Delilah's Tears

By anyasharpeauthor

12.3K 1.3K 44

The first time I ever laid eyes on Delilah, she was on the arm of another man. My brother. At their wedding... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twelve

380 43 1
By anyasharpeauthor


"What the hell's your problem, JD?" The bartender sets down two more draft beers, and I push away the empty glass.


Neil's not buying it. "Bullshit. If I had to guess I'd say trouble in paradise."

Bingo. Walking out on Delilah tonight, after telling her I should move...the worst thing in the world. Her devastation nearly did me in. In a single stroke I tore down what we built back up after John died. What Delilah doesn't understand is that I don't want to move. Unless it's into her bedroom. And that's another reason to leave. She's too dependent on me, and the longer I stay the harder it is to keep my hands off her. Living together is a disaster waiting to hit.

"I told Delilah I'm gonna find my own place. She didn't take it well."

"Ahh. Hence the out-of-the-blue call for a night of drinking." Neil doesn't take the opportunity to rib me, which is surprising. I guess there's a streak of compassion in there after all.

"Pretty much."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Uh, move." What's he getting at?

"Yeah. What about women? Does this mean JD Coury is open for business again? Cuz there's a couple ladies over there who've been eyeing you all night." He points at the women with the glass of beer and grins at one—or both—of them.

"Isn't that moving a little too fast?" I don't want another woman. I want Delilah. I glance across the bar. Oh, yeah. Good looking. Sexy even. The brunette is definitely giving me the business. It wouldn't be hard to end up between her thighs tonight. My dick stirs to life. Until Delilah pops into my mind. Now we're back to soft-serve.

"Nah. I say go get laid. Get it outta your system. The first time's always the toughest. When Wendy and I divorced...let's just say getting back in the saddle wasn't easy."

I shift my attention back to Neil. He's probably right. It has been too long since I've slept with a woman.

"Hey." I turn to see the brunette next to me holding what's left of her glass of white wine. "Jana. How're you doing?" I take a moment to scan Jana from head to toe, then hold out my hand to shake hers. I'm surprised by her boldness. She didn't look the type, and it's gotta be hard to approach two big-ass guys like us cold.

"JD. I'm good. You?" Wow, I think I've lost my touch. Jana glances down, uncertain if taking the first step was a good idea. I'm not so sure it is. "Can I buy you another?" I point at the glass with one sip left in it. She meets my eyes again, and a small, hesitant smile appears.

"Sure. Mind if I sit?"

"Of course." Jana slides onto the bar stool next to me. "What brings you out on a Thursday night?"

"Eh, my friend." She gestures at the blonde who's grinning and giving her a thumbs-up. "Fridays are too...crazy. She's been after me to go out. Finally I caved. So, here I am. You?"

I chuckle. "Just needed a beer with my buddy here." Neil's smirking into said beer. Asshole. If I it weren't for the fact that I called him, I'd swear this was a set-up. Still not convinced otherwise. Neil has a way... Damn. I'm staring at Jana, but not even seeing her. I'm so fucked. The silence hangs between us like wet laundry. Jesus. I've completely lost my touch. Jana clears her throat, and thanks the bartender for the refill.

"Perhaps I should..." Her words trail off and she nods in the direction of her friend. Before she can hop off the stool, I bring my hand down on hers, holding it to the bar top.

"Don't go. Let's talk or something. Tell me about Jana." I wink. That special wink. Good. Keep it up.

"I'm an administrative assistant at one of the production companies in town. You?"

"I work with this joker." I thumb at Neil who's now busy chatting up Jana's partner in crime. It appears he's got a good chance at scoring. "We do private contract work." I'm not about to tell her more than that.

"Sounds secretive." Jana's voice is soft and sweet.

"Yeah, it kind of is. Our clients require the highest level of confidence and anonymity." Hopefully that shuts down further questions. "Why was your friend hot to get you out? You been in a convent or something?" That earns me a small, sweet laugh.

"No. I've been licking my wounds for a few months. Stella says it's time to move on."

