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Monday March is an esteemed FBI special agent, though after the violent death of her father the pressure buil... More

ONE - Flying Colors
TWO - Truth or Croissants
THREE - A Little Dream (Part 1)
FOUR - Say My Name, Johnny (Part 2)
FIVE - Let It Sink In
SIX - This Is Going To Be A Problem
SEVEN - (Lie)
EIGHT *special* - Don't You Ever Get Tired?
NINE - The Death of Zen Bellamy
TEN - Don't You Just Hate How Good I Am At This? (Part 1)
ELEVEN - Snitches Get Stitches, Officer (Part 2)
TWELVE - Tell Me To Stop...
THIRTEEN - The Disappearence of Sawyer Grey
FOURTEEN - Other Monday
SIXTEEN - The Devil Wrapped in Silk Is Still The Devil
SEVENTEEN - I Recommend The Croissant
EPILOGUE - The Haunted House

FIFTEEN - Scared of a Girl?

202 10 13

Monday stood there staring at Gideon's door with big eyes and a twitching leg as she knew he answered an important phone call. The look on her face lay comfortably somewhere between I want to set this building on fire and watch it burn down and I want to go home. Greaving is already burden enough, but greaving in secret is twice the death.

Monday lowered her head as her phone vibrated and looked at the screen as it lit up,

Feyre: Babe, just to give you a head's up I heard Gideon thinks you're too close to this case. Apparently he's been saying you're no longer fit to work for the bureau. I'm so sorry minnie, i thought you should know

Monday's jaw clenched as she quietly read the message and looked back up at her boss, who finally wrapped up the call.

Gideon slammed the phone and looked at her, "The finger isn't his."

The sigh of relief that left her mouth came with a harmony, and the adrenaline in her body settled down to the point where if her muscles relaxed anymore her body would fall apart into pieces like a lego character over his mahogany table.

But the relief didn't last long.

"We have a list of  32 names for possible leaders." He handed her a crisp white paper with the names on it. "Feyre and Elliot found most of them in Edwin Dorsell's inner circle and phone and e-mail suspicious activity."

She scanned the list carefully, "I'll go over it immediately."

He hung his head and licked his lips, "Does he have the pen?"

Monday's eyes darted at him and her eyebrows tensed. "Are you fucking with me right now?" She paused and just stared in outrage. 'The pen' was a device created by CIA to contain poison instead of ink, that way if an undercover agent was caught in enemy lines, he could consume the poison instead of being tortured and possibly endangering the mission and his colleagues, "You know he would never talk."

"That's not what I asked."

She stood up and in a fist she banged her hand on the table violently, "That wasn't the right question."

He jumped to his feet and pointed at her, "Raise your voice at me again and you're fired."

She paused for a second, thinking before she spoke. She looked at Gideon and remembered how for so long he had been a father figure to her. She bowed her head, "No need. Consider this my two-weeks notice. After this case, Gideon, I'm done."

Gideon recoiled and his face glitched for a second, in shock. Then, he drew in a long breath and licked his teeth in a subtle attempt to maintain his posture, "You know what's funny?"

She didn't want to hear him, but her body trembled at the new realization that she had lost everything, so she stayed to listen.

"You were the one that showed the most promise. Your father was an example to the Bureau, Monday. Before he died I told him I'd look after you." Her eyes watered at the mention of her father, and her body shrinked but she tried masking it by raising her chin, "You were focused. No weaknesses." He gave a bitter laugh, mocking, "Now I can't tell if you fell in love for the stupid jock or your own mark, who turned out to be a con-artist. I should've seen this coming from a girl." He bit his lower lip, hurting it, "The best part of all of this is that I don't have to feel guilty about letting you go." Monday could feel her vision blurry and her breath quicken at the expectation of what he would say next, "Because if your father was alive and he looked at you right now, he'd wish he was dead."

Her hand ran to her thigh instinctively and she grabbed her gun and pointed it at Gideon's head firmly with both hands. 

He raised his arms slowly, "Put that down, now." He commanded.

The warm tear that scrolled down her cheek contrasted with the stone-cold expression that dawned on her strong features as she observed him through the aim of the weapon.

