The Last Spring [Editing is i...

By IreneEthrin

33.8K 2.2K 1.1K

Hyeyoon had always lived her life positively. She's cheerful, smart, and beautiful. Though she isn't the typ... More

Introduction ✔
Prolog ✔
1. Third Year of College ✔
2. Closer ✔
3. The Sunset ✔
4. The Sun Rises (First Time) ✔
6. His Rules ✔
7. Woman Instinct ✔
8. Emergency ✔
9. Ilsan ✔
10. Turn of Events ✔
11. Rain in November ✔
12. Flashback's Epilogue ✔
13. LT. Engineering & Construction ✓
14. Beijing, The Gala ✔
15. Attentive ✔
16. Welcome Back ✔
17. Dress Fitting ✔
18. The Solitaire Ring
19. The Beauty Salon
20. The Engagement Party
21. Head of the Program Division, Kim Rowoon
22. Seoul Branch (1)
23. Seoul Branch (2) Locked
24. A Friendly Advice
25. The First Flight, Shanghai Airlines
26. Kempinski Hotel Xiamen
27. Xiamen Branch Office
28. Avoiding a Scene
29. The Candor
30. Upside Down
31. Splendid China Folk Villages
32. The Potala Palace
33. Couch Talk
34. Morning Flight
35. Overnight Flight
36. Assets and Investment
37. Final Report, the Near End of the Trip
38. The Long Night
39. The Last Day of the Trip
40. Confession
41. Facing the Truth
42. Making a Decision
43. Finding Its Way Back
44. One Big Step in Life

5. Sweet and Sour ✔

887 49 13
By IreneEthrin

Author's POV

The first three months of Seok-woo and Hyeyoon's relationship were going smoothly, and everyone could see they were happy. Seok-woo won't hesitate to show his love and affection toward Hyeyoon by showing their skinship like holding hands, hugging, or just pinching Hyeyoon's blushed cheek when he teased the girl.

He would ask Hyeyoon to join him and his friends to hang out sometimes. Hyeyoon felt slightly awkward at first, but she adapted fast since there were Inseong and Youngdae, too. Inseong was Hyeyoon's senior in her department, while Youngdae was her classmate along with Jeein. So, whenever they had time, they occasionally hung out together, and they also invited Jeein. Seemed like they planned to matchmake Jeein with Youngdae.

Recently they gathered at Inseong's graduation party; he was the first among them to graduate. He booked an entire café, and they had fun all together. 

Three months full of happiness.

Three months felt so perfect.

Everything seemed going well, till two months later had passed, and today Hyeyoon was standing in front of Prof. Lee's office. She knocked on the door and heard a faint voice from inside. She entered the Professor's office.

"Have a seat, Hyeyoon," the middle-aged man smiled and told her to sit.

Hyeyoon sat and watched Prof. Lee scrolled the page on his PC, then printed something. He handed few pages of papers to Hyeyoon.

"I received this email last night and was wondering if you're interested in studying abroad," he said while fixing his glasses.

Hyeyoon took the paper and read the first page as a notification from a Professor of The University of Melbourne who responded to Hyeyoon's proposal she submitted a few months ago.

Hyeyoon, who was still unable to comprehend, stared at the older man and confusedly gave the paper back to him, "I don't understand, Sir," she said finally.

Prof. Lee cleared his throat. "The journal you submitted was noticed by one of the Professors. He was interested in the topic you brought and was offering an award of full funding scholarship to you," Prof. Lee explained. "This is an excellent opportunity, Hyeyoon. You can continue for a master degree right after you graduated,"

Hyeyoon already prepared for her final thesis, and if everything went well, she'd graduate this winter.

"I believe you still have time till February intake. Are you ready for this? I'll support everything you need, including your application and recommendation letter," still unable to decide, Hyeyoon nervously squeezed her delicate fingers.

"I-I need to think about this first, Professor. I need to talk with my mom, too," Hyeyoon finally sounded, and Prof. Lee nodded eagerly.

