Love and Loss (The Fun Gilber...

By Jbic02

28.6K 793 72

Jessica Gilbert has finally graduated high school and has decided to attend the University of New Orleans wit... More

Chapter 1- End Of Summer
Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 3- Tangled Up in Blue
Chapter 4- Girl In New Orleans
Chapter 5- Playing My Own Side
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Bloodletting
Chapter 8- The River in Reverse
Chapter 10- Runaway Witch
Chapter 11- Après Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 12- Transitions and Choices
Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 14- The Devil Inside
Chapter 15-Guilt & Anger Make Bad Bedfellows
Chapter 16- An Unblinking Death
Chapter 17- A Closer Walk With Thee
Chapter 18- The Battle of New Orleans
Chapter 19- From a Cradle to a Grave
Cast Part 2
Chapter 20- I'll Remember/Rebirth
Chapter 21- Yellow Ledbetter/ Alive and Kicking
Chapter 22- Prison World Blues (Part 1)
Chapter 23-Prison World Blues (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Back From the Dead
Chapter 25- Why, Kai, Why?
Chapter 26- Merging
Chapter 27- Clifford the Big Red Door
Chapter 28- Links and Bonds
Chapter 29- Friends-giving
Chapter 30- Weddings and Hexes
Chapter 31- Long Lost Sisters
Chapter 32- Taking Chances
Chapter 33- Hateful Reunions
Chapter 34- Plots and Tricks
Chapter 35- Staying One Step Ahead
Chapter 36- Different Sides
Chapter 37- Friend or Foe?
Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother
Chapter 39- The Final Battle
Chapter 40- The Aftermath
Beacon Falls

Chapter 9- Ever The Savior

692 23 0
By Jbic02

Jessica's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning to a ringing phone and a body next to me radiating heat. I reach over Nik and answer my phone, trying to be quiet so I don't wake him. "Hello," I whisper.

"Jess, it's Caroline," she says urgently. "So I didn't tell you everything yesterday. Damon was taken by this secret society called Augustine that experiments on vampires and Elena went to find Damon but she never came back."

"I'm on my way." I immediately hang up and take a quick shower before getting dressed. I'm sitting on my desk chair, putting on my shoes, when Nik wakes up.

"Were you planning on leaving me alone while you ran off to pretend this never happened?" He asks and I can hear the bitterness in the question, making me roll my eyes.

"First of all, this is my dorm so if I decided to forget about last night, I would kick you out. As for pretending this never happened, it was fun, Nik, but I already told you that this was a no-strings thing and you agreed, don't try and back out now." With that, I leave him lying in my bed while I walk into my kitchen, grabbing a pop tart before leaving to go find Eric. He's leaving his dorm as I make it there and I smile. "Eric!" I call and he turns to me with a bright smile and that glint in his eye showing that it's genuine.

"Hey, Jess. What can I do for you?"

I grin. "Actually it's what I can do for you." He looks at me confused, making my grin widen. "You said that you were tired of New Orleans well, I'm making a trip home because my vampire sister got captured by a secret society that experiments on vampires along with my ex-boyfriend and I thought you might want to come, you know, see that there are supernatural beings everywhere."

He grins to match mine. "I'd love to. Let me change." He lets me into his dorm while I wait and before long we are in the car. We are almost out of town when Vivianne texts saying that Klaus has a plan to earn the vampires' trust and she has a bad feeling so I make a quick u-turn and head to the abattoir.

"Wait here. I'll be quick," I promise and Eric nods as I enter the iron gates to hear Klaus talking.

"As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect. However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you, I do not."

"Father of the year," Hayley remarks, making me smile.

"It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how I can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn?" He smirks and I step in as Hayley protests.

"Don't even think about a wolf hunt Niklaus Mikaelson!" Everyone at the table turns to me in shock.

"And why not?" He challenges, obviously angry that I'm challenging his authority, so I glare at him.

"Because, I have a friend out there, Jackson Kenner and if he or anyone he cares about gets hurt or dies so help me God, Niklaus, I will create a dagger just for you like the one you constantly threaten your siblings with and drop you in the middle of the Atlantic ocean," I threaten before addressing the rest of the vampires. "As for you lot, if anyone out there gets hurt I will hunt each and every one of you down and torture you until you tell me who did the damage and if none of you did or none of you admit it, you'll all just be dead so you better not only fail to go on that wolf hunt but you better ensure that no wolves end up hurt or you won't have to deal with Marcel's betrayal anymore because you'll get to be all alone in purgatory," I snarl before spinning on my heels to leave.

On my way out, I hear Diego say, "She can't be serious."

