VIPER→ s. pea [1]

By MuffledYells

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"I'm not just doing it to disappoint them, I swear." ˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚ In which the snake slither his way into her l... More



868 40 4
By MuffledYells

"makes me feel like a dangerous woman"

A million thoughts were clouding Harley's mind as she sat infront of her mirror, carefully applying lipgloss to her already plump lips.

After running out on Sweet Pea at the quarry, she had made a beeline through the woods. Then, she had called Jughead, asking if he could give her a ride. She was slightly hesitant to the fact that her childhood best friend was riding a motorcycle, but seeing as she had already been on one on several occasions with Sweet Pea it wasn't too big of a deal.

Sweet Pea was still stuck to her mind like a piece of gum to a shoe. Harley couldn't shake the thought what might've happened if she hadn't bolted. They were so close, they almost kissed. No. Harley shook her head, ridding her mind of the thought. She did the right thing by running off. Nothing good would ever come out a relationship between a Northsider and a Southsider. Well, except with Betty and Jughead. In their case, the uncovering of a murder came out of it. That, and a hell of a lot wholesomeness.

But then again, the two were broken up. Which only goes to show how it wouldn't work. If they couldn't do it, no one could. Harley wasn't even sure why she was overthinking it. So what if they 'almost kissed'? Harley was distraught and felt lonely, he probably did too. It was just crazy to even think that either of them even liked each other, let alone would ever land in an romantic equation.

Besides, Harley had barely even associated with the Serpent. Expect for the time she saved him from being arrested at the school, and that time at the drag race. And that time outside of Jughead's trailer when Betty broke up with him through Archie. And yesterday at Pop's and the quarry. Okay, so yeah maybe they had associated a lot more then Harley would like to admit, but they hadn't really talked until they were at the quarry. And their time there was spent making jokes and eating, not getting to know each other.

Harley slammed her lipgloss down. She was done thinking about Sweet Pea. Instead she decided to focus at the task at hand, getting dressed and ready to see Jughead's dad.

As previously mentioned, FP Jones was far from Harley's favorite person in the world. But she had to give him credit that after he got out of jail, he had tried his best to make up for being a shitty father. He had quit drinking, as well as having stopped acting shady. Though he wasn't about to earn father of the year after cleaning of Jason's blood and stashing him in a freezer before dumping him in Sweetwater river, he had paid for his mistakes and Jughead needed his father regardless of his tuff boy act.

Out of love and support for Jughead, Harley was currently getting dressed for FP's retirement party. What is he retiring from you may ask? The Serpents. Harley wasn't even aware that one could quit a gang, let alone retire, but it wasn't like she had done any research about it. Other then the several movies she had watched. According to those, you were killed off if you decided to 'quit' the gang. Simply because one had too much inside information. Kind of like an ex.

Seeing as Harley hadn't had a lot of time to hang with Midge, she invited the Klump girl over to get ready. Midge wasn't going to the retirement party, but was more then happy to help Harley get ready. The Byers girl was feeling particularly remorseful for abondoning her best friend to chase after a killer with Archie, or join in on serpent shenanigans with Jughead. It was about time she showed her friend some appreciation and love.

Sprawled across Harley's bed, Midge was reading a random fashion magazine she had found on the floor. No surprised, the Klump girl was still dating Moose, and she was still complaining about it. Harley had given up, simply resorting to nods of agreement to whatever she had to say about the boy. "Ew, who would even want to look like that." Midge scrunched her nose up in disgust, showing a halfdressed Harley the picture she was referring to.

Harley let out a snicker. "It kinda looks like a shower curtain if you think about it." Midge laughed along.

"Kind of!? I'd be surprised if it wasn't!" Midge exclaimed, flinging the magazine back to the floor. Harley chuckled and started rummaging trough her closet for something appropriate to wear. What did one wear to a gang retirement party for your best friend's father anyway?

"Why does it have to be so hard finding a good outfit." The brunette groaned from inside her closet. Midge shrugged her shoulders, even though Harley couldn't see her. She slipped off of the bed and started rummaging trough the drawers in her room.

"Hey! Where do you stash your nail polish?" She asked, continuing to rummage around. Midge pulled out a drawer, but seeing as it didn't contain what she was looking for, she went to close it. She halted, however. Her brown eyes locked with a red scarf. Midge's eyebrows knitted up into a confused look as she pulled the fabric out of the drawer. She turned around, a brow arched at Harley. "You kept it?"

Harley turned around in confusion, her mouth forming an 'o' when she realized what her friend was talking about. Harley tried her best playing it cool, quickly snatching it out of the Klump girl's grip and stuffing it back into the drawer and slamming it shut.