"Sure, sure! You have to. Your parents must be so proud of you, Hyeyoon," he smiled meaningfully. "Let me know your final decision before the end of this month, or else they will give the scholarship to another candidate,"

Hyeyoon nodded and got up, excused herself to leave. She closed the office door with a pounding heart. She was excited to hear the news and thrilled, too. Hyeyoon never thought she would get a chance to study abroad. It was one of her dreams, but she didn't expect to get the offer even before she officially graduated.

The girl glanced at her watch, and the time showed 5 PM. She'd better go home. Hyeyoon walked to the bus stop right next to the campus entrance. 2 minutes later, her bus arrived. She tapped the bus card then headed to the empty seat, right before the window.

She couldn't wait to tell Seokwoo about the news. Hyeyoon grabbed her phone from her bag and dialed her boyfriend's number, but her smile slowly faded. The operator directed the call to a voicemail. He was still switching his phone off.

She tried again but got the same result. Hyeyoon let out a sigh and put her phone back. She couldn't help to feel sad; it was useless calling him. 

Her mind was in a complete mess. As much as her heart right now. She missed Seokwoo so much, but she couldn't reach him. She was afraid that Seokwoo might get angry again, just like when she made her first mistake, leading the two of them to a heated argument.

She realized that every relationship wasn't always going smoothly. After five months together with Seok-woo, Hyeyoon learned that there were times when Seokwoo became unreachable. Whenever he said he needed to focus on working on his project, he will lock himself down inside his apartment and blocked every communication, even with Hyeyoon.

His friends had used to this side of Kim Seok-woo. So, they often advised Hyeyoon to calm down and wait for him to contact her first once he finished his work. Hyeyoon tried to be selfless and figured a way to cooperate with the circumstances. She didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend to Seok-woo. So, they were right; at that time, Seok-woo did call her after a few days of no communication.

Hyeyoon recalled the event when she excitedly answered his call as she saw the caller ID showed 'My Seokwoo' on her phone screen. They talked for hours that night till Hyeyoon fell asleep.

But, he had been missing for more than a week already this time. Hyeyoon couldn't help to feel uneasy. He hadn't shown up at the campus lately since their schedule was not as packed as previous semesters. Their final semester was near even Hyeyoon was preparing her final Thesis for her graduation this winter.

Hyeyoon understands his burden and struggle since she was experiencing the same thing with her subjects. But Hyeyoon tried to believe they could work this together as long as they supported each other.

Hyeyoon won't deny she was upset. She began to think that she tried to make things work between them. Hyeyoon let the wind blew from the window gently to her face. It was both warm and fresh. Her memories went back to the things that happened five days ago.

Seok-woo was unreachable, but she missed him a lot, and that day was their 5th month anniversary. So, out of the blue, she got the idea to visit him uninformed, planned to make a little surprise. She was also cooking his favorite dishes.

But she eventually made a wrong decision as Seokwoo was quite mad about the idea, and it was their first fight.

* * * 

September, 29th 2016 (Flashback)

Hyeyoon pressed the doorbell, "Who's it?" she heard Seok-woo's voice not long after.

"It's me," Hyeyoon cheerfully told him, but there was no reply. He just unlocked the door and let Hyeyoon came in by herself.

Hyeyoon wasn't aware of the situation at first. She calmly entered his apartment to find Seok-woo was sitting on his couch with his arm crossed and staring at Hyeyoon in a dark expression.

"Have you eaten?" Hyeyoon then put the food she made on the dining table and was ready to serve it. "I made your favorites. Come here, have some before you continue working again, don't spend too much time in front of your computer. It's not good for your health and eyes, too," Hyeyoon turned to see his response, but instead of replying to her, Seok-woo frowned with an unpleasant expression.

Seeing him like that, Hyeyoon came near to him, "what's wrong?" she asked him gently as he might not feel good about something. Hyeyoon was offering her help in case Seokwoo needed someone to hear his concern. But when Hyeyoon reached out to touch his hand, Seok-woo rejected her slowly.