Ah. A rebound evening. Stella wants to get Jana laid. Normally, I'd be up for the task. Am I? "She's probably right. Boyfriend didn't work out?" Get right to the point. She blushes sweetly.

"Nope. He didn't cheat or anything. We just weren't right for each other, so I gave him back his ring."

I nod and think about the day John told me he proposed to Delilah. How over the moon the asshole was. How perfect they were together. "I suppose that was the smart thing to do." How the fuck would I know? What I do know is that Jana and I have waded into serious, deep water. This is not a hook-up conversation. And I'm not certain I want it to be. I'll give it another stab.

"Have you lived in LA all your life or are you one of those transplants?"

Another sweet smile. "Yes. I grew up in Pasadena. Went to Pepperdine. Studied business. Graduated three years ago, and landed this job at Four Brothers Productions. That's where I met Stella."

Jesus. Jana is young. Too young. Too damned sweet. Sweet, sweet, sweet. I try to imagine fucking her hard from behind, making the headboard smash against the wall, as I pull on a fist full of her beautiful hair. The damned image rapidly morphs from Jana to Delilah.

Fuck this. I gotta get out of here. Or should I ask Jana for a date? Like a date date? With dinner and wine? Could it hurt? I glance over at Neil, whose hand is slowly inching its way up Stella's short skirt. Guy moves fast.

"How about you? How long have you lived here?" Jana has turned and faces me directly, one arm propped on the bar and leaning her head against her hand. Paying full fucking attention to me.

"Not long. Was in the military until a month or so ago. Came back after my brother died to help his wife. Signed up to work with Neil. I'm not from LA. Grew up back East, so all this is new to me."

"Wow. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. That's rough, I'm sure. How is his wife doing?"

Sweet. Caring. Sweet. Fuck. "She's coming around. It was a sudden thing, which made it hard." I can't stay here. A weight is pressing on my chest. I gotta go back home. I'm a shit for walking out on Delilah after that conversation. "Look, Jana, I've enjoyed our conversation, but I gotta split. I'd really like your number, though, if you'd like to share."

The sweetness clouds over. She thinks I'm never going to call. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow, but tonight I have full intentions of doing so. If only to prove to myself that I can date and not have Delilah on the brain. "You don't have to..."

I set my hand on top of hers again. The woman needs something more concrete than "I'll call," which is the universal code for "ain't gonna hear from me again."

"Jana. I'd like to take you to dinner tomorrow. Are you free? Like around six?"

She's shocked. "I...ah...are you sure?"

I manage a fairly genuine grin, while another couple stones land on that weight. I'm surprised I can even breathe. "Absolutely." There. That's normal. "I'd like your number so I can come pick you up. Do you like Italian? There's a great place not far from here."

"I do." Jana is smiling, and holds out her hand. "Phone? I'll type it in."

I pull the phone out of my pocket, unlock it, and hand it over. With yet another sweet smile, Jana plugs in her numbers. Absently I wonder if they'll be real. When she hands it back, I send a quick text and her phone dings. It's says "it's a date ;-)"

After a quick round of good-byes and settling up the bill, I walk out of the bar with feelings so mixed I'm nearly nauseous. No matter what, I'm keeping this stupid date with Sweet Jana.


I'm such an ass. As I drive toward Jana's condo, I think about the note I left on the counter for Delilah. Last night she was in bed when I got home, then gone before I woke up. I wanted to get out of the house before she got back from work. I can't face her as I'm on my way out on a date.

Because I'm cheating on Delilah. The woman I can't actually be cheating on. This whole date feels wrong. Jana is fucking sweet, and not my type ever. Plus, I am cheating. On my heart. No matter how you slice it, that fucker belongs to Delilah, if I'm honest with myself.

Knocking on Jana's door and escorting her to the car were robotic gestures. Jana looks great, though. She's dressed a little sexier than last night. More makeup, her hair in one of those messy updo's. Stilettos. The woman has a damned fine body, that's for sure. Maybe there's more to Sweet Jana than meets the eye. Maybe I should find out.

