By SameeraHashmi

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#1 IN MUSLIM ON 17/07/2021 #1 IN DUBAI on 22/6/2020 #1 IN TRADITIONAL ON 28/12/2020 #1 in Arab at 27/06/2021 ... More

Meeting "Family"
Bhaiyaan's Outrage


1.8K 70 2
By SameeraHashmi

He started the car and then we drove off, i was literally so nervous that my hands were shaking. "Its gonna be okay Shahista! Just be yourself!", said bhaiyaan reassuringly. I nodded at him but scoffed inside, easy for him to say he literally radiates confidence wherever he goes, I don't.
The ride was very short, and in no time we reached the venue. I could hear the buzz of the music and people from a distance.
As soon as we reached, i noticed something else to, "bhaiyaan! Are the? Are the?", said I doubting whether what i have seen was correct or not. Bhaiyaan looked at me and nodded in affirmation, "Yes! They are the paparazzi! But don't worry they won't bother us, actually many rich business families come to this function, so the paparazzi basically goes after them.", he said assuring me. Somehow it didn't cheer me up and i became more nervous than i ever was. To my dismay bhaiyaan stopped his car right at the entrance where their was a hoard of people with cameras and mics

Before i could say anything he got down, as soon as he did, i heard a lot of cameras clicking away, with mics flying with questions like, "Mr Ahmed! How are you?", "have you come alone!" "Who is they in the car with you?". He ignored all the questions and came to the passenger side of the gate to open my door. I gulped in and took a death breathe and said to myself, "This is it!". I grabbed bhaiyaan's hand and stepped outside, i regretted it a second later, because as soon as i stepped outside a dozen cameras pointed at me clicking my pictures & the flash almost blinded me .
"Who are you?", "Are you Mr ahmed' s sister?", "We have heard you lived in India? Why did you live in a third world country , when your brothers were a millionaire.", all sorts of questions were flung at me and mics were poked demanding answers.
"Don't answer! Just walk with a firm face!", whispered bhaiyaan in my ear. I nodded and blindly followed what he told me, i was very nervous and i squeezed bhaiyaan's hands so hard that i knew i must have hurt him. Finally we reached the end of the red carpet, and luckily paparazzi people weren't allowed inside the hall. We stepped in, and again i found out i was not lucky at all. All around me where ladies and gentleman mostly young around bhaiyaan's age all dressed immaculately talking to each other about various business related topic. I immediately felt lost and out of place in that bizarre, and the worst part is heads kept on turning towards us wherever we went. I could hear whispers and people glancing at me judging me, maybe trying to guess who I was. I felt so nervous with all that gazes on me that i really wanted to be invisible. Somehow i managed myself and grabbed hold bhaiyaan's arm tightly and walked ahead as gracefully as i could manage.

"Come let's go meet dad!", said bhaiyaan. I nodded in affirmation, i was not eager to meet him, but anything would have been better than this place. Bhaiyaan led me more interior to the massive halls, where to my relief people didn't took much notice of us. We walked more and reached another opening to the hall, where i found the familiar buzz of paparazzi and media men with mics. There amidst it on the red carpet was my elder brother Rizwaan posing for the camera with an arm around my sister in law who looked as if she had come out straight from a fashion magazine. The paparazzi were going insane over them, the scene felt so revolting to me that i averted my eyes, looked away.
"There is dad!", said Bhaiyaan. I looked his way and surely there stood my father with my other brothers standing and discussing something with a man who looked like a rich businessman to me. People standing nearby were keenly hearing him speak. Before i could muster courage my brother took my hands and pulled me towards dad partying the crowd. When he reached there, he didn't interrupt, he waited patiently for my father to finish talking to the gentlemen which took some time, and after that gentleman shook hands with him probably signing a business deal, he left .
Then bhaiyaan called out "father!".
Dad turned towards us said , "Ah! My son! Where you been!", and hugged bhaiyaan.
I realised dad might not have noticed me , so i said in a vey low voice, "dad!", he turned towards me as i stepped out from where i was standing behind my brother. My dad looked at me with open wide eyes, i knew he had recognised the dress, his expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a deep emotion which i faintly resembled sorrow.
He opened his mouth to say something but before he could speak, a voice came from behind, "father they are asking for a family picture.", said the most irritating voice ever. "Sure Aisha!", my father said and moved away from me to where bhabhi and Rizwaan bhaiya were standing. The rest of my brothers followed him, including bhaiyaan. I don't know what to do so i also tagged along behind him towards the red carpet.
"Aisha maam you look so beautiful!" "Really never seen a more perfect couple." "Sir all of you brothers stands on either side of Mr ahmed please." "Ya that looks like a perfect family." and cameras were flashed and paparazzi went on shouting stuff like this. I was about to move ahead when i looked at them, they looked perfect, perfect without me, with dad at centre , bhabhi next to him, and all my 5 brothers on both side, the family looked complete. I stopped and pulled back, my space which was at the Centre between my father and brothers was already occupied, and I don't think so i was needed anyone.