"It's not like that." She rushed to say. Harley had told Midge about everything the drag race over the phone, excluding the part where she caught a lift with the Serpent for a second time.

"You like him!" Midge concluded. She let out a loud squeal, bouncing on her feet. "You like him, you like him, you like him!" She repeated loudly, practically jumping around in excitement.

"No, no, no, no." Harley rushed out, shaking her head as she denied the claims. Did she admire his attractiveness? Yes, yes she did and she would proudly admit to that. Did she have a crush on him? Absolutely not. She had standards for heavens sake. Standard that were above a now jailed Ghoulie.

"Mhm, sure." Midge giggled at the flustered expression Harley was sporting.

"Ugh, whatever." Harley groaned, pulling two pairs of heels from the closet, showing the scarf from the drag race back into her drawer. "Black or nude?" She questioned, flashing them to Midge.

She pursed her lips, debating it. "Why am I even considering this? Black all the way, no doubt." Harley nodded in agreement.

     "Okay so do you think I should wear this strapless dress," Harley held up a short, strapless white dress "or do you think I should go for this backless one?" Harley asked, holding up a chic backless black dress. Midge pointed at the black one.

     Harley stripped from the clothes she was currently wearing, throwing on the dress and the heels. She applied some lipgloss to her lips, smacking them togheter. "So, what do we think?" She twirled around playfully. Midge grinned.

     "We approve." Midge declared. "Are you sure that's not my dress? It's almost too nice to be yours." The Klump girl joked, earning a weak slap to the arm. "I'm kidding. But if you're not careful, I will steal it."

     Harley strutted over to the other side of the room where she found her purse, phone and wallet. She swung it over her shoulder, flashing a grin to Midge. "Let's go."


Midge pulled up infront of the bar at the Southside; the Whyte Wyrm. She flashed a grin in Harley's direction as she climbed out. "Love you, be careful. Text me when you're home safe." Midge playfully called after her friend. Harley shot her a loopsided grin.

"I will, don't worry. Love you too!" Midge waved as she pulled back out on the road, leaving Harley to walk inside the Serpent packed bar all alone. Harley took a deep breath, clutching her purse as she entered the bar. The air automatically thickened as she entered. The last time she had been there, she was with Joaquin, Moose, Kevin and Archie, looking for the guys that beat Moose up at the Andrews construction work site. It hadn't exactly ended well, and Harley would be lying if she didn't say the seedy bar gave her the heebie jeebies.

Her eyes searched the bar, relief washing over her when she spotted the beanie wearing Jones. She didn't hesitate to make his way over, wrapping her arms around the back of the dark haired boy. "Boo." She whispered into his ear, feeling him jump, slightly startled. Once she pulled her arms away, he turned around.

"Do you want me to have a heart attack? Like, seriously?" He said. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe just a smidge bit." She said, punching her fingers.

"Woah, not underdressed I see." Jughead said, slinging an arm around her shoulders. His eyes quickly fanned over her body. She was, by far, one of the most elegantly dressed there.

She leaned into his side. "You don't think it's too much?" She asked. He shook his head, pulling his beanie off to ruffle his dark hair before putting it back on.

"No, you look stunning." He assured. "Archie and Veronica is over there if you want to talk to them. Actually, never mind, their headed to the karaoke machine." The Jones boy scrunched his up as the familiar tune of Mad World began playing, drowning out the noises of the chatter.

"Someone please stab me." The Byers teen groaned, Jones nodding in agreement. "Who suggested a karaoke machine anyways? It's a horrible idea! And really? A retirement party for a recovering alcoholic at a bar? Whoever organized this whole thing needs to be checked for brain damage." Jughead laughed, enjoying spending time with Harley. Their time togheter was cut short when both Alice and Betty arrives to the dimly lit bar, the reek of alkohol and smoke hitting them.

     Why was there even a karaoke machine present at a seedy 'gang' bar? Did they hit the machine up after a few drinks, or were they too busy covering up for murder.

     "I'll be right back." He excused himself, heading over to the ponytail sporting Cooper girl. Harley found a seat on a bar stool. Once finishing the song, the Lodge girl ran off stage, tears threatening to fall as the Andrews boy followed suit, calling her name.

     Finally, some drama other than murder is happening, Harley thought. She relished in being alone at the at the bar, watching people chat amongst themselves. However, her relishing was short lived when a person approached her. One of the people she wanted to avoid tonight leaned against the bar infront her. She had prepared herself for this encounter. After all, it was his party.