"Agent March, you better put that gun down now or you will regret this."

She walked closer to him, "Seems like you're projecting a bit, hun." She whispered. "My father got himself killed and I'm still here, aren't I? Want to know my secret? I'm smarter, faster, and better at what I do. In fact, you might only be my boss right now because you're a man." She smiled, "We both know I got better scores then you in every subject in the academy, and broke the record of Defensive Tactics my Sophmore year. The best thing you two will ever have is each other's company when you burn in hell."

The door slams open and two guards come in holding guns. Elliot storms in the room right after them, confused, "What the hell is going on?! Monday?!"

The guards hold her by her arms and start taking her away, "Why'd you call for back up, boss?!" She yelled full of spite, "Scared of a girl?!"


Monday was placed in a containing-cell underground the headquarters. Approximately one hour after being there, Feyre finally snuck in to see her friend.


"Monday!! What the hell were you thinking? Aiming a gun at the chief? Are you out of your mind?!"

She grabbed her friend's arms through the cell, "Listen, you have to get me out of here. GUST has Sawyer and now Peaches' husband got to Apollo. We don't have time for this."

"Minnie, you know I'd love to help you but you're out of this case." Feyre looked at her partner with deep worry, "There is no way you'll be allowed back in." 

Monday's head got hot and her entire body felt in panic.

"I'll do my best to help them but... tomorrow marks Liza Gordon's twelfth month anniversary at GUST. Between an agent and our mission's mark... you know which life I have to prioritize."

Monday's eyes closed shut. She knew.

Feyre held her friend's face through the bars, "Don't worry, we will do the best we can to get everyone safe. I'll do what I have to do." Slowly, Feyre turned Monday's head and met her lips to her ear, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

She leaned out and they looked at each other briefly before Feyre walked away.

Monday yelled out for her again, but she had already disappeared into the grey hallway out of there.

She covered her forehead with her hand and felt the strength in her body oscillate.

She couldn't fathom the thought of being in that cell alone while Apollo, Sawyer, and even Peaches were in danger. Her body slowly started performing the signs of a panic attack, which she at once noticed and tried controlling.

Luckily, it wasn't long until she noticed the shadow of a hunched man standing still at the hallway, waiting to enter. Waiting for a sign of permission or warning.

"Who's there?" She asked right away.

The shadow flinched and quickly stood up straight. First, she saw the fingers of the person gripping the doorframe, then the body.

"Elliot!" She yelled joyfully.

He immediately cut her off aggressively with a tall finger pushing his tight lips and a muffled shushing noise. She fell silent, and her face gave away the confusion of both the fact that she had been told to be quiet and the fact that it had been done by Elliot.

"I'm not supposed to be here." He whispered.

"What's going on?"

"We don't have time. I'm getting you out of here." He reached the lock and inserted in it two pieces of metal from his pocket that he silently moved around with while he continued, "After they took you in I started digging around on the system and found so--"

"What? What did you find?" She anxiously whispered back.

He paused and looked at her intolerantly, "I was still talking." She pressed her lips and raised her hands. "I found some weird activity in the files. The list of suspects was corrupted."

"I don't understand."

"We were working with another division to find the leader of GUST and we had 32 names, in order of priority. I made myself a copy in private to work on it at home and this document can only be accessed with the chief's password, one that changes every 3 hours. When I checked it an hour ago... the order had completely changed."

Suddenly a metallic noise announced the unlocking of the cell, and Elliot opened the door for her, "Wait, this means that--"

"It was someone on the inside."

"And this also means that the original list was too close. Gideon gave me the modified one. Can you send me a picture of your copy?"

He got out his phone and did so. "The mole could be Gideon. It would make sense."

"The mole could be anyone." She finished getting herself ready, "Listen, I'm gonna need your help. I'm going into GUST and I'm gonna need back up, but we can't trust anyone right now--"

"Don't worry about that. I'll get you the backup."

She nodded and hurridly ran to the door.

"Mon!" He whispered loudly. She turned to him. "I left you some gadgets in your car. Use them."

She ran back to him and got on the tip of her toes to hold his face and kiss his cheek, which made his head hang and his eyes unable to open again for a few moments afterward, but when he did, she was gone.

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