So i just pulled back and moved away from that scene. I needed some alone time, or else my thoughts would overwhelm me and I would breakdown. So i decided to walk and roam around the place. The hall was huge and the entrances that i have seen, was just two of its many entrances. For the first time i started to observe my surroundings, usually i am very good at observation when left alone. I observed that the ceiling was really high up with majestic and beautiful Chandlers hanging from the top.
The walls had rich tapestries and was covered with intricate design filled with reddish golden colours. All the people looked almost businessmen and women, but not all where rich. From the look on people's face , i could tell some of the people where really amateurs, who had just come to this place in hope for meeting a rich businessmen  and signing a good deal. 
You could tell whether someone was renowned or not by the number of people he had surrounding him listening, or by paparazzi who went mad of-course only after rich people.

Right now as i walked towards another opening i heard the paparazzi and media people again going crazy. However this time it looked as if they have actually gone nuts, the paparazzi were sitting and screaming on tops off they lungs, fighting each other's, to gain the best spot for photography. It was so much chaos. Outside the entry, i saw security guards in white uniform talking to one another on walkie talkies clearing everyone from the entry, they were putting barricades infront of the media people who apparently didn't looked happy.
People around me were going crazy whispering to each other, some were really pushing forward trying to breach the security barricades.
"Wow!", i thought to myself, "must be a movie star or a really celebrity,! I wonder who it is that people are going so crazy after!", i said to myself. I took a step back because i hated crowds and people were literally pushing me around to get a better glimpse. I backed off and walked to a much quieter place and selected a spot to sit down which allowed to catch a glimpse of the entrance and was less crowded.
Just after i has said this, 4 cars pulled on the carpet, and the media went crazy. There were screaming and shouting and people stared clicking dozens of pictures. Amidst all those flashes i was able to observe the cars from where i was sitting, I confessed to myself that i am not a big fan of cars , yes i admired my brother's Mercedes but that was it. However the third car in the row was treat to any car lover. It was a jet black convertible Porsche, which looked absolutely Royal in its appearance.
Then the car doors opened and not to the outside but upwards, which had a really nice effect to it. But what came after was something that i had not prepared for, from the third car stepped outside a young man , unlike the passengers of first two cars which were mostly bodyguards i assume. 
He looked young about my bhaiyaan's age dressed in a very expensive immaculate Armani suit. But what i noticed most or what every single girl present in the party would have noticed was his face. He was by far the most handsome and dashing man i have ever seen, that to considering that my brothers were also good looking. He had a fair complexion, with a striking jaw line, and ruffled black hair. The most amazing feature was his eyes, they were light brown in colour, it was so beautiful that you could almost get lost in them. I have never seen anyone with more beautiful eyes. I gazed down as his attire and noticed hire his shirt fitted to his body, and that Armani suit was doing a very poor job in hiding the fact that he surely goes to gym and has an amazing physique.

"Get a control on yourself Shahista!",i said to myself , "you cannot just start checking out strangers in a party where you don't even belong." But i couldn't help myself, this person wasn't just cute like Faruk but was devastating handsome, the kind who breaks every girls heart.
After he had got down from the car, few other cars pulled up, and few more young men about his age got down. Each were very handsome but none could even give him a competition, this was very evident. I noticed that there were few ladies as well, and mostly they were middle aged women. These women unlike my sister in law, hadn't put tons of makeup but they looked really elegant and beautiful in a very royal and intimidating manner.

