
By LieutenantLoki

13.8K 504 71

ve·he·mence ˈvēəməns/ n. the display of strong feeling; passion. Lany, a fresh graduate from the Starfleet Ac... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Déjà Vu - Vehemence Sequel

Chapter 10

540 23 2
By LieutenantLoki

"I don't know, I think this is too much." I said, looking at myself in the mirror. Uhura and I went shopping for a bit to find something to wear for the party, I was trying this fitted, black dress on that was a little above the knee. It covered half my back and the sleeves were off shoulder. "Have you ever been to a party before?" She asked, "Uhm... Not parties like this. Just bars and stuff." I said, making her laugh. "You look great, I promise." She said, making me spin, "See, you can even turn perfectly." 

I sighed nervously, pulling the dress down a bit, "Fine, I'll take this. Now, come on, I'll help you put yours on." I said, taking Uhura's dress and giving it to her. She got into her fitted, red, silk dress on that reached her knees but it had a slit up to her upper thigh, making it look even more daring that it had spaghetti straps. I closed the zipper on her back, and she excitedly turned to look at herself in the mirror. It really brought out her shape, she looked perfect in it and the colour just made it even more perfect.

"How is it?" She asked, "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it, Uhura! You look great!" I squealed, giving her a quick hug. "I am excited." She chirped.

It wasn't hard to pay for the dresses and the heels because we had this special card that Eric gave us. We went back to the hotel and I decided to stop by my room first to write a bit in my notebook for Paris. "I'll catch up." I told Uhura. "I'll see you up there then." She said, I nodded and smiled at her just before the elevator door closed.

I opened my door and took my notebook out, writing a bit. It was just short notes or summaries so I'll remember what I did everyday out here. It was for my best friend, I want to take her with me in this adventure so I'm writing stuffs for her when I get back.

I walked out my room and saw Jim waiting outside, he was wearing a navy blue, velvet suit. His hair was gelled and he was wearing a huge grin on his face, "Why aren't you up there?" I asked, closing my door. "Well, Uhura said you went to your room so I thought I'd go back down and escort you up, m'lady." He said, reaching his hand out like a prince, I giggled, gibing him a curtsy and putting my hand in his. He sealed a kiss on it and smiled at me, "You look gorgeous." 

"Thanks. You look good too." I smiled, fixing his tie, "Let's go up?" I invited. He gestured for me to place my hand on his arm, "You're a gentleman tonight." I commented. "Only for you." He grinned. I playfully rolled my eyes. 

We got into the huge event room full of familiar faces. It's almost weird seeing everyone off of their colour-coded uniforms. "Am I late?" I asked, shouting a bit. The music was loud and everyone was talking, making it harder to hear your own voice. 

"A little yeah, Eric already gave his welcome speech." He answered, "Oh. That's too bad." I frowned. "Don't worry about it. Let's go to our table." 

We walked through the crowd and to this round table. "Hi, Lany." Everyone greeted. "Hello." I grinned, there was Chekov, Bones, Scotty, and Wee man... Where's  Uhura and the Commander? I sat on the unoccupied seat next to Chekov, pulling my dress down a bit. "You look pretty, miss Lany." He said shyly. I slightly laughed at his reaction, "Thanks, Chekov. You're not too bad yourself." I said, leaning closer so he could hear. 

"Where's Uhura?" I asked, looking around. "She went drinking with William." Bones said, "Oh." Was the only answer I gave. "Do you want to go drink?" Jim asked, standing behind my seat. I looked up and shook my head, "Maybe later. You can go drink by yourself tonight or go find someone to flirt with." I said, shoo-ing him. I heard him let out a laugh.

"Aren't you guys going for a drink?" I asked everyone right after Jim left. "We did. You should go drink with Jim." Bones said. I sighed and stood up. I tried to look for Jim but he was already out of sight. I squeezed myself through the crowd, accidentally bumping into someone's back, "I'm sorry." I said, almost shouting. He turned around and I looked at him for a minute trying to remember if I've seen him before.