Klaus scoff. "Au contraire, Diego, she once made a similar threat to me about her friends and family and I can assure you that she will kill us all," he finishes angrily as he throws his tumbler against the wall, making me smile before I enter the car and make my way to Mystic Falls.

Vivianne's P.O.V.

I lean against the wall watching Klaus pace around his room angrily, although I can't be sure if it has more to do with Jessica reminding him that she's in charge or because she used him for sex, something I heard a few minutes ago while eavesdropping on his therapy session. I see him about to punch one of his beloved paintings and decide to intervene. "God, what is your problem? I can hear you pacing from across the compound."

"None of your business Vivianne," he snarls and I can tell that he's upset about the one night stand so I sigh, taking pity on him, although I don't know why. Maybe because once upon a time, I truly did love him.

"Jesus, sit the fuck down and shut up," I command and he looks at me confused before obeying. "Listen up, Klaus, because I'm only going to say this once, and I'll deny it if you ever try to tell anyone I said it, but you might not be the worst thing in the world for Jessica, so I'm going to help you as I did once upon a time."


I sigh. "Hell if I know. Maybe I'm just bored but I know that you had a one night stand with Jessica and that's why you're throwing your own private, extremely angry, pity party. If you want to be more to Jessica than that, you have to prove to her that you're worth it. You can't just expect her to forgive without making any progress. You messed up by threatening the wolves but I know that you sent Marcel to get Davina so be nice to her, help her, don't threaten Josh, who told Jessica about his betrayal to you, make up with your siblings, and stop compelling Cami, who she expressly told you to stay away from," I tell him before leaving him to think about everything I've said.


A few hours later, I'm exploring the compound when I walk into the garage where I hear voices. "Ew, no! Never. I'm the pregnant werewolf. And you must be the all-powerful super witch, Davina? And let's not forget Josh, newbie vampire way out of his element, voted 'Most Likely to Die Next'," I hear Hayley say.

"Actually, he has nothing to worry about," I assure and they all look at me. "He's been deemed a friend by Queen Jessica and lord knows Klaus won't do anything to invoke any more anger from her. His suggestion about the wolves pissed her off enough and Klaus may be a dick but he isn't an idiot. Jess doesn't do empty threats, if he hurts anyone she cares about, aka your baby, me, Meredith, his siblings, Davina, Josh, or your family, she will dagger him and drop him in the ocean. Or pull a Silas and lock him in a safe so he has to drown over and over again."

"Who are you?" Davina asks. "How do you have so much power?"

I smile at her. "I'm Vivianne Lescheres, I died in the 18th century but Jessica brought me back. We're doppelgängers and I'm powerful because I have some of Jessica's natural magic but also because I was born a New Orleans witch and I was a harvest girl in my day," I reveal, shocking her.

"So it does work?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter for you anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Jessica killed Agnes, remember? The last Elder. Marcel told her that he told you." Davina looks devastated and I realize that she didn't know. "Or not. Well sorry to be the one to tell you. I'm gonna go make sure that Klaus doesn't unnecessarily kill anybody," I quickly excuse myself, wondering about the consequences of those actions.

Jessica's P.O.V.

Eric and I arrive in Whittmore around 4. Caroline tells me that Elena's lead was Aaron Whittmore so I go to talk to him. He tells me that Elena asked him about her boyfriend but I can tell that he's nervous so I sigh. "Guess we're doing this the easier way," I mumble and both boys ask what I mean as I look into Aaron's eyes. "Where are my sister and her boyfriend?"

"Damon is in the Whittmore house basement. I don't know where Wes took Elena," he answers before shaking his head. "How did that work? Wes said vervain stopped compulsion."

I snort. "I'm not a vampire, I just have a very overpowering will," I smirk. "By the way, you should never listen to the Augustine doctors. They're all monsters, that's why my dad quit," I reveal before touching his temple and projecting all the images I have from Damon and my dad into his mind. He falls to his knees, clutching his head, as I walk away with Eric following.

"What was that?"

I smile. "I showed him Damon's memories of Augustine," I answer as I walk into Whittmore house with him following me. I follow my senses and find a door leading to a cellar. I see Damon laying in the middle of his cell with his eyes closed. "Well, this is a pathetic sight. And here I was, thinking you were a fighter," I joke and he looks to me in shock as I pick the lock with my mind.

"Jessica," he whispers as the door opens.

"Who else? Heard you're back with Elena so I'm just gonna say I told you so now." He smiles and steps out of the cell to hug me when he must smell Eric and goes to attack him but I step in his way. "Woah there, babe. Eric's a friend, don't attack him," I command, holding out my wrist that Damon takes gratefully, drinking deeply until he's better. "Great, I think I know where Elena is," I reveal.

"Where?" He demands and I smirk.

