Rainbow of our Love

By HumbleWinner

204K 15.4K 6.2K

When sun rays fall on the ethereal rain drops; a captivating rainbow is born! ❤❤❤ Adhyayan Joshi, an arrogant... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
New Story
New Story!!!

Chapter 3

4.6K 335 127
By HumbleWinner

The cute face laden with innocence dazzled as the golden gleam of sun rays fell on Anvesha disturbing her beauty sleep. She got up yawning as her morning alarm went off. With messy curly locks interwoven with each other and black round rimmed spectacles falling at her nose, the half-sleepy Anvesha looked hilarious. She straightened her black cotton tank top and pulled her hair in a messy bun keeping her spectacles aside which she had done on the previous night. Mummering profanities, she glanced at her laptop which was not shut down at the night. She plugged her laptop for charging the battery and brushed upon the presentation she had prepared for the new segment of her talk show. Feeling satisfied at her work, she sprang out of the bed for her morning business.

After taking a warm, relaxing shower; clad in a burgundy shirt and a black pencil skirt, Anvesha was having her breakfast of cereal and milk when her phone rang. 

"Hi, mom", she said cheerfully putting the call on speaker as she gulped the spoonful of her bland breakfast. 

"Hey, Anvesha. How are you doing, darling?", a smile crept on her lips as she heard her mother's voice. 

"Mom, I am just having my breakfast. After that I will just put on some make-up and rush to work", she answered as she drank the glass of lukewarm milk in a go. 

"You know I made biryani in Adhyayan's style and your dad loved it", her mother said and she hummed as she remembered the conversation with Mr. Haughty Shoes, the celebrity chef Adhyayan Joshi. 

"Listen, when you will shoot at his restaurant, please take his autograph for me", her mother said and she choked the food she was eating.

"Will you do it?", her mother asked again paying no attention over her constant efforts of clearing her throat and catching breath. 

"Mom, Mr. Haughty Shoes, I mean, Mr. Adhyayan Joshi is too full of himself." Anvesha said realizing the way he called her 'little girl'. Her mother interrupted her rant, "Don't call him names, dear. He cooks so well and talks so sweetly." 

"I am not doing it when I go for the shooting at his restaurant on Sunday. Now bye and have a good day." Anvesha said in one go as she hung up without giving her mother a chance to speak. 

Anvesha applied her matte lipstick and pulled her curly locks in a ponytail. Wearing her pumps, she picked up her laptop bag and her maroon handbag and moved out of her little studio apartment which she had rented in Delhi. 

Hailing from Darjeeling, it was indeed difficult for her to adjust in Delhi where people are running in a rat-race aimlessly five years ago but with time she became a part of the rat-race. Luckily she had not lost her unique charm in the crowded city of Delhi. She walked swiftly towards the metro station as she brushed upon the key points of her presentation. Boarding the metro, she headed towards Film City in Noida and realized she would reach her office on time. 

Anvesha had been working in the office when she realized it was 11 AM and she had to head towards the conference hall. She greeted her project head, senior editor as well as all her colleagues; and began her presentation.

After a long discussion of an hour, everyone lauded her idea to bring war veterans in the show. Her show, 'Real Life Heroes' depicted the struggles of normal people who deserved acknowledgement for their heroic deeds. She had covered single mothers, innovative farmers, successful government officials who rose from a financially stable background and many heroes from all walks of life but this time, she wanted to bring up the defence officials who had served in the Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force and faced the wars that broke out after independence. 

She knew many defence officers and their families might not be comfortable in coming to the studio so she had planned to visit them personally and acknowledge their contribution for the nation. Luckily the project head, Mr. Akhilesh Mishra gave her the permission to carry on with her idea in the new segment of her show. 

