the mission

By rosh00756

131 1 0

Love , action , thriller and emotion Gay love More

THE Mission

131 1 0
By rosh00756

Tuck tuck tuck ... the sound of the shoes

And then suddenly Someone open the door and said

NJ - Sir can I come in

(Sir means Ram Naath) 

Sir - yes

Nj - Sir you called me

Sir - yes

2 minutes silence and he said.

Sir - please sit down Nj

(NJ Means Navayatan Joshi)

Sir- Nj you always fulfill all your mission, so today I am giving you a very big responsibility

Nj- how responsibility sir ?

Sir - it's a secret mission.

Nj - secret mission why me? Sir

Sir - because I know you are a smart boy and you are always clear your all mission. Nj but this time it's not easy .

Nj - what do you mean .

Sir - because only few people know about this mission Because some of our enemies are hiding among us by hiding their identity by us I know that you are a confident man that's why I am giving you the responsibility And
You have to remember that your mission is not in India but in London.

Nj - London ?

Sir - Yes London because that mission is going to happen in London.
And I will only give you 2 month
And in these 2 months you will have to complete this mission in some way.

Nj - but my college ?

Sir - don't worry, I will talk to your principal and get permission from him and you have to remember that this mission will be started after 1 month and the first start of this mission will be in India.

Nj - After 1 month, Sir, in India, Sir, you said that this mission will be in London, so why start this mission in India? And what will I have to do in this mission?

Sir - After 1 month only level 1 of this mission will start, level 2 will start in London 1 day after your exam, In this mission, you have to live alone among enemies with and you have to do our work by staying among those And what do you have to do in this mission, my secret agent will tell you everything later

Nj - hummm

Sir - Nj in some way you will have to complete this mission by 29 February. Nj Are you ready to do this mission?

Nj - yes sir

One day after exam.....


Chapter 1

( Introduction )

Hello friends my name is Naveen and
I'm not a handsome type of guy because I don't like much style because I'm a chmpu type of guy, I always wear glasses and without glasses I don't see anything and, My friends call me a study addicted.

Today is my first day in London and
I am going to my friend house his name is Rahul My friend first came to London 6 months ago and now he has started living here in and been didn't come in india even once.

he always call me and he used to say that you too come here. I don't know why and he send me London ticket . He always told me that is surprise for you. In the starting didn't feel like to go but because of a work i had to go.

My friend did not come to pick me up at the airport because he sent me a car to pick up at the airport.

The driver of the car that my friend had sent to take me was standing in front of me. He called my name and he came in front of me He took my luggage and put it in the car trunk.

I am very confused how this driver recognised me I was feeling strange but what could I do I sit in the car . after sitting in the car, i got busy seeing in the view of London . There was no traffic, due to which I reached my friend's house comfortably.

I felt strange when I got down from the car how different India is from London. I felt strange in London. My friend was waiting for me outside her house. I felt very different when. I saw her but he hugged me tight. He took me inside his house. But I did not know that someone else is waiting for me in that house.

When he took me inside his house at that time there was a small smile on my face his living room was quite big and there was a man sitting on the couch he was staring at me.
I don't know why all the questions are popping on my mind.
He got up from his place and started moving towards me.
He extended his hand and told his name.

Hello my name is Remo.

( He was giving me a strange smile,
I put my glasses up and I also told him my name )

Rahul said sit down both of you
We all sat down Remo was still staring at me and suddenly Rahul said.

Rahul - Naveen I think you are tired

Naveen - hmm

(And I asked Rahul)

Naveen - Who is this?

Rahul - Remo is a very good friend of mine.

Remo - Okay, let's talk about the rest after lunch. Rahul I think your friend must be hungry.

Naveen - Hmm.

After lunch, all three sat in the living area and suddenly Remo asked to Naveen

Remo - What do you like Naveen

Naveen - I like to read books

Remo - Why don't you do fashion.

Naveen - Hmm I'm always like this,
I don't like fashion very much.

Rahul - Hey .. Naveen, how did you like my friend?

Naveen - good but why?

Rahul - Because he likes you

Naveen - what do you mean,

(Naveen sets his glasses with his fingers. Naveen still doesn't understand what he wants to tell Naveen )

Remo - Naveen Rahul wants to say that I like you .