     "Harley, long time no see." FP Jones shot her a friendly smile, one she barely managed to return. FP sensed her rather sour demeanor. "Look, I know I must be far from your favorite person, both because of Jughead and your old man, but I really do appreciate everything you've done for my son. No one's been there for him like you have. Thank you."

     The forced smile fell at the mention at her own father, but she quickly plastered on a new one, deciding that for Jughead, she wouldn't cause a scene. "No problem. Jug's a pain in the ass, but he is my pain in the ass. He's not that bad to be around." She joked, trying to lighten the mood. The older man appreciated her attempt at doing so.

     Harley always felt conflicted being around the older man. He could be so sweet, but the dark edge to him, and the more than often stench of liquor really put her off. But he was trying to be better for his son, and Harley couldn't help but to appreaciate the effort. It was more than her dad ever did.

     "Yeah, well, see you around, Harley. I'll make sure my son is good to you." He patted her on the shoulder before disappearing back into the crowd of Serpents. Thank the heavens, she thought, unsure how much longer she would have been able to keep from letting the very fake smile on her lips fall.

     FP was wiped from her thoughts when a certain blonde Cooper girl climbed to the stage, grabbing the microphone. Harley watched intently, expecting the golden girl to sing some random song and dip. But no, what Betty was doing was far from a playful round of karaoke.

     It started off with her humming the tune, softly singing along to the song she had chosen. Then, it took a surprising turn. Her fingers played with the zipper of her dress, slowly unzipping it infront of the entire bar. Her eyes stayed glued to Jughead as she let the material slip off her body, dropping to the floor. Something else that dropped or the floor? Harley's jaw. Whistles of approval sounded throughout the bar. Jughead, however, didn't look like he approved as much as the others in the bar. What made things even worse? Betty was not only dancing in her underwear, singing some song, in a bar full of middle aged men. No. She was doing a pole dance in her underwear while singing, in a bar full of middle aged men.

     As quickly as it had started, the song ended, and her dancing stopped. Both the Jones men climbed to the stage, FP shrugging off his leather jacket and handing it to the Cooper girl for her to cover herself with. Betty accepted it, collected her clothes and exited along with Jughead in a rush.

     I don't regret coming tonight, Haley decided in her head. It was all worth it. The Byers girl was never letting Betty live this down. Not in a million years.

     "Harley." A soft yet stern voice said from behind the girl. Harley recognized it, which made her want to run in the other direction. Another person she desperately hoped to avoid tonight other than FP, was Sweet Pea. But luck wasn't on her side tonight-- or any other night for that matter-- so the boy was standing there, with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket, eyes attached to her.

     "Sweet Pea, just the guy I wanted to see." She sarcastically spat, jumping off the bar stool. She tried escaping, but he gripped her arm, stopping her.

     "What happened yesterday?" He asked, eyebrows slightly creased. She opened her mouth to answer with no doubt something sarcastic and snarky, but the sound of FP's voice flooding the room saved her.

     "You know what? I've been out of the Serpents, in and out, since I was even younger than my son!" He started. Harley pulled away from Sweet Pea's grip. "And it's been a wild ride. Good times and bad times, but through it all, the Serpents have stuck by me, even when other people have turn their backs on me. My own family included."

     "I'd love to sit down and talk, but gotta listen to this speech he's about to hold. I'm a sucker for speeches. Bye now." She disappeared into the crowd, quickly taking residence beside a sour looking Jughead. She hadn't noticed his return till now.

     "Now, the letter of the laws say that I can't be here, in the Serpent den. That I can't associate with my friends, my family, my blood." FP continued, Jughead watching in disbelief as he realized where it was going. The Serpents cheered him on. "But I've been about it. And it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do! Northsiders wants me out of this gang? Well then they better bring a coffin, because FP is not retiring! I am not going gently into the night! I'm here to stay, so bring the fire!"

     Jughead and Harley shared a look, both just as shocked as the other. Jughead removed himself from the situation by urgently pushing people aside as he made his exit.

     It seemed as the two of them were the only ones shocked, as the rest of the bar was cheering, glad to have their leader back. Harley shook her head, making an exit herself. She rushed out on the street, catching Jug before he could speed off into the night. "Hey, mind driving me home?" He nodded. She climbed on, sparing one last look at the bar before Jughead took of, her eyes connecting with the familiar brown orbs that belonged to Sweet Pea.

     That was one retirement party gone wrong.

word count; 2906

what the actually heck. chapter ten? al- freaking- ready? i'm honestly so pumped to actually get through a book. to post a bunch of chapters and actually finish it. it's so exciting i can't even. anywho, excuse any mistakes made and i'm sorry for slow updates lately. stayed tune for more. and i promise there will be more sweet pea action soon.


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