Working for Malfoy

By Quidditch007

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Voldemort is dead. Harry killed him before being brutally murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange. Any mudbloods or b... More

Chapter 1: Captured
Chapter 2: The Birthday Surprise
Chapter 3: The Worst Day Ever
Chapter 4: Lunch With Weasley
Chapter 6: Answers and Plans
Chapter 7: Flashbacks
Chapter 8: The Center of the Garden
Chapter 9: Help and Trust
Chapter 10: Visiting Alcatraz
Chapter 11: Reunited
Chapter 12: Dinner at the Tower
Chapter 13: Lightning
Chapter 14: Swimming
Chapter 15: Gryffindors Together
Chapter 16: Starting Over
Chapter 17: Now You Know
Chapter 18: News
Chapter 19: Bathroom Conversation
Chapter 20: She's Back
Chapter 21: Sorry
Chapter 22: Glass
Chapter 23: St. Mungos
Chapter 24: Caring
Chapter 25: Memories
Chapter 26: She Trusted Me
Chapter 27: The Letter
Chapter 28: Visiting a "Deceased" Friend
Chapter 29: Planning for Future Purposes
Chapter 30: My Dumb Mistake
Chapter 31: Genuine
Chapter 32: Moving
Chapter 33: Quick Healing and Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 34: Close Call
Chapter 35: You Never Despised Her
Chapter 36: A Newfound Sibling
Thank You!!!
My Other Account
Chapter 37: A New Plan
Chapter 38: A Letter in the Bathroom
Chapter 39: A Change in Plans
Chapter 40: Getting Ready
Chapter 41: The Window's Moonlight
Chapter 42: A Missing Piece
Chapter 43: Visitors
Chapter 44: His New Spell
Chapter 45: Perfect
Chapter 46: His Feelings and My Choices
Chapter 47: Just Tired
House Pics
Chapter 48: Dobby
Chapter 49: The Definition of Gorgeous
Chapter 50: Mine
Chapter 51: What Happened
Chapter 52: Something He Didn't Know
Chapter 53: Guilt
Chapter 54: Husband Material
Chapter 55: The Hearing
Chapter 56: In Two Weeks
Chapter 57: Closed?
Chapter 58: The Big Day
Chapter 59: My Girl
The Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott Families

Chapter 5: Scars

1.8K 39 1
By Quidditch007

As soon as Ron entered the room and closed the door, it felt as though I was back in his office. He waved his wand and cast a silencing charm on the room and a few others to lock the door.

"Nice to see you again." He started. "How have your past few hours been?" He frowned when I didn't answer.

"You better answer me. You know the consequences for not answering."

When I didn't answer for the second time, he pointed his wand at me.

"Crucio." He said lazily.

I immediately dropped to the floor and screamed in pain as the all to familiar sensation of the Cruciartus Curse being used stabbed at my body. When the curse was lifted he knelt down beside me and grabbed my hair, forcing me to look up at him.

"Are you going to answer me yet?" He asked.

When I just sat there, he scoffed.

"You just really like being tortured don't you." He snapped before starting the curse again.

For a second time I screamed in pain. I curled up into a ball once the curse was lifted and felt a tear escape. He forced me on my feet and it was then that I realized I was bleeding. I haven't started bleeding from the Cruciartus Curse in a month.

"If you don't answer me, then we will be going back to square one." He threatened.

I still did not answer. I didn't feel the need to seeing as I wasn't living in the same place as him anymore. He stared at me, expecting for me to say something, but when I didn't he reached forward and pulled up my dress so that my stomach was exposed. I tried to pull it down, but it was no use. He was to strong and had me pushed up against the wall.

"Don't fight me mudblood. You remember what happened last time you fought me don't you?" He hissed.
I whimpered when his other hand grabbed me.

"I have an hour. So you can either answer my questions or face the consequences."

When I still didn't respond, he slapped me. I screamed out and started crying. It didn't stop there. He kept hitting me. Over and over again.

I don't know when it happened, but I was now on the floor writhing in pain. He had me under the Cruciartus Curse again.

I don't know how long it had been, but once the curse was lifted he started cutting me with his wand. He was interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Get up mudblood." He snapped.

I slowly stood up and forced myself to stay standing. He used a spell to stop the bleeding and heal the cuts on my arms and legs but left the ones on my back, chest, and stomach open. He then cleaned my dress and the floor where my blood was.

After taking down the silencing charm and the charms he used to lock the door, he opened it revealing Malfoy.

"I told you an hour." Malfoy said.

"My apologies. I shall be going now." Ron replied leaving the room.

I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me. My stomach, back, and chest were probably bruised so bad they looked black. He would never have taken advantage of me. He just beat me half to death everytime.

Malfoy looked me up and down carefully. He took in a deep breath and looked back at my face.

"There is a bathroom down the hall just past my bedroom. Go in there and bathe. I will bring you some clothes." He moved out of the way and allowed me to walk past him.

When I reached the bathroom I turned back and seen that he went into his bedroom. I entered the bathroom and looked around.

On the far wall there was a hot tub sized bath with an attached shower. To my left there was a toilet and on my right there was a sink with a huge mirror.

"Your clothes are here." I jumped and turned around to see Malfoy in the doorway. "There is shampoo, conditioner, and body wash for you under the sink. Come to my room when you are done." With that he left making sure to close and lock the door on his way out.

I walked toward the bathtub and started messing with the knobs. I turned on the cold water first then gradually added hot water. When it got to the point where I could stick my foot in and it not burn, I grabbed the bottles Malfoy said were mine out from under the sink, took off my clothes, and stepped in.

It wasn't until I started to bend down that pain shot through my torso. I looked down and seen deep purple spots covering my front. It was terrible. They were so bad that I couldn't see any normal skin color anymore. I could only imagine what my back looked like.

When I sat down in the water I had to bite back a scream. It burned. Worse than the Cruciartus Curse if that was possible.

It was almost unbearable. It hurt so bad that I couldn't even run a rag over my body. I had to use my hands. Once I finished washing, I climbed out. It was just as painful standing up as it was sitting down.

Grabbing a towel I patted myself dry and pulled on the clothes Malfoy brought. It consisted of black sweats, a grey t-shirt that for a fact wasn't going to fit me, and some underwear.

I looked in the mirror and gasped. I was twice as small as I was four months ago. It was then when I realized that I was starved in Alcatraz. I was so small, so weak, and so fragile it took me a lot of convincing to say that I was the one in the mirror and not a stranger. On my left arm was the word I hated to see. Mudblood. Permanently carved into my arm. It was cursed to where it would break open and bleed for a while before closing back up. I had scars everywhere. Mental and physical.

I wasn't the same fearless Gryffindor- princess everyone knew me to be. I wasn't innocent like everybody thought. I didn't have courage. In fact I was the complete opposite. I was a weak, pathetic excuse for a human.

I turned away from the mirror unable to look at myself any longer and got dressed.

When I finished putting the clothes on, I used the towel and dried my hair as much as I could. I ran my fingers through it a couple times in an attempt to tame it. When I looked as presentable as I could get, I exited the bathroom and made my way to Malfoy's room.

By the time I reached his door, I was out of breath. The bruises on my torso prevented me from breathing normally. I had to take quick shallow breathes.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. When he did, he motioned for me to come in. When I walked, I walked stiffly in an attempt to keep from wincing in pain. It helped a bit, but not much.

I felt like dying.

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