This Love Hate.

By writingandimagining

8.8K 105 55


This Love Hate.
This Love Hate. Chapter 2.
This Love Hate. Chapter 3.
This Love Hate. Chapter 4.
This Love Hate. Chapter 5.
This Love Hate. Chapter 6.
This Love Hate. Chapter 7.
This Love Hate. Chapter 8.
This Love Hate. Chapter 9.
This Love Hate. Chapter 10.
This Love Hate. Chapter 12.
This Love Hate. Chapter 13.
This Love Hate. Chapter 14. The Final Chapter.
Author's Notes

This Love Hate. Chapter 11.

505 8 2
By writingandimagining

Chapter 11.

Ever since that night, 3 weeks ago, my feelings had started to change towards George. I found myself actually liking the new him, he'd changed in such a short ammount of time and I couldnt actually believe it. He had started hanging around with Jaymi, JJ, Josh, Irene and me, he'd always help the kid being bullied, if he saw people being mean to others, he'd step in and tell them it was wrong, even if they jeered at him.

I found myself smiling at him, staring at him when I didnt realise it, often being teased by Jaymi and Irene for doing so. I found myself looking through his photos and getting jealous when I saw a girl with him on them, even in school if he was talking to one of the most 'geeky' girls, the ones who had no interest in George atall, I'd still feel incredibly jealous, and I didnt know why.

I could work out why I was feeling like this, until I spoke to Irene just yesterday, and it finally came clear why all these feelings towards George had surged so suddenly. I had invited Irene back to mine and it all became clear, my actions, feelings. I didnt know why I hadnt known it sooner, or maybe I had, maybe I was just kidding myself. 

I had explained to Irene everything, she was my best friend. And the first one to get a boyfriend, ie why I was asking her for this sort of advice.

She rolled her eyes as I explained and interupted me half way through my explanation. ''Its so obvious, Rach, your so blind if you really cant tell why all these feelings have risen.''

''I must be blind to my feelings then, what is it? And whys it so obvious?'' I questioned.

''You like George, Rachel, you really like him, just then when you were talking about him, you were smiling. I know when I talk about Josh, I smile too. Because he makes me happy, and whatever he does, he seems to flip my heart into a frenzy. You like George Rachel, definitely.'' Ask she spoke my mind started to wander, did I actually like him? And was I actually looking like such a freak smiling when I spoke about him? I'd have to stop that, I didnt want George to know I liked him. Or did I?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought further. ''It'll pass over, its just a crush'' 

 Irene chuckled lightly. ''Your kidding yourself, I highly doubt it will pass over anytime soon. And who knows? Maybe George likes you back?'' 

I felt a pang of guilt as she spoke, I knew George had previously liked me, but that was a month ago now, a while ago. I didnt know if he'd still like me, we were friends now anyway. Maybe he just thought of me as a friend.

As Irene left for the night, I lay on my bed and thought about the whole situation. 

I really liked George, as a friend, in other circumstances, I'd like him as a best friend.

But the thought of him, as a boyfriend made my heart flutter, his beautiful deep brown eyes, his curly brown, soft hair, his dimples when he smiled or chuckled, his laugh. His laugh, often funnier than the jokes he'd tell, but it never failed to make the butterflies enter my stomache.

I'd imagine him holding my hand, kissing my cheek softly, playing with my hair.

I knew it was all just a fantasy, something that would never really happen.

Why would a boy as perfect as George Shelley, want a girl as normal as me, Rachel Jones, nothing extraordinary,  nothing special.......

Just me.

Sorry I havent updated for a while, first week back at school, so I've been tired. I hope this chapter wasnt too boring for you, I just wanted you all to see how Rachel felt :) Feedback is always much apperciated. x

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