"Clear out! Clear out!", i was interrupted in the middle of my thoughts by the security guards shouting all round making people leave that area.  A women guard came to me and said, "maam please take your place in the great hall! The function is about to start and please leave this area." 
"I .. uh!", i mumbled i wanted to explain to her that i didn't knew the directions to the great hall, but before i could say anything she left saying, "maam please clear this area! Its important for us to get it empty quickly!". ,.
"Great! Now i was lost!", i took out my phone to call bhaiyaan, but i saw there was no signal, "damn!", i said to myself, "why does my phone betray me when i need it the most!", i was frustrated.
I thought about asking someone , so i looked around and saw a security official , "Okay! He may give me correct directions!", said I to myself and then muster up courage and went near him.
"Excuse me!", said I trapping the person on the shoulder, he turned around, "can you tell new where the great hall is?", But my voice drowned, for as soon as i started to ask him his walkie talkie started buzzing . He picked it up, "What is the matter! Why can't he do such a simple task! Tell him we don't have much time!", he screamed over the walkie talkie. I just stood there, wondering whether i should ask again, he then suddenly saw me as if he hadn't noticed me earlier and said, "maam! Please follow the instructions, i don't have time for anything!", and as much would have it before i have mumbled "but! But..", he left.
"Great!", i thought, "not what am i suppose to do, said I to myself, looking around unsure of what to do.
Before i could come up with a solution, i heard a voice from behind , it was a very rich manly voice which said " The great hall is near the sixth entrance, which is straight left from here."
I turned around and my heart nearly stopped beating, standing infront of me was the same brown eyed celebrity i was checking out before. Standing so near to him the first thing that i noticed was how much more handsome he looked from near as compared to his red carpet entrance, he had striking physical features and ofcourse those eyes. I was so lost in those brown eyes and that perfect face that i didn't realise that i was staring at him until a smirk started forming on his lips. I broke the trance and saw he had caught me checking him out and was smirking, "shoot!", said I to myself, and looked drown quickly in embarrassment , my face must have been the colour of tomato because he stared laughing .
Finally i gathered my courage, i cannot allow myself to make a fool of me infront of a total stranger. So with determination i looked up, and as soon as i did my confidence again failed, his graze churned my insides to jelly, but still somehow i managed to say, "uh! Thank.. thank you.. Mr ..? Mr??", i flattered i didnt knew his name.
"SARFARAZ !" , he said softly and i was again stunned his name was really charming.
"Back off lady!", suddenly a bodyguard dressed in all black with sunglasses, cane towards us rushing. Few more bodyguard came following him and immediately surrounded him, "Sir! Is their a problem sir! Is everything okay sir?", they started asking him questions.
The first thing that i noticed was the smile on his face faded away, and was replaced by a very arrogant expression. "No! i don't think so", he said in a strict arrongant voice and walked away from me in a very bossy way without even glancing at me once.
I hurriedly left after that because i didn't want the security official to start asking questions to me. As i made my way towards the sixth entrance i thought to myself, "What a jerk he was!", "i didn't even ask him for help, he himself came to help me, and then he had the audacity to laugh at me like that! Also how he spoke with the security officials, so arrogant .  And who the hell brings so many bodyguards , What does he think of himself." 
I was lost in many train of thoughts when suddenly i heard a voice, "Shahista there you are!", i looked up and saw bhaiyaan rushing towards me with a worried behaviour. "I was so worried, i couldn't find your anywhere! Your phone was not ringing!", he asked me. I felt bad about not telling bhaiyaan, when i left , "sorry bhaiyaan! I just wanted to roam about a bit."
Bhaiyaan says wrapping an arm around me, "next time please inform me! You almost gave me a heart-attack! Come let's go program has almost begin."
I nodded and we proceeded towards the hall. As soon as i reached the hall the first thing that i noticed was it was called the great hall for a reason. It was huge, with hundreds of push sofas lined up, and a high ceiling decorated with beautiful lights. I saw most of the people have already taken there place. "Come!", said bhaiyaan softly, and led us to somewhere in between the front and the middle rows of the halls. We took our seats there and i glanced around and saw, dad and rest of my brothers sitting few rows ahead us, but even they had not occupied the front's rows which was empty. I was about to ask my brother who was suppose to sit in the front rows, but i already was guessing that it must be that jerk of a man whom i have met earlier.
"Shahista! What are you glancing here and there for?", he asked.
