Spooky's Girl? (BOOK ONE)

By JustImagine700

169K 2.3K 619

[Editing] Guys please- I wrote this when I was 14 and immature. And this book is so cringey 😭😭✋🏽 READ AT Y... More



2.1K 37 11
By JustImagine700

Hiiii sorry for making you guys wait but I had to take time for my mental health. I recently lost my grandpa and it was hard for me. And I just moved into my new house so its been a long two months. But I'm back and I have more chapters ready to be published. Thank you so much for 1.13k reads. I appreciate that you guys like this story. At first, I didn't like it but I have another Oscar story. Anywayyyyyssss here is the next chapter :)


"Hey I'm back" I walked into the house and saw Andrea and Alejandro playing with the toys

"Hey how'd it go?" I sat down next to Julianna

"Good. He still doesn't know how long he'll be in there. He told me yesterday that they found his DNA on her body and he had the same gun that she was shot with" She sighed

"That's bs anyone in this town can have the same gun. Did you tell him about the Santos?" I nodded watching Andrea

"Yeah, he said I'm in charge since Antonio can't." She scoffed-laughed

"He can't do anything" I turned looking at her with a curious look

"What's going on between you guys? Y'all used to be so fine. Now that everything went downhill y'all are fucked up" She looked down messing with her shirt

"I don't know. I have a feeling that he's fucking around with another girl. And I asked him and he started yelling at me and ever since then we've always been arguing" She looked up at me shrugging.

"Julie I know us girls always have that feeling but sometimes it's not true. Try to have a decent talk with him because I know that it hurts like hell to not have parents that love each other. Alejandro is gonna grow up seeing his parents fight and I don't think you want that right?" I grabbed her hand and a tear fell making me wipe it

"Yeah" She sighed looking at Alejandro

"Now I'll call him over so you guys can talk. You can go in my room and I'll watch the kids. If anything happens I'll be here" She nodded and I called him over.

"Hey what did you need?" Sad eyes walked in a few minutes later

"Go in my room. Julianna is in there waiting for you" He groaned loudly

"I really don't wanna deal with her. I don't feel like arguing" I gave him a look making him roll his eyes. He went to my room and closed the door. I called the Santos over also and they came in arguing

"Guys! I'm sick and tired of this! You're the Santos. You're supposed to help each other not go and stab each other in the backs. Oscar wouldn't like that. He doesn't at all. So either get your shit together or I will do it for you" They sat there quiet and embarrassed

"I love y'all. You guys are family to me and with everything going we need to stick together. Oh god that sounded cheesy" We shared a laugh and Miguel got up

"She's right guys. Right now we should be figuring out how to get Maya and her bitch ass crew back. Spooky shouldn't be in jail right now. He should be here with his family. And Elizabeth should be here with us. But she's not and what do we do when something like this happens?" Everyone smiled

"We get revenge!" They cheered making me laugh

"There you guys are. I was really worried I lost my family" They all hugged me and Julianna walked out.

"So... the wedding is still on!" She sounded sad at the beginning but she instantly got happy

"Good!" I gave her a hug and Sad eyes walked out.

"I'll kill you if you actually do hurt her" I gave him a death stare making him hood his hands up in defense.

"Got it. I never planned on hurting her anyway" He smiled and kissed Julianna on the cheek.

"I called the girls over. I thought maybe we should all be here to figure out what we're gonna do" I nodded and sat down. Andrea came up to me and I picked her up.

"So what are we gonna do?" I sat there thinking rocking Andrea. The girls walked and walked towards us

"Do any of you know where they hang out? Or what they're gonna do tonight?" I looked at all of them

"Yeah I do actually" Sad eyes Julianna then back at me

"Angelica tried to get me to fuck with her and she told me that they'd be at a party tonight a couple of blocks away from here" I smiled coming up with a plan

"Ok so how bout this? Miguel and Sad eyes go in and Miguel try to stall Maya and get her away from Angelica. Then Sad eyes you go and get Angelica alone in a room. Then that's when we'll go in" They all nodded

"Santos you handle Maya's girls. And me and my gang will take care of Angelica and Maya. I got a plan for Maya"

"Ok, we need to get our things we'll meet back up here" Sad eyes kissed Julianna and left with the rest of the Santos.

"Ok, so I know Maya always has a gun by her bed. Oscar would always say something about it. So we go inside her room take it and shoot Angelica with it. Let's see how she likes being in jail" Julianna smirked.

"And in the meantime, Julianna get your nanny so she can watch the kids. And get ready to ruin a party" I looked down and saw Andrea asleep. I put her in her bed and kissed her goodnight.

"I love you mi amor" I smiled walking out back to the living room.

The Santos came back with their guns and got strapped up just in case. The girls got dressed in something better.

"I'm guessing your ready" Julianna smiled

"Hell yeah I am" I smiled back at her


We got to the party and Antonio and Miguel went in. We snuck in from a window. I looked around and saw Maya's gun. I put on a glove and grabbed it.

"Ok go outside and try not to make it obvious" The Santos walked out and Miguel texted me

"Ok Miguel got Maya in the back alone" I sat down and waited for Sad eyes to come in with Angelica.

"Are you gonna" Rosa looked at me making me sigh looking down at the gun that was in my hand

"I don't know" Sad eyes and Angelica barged in looking like they were about to get it on

"What the hell is this?" Sad eyes closed the door and locked it.

"I think you should get yourself comfortable" She laughed

"Like I'd listen to you" She folded her arms. I walked up to her and punched her. We started fighting and when I got on top of her I got up and pointed the gun at her.

"Think you should've chosen the right person to be friends with huh?" She laughed still on the ground

"You ain't gonna do it" I laughed at her

"Well, then I don't think you know me well" Without hesitation, I shot her.


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