I will not say the Day is don...

By AnouchkaLabonne

19.5K 687 458

Samwise Gamgee has returned alone from his dangerous trip to Mordor. Back in the Shire, he is constantly urge... More

The creature
The Gaffer
The healer
The servant
The visitors
The lover
The fiancé
The newcomer
The revenant
The survivor
The prisoner
The captive
The company
The travellers

The hero

730 29 17
By AnouchkaLabonne

Their reunion with Aragorn was a little too formal for Frodo's taste, but there was no way around it. After being greeted by the king, his lady, and the entire court, the Hobbits were welcomed inside the great hall of the citadel where long tables were being set up for the banquet that would later be given in their honour. Although the tables took up most of the space in the room, Frodo was impressed by the size of the hall. Clutching Sam's hand, he looked around at the black and white marble columns and the statues of the kings who had reigned before Aragorn. But the small company did not linger in the great hall; the king led them through corridors to what looked like private chambers where they could sit together, free from the curious glances of the courtiers and servants who were preparing the coming festivities.

'Frodo,' said Aragorn as he approached him and put one knee to the ground, 'I can hardly believe that my eyes do not deceive me. And yet you are here!'

Without giving Frodo time to answer, he embraced him.

'There would be so much to say about what we could have done to help you, but this is no time for that, my friend,' he continued, stepping away from Frodo. 'Do you forgive me?'

'There is nothing to forgive, Aragorn,' replied Frodo in a soft voice. 'My presence should be proof of that.'

'Yes, Lord Aragorn,' Sam added. 'We have come all this long way, and we have just recovered Mr. Frodo, if I may say so. We certainly aren't here to blame you!'

'Sam,' said Aragorn, 'you don't know how glad I am to see you smiling again. I trust you will be Frodo's guide during your stay?'

'I'm afraid you'll have to knock Sam out if you want him to let go of Frodo,' said Merry, laughing. 'Don't try to talk to him in private, it would be a waste of your time!'

The small group laughed and then everyone settled into armchairs and couches. Aragorn himself brought refreshments and they exchanged news. The lady Arwen reported what she knew of Rivendell, of her correspondence with Lord Elrond, and what Frodo learned of Bilbo gave him great comfort. Bilbo was too tired to make the journey to Minas Tirith, but he hoped Frodo would visit him on his way back. The Hobbits were obviously delighted to make this detour.

'I don't have the strength to retell the ordeals of my long absence,' Frodo said when the conversation became more serious. 'Maybe Gandalf will be kind enough to give you a summary, or Merry or Pippin. But I must tell you a part of what happened to me, for we have a request to make.'

'There is not much I can refuse you,' Aragorn admitted, 'the debt the free people owe you is tremendous.'

'I'll give you some free people alright!' Sam mumbled, gritting his teeth and squeezing Frodo's hand.

Frodo smiled indulgently, touched to see him still so affected by his misadventure.

'What do you mean, Master Gamgee?' Arwen asked in a soft voice.

'He means that in the name of this hard-won freedom, some people allow themselves dishonest acts, unworthy of your reign,' replied Merry before Sam could speak. 'Acts of vengeance are committed, sometimes to your glory, to amuse the crowds.'

'We speak of these public entertainers,' said Frodo, 'who, under the pretence of giving justice, capture creatures — servants of the Enemy — and make them part of a show during which the villagers insult or throw stones at them.'

'I have heard of this,' said Aragorn in a reflective voice. 'These performances are forbidden in the city.'

'Well, you must forbid them wherever your power reaches!' said Sam, leaping to his feet. 'Some of those rascals have put Frodo through this torment!'

With eyes full of tears of anger, Sam realised that he had lost his temper — and in front of the king, no less! — and sat down beside Frodo, who took his arm.

'You, Frodo?' asked Aragorn, without understanding. 'But why?'

'Before I fell into their hands, I went through many trials that changed me. I was no longer, then, as you see me today. But it is not only for me that we ask justice. It is also for all those poor creatures who still suffer the humiliation and torture inflicted on them by those troops. If they have committed crimes, they must be judged fairly, not during those mock-trials.'

Aragorn listened carefully to Frodo. Under his calm appearance, one could tell that he was furious at those who had dared chain Frodo like a wild animal. But Frodo did not tell him anything, then, that could have helped identify and find his captors. None of the Hobbits went against his will.

When the whole affair was exposed, a servant came to escort the Hobbits to their assigned apartments. Two large rooms were reserved for them. Frodo and Sam occupied a room with a balcony facing east, overlooking the mountain range that delimited the land of Mordor.

'This won't do at all,' said Sam, frowning. 'I'm not one to complain, and you know it, but I'll ask this servant to find us something else. Even a cupboard would be better than having to watch the sun rise on those cursed mountains every morning.'

He was about to leave the room when Frodo took his hand and stopped him.

'Sam, please. Take a look.'

He dragged him onto the balcony and came to stand just behind him, arms wrapped around his chest, his chin resting on his shoulder, forcing Sam to look at the horizon.

'Yes, it's the same mountains that made us suffer so much. But don't you see how they've changed? Only a few years have passed, and yet the sky over Mordor now looks the same as in the Shire.'


'This landscape brings back many painful memories for me too, but I see also and most of all what is different now.'

