I am dauntless

By Dreamoak316

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Tris Pedrad is the twin sister to Uriah Pedrad and younger sister to Zeke Pedrad. Her life is perfect. But w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

471 10 2
By Dreamoak316

Tris POV
I can't believe it!!! Four likes me!!! ME!!! Little ugly old Tris Pedrad!
" Oh uh sorry for asking." four says looking down disipointiedly ( A/N is that a word ?) wait what? asking what? Then it hits me Four the all mighty Four just asked ME the teen tiny little Tris Pedrad to be HIS girlfriend and I haven't ansured!!! "Wait four!" He imedeitly whips around looking quite pissed " You didn't let me ansure yes I will be your girlfriend." I say while watching his face soffin. He then then sprints over to me (which is only like two strides for him) he then easily picks me up and spins me around. As he sets me down he kissesme lightly I take advantage of this and rap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Arms snake around my waist right as I start to deepen the kiss " WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!" Uriah and Zeke scream in unison. " what's it look like i was kissing my boyfriend. Do you have a problem with that?" I say as I strut up to them and get as all up in there face my little body can get. "YES I DO!!!YOU CAN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!".
Ok I get that they don't want me to get hurt but that cuts the line. It's like 'HELLO HIPICRITICAL MUCH?!?! YOUR ACTING LIKE YOU GUYS DON'T DATE SUSANA AND MARLENE!!!!'
Four's POV

''HELLO HIPICRITICAL MUCH?!?! YOUR ACTING LIKE YOU GUYS DON'T DATE SUSANA AND MARLENE!!!!'' Tris screams at Uriah and Zeke. Ok maybe I should handle this... "Tris babe let me handle this 'kay?" She sighed kissed my cheek and vary relucdently backed away. oh god this is going to be ... Fun.

Tris POV

I really hope he doesn't get hurt Zeke and Uriah can be seriously scary sometimes but most people haven't seen them like that.
" Ok please don't kill me I really really like Tris and to be honest I have since I first saw her and I will always really really like her until I start to live her and that will probably be vary soon. I will never even think about hurting her and if I do then it will be a nightmare. So if you guys don't want me to date her than to bad that ain't gona happen." during fours little speech (which I loved!!! And was speechless during) my bros exspeshons went from deep scowle and hard glare to almost considering face to a ug if I have to fine faces.

Four's POV

I really do hope that worked and it was all true I know it's soon but I think I might love her I can't tell them that though. "AAAAAAWWWWW! That'd sooo sweet!!!" Christina shreaks. "WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT CRIS!!!" Marlene yells. "ugg fine you can date her." Zeke says "BUT DON'T HURT HER GOT IT?!?!" Uriah yells at me. i nod my head in response then to Tris, " Sooooo I think Im done do you want to come back to my apartment with me?" I ask just wanting to be alone with her." I would love to" she says and kisses me im about to deepen it but pull away and take her hand in stead remembering where we are and lead her out. "hey don't get any ideas!!!" the Pedrad brothers. Then I get an idea. " here follow me I want to show you some thing." I tell her "what?" She asks I pause thinking of how to frase it I go strate to the point "my fears".

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