Since the restaurant is close to her place, small talk was minimal on the way over. Now that we're settled into our seats and I've ordered wine, I have to make a genuine effort and stop being a dick.

"You look lovely, Jana." She does. Lovely. And, there's that damned sweet smile. I'm getting a toothache.

"Thank you. This is a great restaurant. I've been here a few times." She glances around approvingly. Wait. Aw, fuck. Did the ex bring her here? Do I ask?

"I'm glad I chose well."

"Stella and I come here every once in a while. It's her favorite place. The manicotti is fantastic. Every time I make a vow I'll try a different dish, but once I'm here I can't resist."

"So, manicotti tonight? Or are you going to be more adventuresome?" Was that a double meaning? Jana glances at the menu and sighs.

"Alas. No walks on the wild side for me. Manicotti it is."

I chuckle, but the comment deflates me. Jana is nice. Nice. Sweet. Pretty. And totally not for me. Oh, I'll make sure the date is worthwhile for both of us. Maybe drinks afterward. This is definitely not going to end up as a fuck-fest, though. Jana probably has a three-date rule, anyway.

Despite my misgivings, dinner is better than good. Jana is a great conversationalist. We have one or two things in common—mostly movies, which she knows a lot about given her job. We laugh and joke as we linger over the last of our wine. I'm beginning to think my initial assessment was off.

"Hey, Jana!" A slick suit-type of guy attached to a bombshell blonde stops at our table. Jana appears pleased to see whoever it is.

"Hey Tom. Nicole. Crazy running into you here."

"Yeah. We love this place." Tom pulls blondie closer, a move which pushes up her fake tits. Tom glances at me. "You on a date?" Wow, how could he tell?

"Yeah. JD this is my boss, Tom Waring and his wife, Nicole. Tom this is geez, I've no clue what your last name is." Jana blushes. I stand and offer Tom the Boss my hand. "James Coury. Nice to meet you." Tom wrinkles his brow.

"Coury? Is your brother John Coury?"

Fuck that knocks the wind out of me. "Uh, yeah. You knew him?"

Tom's whole demeanor turns somber. "Jesus, I did. He was working on a messy case for us right before... I am so sorry, man. John was a fantastic guy. This job was a bitch and a half."

Jana gasps. "Your brother was Mr. Coury?" I don't answer her.

"How is his wife doing? Delilah, right? Wonderful woman."

"Delilah is taking it hard. We all are. It was very sudden." Okay, this was the nail in the coffin of this date. No coming back from it. Ever.

After Tom and his wife leave us, there's an awkward pall over the table. Neither Jana nor I can meet each other's eye. When the silence becomes unbearable, Jana finally speaks up.

"JD, uh, why don't you take me home." I bring my gaze up to hers. "I had a great time before Tom stopped by. I'm sorry it ruined things."

I reach across the table and rest my hand on top of hers. It's no one's fault. Unless someone upstairs—John himself?—is throwing a road block at the date. Jana's right. The momentum of the evening has stalled.

"I'm sorry, too. I was having a nice time with you. C'mon. I'll get you home."

The silence in the car is funereal. I feel terrible that the date ended so badly. As I walk Jana to her door, I make another decision.

Resting one hand on her shoulder, while tilting her chin up with the other, I take a breath.

"Let's have a do-over in a few days."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Very. Now, do you mind if I kiss you goodnight?" She nods and I lower my lips onto hers. The kiss is chaste, more or less, but by no means short. Jana has soft, sweet lips. It's a nice kiss. Nice. "Have a good night, Jana. I'll call—I promise—in a few days."

As I walk back to my car, I wonder if I'll keep my promise. Those weights are piling back onto my chest.

****'s everyone liking the story? Comments, questions? Guesses on what's next?

Thanks for reading! This is a completely written story, so I will regularly post won't have to wait for me to write them. Please read, vote, and pass the word.

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Twitter: anya_sharpe


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***I'd like to thank James from for the cover to "Delilah's Tears."

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