Prison Mates

By Natchie9

317K 9.4K 1.8K

What happens to werewolves who break the law? Where do they go? Evie Taylor has always had issues with the ru... More

Prison Mates
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

27K 639 80
By Natchie9

Ok so it's super late and I just can't edit this anymore!

So please don't hate me if you find my muck-ups!



The punching bag I swung back and forth as I lay my fist into it. With each hit I felt a tiny piece of my tangled frustration with my father and the situation I was in being smoothed out.

“What the hell Evie?” A high pitched voice behind me yelled, loud enough to break through the loud music I’d had pounding in my ear phones.

I jumped spinning around, my arms reflexively going into a defensive stance.

“Shit Brittany, you scared me.” I said pulling the blaring ear buds out of my ears.

“Yeah well you were meant to meet me downstairs ten minutes ago!” She huffed taking a seat on the bench.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry Brit. I totally lost track of time down here.” I said, running a hand through my sweaty hair.

“Yeah well hurry up, you’re all gross and sweaty, and we only have five hours until the shops close!” I smiled as her voice got extremely high pitched towards the end.

“Alright it’ll only take me ten minutes to go back upstairs and change.” I said grabbing my towel and water bottle off of the bench where Brittany sat.

She was dressed it a pair of tight designer jeans that made her legs look like they went on for days, her platinum blonde hair that she swore was real but had once admitted to me after too many drinks down at the local pub wasn’t, was pulled up in a stylish high pony tail that swished behind her as she made her way over to the gym door.

“Yeah it better only be ten minutes.” She grumbled, holding the door open for me impatiently.

“You realise,” I said as we began to walk across the grassy area that separated the gym from the main house, “That this ball event isn’t for like, a month, right?”

“Yes I know,” She said glaring down at her high healed shoes that were already sinking into the muddy grass. “But I have to plan my hair and shoes and makeup! There’s a lot to do Evie.”

I almost laughed at her words, but stopped myself. In Brittany’s world, this stuff really was of great importance.

We slowed our pace as we spotted the some of the males training in the wide open space behind the house. Jack was among them and I grinned as I watched him train, he was shirtless and I was shamelessly perving in his body.

Jack wasn’t as big as the other guys, he was actually quite small by wolf standards, but he made up for it with his speed and determination.

He looked up from the conversation he had been having, seeming to sense our eyes on him.

He gave me a small smile and started to jog over to us.

“Hey,” He greeted us as he grew near.

“Hey there yourself,” I said moving closer to him so I could place a kiss on his cheek.

“We have to go,” Brittany huffed clearly still annoyed.

“Alright calm down Brit,” I said laughing a little at her intensity, I would have my work cut out for me this afternoon it appeared.

“Where are you two going?” Jack said looking at Brittany now.

“We’re going shopping, I need a hot dress for the ball next month.” Brittany said smiling and winking  at Jack.

“That sounds… like a good idea.” Jack said shifting uncomfortably next to me.

I almost burst out laughing at how adorably uncomfortable he looked as he backed away from me, clearly looking for an escape from the conversation. Jack had never been very comfortable with sexual attention, and well, Brittany oozed sex.

Laughing I went over to Brittany and looped my arm though hers, pulling her towards the house playfully.

“Come on Brit, the shops are closing right.” I said as she reluctantly followed me up to the back of the pack house and through the wide open bay doors.

Ten minutes later I was showered and dressed downstairs in a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top, I usually put a little bit more effort into my appearance but I was feeling lazy and really couldn’t be bothered messing around with makeup. We were only going to the mall any way.

“Seriously they look exactly the same.” I said pressing my fingers to my temples and rubbing them slowly.

“No they totally are not Evie,” Brittany sighed in frustration at my lack of fashion ability, but as she held the two practically identical tiny black dresses up in front of me again, I couldn’t help but think that some designer out there had gotten lazy and decided to just copy someone else’s design.

“You look great in both though! So it doesn’t matter which one you get, you’ll still you beautiful!” I said grinning at her hopefully.