( After speaking, he suddenly got up from the couch and started coming towards Naveen and as soon as he came close to her he held her hand. After all this, Naveen was jolted for 2 minutes and after 2 minutes Naveen suddenly pulled his hand from her)

Naveen - Rahul, how is this joke going on

Remo - Naveen It's not a joke i really love you very much.

Naveen - How is it possible that you fell in love with me? Today we both met for first time.

(Naveen told him angrily)

Rahul - Navin he already knows you.

Naveen - what?

Rahul - I had some pictures of you and Remo fell in love with you seeing those pictures.

Remo - When I saw that picture of you
I starting liking you that day.

Naveen - what's going on Is this what rubish is this when you saw someone's photo, and you started liking him?

Remo - That's true Naveen and I really really like you .

Naveen - stop

Remo - but Naveen

Naveen - Stop I said stay away from me and don't even take my name from your mouth.

Rahul - Naveen why are you angry

(And suddenly Rahul takes her away from Remo and he says softly in Naveen's ear)

Rahul - Navin this is very rich and he is giving me 50 lakhs to meet you.

Naveen - So that means you want to sell me

( Rahul was silent and seeing him silent, Naveen's eyes filled up, he could not bear it and said wiping his tears )

Naveen - Rahul i am not a toy you can sells me and someone buys me.

And as soon as he said this, he took his luggage from there and left the house. Remo was trying to stop him and he was saddened to hear what Rahul said in the last.

Rahul - Go where you want to go
And in the last you have to come to me, And you will listen to me.

Hearing this, Naveen's eyes filled up and he went out of the house and took off his glasses and started wiping his tears.

After going out of the house: He continued until 20 minutes after exiting: And he kept wiping his tears. And 20 minutes later he sat in a chair. And he put his head on the table: And he closed his eyes.

He wants all this to be a dream and when he opens his eyes, this dream is broken.

Naveen put his head on the table, he was crying and someone suddenly tapped on his back, Naveen wiped his tears and he tried to look at her, he put glasses in his eyes and he was shocked to see her and suddenly he said

Naveen - you?


Chapter 2

When Naveen saw him, he remembered about 2 months ago time, at that time he saw him for the first time.

( 2 month ago )

That day he was very happy because he was going to Propose his friend Aashi and before he Propose it, he was going to take the watch for her because.
She really likes watch
So he was going to get the watch for her

When he was climbing Mall's stairs, both collided for the first time. And then he said sorry to him and Went to the first floor for smiling .

Then after that he met him at the watch shop
he did not know that this mall is belongs to him.

( Mall owner means Rocky )

Naveen was considering him a minor shop keeper to Mall.
because his clothes was very simple

He apologized to him .
He forgiven Naveen very easily.
He thought of Naveen as innocent.

And suddenly Naveen phone rang when he saw that the Aashi's call came, then a small smile came on Naveen face.
he picked her call but after hearing what she told, Smile disappeared from Naveen's face

he told her congratulations and cut her call. Naveen was sad. The owner of that mall showed him another watch
But this time Naveen refused to see her watch.
The mall owner was looking at Naveen sad face but Naveen walked out of that watch shop

And then Naveen walked into the garden area of ​​that mall. It was Nobody was there except Naveen.
But after 5 minutes, he saw that the owner of the mall he followed him to the garden area.

( Naveen does not know his name, he calls him the owner of the mall )

The mall owner he sat next to Naveen, seeing him next to him, Naveen wiped his tears. The two sat calmly and both were not talking to each other. Then suddenly the mall owner tried to talk to Naveen.

Actually, Naveen told him that he is going to propose someone today, that's why he showed him such a good watch. He was treating Naveen very well He constantly tried to talk to Naveen but, Naveen did not respond to any of his comments.

After some time, Naveen started to tell him everything, he told her that the girl he like. The girl he was about to propose was proposed by another boy

He felt bad after listening to Naveen
And he sat close to him. He put Naveen head on his shoulder. He became emotional after listening to Naveen, After a while Naveen suddenly removed his head from her shoulder and Naveen put on his glasses and stood up from that place.

When I removed my head with his shoulder, he was shocked to see me and I said to him thank you for listening to me and understanding me.

