Happy New Year

By Nicole9714

161K 7.1K 910

New Years, the celebrations of new beginnings, People starting diets, homes, careers the list goes on. For Se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)
Note From Author

Chapter 6

5.4K 267 32
By Nicole9714

On the other side of town.

1 in the morning.


I was still up craving for some chips,Oreos, and some strawberries.

I didn't have any food in my refrigerator and needed to go shopping. I know it was wrong to be going out late, but I was hungry and my cravings wasn't having it.

While driving, I thought about the events that took place earlier.

I cried so much that it made my head hurt. Sadly I should have expect it.

Dudes have sex with different women and leave them in the dust because they know they can.

Sad part about it is, the babies will be hurt by this.

Growing up I watched how hard my mom had to work to take care of me.

I had said to myself that I would never go through that because I'll marry first and then have kids.

Thinking about it all now, life doesn't work out the way you plan it.

Guess I was wrong for talking to Ices the way I did.

One thing for sure, I was going to take care of mine. I have mentally been preparing myself to face obstacles that may come my way.

I finally made it to the grocery store grabbing a basket to put my items in.

I walked in the snack ile where the chips were when I heard the sounds of baby screams.

Them little lungs where loud.

Thank God it wasn't a lot if people in the store, cause they would be completely annoyed.

I walked over the next ile since I needed some more Tylenol. I looked over to the sound of the noise.

The guy had his back turn with his daughter in his arms.

It was cute if you ask me.

That was until he turn around facing me.

Once again our eyes met. All the emotions from earlier came back.

All of a sudden I wasnt craving anything anymore.

I put down my basket leaving the ile.

Sadly I didn't get far, I felt a strong hand touch me.

Of course it was him. I yanked away from him.

" nigga are you crazy ! I have mase" I said about to pull it out on him.

" Wait look I'm sorry for grabbing you like that, I need your help . . . with her please"

I looked up at him seeing the crease on his forehead and tired eyes with a pair of strong lungs who didn't  let up one bit.

It made my heart soften.

Just a little.

" give me her"

He slowly passed her to me.

Baby girl was burning up. She quiet down just a little when I unbutton her little onesie.

She was sweating up something.

" you need to go to the hospital, I think she is having a fever"

" what ?"

" you need to go like now" I said about to pass her to him, but her face start to really frown up.

" can you just come with me, I don't know shit about this and I just want her to be okay"

This was so not me, but I really did want to make sure she was okay.

" please"

I let out a sigh knowing I was going to give in.

" sure" I said.

We quickly walked to his expensive truck getting in, I still had her in my arms continuing trying to quiet her down.

With only 10 minutes of driving we made it to the hospital where they quickly took her to emergency unit for the babies.

Julian was quickly stopped by the nurses from going where they was.

Five mintues have passed as we both sat quietly waiting to hear something.

" I can't do this shit . . ."

I watch as he stood up shaking his head looking frustrated.

Just the same emotion how I felt about him denying his babies.

" thats your daughter ?"

He shook his head.

" my niece" he said without looking at me.

" she's going to be fine"

That's when he looked at me. He didn't say anything.

I watched as took a seat looking at nothing in general.

" h-how far along are you ?"

" a little over 3 months, it's um . . . twins"

He looked at me then straight ahead taking a deep breath.

" I'm sorry about earlier"

I shook my head at him.

" let me guess . . . the only reason you said that is because of your niece, the fact that I had the decency  to come up here with you"

" I don't need that weak ass apology" I said getting up.

" Aye I'm trying to be nice to your ass" he said like he was doing me a favor.

" you know what fuck you !" I said making my way to the sliding doors.

I figure I'll just call an Uber back to the grocery store.

" Aye ! . . . Aye wait up !" He said

That made me walk even faster. I wanted to get far away from him.

Once again his athletic legs caught up with me.

I'm sick of this.

I turn to face him. I had a mouth full for him.

" you know what . . . I hate boys like you, think they can sleep with women and not expect consequences. I have a life too and two of them growing inside me. Rather you want to be a father or not it's up to you. I'm not some gold digging whore looking for money I just simply ask for you to be there for them and be there the f-father they deserve" I felt my eyes getting blurry.

It's the hormones it's the hormones.

" I was raised by a single mother, I saw the struggle trying to make ends meet while taking care of me . . . I'm nervous . .  scared all of it, I don't know nothing about kids. I don't even know when my niece is having a fucking fever" he said.

" I'm scared too, but I'm going to learn, that's all I can do" I said honestly.

" yup that's all we can do" he said staring down at me .

We were literally outside in the freezing cold doing all of this back and forth.

I started to get little chills so we went back inside.

He let me use his hoodie to warm myself. The nicest thing he done so far.

