Locking Down Love

By EmilyFRose

39 7 0

In the midst of a virus outbreak, with the world suddenly finding itself thrown into chaos and people forced... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

2 1 0
By EmilyFRose

Chapter 4 - Kash

"Have you seen Don around?"

The PA I question ignores me as she bends her knees even more, peace sign in the air, puckered up lips, then at the last second angles the camera so I'm in the background.

"Come on, delete that. You know the rules on set." I remind her that this is a no cell phone area. The studio enforces the rule to keep the premise of the movie a secret for as long as possible.

"Fine, can't ruin this perfect lighting though." She purposely turns her phone towards me, showing her finger hitting the delete button, then angles it back to just herself in the frame and snaps a picture.

When she's finished, she turns and looks at me dumbfounded. This girl is a real piece of work. Must be some executives daughter who couldn't give two shits about doing actual work.

"Don." I arch my eyebrows in annoyance.

The PA quickly lifts her walkie to get a location on the director of the film. It takes a few minutes, but I find out he's on the way to where I'm heading.

On my walk over towards the makeup trailer, I think about the call I had yesterday with mom's doctors. She's been in the hospital for three days and I haven't talked to her since before. She's in rough shape and has started needing oxygen as of last night. She's getting worse and all I want is to be there holding her hand.

Making her laugh.

Helping her through all of this.

I spot Donald Masterson walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. I wish I could have some of what he's been drinking.

He stops in front of me when he reaches me.

"Kash, how are you today? Looking ready for the big fire scene today."

"Yes sir. This is the fun part of acting." I chuckle, bringing my hand up to rub the skin at the back of my neck.

I wish I could be more excited. Filming the scenes like the one today are my favorite. It's what got me my leg up in acting as a stunt man before I got discovered as a real actor. Especially if a director lets me do some of my own stunts along the way. Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping like jumping out of a burning building.

"I was wondering if we could talk for minute?" I question and continue on when he lifts his chin. "My moms in the hospital, she's not doing great."

"Sorry to hear that. Anything you need, just let me know." His smile is now completely gone and concern is etched across his brow. I've filled him in a little here and there over the past few days about my mom. Donald Masterson is a rare commodity in Hollywood these days. He actually gives a shit about the people he hires.

"Yes. I wanted to find out if it was possible for me to fly home to be with my family. I know there isn't a lot left to film."

"Hmm." He rubs his chin and ponders. "We only have a few more days of shooting left before it's a wrap. I'll tell you what, give me today and half of tomorrow. I'll move everything around to get your scenes done as fast as possible. Hell, if all goes well you might be able to catch the red eye tonight."

Relief rushes over me. This time tomorrow I could be with my sister, supporting her through this rough time. Helping out my family with what they may need. Being closer to mom.

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Thank me by getting into character. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get home. Word around here is they're planning to shut us down in a few days. We need to get everything done to get you guys safely home for what looks like one hell of a fight with this pandemic."

Shit, a lockdown. I didn't think something like that would be possible. If you told me someone was toying with the idea of shutting down Hollywood a few weeks ago I would have laughed at you. Having first hand experience with a loved one in the hospital though, now I'm all for them locking down the whole goddamn country.

I'm two steps from Don when my phone rings.

"Mister Kerrick, this is Doctor Benjamin. Can I have a word with you about your mother?"

"Of course." I look around he set to make sure I'm alone. I don't need my moms face plastered all over TMZ because someone recorded my private phone conversation.

"Your mother to put it mildly, is struggling. The oxygen doesn't seem to be helping. We're doing the best we can, but when you're fighting an illness you have no real knowledge of, things can get tricky."

"I understand. As I've said before, money is no issue. Whatever you need, do it."

"I know. I've talked to your sister about the possible necessity for a ventilator if her case gets any worse. We're hoping it doesn't come to that, but sadly, many people with her background get worse before they get better."

"A ventilator." I choke out getting the mental image of mom with a fucking tube down her throat helping her to breathe. Mom's an asthmatic, we knew there was a chance once she tested positive that this would be a rough road for her.

"Your sister said you are her medical proxy. I just wanted to make sure you keep your phone on you in case anything happens."

"I will." I hang up the phone and run my hand through my hair.


I feel so helpless.

I quickly call my assistant and ask her to book me a flight home tonight. Whether I get my scenes done or not, I need to get home to my family. I cannot imagine what my sister is going through with her three kids and her worry for mom.

With another two steps an alert goes off on my phone. I read the headline of an article sent to me and my teeth clench as worry floods my gut.

Hollywood issues a stay-at-home order starting tomorrow at noon.

I slip my phone back into my jeans pocket scared of what it might tell me next. I quickly walk towards the makeup trailer that I was supposed to report to ten minutes ago.

Ten minutes seems like such a short amount of time when your life isn't imploding around you.


My emotions change to a deep hatred about my circumstance.

It's so much easier to feel anger than helpless.

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