A Warrior Of Life (Edited)

By JusticedS_19

127K 2.2K 641

What if Thor and Loki had another older sister besides Hela? Introducing Destiny Odinsdottir, the Goddess of... More

Chapter 1- Asgard's New King
Chapter 2- The Casket
Chapter 3- Jotunheim
Chapter 4- Banishment
Chapter 5- The Bifrost
Chapter 6- Madness
Chapter 7- Chaos on Earth
Chapter 8- Loki's Escape
Chapter 9- New York
Chapter 10- The Return to Asgard
Chapter 11- Peace
Chapter 12- Aether
Chapter 13- Dark Elves
Chapter 14- Off World
Chapter 15- The Convergence (Part 1)
Chapter 16- The Convergence (Part 2)
Chapter 17- Ultron
Chapter 18- Mind Tricks
Chapter 19- Visions
Chapter 21- Leaving Once Again
Chapter 22- Flashbacks
Chapter 23- Surtur
Chapter 24- Coming Home
Chapter 25- Doctor Strange
Chapter 26- Goddess of Death
Chapter 27- The Grandmaster
Chapter 28- Tournament
Chapter 29- Hulk
Chapter 30- Quinjet
Chapter 31- Calm
Chapter 32- Revengers
Chapter 33- Commodore
Chapter 34- Escaping Sakaar
Chapter 35- Duel
Chapter 36- Ragnarok
Chapter 37- Tesseract
Chapter 38- Guardians of the Galaxy
Chapter 39- Lightbringer
Chapter 40- Restarting the Forge
Chapter 41- Wakanda
Chapter 42- The Garden
Chapter 43- New Asgard's Queen
Chapter 44- Back in Time
Chapter 45- Making it count
Chapter 46- Final Fight (Part 1)
Chapter 47- Final Fight (Part 2)
Chapter 48- New Paths
A/N - Destiny's Staffs
Bonus Chapter: Nat's Funeral
Okay What the Heck?!
A/N - Done the Edits

Chapter 20- Sokovia

1.3K 28 8
By JusticedS_19

Warnings: None

This font=flashback/dream

2015, Earth.

Destiny's POV:

I quietly sat there, trying to piece together what I had seen before...

All around me, there was darkness. I couldn't see anything more 2 feet away. I silently stepped forward once, then again, and again. I felt a presence behind me and turned around, but I couldn't see anything. I wandered some more when suddenly, the darkness faded, and I could see a lot more. But everything seemed empty, absolutely nothing and no one around. I turned around once more and standing there, was a figure. The more I approached her, the more I realized that her features were oddly similar to mine. She was wearing what looked like a black and green suit and had messy black hair roughly the same length as mine. Before I could do anything and say something, the figure flicked her wrist and drew out a massive sword and used her other wrist to toss several knives at me.

As I thought about what I had seen, I received a sudden smack to the back of my head.

"Ow." I said. "What was that about?!"

I whipped my head around, thinking that Thor has done that but saw Pietro Maximoff instead.

"Are you coming?" He asked me.

I was confused until I realized that we were all leaving to find Ultron.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I replied before standing up.


"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve lectured.

As we arrived on Sokovia, Bruce left to find Natasha and everyone else began evacuating people from the city, while Stark left to find Ultron. In the middle of everyone evacuating, several of Ultron's robots began to attack.

"This is just great." I muttered before pulling out my staff and blasting the robots while continuing evacuating other people.

Suddenly, the entire city began to shake. Everyone I was evacuating began to scream in fear.

"Stay where you are!" I ordered.

I flew just outside the city to see it rising up into the air, and I returned to the group I was dealing with.

"Come on Destiny, think..." I muttered.

I blasted some more robots.

"Cap, you got incoming." Stark informed Steve.

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off." Steve lectured.

The shaking of the ground caused a nearby building to collapse, and I quickly caught the rubble, saving the group of people, before chucking the rubble at another robot. I created a force field of light around the 20 or so people with me.

"You will be safe here until we find a way to evacuate you all." I said.

"Thank you." Several people replied as I exited the force field and flew towards the edge, joining Steve and Thor.

"Sorry I'm late. I had about maybe 20 people to protect." I said.

"Thor! Destiny! You're bothering me." Ultron exclaimed.

Soon enough, a swarm of robots came flying at me. I managed to dodge them and blasted some, before they split up, half of the swarm after me and the other half after Thor.

"The next wave is gonna hit at any moment." I said after destroying the last few attack robots.

"What have you got Stark?" Steve asked Stark.

"Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." Stark explained.

"I said for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve argued.

"The impact radius is getting bigger by the second. We're going to have to make a choice." Stark retaliated.

"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow up this rock..." Natasha finally stepped in.

"Not until everyone is safe." Steve cut her off.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down here? There's no math in that." Natasha said.

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Steve replied.

"I didn't say we should leave." Natasha stated. "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." Nick Fury's voice spoke.

At that moment, SHIELD's helicarriers emerged.

"Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve muttered.

"Oh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

After that, lifeboats emerged from the flying vehicles for people to board.

"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked.

"This is what SHIELD is supposed to be." Steve answered.

"It's not so bad." Pietro said.

"Let's load them up." Steve ordered.

He turned to me.

"You said you had a group of people protected right?" He asked me.

I nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted from me and flew away, back to the still standing force field. I removed the force field and got everyone to follow me to the closest lifeboat, and made sure everyone was on.

"Thor, Destiny, I have a plan." Stark said.

"We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor replied.

We all met inside the center, where the vibranium core happened to be.

"What's the drill?" I asked Stark.

"This is the drill." Stark said while pointing to the vibranium core. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

Ultron then showed up, and we all readied our weapons, turning towards him.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor asked.

With a chuckle, Ultron held his hand up, and a full on army of robots came into view. I let out a quiet sigh and turned to my brother.

"You had to ask." I commented.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me." Ultron said. "How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said. Together." Stark answered.

Ultron's robots charged straight at us as we all took them down. Though there wasn't very much room, I continued to blast many robots. Outside, we encountered Ultron, who was just standing there. Stark fired up his blasters while Thor blasted his lightning and I blasted my light. Vision also joined us as he fired up a laser from the mind stone. The amount of energy we were all blasting was enough to bring Ultron down and destroy some part of him.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight...."

Ultron did not have time to finish before the Hulk appeared, smashing him and sending him flying into the air. The robots attacking quickly began retreating.

"They're going to try and leave the city." Thor determined.

"We can't let them. Not even one." Stark said. "Rhodey!"

As Rhodey appeared to take down the robots, Vision flew out as well.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Steve ordered.

"I'll come as well." I stated.

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda said.

We all left, towards the boats and looking for people who may still be on the rock.

"Thor and Destiny, I'll need you both back at the church." Stark requested as I finished loading a few more people on a lifeboat.

"Is this the last of them." He asked.

"Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier." Steve stated.

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away." Stark commented.

"Maybe not." I agreed as Thor and I flew to the church.

Thor stood at the drill as Stark and I made our way underneath the floating city. The two of us fired blasts at the core as we prepared to destroy the city.

A/N: Wow 400 views already?! Man, you guys are really liking this story!

A/N: Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and stick around for the next chapter. Byye!

A/N 03/17/2023: So this was the chapter when I hit 400 reads? Damn, this has come a long way.

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