When he was going out of that garden
Then suddenly the owner of that mall grabbed his hand and pulled her towards and he hugged him tightly.

Naveen could not understand anything at that time, he said to him angry

Naveen - leave me what the hell leave me i Said leave me.

The owner of the mall did not listen to them and suddenly they left him and both were just staring at each other and then grabbed Naveen's cheeks with both of their hands, Naveen could not understand what is going on in his mind.

And then he started kissing on Naveen's lips, Naveen was shocked
And his eyes were wide open.
He was shocked for 20 seconds
Then 20 seconds later he pushed her and dropped her to the ground and Naveen wipes her lips and Naveen ran away that garden.

( And today he saw him after 2 months )

Naveen was scared to see him and Naveen tried to run away from him.

But he held Naveen hand and forced him to sit on the seat.

And he said to Naveen

Mall owner - thank god atleast you remember who am i

and after speaking he sits on Naveen front chair

So Naveen replied to him,

Naveen - How can I forget you, what you did that day to me it was very scary.

And he moved his glasses up

And Naveen said to him in shock,

Naveen - how did you know I am in London and I am sitting here. are you stalking me,
Say because only 2 people knew about my arrival here in London, did Rahul send you.

Rocky - (And he said while stopping his talks) what are you saying.

And he said turning his hand on his hair.

Rocky - actually The thing is I saw you today at the Airport And when I saw you, I was moving forward to talk that you sat in a car and you left the airport and then I followed you in my car.

Naveen - That means you will also know why, I am sitting here and why I am crying

Rocky - Yes I know
And I also know what your friend did to you.

Naveen - That means you were standing outside the house listening to us

Rocky - Initially i saw your friend with you and I went away but I was feeling like talking to you And I wanted to say sorry for the mistake of that day, so I went away to buy roses and sorry cards for you

but when I came back, you were quarreling with your friend And what were you two fighting about,
I heard that too
But when I was about to enter the house for helping, you went out there weeping and before that someone else would bother you, I started following you.

When you were crying and you were continue walking for 20 minutes,
at that time I was following you

And then you know what happened
Honestly speaking, I feel really bad for you now,
Whenever we meet, you're always sad
and I think we need to kiss again.

Naveen - what?

Rocky- Yes, because you are sad again today

( he started moving forward his face to Naveen ) and Naveen smiled and he told him to stop.

( And Naveen started laughing At that time, he could tell by looking at Rocky face that he is happy to see Naveen laughing.
and then Naveen said )

Naveen - thank you to make me happy

And he said

Rocky - Finally, the day has come when I will know your name,

Naveen - oh yes I do not even know your name.

And then he extended his hand and said
Rocky - my name is Rocky and what is your name.

Naveen - Rocky nice name .

And Naveen shook hands with him and said my name is Naveen

Rocky - Naveen is such a lovely name just like you

Naveen- What, did you say cute like me

(And then Rocky specifically acted and he said )

Rocky - No, I did not say anything

Rocky - And now, Naveen, what will you do next? Have you thought ahead?

Naveen - No, I have not thought of anything but I know that I have to find a job here and I have to complete the work that I have come for here

Rocky - What you have to do here in london

Naveen - Sorry but i can't tell you

Rocky - It's ok if you don't tell me
But i want to tell you one thing

Naveen - What?

Rocky - I have to tell you that my brother's coffee shop is lacking in a boy, So will you work in my brother's coffee shop

Naveen - but why me ? you don't know anything about me then why do you want to give me work in a coffee shop. Rocky, because of me you are already anxious, anyway I don't want to bother you anymore

Rocky - because, I feel that, you are very straight forward and true person, that's why I am offering you a job. If you will not do this job then someone else has taken this job in your place And we give our coffee shop waiters a room and food for free

Naveen - But what will you say to your brother who is this and then what answer will you give to your brother?

Rocky - You don't worry about him i'll look.
My brother considers me very much, but yes he is always angry but you are cute, he will not be angry with you.

Naveen- but

Rocky - come with me to my car.,

And then he took Naveen luggage and put Naveen luggage in her car trunk and then he told him to sit on the front seat of the car.

Naveen - Where are you going to taken me

Rocky - I am taking you to my house

Naveen - Your house but it will be your family
what will they think of me.