"I'm sorry, Hyeyoon, but I'm not really in a mood right now. Thanks for the food. Leave it there. I'll take care of it later. And now you can go home," his tone was cold and sharp. Hyeyoon was dumbfounded as she witnessed him behave this way for the first time.

"Is there something wrong?" she still managed to ask him nicely, "if you need something, let me know so I can help you," Hyeyoon was about to reach the man again, but he stood up, avoiding her.

Looking mad at her, he fiercely said, "No! I can take care of myself," his voice raised.

Hyeyoon was startled and frowned in confusion, but she faced the taller man and asked in disbelief, "Am I disturbing you?"

He didn't respond. His mouth shut tight as he didn't want to reply.

Hyeyoon felt her heart sting a little upon seeing his expression. Seok-woo gritted his teeth hard, tried holding himself. He didn't want to hurt the girl in front of him more, but he was really in an awful mood right now as the project he built didn't go well and needed to be reviewed while the deadline was near.

He knew he'd been ignoring her for days. He just needed his time alone to focus, and Hyeyoon came to his place at the very wrong time.

"I was just worried about you," she said lowly, "And I've missed you," her voice shaken a little.

No, no more crying! Seok-woo growled and frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair. He turned around and walked to the door, opening it for her.

"Not now, Hyeyoon, please,"

Hyeyoon face darkened; she looked at the man with her widened eyes. Hyeyoon was angry at him actually, didn't get why he had to be this mad when all she did was visiting him and cooking him food.

Trying hard not to argue with him, Hyeyoon walked to the front door with disappointment. When she passed him, she stopped for a moment. She closed her eyes tightly and took a breath to calm herself down, then exhaled it. She turned to see his boyfriend. Her eyes were showing it all; hurt, sad, and wounded.

Seok-woo could see it in her eyes. It was the first time he witnessed that expression and the stare in her eyes. He felt the urge to hug her and apologize for his mistake. But there was something inside that prevented him from doing what his heart was telling him.


He still believed he was not at fault as to why he had to be mad at her right now. Rather than confusing himself with unnecessary things like emotion, he has to be rational.

Hyeyoon opened her mouth, was about to utter something. But she held it then shut her mouth tightly. She was afraid as she might cry in front of him if she forced herself to talk.

Swallowed back her words, Hyeyoon walked out of Seokwoo's apartment. She closed the door behind her and strode on the corridor with tears brimming in her eyes. She couldn't help it anymore and let a single tear escape. She quickly wiped it, then stepped into the elevator. Leaving his apartment with a broken heart.

At some point, Hyeyoon was aware that Seok-woo could be so mean sometimes. He put himself first before everything. Even though she was his girlfriend, there was no exception. If he had set his mind about something, he would focus on whatever he did and could be careless with anything around him. 

Hyeyoon snapped back from her reminiscence when someone took the seat beside her, a guy. A guy dressed in a black coat and jeans. He seemed in a hurry as he unconsciously dropped his file. Hyeyoon took it and accidentally read the title; it was a journal. That man was a Ph.D. program student at The University of Melbourne.

Hyeyoon suddenly remembered the offer she got today. A full-funding scholarship. She wiped the thoughts away and handed the paper when the guy beside her stood up and was about to get off the bus at the next bus stop.

"Sorry," Hyeyoon sounded, the man looked at her and the paper she held.

"Ah, thank you," he seemed in a hurry. He quickly took it and muttered, smiled at her then got off the bus when the bus stopped.

Reaching her destination, Hyeyoon got off the bus at the next stop. She had to walk for 10 minutes from the bus stop to her place. She arrived at the last turn to her house when she saw a tall man leaned back to his black HRV with his head down, waiting for someone.

Hyeyoon stopped. She could recognize the figure even from 100 meters away.


Hyeyoon approached the man who was now aware of her presence. He raised his face and stared at Hyeyoon. They just stared at each other. No one initiated to speak first. Though she missed him a lot right now but recalling what he said the last time they met had brought back the sting in her heart. She tried to control her emotion as she almost leaked tears. She inhaled deeply.