"Uh! Sorry sorry bhaiyaan!", said I and stopped glancing around and looked forwards straight up. When i did my mouth fell open, because what i had failed to notice that at the distant end of the hall in-front of the rows of seats there was high rise podium like a stage, which was very expensively decorated with push carpets and lined with majestic sofas. There was a dais for a speaker to speak, but that was not what surprised me ! What shocked me the most was on one of sofas that very jerk was sitting in a very authoritative manner looking damn handsome as ever. Even though he was at a considerate distance, he was looking this way, and i am sure i don't know how he was looking directly at me, i may not clearly see from here but i could very well feel his light brown eyes piercing and cutting me into half with his glance.
After that a bald mid aged young man wearing half timed glasses, came towards the dais and started speaking in a front accent. Thankfully, that jerk turned his face towards the speaker then, i heaved a sigh of relief as though he was very handsome, there was something really scary about him. He looked like someone whom i didn't wanted to be on a bad side of.
Anyways i shook my head from all these thoughts and tried to focus on what the man on dais was speaking.  Given his accent which was British and the way he was dressed up, i presumed he was some kind off a moderator. He was saying stuff about some business company  who has made huge profits this year, and the conditions of various different companies etc etc.
Frankly speaking i got bored after listening to the first fifteen minutes of the speech, it was all business crap.I glanced back again at the brown eyed man sitting at the dais, he eyes were still turned towards the speaker, but he didn't looked as if he was much interest in the speech, it looked as if he new everything what was being spoken.
As i was lost in this thought, he suddenly turned his eyes and looked directly towards me, i was surprised and  quickly averted my eyes looking elsewhere, but i knew he had caught me staring at him again, because just before i turned i saw a stupid smirk forming at his lips again.
That jerk! Who the  hell does he think he is, laughing at me like that."
At the moment the hall burst into claps , i looked around surprised what had happened and then i realised the speaker had completed his speech, and people were acknowledging what he had said. Anyways i did the only thing i found to be logical, i joined in the clapping, even though i had no idea what it was about. I looked up and saw that the only person not clapping was the brown eyed jerk, i was really curious this time like who was he? So i turned to Bhaiyaan and amidst the clapping asked him, "Bhaiyaan? Who is the brown eyed man on the podium? and why isn't he clapping?", i asked him.
Bhaiyaan looked at the podium to check who i was talking about and then laughed and said "because we are clapping for him dear! So he hasn't joined in."
I was confused, "why?", i asked. "Who is he?", i continued.
"His name is SARFARAZ ZAROON!, They are very high profile rich business men! Right now his father has retired so he has taken his place."? Said bhaiyaan.
"He has taken his place? , does things like that happen his business?", "i mean all my brothers built their own business na?", i asked bhaiyaan confused .
Bhaiyaan shock his head, "You don't understand Shahista! The Zaroon's are no ordinary family, they have been doing business since hundreds of years in Sharjah, Dubai and other parts of UAE. They are very high profile people! His father had so many assets and owned so many companies through out the world that he was no less than a King, and hence SARFARAZ ZAROON the one sitting on the podium, is actually a legitimate prince who had been crowned recently."
I was stunned to hear this, the brown eyed person whom i had actually spoken to was a legitimate prince. Woah! He did looked rich, but i never thought he would turn out to be a freaking multimillionaire.  But that doesn't justify the fact that he is a jerk, as he behaved liked one. I hated him so i turned towards bhaiyaan and said, "bhaiyaan! So unfair that he just gets his fathers assets just like that? He doesn't even have to prove  he is worthy, What if he isn't?"
"Well Actually!", started bhaiyaan, "he had worked a lot along his fathers side, for the last couple of years, in-fact most the assets  that i was talking about was earned by him. He is a mastermind when it comes to business world!", ended bhaiyaan.
"Wow!", i thought you myself, "such a handsome face and a super intelligent brain, no wonder he has attitude problem."
The rest of the speech was very boring, many men cane one by one to the podium and talked about the business ventures of their companies with keen earnest, trying their hardest to gain any attention of the newly made king of the business empire. However the jerk sat their motionless in his seat, with an expressionless face, but i knew from what bhaiyaan had told me, that even though his face didn't depict, millions of thoughts and calculations must be going through his minds, at the moment.
But what i noticed was from time to time he would avert his eyes and look towards the crowd, even at this distance i could bet he was looking at me. The speech continued longer then i would have wanted, and by the time it came to an end my eyelids were almost getting heavy.
