it, Syd is storming off to Elena's room, Elena quickly following.

"Oo, tea." I turn to Alex and he laughs.

About five minutes later, all we hear is. "Kissing teenagers, please go back inside."

"... Damn." I laugh.


After a while, they let us know we're allowed to leave. I decide that it's late and I have school tomorrow. I go to Alex's room and grab my things. Alex jumps on his bed. "Come cuddle with me." He begs.

"Alex, it's late. We have school tomorrow."

"Pleaseee." He pouts.

I give in. "Okay." I say softly, climbing onto his bed. He wraps his arms around my torso and puts his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You make me really happy." I say. "You make me happy, too." He looks up at me with a smile. I let out a breath and close my eyes. "I never want to let you go." He says.

I really want him to ask me out. I really am falling for him.

After a few minutes of cuddling and talking, I tell him that I need to get home before Schneider gets worried. "I'll see you tomorrow morning." I kiss him on the cheek.

He scoffs, "I want a real kiss." He crosses his arms. I get off of his bed and laugh. "Nice try, I'll be here for another hour if I give you a real kiss."

I head to his door. "Bye, mama." He says. I turn to him and smile. "I like it." I giggle and head out.

When I turn the corner I see Max and Pen kissing. I back up behind the corner and wait for the sound of the door opening and closing. "Goodbye... Idiota." Max leaves and I turn the corner.

"El novio." I cross my arms.

"Ay!" Pen jumps and turns around.
Pen squints her eyes at me before breaking. "Okay!"

"Ah ha!" I point. "Wait, so that's your boyfriend?" I ask. She shakes her head no. "It's complicated."

I clap my hand and say, "I knew he was here for a date!" Pen sighs. "How'd you know?" She asked me.

"Your lipstick was smudged and you're wearing a jumpsuit from Calvin Klein, how would I not know?" I say in a knowing voice.

"Just, don't tell the kids." She begs me.

"Of course I won't. It has nothing to do with me."

Pen pulls me into a hug. "Alright, you have school in the morning. Good night, chiquita." Pen pulls away.

"Buenos nochas." I leave and head up to Schneider's apartment.

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