Hyeyoon then raised her stare to look straight into Seokwoo's eyes; she waited. There were a lot of things she wanted to say, but to see him came all this way to her house area means he had something to say. So, she waited calmly. She was letting the man start the conversation. But after a very long and painful pause, none of them began to speak.

"What are you doing here?" Hyeyoon spoke first eventually. Her voice came out sternly; she couldn't help it.

Seok-woo didn't reply, but he opened the back seat door, let out a paper bag, and gave it to her. Hyeyoon took it and checking the inside; it was the box meals she brought last time, all clean. He washed it already.

"Yours," he said.

Hyeyoon nodded. Silent again.

Hyeyoon suddenly felt so drained. She didn't want to force him if he never had the intention to apologize. So, after a minute of silence, Hyeyoon decided to walk past him, already had enough.

"Alright then, drive home safely," Hyeyoon was about to leave when Seokwoo held her hand. Hyeyoon was startled by the touch. She halted and stared at her boyfriend, confused.

Seok-woo was amazed by his sudden movement, but he didn't hold it though. His heart and mind were so messy right now. He couldn't think properly. The last time Hyeyoon visited his apartment, and left him with hurt and pain in her eyes. He knew that he was the one at fault. He hurt her and couldn't help to feel all miserable afterward.

He squeezed the tiny hand he held right now, was hoping the gesture could transmit what was inside his heart. He dearly wanted to kneel right away, ask for Hyeyoon's forgiveness. Even though Hyeyoon didn't show her tears in front of him, he knew those pretty almond eyes had been crying for nights because of him.

He could see the redness, and it made his heart painfully ache.

He sighed and pulled the tiny girl into his hug. She jumped a little and dropped the paper bag on the road. The girl nearly stumbled, but Seokwoo held her body in his arms tightly.

"Hyeyoon," he called her name gently. But the girl was unresponsive.

Seok-woo looked down and saw Hyeyoon shut her lips tightly. She wasn't even moving. He shifted his hand and caressed her cheek gently. He whispered again, "Baby?"

Instead of an answer, he could hear faint sobs as the girl broke into tears.

It broke his heart as he felt the girl began to tremble. Seok-woo tightened his hug, engulfed her petite figure deeper in his embrace. Letting the girl buried her face on his chest, pouring all her emotion on him. He was guilty for hurting the girl he loved, for making her cried this much.

"I'm sorry," he finally said. "I'm so sorry, Hyeoon," he caressed her back gently, shushing her calm, and waited till the girl had let everything out.

Stroking her soft hair, Seok-woo rested his chin on the girl's crown. He missed her so much. Seok-woo inhaled the scent of her shampoo; he always loved this scent. It was a mixture of peach and roses.

Even though he could still hear her sobs, but he unexpectedly felt peaceful. His mind became at ease as if all heavy burden lifted from his shoulder.

Seok-woo sighed in relief. He hummed random melodies as they stayed at that position for quite some time. Letting their feeling absorbed all the energy back from their lack of interaction lately.

He suddenly needed more and wanted to have her right now, longing for the warmth that he missed a lot.

Seok-woo loosened his hug and leaned to look at her face gently. He wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go," he took the paper bag she dropped and escorted her to the passenger seat. She complied and got into the car.


A/N :

Hello everyone
I'm back again with an update. I'm sorry for the delay.
I need three days to write this chapter, LOL.

So, if you notice, someone does show up here.
His appearance was supposed to be a bit later.

But I want to add him to this story. Hehe
So yeah, he appears for a brief moment.

Thanks to everyone who gives comments, and it seems like you want to know what is inside Seok-woo's mind, too.
I don't know if I can write from a man's POV, but I will probably try later. So, here I provide you this chapter from my POV as the writer.

Hopefully, everyone enjoys the story so far.
Till we meet again in the next chapter

Much of Love

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