"Commander?" I said unsurely. He seemed different. Like super different. His hair was combed back and he was wearing a black suit, he looked human. Not that he wasn't human. I mean, like a normal human being, except his ears were still pointed but he was... "Is that you?" I asked, just to make sure. "Yes, lieutenant." He said. I could barely hear what he said. 

"Where have you been?" I asked, "The restroom, I tried to dry my sleeves." He said, showing his wet sleeve. "What happened?"

"Mr. Chekov accidentally hit the glass on the table." He said. I dragged him to our table where everyone was. "You're back." Bones said, "And you found Spock."

"I'm sorry, Commander." Chekov apologized sincerely when he saw Spock.

"Do you want to take your coat off?" I asked. He didn't say anything, he just took his coat off and hang it on the chair. I grabbed his arm and opened his button. "You have a lot of arm hair." I said, giving him a smile. I rolled his sleeves just below his elbow, "There. You look nice." I grinned.

"Chekov, can you guard his coat please?" I asked, "Yes, Lieutenant." He said, nodding pompously.

"Where are you going?" "Where are we going?"

Bones and Commander Spock asked at the same time. "We're drinking." I grinned, patting Commander Spock on the shoulder. I gently pushed the him so I could walk in front of him, I grabbed his arm and we slid through the crowd to find where Jim was. I swear I looked everywhere and he's definitely nowhere to be found.

We walked to the bar stand with tall, round tables for drinking while standing. "I'll go get us a drink." I said, asking him to wait there. "I don't drink, Lieutenant." "Yeah, but tonight you do." I grinned. He was going to say something but I turned my back and walked to the bar stand.

I carefully made our way back to where Commander Spock was, putting his glass down. "Cheers?" I said, a little unsure, raising my glass up. He just looked at me, "Come on." I whined, I took his hand and made him hold the glass. He raised it and I cheerfully said cheers, gently making our glasses hit. I downed my drink at once and a lady holding a tray of more wine asked if we needed more. "Yes pleasee." I cheerfully said. 

She smiled, putting two more glasses of wine on the table, then she took my empty glass and smiled before walking away. I looked around and spotted Uhura with William, they were laughing and they seemed to be getting really close. "Are you jealous?" I asked Commander Spock, "They seem pretty close." 

He took a sip of his wine and looked at me, "I am not."

"You should try flirting too. Go say hi to that girl over there." I said, pointing at the girl who was laughing with her friends. "I do not wish to date at the moment."

"Aw, that's okay. You just haven't moved on yet. Hearts really don't break even." I patted his back, and gave him another toast before taking a sip of my wine. "Commander Spock said hi." I said loudly to the lady who walked by, "I did not." Commander Spock said, the girl smiled awkwardly and walked away, she seemed nice, might be one of Bones's nurses. 

"Stop." He said and I just rolled my eyes at him. I looked around silently, trying to find Jim in the crowd. That boy just disappeared. "What would I call you if you had antlers instead of pointy ears?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder, "What?" He asked, confused. "Commandeer Spock." I said seriously before bursting out laughing at my own jokes. He smiled, trying to stop himself from laughing, "That was not amusing." He said.

"It was! Now you tell me a joke." I said, facing Commander Spock. "A joke?" He repeated, scrunching his face a bit. "Yes, a joke. You see what William over there is doing to Uhura? He's telling her jokes to make her laugh because women like guys who make them laugh."

He thought for a while, "Why are you like a circle when you speak?" He asked, "Why?" I asked back excitedly, "Because you do not have a point." He said, letting out a chuckle at his own joke. "That was rude." I said, slapping his arm. "But it was funny." He said, clearing his throat. "You're never getting girls with that."

The lights dimmed a little bit more and a slow song started to play. We just looked at everyone grab random partners and slow dance on the dance floor. I saw lieutenant Uhura dancing with William and it just made me soft seeing them. I turned to Commander Spock who was just looking at everyone.