“Nice try,” She said narrowing her eyes at me. “I’m going to go find that dress we were looking at before so I can compare them.” She said marching off into the depths of the store.

I sighed shaking my head as she walked away, sometimes I really wondered if Brittany and I would be friends if we met now. Sometimes it felt like our friendship was built on the fact that we had met when we were so young and she’d been one of the only kids who hadn’t treated me differently because I was the Alphas daughter.

My phone buzzed in my bag and I pulled it out, seeing it was my boss Ollie wanting me to work a double shift tomorrow at the restaurant. Much to my father’s dismay I worked most nights behind the bar at local restaurant, the pack had money so I didn’t need to and my father considered it beneath the daughter of someone in his position. But I loved it, and I liked the financial freedom it gave me. I didn’t need to ask him or anyone else for permission to use the money I earned working nights there. And that tiny piece of freedom, to me, was priceless.

I quickly texted Jack to tell him I would be working that night and then put my phone away and began looking for Brittany to tell her I’d be leaving for my shift soon.

“Seriously bebe, why do you even work there?” she said as the pale pubescent  boy working at the check out scanned her cloths.

“I like it! Even with my creepy boss, I like meeting people and earning my own money.” I said exasperated that I was having this conversation yet again.

“Whatever, if you wanna waste your time in that place that’s your business,” She said laughing.

“Exactly.” I said smiling at her as we headed toward the car park where my baby sat. I drove a 2010 Mazda MX5 that I had repaired myself, my uncle Bruce had taught me how to work with cars when I was little. Every weekend he and I would spend in his garage tinkering with old sports cars and motorcycles. He had been like a replacement father to me, for all the times when my father was distant or too busy to be with me.

Three years ago him and my father had fought, over what I still to this day have no idea, and he had left. I had broken my heart at the time, and truth be told, I’d never really forgiven either of them for it. My  uncle for leaving, and my father for being too stubborn to go after him.

“Whiskey on the rocks dollface!” one of the business men at the end of the bar hollered at me winking. “And make it a strong one!” I rolled my eyes at that, there is no way to make straight liquor any stronger than it already is.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out to see it was a text from Jack.

“Don’t work too late, I’ll just be at home watching Top Gear and missing you! Love you. Xx”


I smiled at the text, Jack loved cars even more than I did, Top Gear was his all time favourite TV show. That was how we got together, back in high school we had both been part of the school’s mechanics club. I had been the only girl, unsurprisingly, and we had quickly bonded over our mutual love of cars.

l was about to reply but was interrupted by one of the men shouting “SHOTS!”.

Grumbling I moved towards the group of rowdy business men at the end of the bar who were taking full advantage of our Thursday night happy hour.

“Hey baby, what about me and my boys do some body shots of that sweet body of yours.” One of the chubbier business men said grinning at me, his suggestion was men with a round of wolf whistles and hooting.

“Well I’d personally rather spend the rest of the evening pulling my eyelashes out with a pair of rusty pliers,” I replied slowly. “But you’re all more than welcome to do them off of each other!” I said smiling sweetly as I gestured at the group.

“Evie!” A voice barked behind me, I jumped and turned around to see my boss Ollie glaring at me from the other end of the bar.

Sighing I went over to see what he needed, being careful not to stand too close, he always had awful breath.

“Evie, what have I told you about entertaining the customers!” He whisper yelled at me, Ollie was one of the lower ranking wolves in our pack, he stood at about 5’5 and had a sizable beer belly and matching bald spot .

I’d heard that his mate had died when they were very young, leaving him alone. And although I did feel bad for him at times, my general disgust at his creepy behaviour towards me and the other girls who worked there, usually won out.

“These fine gentle men are valued customers of ours,” He said, his voice a little louder now. “And it is your job to keep them, shall we say, happy.”