Sam was silent. Frodo felt him tremble against him. Very gently, he let him turn around, turning his back to the mountain. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

'Oh, Frodo, what you say is true, I can see what the world has become, what we've accomplished and all that. But for so long I thought you could never enjoy it! You can't imagine the pain it was, thinking you were lost forever.'

'Sam... Can't you try and share with me the wonder of this second chance we've been given? True, it doesn't make our wounds go away entirely, but I hope it will heal them.'

'You're right, Mr. Frodo, I haven't suffered a tenth of what you've suffered. I shouldn't complain like that.'

'That is not what I mean, Sam. Come on, come and lie down with me before they come and fetch us for the festivities. I don't want to talk about this anymore and I want to show you that we have something to be happy about.'

Sam blushed and Frodo laughed. He dragged Sam with him to one of the two large beds that occupied the room. He took off his jacket and lay down, delighted to feel the softness of the mattress under him. With a gesture he told Sam to join him, and soon he was holding Frodo tightly and cuddling up against him.

'I'm not going to run away, Sam, there's no need to squeeze me like that!'

'Oh, forgive me! But it's the only thing that makes me feel better, I'm afraid. And I fear I won't be able to sleep a wink in here. I'm that worried I'll wake up without you.'

'I promise I won't get up without telling you. And if I have to go to the privy in the middle of the night,' continued Frodo, laughing, 'too bad for you, I'll wake you up!'

'I'd be upset if you didn't,' answered Sam earnestly.

'Come on, get some rest, then we'll have to get all dressed up...'

The two Hobbits closed their eyes for a few moments. When a servant came knocking at their door to inform them that the banquet was about to begin, they were still asleep.

The festivities given in honour of Frodo were magnificent... Once again, he was granted the privilege of sitting next to the king. On the high table, the most prestigious guests — and especially those dearest to Lord Aragorn — were gathered. The four Hobbits and Gandalf, Lord Faramir and lady Eowyn who had travelled from their residence in Ithilien for the occasion, but also the now inseparable companions, Legolas and Gimli, where there. When Frodo saw them, he was overjoyed. They told him about the adventures they had had after the War of the Ring, and amazed the Hobbit with their stories of unknown creatures and acts of bravery.

Throughout the banquet, Sam never stopped holding Frodo's hand, seeking his comfort and support amidst the conversation and music that filled the great hall with joyful sounds. Frodo would throw him reassuring smiles and share with him food he didn't know and whose flavour intrigued him. Before the servants brought the sweet dishes, a bard sang of the Hobbits' exploits, with special emphasis on Frodo's adventures. The audience wept as he recounted the story of Shelob's sting and Sam's grief, and rejoiced when the singer invented some great deed to fill in what he didn't know about the three years before Frodo's return. Frodo blushed and laughed heartily, amused to be given such prowess when all he had done was drag himself from Mordor to his home in a series of misadventures. Even Sam smiled as he listened to the musician sing.

The many reunions, the rich food and the music soon got the better of Frodo. As the tables were pushed away to make room for the dancing, he apologised to the king and made for his apartments, followed closely by Sam. As they were about to leave the hall, they were caught up by Merry, who tried to convince them to stay for a few dances, but Frodo was determined to end the festivities there.

'But, if you want to go and dance, Sam, don't hold back on my account. I assure you I won't disappear.'

'If I can't dance with you, I don't really see any point in staying,' Sam said blushing.

'Are you sure?'

Sam nodded firmly and Frodo didn't insist. Once in their chamber, Frodo went to the small bathroom to wash his face and empty his bladder which had be sorely tested by the beer and wine from the banquet. He put on a nightshirt and invited Sam to take his place while he stoked the fire. When Sam came out of the bathroom, Frodo took his hand.

'I hate the idea that you can't enjoy yourself because of me,' he said.

'But you know I couldn't have any fun here without you.'

'Haven't you made your peace with the city, now that we've gathered here with all our friends under such happy circumstances?'

'Not yet, I fear. But I don't want to spoil your good mood, so let's not talk about it.'

Frodo smiled and nodded. Getting closer to Sam, he put an arm around his waist and began to hum a tune.

'Will you grant me this dance, Master Gamgee?' he asked with bright eyes.

'This one and all the dances you want,' Sam whispered.

Frodo resumed his humming, and they started spinning about the room, their steps slow and somewhat awkward, twirling in their nightshirts which were turning orange and blue with the glow of the fire and moonlight.
Later on, there would resonate an entirely different music. A melody of short breaths, soft rustling of sheets and creaking of bed frame. It would be an entirely different dance. A dance of naked bodies pressed together, of pale fingers with their renewed strength clinging to golden skin. It would be the contradance of a arching back glowing in the moonlight while, underneath, erect and proud, throbbing flesh would slip gently into intimate warmth. It would be the ballet of hips swaying back and forth to the rhythm of pulsing blood.
But for now, the Hobbits were dancing, their gaze lost in each other, their minds filled with love and happiness, their lips stretched into the same smile and joining in a kiss. The shadows of the night no longer seemed able to reach them; no evil would have dared interrupt the sweetness of that moment. Behind them, through the window, lay the dark range of the mountains of Mordor, and in the stillness of that moment it looked like a long ribbon of black lace. The fire crackled in the fireplace. A night bird sang softly. Frodo and Sam were dancing.

- - - - -

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