
By Wunderlust_NY

2.8K 181 8

She's Organised, he's messy She's confident, he's shy She's outspoken, he's quiet The list could go on an... More

The Promotion
The Surprise
The Proposal
The Cubicle Neighbour
The Apology
The Demotion
The Opposite Pairing
The House Guest
The Bickering
The Sister Bond
The Preparation
The Big Event
The Mistakes
The Redemtion
The Opposites Attract

The New Plan

110 11 0
By Wunderlust_NY

As the night dies down and the sun rises, they finally arrive home. The car comes to a stop and Cassie Wakes up as she realises she been sleeping Jason's shoulder, she quickly moves and Jason wakes up.

"Right folks, here we are."
"Thank you."

Jason pays the Taxi driver and Cassie gets out. Then there's a moment when they just look at each other, want to say something but don't know how to get the words out.

"You go first"-
"You go first"-

"CASSIE!!!! Is that you?! ...Who's this guy?"

That's Jason.

"Oh my God, I forgot to tell Emily I was coming home late."
"WHERE WERE YOU?...Who's this guy?"

That's Jason.

"The car broke down yesterday, and I completely forgot to call you."
"Okay... who is this guy?"

That's Jason.

"That's Jason, he works with me."

I told you, That's Jason. Emily suspiciously looks at Jason, Head to toe, in a true overprotective family fashion.

"You must be the Sister."
"Yeah... is that ugly car yours?"

Emily gestures to Jason's car and Jason starts to chuckle.

"You sisters sure have something against my Car"
"You can't blame me, plus I've fixed it."
"You fixed my car?"
"... yes...?"
"Er thanks, I appreciate it. I should get going."

He turns to Cassie.

"I'll see you at work, then."
"Yeah, I'll see you.. at work."

He leaves but feels as though there was still so much he needed to say. She watches him leave reeling from the night before, feeling like they had a connection. But she pushes that aside like all things emotion-related and goes back to her apartment to get some sleep. Before she knows it... it's time to go to work, she looks out of her window and her sister walks in.

"So, that Jason dude seems nice."
"Yeah he is"

Realising what she just said she tries to backtrack but obviously Emily sees through this.

"I mean he's fine, Jason's okay."
"I'm going to go to work, I'll see you when I get home."

See Emily knows what we know about Cassie and Jason but decided not to press on it... until the time was right. Smart move. After all, these two are already starting to see how the other sees life. They may be different but they're open to new viewpoints. Cassie walks into the office with a new sense of optimism now, and her job may not be much but she's going to compete it with dedication and it was all because of our opposite. It's great that she feels
Great but something catches her attention, the whole office is surrounding Jason's cubicle and she walks closer through all the people and sees Michael torturing Jason who is fast asleep on his desk. What a fool. Jason has makeup all over his face including a moustache drawn with marker and seeing this, Cassie can't take Michael's nonsense anymore. GO CASSIE!

"Cassie! How nice of you to join us."

The noise wakes Jason up and he realises what's just happen, with the whole office laughing at him, he leaves to go to the washroom, looking fed up. This fuels Cassie even more. Go on Cassie, teach him a lesson.

"What is it Cassie, are you here to protect your best friend."
"No, actually I got you a coffee."

Michael seems sceptical but decides to overlook it. Bad call, this is going to be great.

"Really? See everyone this is what dedicated employees look like"

As the office clown continues his speech, Cassie walks towards Michael when she "slips" and drops the HOT coffee all over him. Pity, what an accident.


Cassie moves closer to Michael in a way only he can hear her.

"Careful with what you're about to say, Michael, best to set a good example in front of your employees before word gets back to Mr Holloway."

Michael rolls his eyes and Cassie addresses the "accident" in front of the whole office.

"I am so sorry, Mr Marullo, I'm such a klutz, my bad."

She says smirking at him and the crowd can't keep their laughter in.

"That's ... alright. Everyone back to work!"

Michael hastens to his office and Jason returns confused and what just happened.

"Cassie? What did you do?"
"Me? Oh I was just being a great employee getting our boss coffee... unfortunately I might have slipped"
"You didn't."
"I did. Sooner or later you need to put him in his place."

Cassie sees leftover lipstick on his face and she goes to wipe it off and as she does she says:

"You really help me yesterday, so I'm going to tell you something, you are strong enough enough to go against him, you can out-do him in anything. You just need to believe you can."

Jason doesn't say anything. But his smile says everything. They get back to work and time gets slower and slower but they're getting on just fine... no arguments, bickering or snide remarks. They finally finish all the paperwork but Cassie doesn't feel accomplished, instead she sits back and thinks about how they can do much more to help all those people. Then she has an idea.

"I have an idea?"
"One second let me just send the emails"-
"Don't send the emails."
"But I thought the plan was to"-
"New plan. We can actually help these people, we just need to present it in a way that appeals to Mr Holloway, and what does he more than anything."
"But he said there's no profit in that."
"We use the funds he's given us for this program, helps all these people as much as we can, it'll bring publicity, then we create an event the showcases all these businesses, we invite other investors, hopefully, they invest, Mr Holloway gets in a deal and money."
"I don't know, he'll never agree to this."
"We'll never know unless we don't try, you said we can't give them false hope, and I'm going to do everything I can to help them."
"Okay, let's go."

They both go to Mr Holloway's office but before Cassie knocks she realises this something she has to do alone and Jason gets that without her even saying anything.

"Go for it, I'll wait here."

Cassie smiles at him and knocks on the door.

"Come in"

Cassie goes in and sits on the chair but he seems baffled and suddenly Michael walks in, still with a coffee stain on his shirt, and looks at Cassie.

"Cassie, What are you doing"-
"Michael, What the hell have you done to your shirt, is this the standard I promoted you for."
"No sir, it won't... happen... again."
"Anyways, you girl why are you here?"

Cassie explains her idea, at first, the boss and office clown don't look impressed. But as she continues and Mr Holloway hears money, he seems to be interested. Michael still isn't convinced. Meanwhile, Jason is still waiting outside and after a few moments, a disheartened Cassie comes out of the office.

"He said, no?"

Cassie can't keep it in anymore and breaks into a smile.

"He said yes!"

Without a second to think Jason picks up Cassie and embraces her before realising that might've been too forward so he puts her down and Cassie looks flushed but that's not to say she didn't like it.

"Sorry I got really excited."
"Don't worry about it."
"... er, I guess I'll go let them know."
"Yeah go ahead."

Jason leaves and Cassie waits outside Mr Holloway's office. After a few minutes, Michael comes out.

"You are pathetic."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. You take pride in bullying people but can't handle when it comes back to bite you."

Michael gets closer to Cassie, what a revolting person. His face is extremely close to hers but she isn't scared.

"You might think things are getting better for you, but when you fail, which you eventually will, I'll be the first one to wish you good luck on the way out of this company. You know why you're going to fail Cassie because you're weak, dumb and insecure."
"Michael... I would like to take this opportunity to tell you... you really need to chew mint or something. Also the next time you wanna chat, don't you dare come this close to me."
"Or what?"

Cassie stomps on his foot and he winces in pain after all she is wearing heels.

"Or, I can do that. And you know what, I am not weak, dumb or insecure, once our program succeeds, you're going to be eating your words."

She walks away feeling as confident as ever, and finally, things are looking up.

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