I shuddered at his words, I knew what he meant, he had made it clear the day he hired me that he had done so because I was ‘hot’ and would ‘would keep the lads amused’, I hadn’t fully realised what he had meant at the time, but he would regularly ask me to undo another button on my uniform. I clenched my fists thinking about it.

“Whatever Ollie,”  I said rolling my eyes at him, “I’ll treat them the same way I would any other customer.”

He spluttered at me for a moment before stomping away to his office and slamming the door causing the 'manager' sign on it to flail about for several moments.

“Gosh is it just me or is he getting worse,” I looked over to see Jacinta on of the waitresses looking at the door he’d just slammed.

“Sadly I think you could be right,” I said smiling at her, I liked Jacinta a lot, she was your classic country girl with short blonde ringlets and a cute round face. 

“We should get a cat bell for him or something,” She said giggling. I smiled at her again, she was so sweet, but unfortunately I really couldn’t pursue any real friendship with her because she was human. Associating with humans was frowned upon amongst most super naturals.

We stood there and chatted for a few minutes before she had to get back to work.

I spent the rest of my shift trying to contain the annoying group of men at the end of the bar who became increasingly persistent in their advances during the night.

By 11:30 I was the last one still wiping down tables and stacking glasses in the barley lit diner. The place I worked “The Toad’s Hole” wasn’t an upmarket place by any means, it served mostly pub food, but as I looked around at the worn wooden benches and tables I had to admit, I kind of liked it better this way.

I walked back over to the bad setting down the dirty wet cloth I’d been using to clean the tables and was about to grab my keys and head out to my car.

I stopped myself in front of the  mirror hanging above the bar, gently I lifted a hand to my face, I looked… tired.

The emotional fall out of my fathers decision was taking it’s toll whether I liked it or not. I scrunched my nose up as I brought my fingers up to my light green eyes, trying desperately to rub away the shadows my day old mascara had left. Sighing I gave up, settling for a coat of lipstick and a pony tail re-adjustment instead.

I was hoping to head by Jacks place later tonight, and I wanted to look good for him. Since I'd kind of ditched him.

I cocked my head to the side and turned when I heard a noise, the hairs on the back of my keck standing  on end.

Frowning I picking up my keys I moved to the back door, in the direction the sound was coming from. No one usually stayed back this late. Slowly I pushed through the deserted kitchen area, a shiver running down my spine as I watched the tiny amount of light in the room dancing off of all the sharp knives and shiny surfaces in the room.

I could hear what sounded like…muffled voices and grunting noises coming from the storage room, followed by muffled scaping noises.

My stomach turned over itself, I didn’t like this. I briefly considered turning away, walking out the front door like I’d planned, jumping in my car and driving to Jacks house to cuddle up in bed with him and pretending I’d never heard a thing.

But I knew deep down I could never do that. Swallowing I braced myself pushing back the door.

At first I thought there was nothing there, and I almost turned away.

But then my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw the scene that was infront of me and I felt the bile rise in the back of my throat.

Standing with his back facing me was a horribly familiar balding man who had someone pinned against the rows of shelves.

I took a step back in horror recognising the blonde ringlets behind him.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?” I screeched, flying at him. I wasn’t thinking but it didn’t matter, all I knew was I had to get him away from her.

Luckily I’d caught him completely off guard so I had the advantage, and I got several great kicks and punches into his back and side before he had any chance to react.

Stumbling he turned to me body towards me, lunging out at me his face contorted with rage.

I easily swerved out of the way however, stepping back I swung my leg up in a high front kick, hitting him square in the jaw. My foot made a loud cracking noise upon impact, and I couldn’t tell if it was because I’d broken his jaw, but I secretly hoped so.

He swayed for a moment on his feet, his large frame swayed for a moment, then his eyes glazed over and he crumpled in a loud disgusting heap making a loud THUMP as his head hit the concrete.


Ok so I know this was SUPER evil of me! But its all part of the plot man! It all had to happen for the plot I swear!

Anyway this is a mature story though so yeah... 

I can promise you that the mature stuff to come will be alot more... fun ;)



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