"Let's dance." I invited, reaching my hand out. "I don't dance, Lieutenant." He said, leaning on the table. "Neither do I but how hard could it be?" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. "Lieutenant —"

"It will be fine." I said. "You place your hand here," I instructed, guiding his hand to my waist. I placed my hand on his shoulder and then I held his other hand up. 

"We dance like this but sometimes you can just put both your hands on your partner's waist and then she'll place her hands on your nape." I said, putting his hand down to my waist, "Like this."

We swayed slowly, while we both look at our feet, trying not to step at each other's toes. "See, we're getting the hang of it." I grinned. "You look great, by the way." I said leaning closer to his ears. "Jim assisted with the clothes and he messed with my hair." He said, bending down a bit to my ear. "He did mess with your hair, didn't he?" I laughed, "But you look great, don't worry."

"Likewise. Your hair is down tonight." He commented quietly and I just realized that it was the first time he was seeing me with my hair down. I was always in my ponytail or in a bun in the Enterprise. "Yeah, well, I thought it'd look good." I said, now feeling a little shy about it. "You are enticing." He added, looking over my head, I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, "Thanks."

He pulled me in closer, both our pelvis were touching, I figured he interlocked his own hands together. I cleared my throat and awkwardly looked around, "Everyone's looking." I said, almost whispering, "Is that okay for you?"

"Is it supposed to not be okay?" He asked back. "No, I just thought... you'd be uncomfortable." I said, shrugging.

"I am not." 

I smiled and looked at him, "I like it better when we're not at work."

"What is the difference?" He asked, "You're... nicer?" I said, awkwardly laughing. "No, I am the same." He said. "Maybe, then I guess we're getting to know each other. Are we friends now?" I asked and he just shrugged. "I'll take that as a "You decide" so yes, we're friends now. Can we not work on the paper works while we're here?" I asked. He stopped swaying and gently removing my hands from his nape, he leaned in very close, too close, I actually started to hear people murmur, "No." He said, a smirk playing on the edge of his lips.

"There's no convincing you." I groaned. "I have been told." He playfully said. "Tsk." We walked out the dance floor and I heard someone call my name. We both turned to see Mathew who was from the engineering department, he was with a few other engineers.

"Drink?" He asked, holding two glasses. "No, I think I've had enough." I said, he walked closer and I impulsively grabbed on to Commander Spock's arm, he looked at me and then at my hand. "Just one." He insisted. "No, thank you really." I said.


"I believe you heard her the first time, she does not want to, Lieutenant Singe." Commander Spock said, cutting Mathew off. "I wasn't talking to you, pointy ears." He said. I shot him a glare, he must've been drunk but that was still a misconduct. "You just disrespected the Commander." I said, "Yeah, well good thing we're not on the ship." He laughed.

I sighed, trying to keep my calm. I was standing in front of commander Spock like as if trying to protect him. "Okay, mr. Singe. Thank you for your service on the Enterprise. I will be sure to let the Captain and then the Admiral know what you did. You should be relieved duty once we go back to Earth. Good day." I said, turning around. I was about to pull the Commander with me when he muttered loudly under his breath.

"Whore. The kids in our hometown were right, good thing your parents left you." 

We... came from the same hometown? How long have he known it was me? How many people have he told this to?

I was going to ignore him and just walk away but Commander Spock walked back to him, giving him a hard punch. The people moved away from them, causing a lot of attention to build up in the scene. "Enough!" I shouted. Bones ran to us worriedly. He pulled Spock away from Mathew who was already bleeding, "Stop it! Goddammit, Spock. You're the First Officer, you should know better!" He scolded. 

He looked at Bones and then at me, before stomping away from the scene. "I'll go after him." I said frantically, giving Bones a nod. "I'm sorry everyone, please go back to the party!" I shouted before leaving the room.

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