Finally it ended, with a vote of thanks from the speaker , everyone got up from their seats slowly to leave. Many people went towards the podium and tried to hit a piece of conversation with the king in hope of getting his interest, but i could very see see it was falling.
"Bhaiyaan!", i said softly, "i am very tired!", said I and yawned. He nodded at me and said ," Come! I will take you home!, let me just inform dad."
This idea of informing dad wasn't something i liked and i was sure he will come with an excuse for why i shouldn't go home. So we slowly made our way towards the front were dad and rest of my brothers were sitting. Surprisingly i didn't found dad anywhere, nor Aisha bhabhi or Rizwaan da, i just found my brother Rehaan sitting there.
"Rehaan bhaiya!", said bhaiyaan, "please tell dad i am going home braised Shahista here is feeling very tired!"
I waited for a scolding or an argument by Rehaan bhaiya that didn't allow me to go home, hence i was so surprised when he looked at me smiled and said,  "its okay! Take her home! She must be really tired, coming to this place for the first time  can be tiring !"
"Sure bhaiya,", said Bhaiyaan, And then turned to me and said grasping me hands, "Come!"
I was shocked, i don't even remember when was the last time that any of my brother instead of Farhaan bhaiyaan has even looked at me, let alone smiled at me.
Bhaiyaan let me through the hall, and i was thankful to see the paparazzi were all gone. Bhaiyaan ordered a valet to bring his car, and handed him keys. We were waiting for the car, when suddenly we heard a voice from behind,
"HI FARHAAN!", said a very shrill voice. I turned and saw a woman with a lot of makeup, wearing a dress, was standing behind us.
"Hi farhaan! Leaving so early! That's bad, why you don't have any business contributions to make?", said she in a tone which i thought was to seductive.
Bhaiyaan just rolled his eyes and said? "Go away! Hatina! My leaving early is none of your business.", said she.
"I think it is!", said she  , "And who is this girl at your side,? Your girlfriend? Pftt.. you could have done a lot better than this,", she looked at in disgust.
I was really hurt by this, but before i could say anything, bhaiyaan spoke and that to her in a very scary low voice, "she is my sister! And if you say one more word against her, you are gonna regret it so so much. Now get lost before i do something which i will regret in guilt a."
She opened her mouth to speak something but quickly closed it again and left. Thankfully our car came soon after, that and we climbed in.
My ride back was very quite, Bhaiyaan just drove in silence, and i decided not to ask him anything. I looked and observed him, his face was rigid with what i believe was anger, and his eyes looked really tired. That was the first time , that i realised that how much responsibility my brother had. He looked after me, he did what dad asks him to do , being the youngest he is always taking orders from my elder brothers, plus he had a full time job everyday.
I guess in between my rivalry with dad, i never realised how much it would effect Farhaan bhaiyaan. I thought about what that girl Hatina had said. he really didn't even had a partner to share ask his burden with. Suddenly felt bad for him, and after the way Rehaan bhaiya has smiled at me, i thought maybe even i was wrong at certain aspects .
As we reached our house, i dismissed all those thoughts from my brain. Bhaiyaan parked the car and we got out, and proceeded towards our house , he unlocked the front door. The moment I entered the house, i heaved a sigh of relief, oh my! That party was so tiring and i was so happy to come back home.
I quickly went to my room and changed my clothes , removing my makeup as best as possible, i washed my face and hands and then prepared myself for bed.
As soon as i exited the washroom, i saw bhaiyaan in my room, i was surprised
"What happened bhaiyaan!", i asked going towards the bed and sitting down.
"Nothing!", said he and smiled at me, "i wanted to just say, that you're behaved exceedingly well today. I was a little nervous since it was your first time to any such parties, but you were calm, patient and elegant.",
I was so touched, to see him praise me like that. "Thanks Bhaiyaan!", i said softly. "Bhaiyaan!", i continued, "who was that girl we met at parking lot?", i asked.
The smile on bhaiyaan face disappeared, for a moment i thought i had asked the wrong question, but then the smile again appeared and he said, "don't worry about her, she was just some college,  i used to work with! You go and get some sleep love." 
With that he kissed my forehead and left. 
And i tucked myself into the bed, and turned off the light lamp. I was so tired, that sleep should have empowered me completely, but that didn't happened,.
For a long time i tossed and turned in bed trying to sleep, but the only thing i could think of was those brown eyes, and how they had stared at me. I closed my eyes, and his face popped up, which was really disturbing because thinking about him made my sleep disappear .
Finally i drifted off to sleep, into deep slumber.

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