After the conference, the joyful Anvesha headed towards the studio set where she had to shoot for her upcoming episode. She was looking forward to meet Gayatri Desai, a forty year old woman who was a renowned social rights activist responsible for reforming lives of many women helping them to come out of the clutches of loveless marriages. Having faced domestic violence by her husband at the age of fifteen, Ms. Desai had chosen to fight against the cruel practice of child marriages, domestic violence, dowry, marital rape and other issues of women. Ms. Desai had indeed brightened the lives of many women who could not have fought for their rights without her support. Anvesha truly admired Ms. Desai. As the clock struck at 1 PM, Anvesha entered the reception lobby to humbly welcome Ms. Gayatri Desai who had arrived on time. With pleasant smiles, both of the women exchanged pleasantries and headed towards the studio. 

"Hello, everyone! Welcome at 'Real Life Heroes' and get inspired. I, Anvesha Chatterjee welcomes Ms. Gayatri Desai at the talk show", Anvesha announced to her audience as the director signaled her to continue. 

During the interview, Anvesha admired the strength of the lady sitting before her. Clad in a purple colored cotton sari, Ms. Gayatri Desai was a trained boxer, an eminent social right activist and a generous lady with a beautiful heart. No one could imagine she was subjected to domestic violence in her childhood. 

Narrating her ordeal, Ms. Desai told, "Being a victim of child marriage, it was never easy. It was not easy to fight for my rights when I didn't even know that I had any rights. I belonged to a family where women were treated like trash." A lone tear escaped from her eye as she took a sip of water. 

"How did you realize that you have to do something for others?", Anvesha questioned. 

"My mother felt humiliated because I was born a girl. My father married me off at the age of fifteen. My drunkard husband used me like a toy to fulfill his needs. I didn't know anything at that time but I realized that something was wrong." The strong lady told as Anvesha realized her turmoil. Anvesha who was cheerful moments ago, gulped imagining the difficulties of the independent lady sitting in front of her.

Ms. Desai continued, "My instincts were constantly telling me that I should not take it anymore. When I delivered a baby girl at the age of sixteen and my husband tried to kill my daughter by throwing a boulder on her head, I couldn't take it anymore. Picking my daughter who was covered in blood, I ran and ran." It was indeed difficult for Ms. Gayatri Desai to remember those pathetic situations but the strong lady tried to mask her tears with a delightful smile on her face.

Anvesha wiped the tear from her eye realizing the turmoil of the lady who seemed unfazed. Nonetheless, Ms. Desai had a great control on her emotions. She continued, "People tried to catch me. It was really difficult to run after having delivered a baby but my willpower overtook my health."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "All I knew was my daughter did not deserve such a life. I ran out of my village when people were throwing stones on me. I reached the highway road and took a deep breath to relax myself. It was then I realized I was crying profusely."

The lady passed a reassuring smile looking into the icy blue eyes of Anvesha, as she continued looking towards the camera, "A policeman enquired about the matter and I told him everything timidly. They filed an FIR and took my husband in custody. When court declared him guilty, I realized I had rights. I began to gain knowledge, night schools for women played a great role helping me complete my formal education."

Anvesha asked her a couple of questions, "Where did you stay? How was your daughter?", in one go. She was truly trying to control her tears realizing the cruelty faced by the timid girl who turned into a brave social activist for helping others.

"I stayed in an orphanage with my daughter. I realized there are many women out there like me so I chose this journey. Today my daughter, Roshni Desai, the light of my life is an advocate and she helps me for this good cause." Gayatri Desai ended her ordeal while Anvesha announced a break. She needed time to recollect herself. She was crying listening to the Iron Lady. 

Ultimately the interview ended on a good note motivating everyone to face difficulties of life and take stand against the injustice.

Wrapping up her work for the day, the tired Anvesha headed towards her apartment at six in the evening.


Hi everyone
Your pathetic writer is back. 😊
Due to certain unavoidable things going in my head during this pandemic, I couldn't write for a month.😓
I am sorry.🙏
I will promise to be consistent.😊
Take care and stay safe!🙏
Enjoy the bliss of your health and bestow your love via your valuable votes on this chapter. 🌹
I will be back soon! 💖
Love you all

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