" thank you" I said to him.

Another five mintues went by before we were called back.

There was able to get her temperature down after having 107 fever.

They were letting her stay overnight.

I laid on the mini couch while he slept in the chair.

The Following Morning . . .


I woke up to the sun light hitting my face, both ki-ki was sleep and ole girl.

It's sad that I don't even know her name.

I shook my head at my thoughts.

The doctor came in.

" Good Morning, here is Ms. Kianna Stokes release paper work"

I quickly signed them.

" you guys take care and make sure you get her prescription please.  She needs to take that before going to bed"

" I will, thank you doc " I said looking at the paperwork.

Once she left I woke up Ki-Ki and ole girl.

We all got ready to go.

" I think I'll just sit in the back with her"

I nodded my head okay.

Just than my phone started to ring, I answered it on my Bluetooth in my car.

" Hey Mama"

" Boy don't you hey me, is there something you need to tell me"

Oh boy here she go.

" Mama I will take you shopping this weekend" I said thinking it was that.

" No boy not that something else . . . don't you go playing stupid on me Julian Sincere Westbrook"

I was sooo confused right now.

" Mama I got company in my car"

" Yo behind better not have no hoes around my baby !!"

My cheeks turned a bright red feeling embarrassed.

" bye mama" I said quickly hanging up the phone.

I looked in my review mirror at ole girl.

She was looking down at Ki-Ki.

" I'm sorry about that"

" it's fine" she said shrugging her shoulders.

We finally made it back to the grocery store where her car was parked.

I quickly got out the car to open the door for her.

I'm trying to start on the right foot.

She held her stomach getting out. I was still in shock that babies could be in there.

Possibly mine.

" hey wait up" I said stopping her from getting in her car.

" why don't you come to my place . . . for dinner, so that we can get to know each other."

I can tell she was hesitant by the look on her face.

" Umm okay"

We both got each other contacts before going our separate ways.


" he ask you out to dinner ?" Ices asked

Once I finally made it back I called Ices.

" yea, I don't know what's his plans are"

" well I hope he plans on taking care of those babies he helped made."

" We will just have to wait and see" I said eating some grapes.

I am trying my best to eat healthy foods because junk food keep calling my name and I'm trying to ignore it.

" soooo I was wondering since you getting cozy with your baby daddy and all . . . You think he can pay my car-note ?"

" Ices Bye" I said laughing

That girl play entirely too much.

Afterwards I went to bed, before I head over to Julians place.

This should be interesting.


" Mama whats going on with you"

I finally made it over to her place.

Since she made a big fuss on my phone.

" I had a dream last night . . ."

" okay and ??" I was confused of what she was getting at.

" Boy it was about fish"

Oh damn.

I sure wasn't ready for her to know yet. my mom knew how to find out stuff man.

" Julian I know you ain't have no grandbaby on me"

" Mama it's not even here yet"

" yo behind get a divorce and go Willy Nillyy huh !"

" mama it wasn't like tha-

" who is this girl and she better not be no hoe either"

For some odd reason I flinched when she said that.

" We was at a party . . . New Years Eve things got carried away wallah she's pregnant"

I watched as she had that look on her face no words.

" I want to meet her"

" umm okay"

" soon Julian"

" ok ma"

I picked up Ki-Ki getting ready to leave my mom house. She payed us no mind as me and my mother talk during this whole time.

At 6pm . . .

It was about time for Sierra to come over when Ki-Ki was attempting to stand.

She was almost seven months now.

" Com'on niece you got it" I said encouraging her.

All she did was continue to smile. Soon as I start to record she fell on the floor laughing at herself.

I shook my head at her.

just than the door bell ringed

I told Ki-Ki to stay where she at, like she would understand me.

I walk to my door opening it seeing Sierra.

" Hi" she said lightly.

" hey come in" I said making way for her.

We both walked to my living room area.

Ki-Ki immediately saw and ran straight to her.

Well more like crawling to her.

I can tell she was surprise by the sudden move and so was I.

" Hey sunshine, you remember me"

I watched as she picked her up. It was kind of cute.

" I see you got your toys every where" she said as they took a seat on my couch.

" yea I needed her to be occupied as much as possible while I handle some business calls"

" oh" she said

I took a seat on the opposite side as her.

" so um . . . when is the due date ?"

" sometime in September due to me having twins, I have a very high risk pregnancy"

" twins . . . Wow" I said still in shocked even though I found out earlier.

Two kids at one time. That's a lot.

" I know when I found out I wasn't prepared at all . . . it don't run in my family" she said while her hand occupied her belly.

I thought about my cousin Amber and some other relatives..

Her and Kevonte were twins

Maybe they really are mine.

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