"I'm not telling you, dumbass. Find your brother and Caroline. They're worried. And stay away from Aaron Whittmore, heard he shot you and I know how you take things like that," I mock.

He sighs before stroking my cheek. "Be careful."

I smile. "Always am." Damon speeds out of the house and I turn to Eric and motion him to follow. I lead him back to the car and he goes inside.

"Where are we going?"

"My dad's old practice. I have a feeling that now that he's dead, Augustine might have overtaken it."

"So your dad was like... a vampire scientist, or...? I can't tell if he was a good guy or not."

"He was a good person, he just made some bad choices. He was raised to hate vampires so he did," I explain as I pull up to his office in record time. "Stay here, I don't want you to get hurt but text if you see someone enter, okay?" He agrees and I head into the office and down to the basement where the tomb vampires were burned. I see some plastic and when I move it, I see Elena on a table. I walk over to her and unstrap her, biting into my wrist and holding it near her mouth. Her eyes snap open and she attaches herself to my wrist, gulping down the blood.

She eventually realizes what's she's doing and lets go, looking at me with wide eyes. "Jessica? How did you find me?"

"Dad used to help Augustine until I pointed out that what they were doing was bad, so he quit. I figured they might think it was poetic justice taking you here." She nods and we begin to leave when I hear someone talking and mouth "Go," to Elena, who listens as I follow the voice. I open the curtain silently to see Dr. Maxfield talking to someone that I have only seen in Damon's memory, one in which he died. "Well this is very Frankenstein of you," I taunt and Wes' eyes shoot up to me.

"Ms. Gilbert. Another vampire, I assume. Such a shame, your father was a great man."

"You're right, that's why he quit this, and no Wes Maxfield." I grin as he flinches at the use of his full name. "I'm not a vampire, I'm a different kind of monster," I reveal, walking over to him and looking in his eyes. "A very powerful one, so powerful that I can bring an original to the brink of death with a thought. So powerful, that despite the fact that you're wearing vervain, I can tell it's not in your system," I say before compelling him. "You're gonna let Enzo feed on you and hope that he's not starved enough to kill you like he did Megan." He nods with glassy eyes and walks over to Enzo, who I quickly unstrap. Enzo immediately attacks him, killing him, before turning to me.

"Who are you?" He asks with an endearing accent that reminds me of Nik. "And why did you help me? And what are you?" I grin.

"Jessica Gilbert, Damon Salvatore's ex-girlfriend. I saw you in his memories and a very powerful supernatural creature that would take too long to explain because I have the feeling that Damon will want to know you're alive since he's been carrying the weight of your death since he thought you died," I answer, holding out a hand, which he reluctantly takes, and I lead him to my car. "Sorry, you have to sit in the back, my friend is already sitting up front."

He nods and gets in as I drive him towards the boarding house. "Where are we going?"

I look at him in the review mirror. "The Salvatore boarding house," I say as I pull into the driveway. I lead Enzo in and I was right, Damon is happy to see him. I say my goodbyes while they bond. I wish Enzo the best and tell Damon and Elena that I'm happy for them.

"I'm starting to think that Caroline and I should've gone to U.N.O. with you and Meredith. At least there we wouldn't have to worry about our professors trying to kill us for being vampires," Elena jokes and Eric and I laugh.

"Yeah, but you'd have to live under Klaus' rule now that he's overthrown Marcel," Eric points out and I look at him shocked.

"How did you know?"

"My dad may be an ass but he was bragging about how he was going to be controlling an original."

I snort. "Well Eric, you might get the wish of your dad's death sooner than expected," I say, patting him on the shoulder before walking out of the house with him following. We begin the drive back to New Orleans and I look at him. "So, have I scared you off yet?"

"Nope," he says with a grin and I smile sadly.

"Eric, I don't want to get your hopes up. I like you, I do, but only as a friend, my love life's pretty complicated."

"Yeah, I can tell." I look at him confused and he laughs. "I saw the way that Klaus looked at you, Jessica, not to mention the envious glares he was sending my way. And the way Damon touched your face and told you to be careful, it's obvious that even if he's with your sister, he's still in love with you."

"And you?" I ask, nervous, but he simply smiles.

"Jessica, I've lived in New Orleans my entire life. I've seen what goes bump in the night, even if I am just a human, but I've never seen anything like you before. You have all this power but you're a genuine, straightforward person who is a lot nicer than she gives herself credit for. As much as I would love for you to wake up and decide that I'm the guy for you, I'd rather just be your friend to ensure that you stay in my life if you can't feel that way," he confesses and I give him a bright smile before leaning over to kiss his cheek, thanking him, before turning back to the road and heading back to my new home.

Longer chapter, sorry.

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