Rocky - You sit in the car don't worry about my family

Naveen - I think your family members are very friendly behaviour with you, so you are telling me this again and again.

Rocky - If you sit in a car first then I will tell you all about me and my family

Rocky started driving and after 1 minute he started telling him about his family.

Rocky - Navin my family only has me and my brother and there is no one in our family, you must be thinking that, why did I not say about my mom dad

Naveen - hummm

Rocky - when I was only 15 year old and my brother was only 20 years old, and then my mother Dad died in a car accident.

Naveen - I am sorry

Rocky - it's okay

Naveen - Don't you guys miss your mom and dad

Rocky - Initially we used to miss Mom and Dad a lot but now I don't miss because we are busy in our life.

Naveen - And your brother he never miss a parents.

Rocky - No, he is very busy, I think he has no time to remember Mom and dad.

Naveen - You both must have faced a lot of trouble in your childhood.

Rocky - Yes, but my parents opened a coffee shop, in the beginning not much problem we faced.
After the death of my parents,

customers stopped coming to the coffee shop because we did not know how to make good coffee.

And at that time our situation had become so bad that the coffee shop was about to sell
But my elder brother did not give up because this coffee shop is the last sign of my mom and dad.

My brother worked hard day and night, he never rested, always worked and look today.

And today we are in a good business, we have different malls in London and other countries, we have coffee shops and today we have 10,000 cars.

(Rocky was telling his and his brother sad story, and Naveen was cries after listening to his story, Naveen took off his glasses. And he wiped his tears And seeing Naveen crying, Rocky start smiles )

Naveen said in his mind why is he laughing after seeing me

(And after a while he took his car inside a bungalow Naveen was really scare to meet Rocky's brother, when he was taking the car in his bungalow, Naveen was very upset that time)

Rocky stopped his car in the bungalow, Naveen felt strange when he saw that there was a watchman in every part of his house. Rocky's house was really big
Rocky told Naveen

Rocky - this is my small house

And Naveen started teasing him

Naveen - That your house is too small

and he started laughing at Naveen words

Then both got down from the car and Rocky asked his servant to take the luggage out of the dicky and take it to the house.
And then Naveen grabbed Rocky's hand and said,

Naveen -"Think back once, what will your brother think of me?"

And then Rocky grabbed Naveen hand tightly and said

Rocky - don't you tension Naveen my brother is very good

And Rocky hold Naveen hands tightly, and took him inside the house, everything seemed strange at that time because the country was new and people were new when Naveen went inside Rocky's big house, Naveen felt that all the servants of the house were watching him

And then Rocky gave his brother a voice and he was calling out loud to his brother

Rocky - Shekhar, Shekhar

He was calling his brother's name out loud and Naveen stood quietly in one place,
And then suddenly a strange thing happened to Naveen.

Rocky's brother's room was on the first floor. When Rocky gave a voice to his brother, he opened the door.
Rocky's brother was calmly coming down the ladder. He did not ask Rocky any questions, just he was calm and coming down

Questions stopped coming to Naveen mind after seeing Rocky's brother.


Chapter 3

When Rocky's brother Shekhar came out of the room, seeing his first glimpse, Naveen mouth became open and his eyes got bigger.

When Naveen saw Shekhar's face, he just kept looking at him and Naveen started speaking in his mind

Naveen - how much handsome man is there

Seeing Shekhar, Naveen felt like handsome guy was coming out of the sky, he was just looking at him without blinking

Shekhar came down the stairs and Naveen was still staring at him and Shekhar saw Naveen that he was watching him

and Shekhar was looking around, like he hasn't seen Naveen, but after a while he was looking at her angrily and he was shaking his eyebrows as he asked Naveen the question,
("What's wrong, why do you see me?" had been?" )Seeing Shekhar doing this,

Naveen got nervous and Naveen turned his face towards the ground but seeing Shekhar, he had a smile on his face. Because Shekhar was still looking at him with questioning eyes

Shekhar came down the stairs and stand directly in front of Rocky and he said with a hand on Rocky's shoulder,

shekhar - what is the problem?

Rocky was laughing and he saw Naveen and he removed Shekhar's hand from his shoulder and said

Rocky - Shekhar is no problema
Just wanted to introduce you to my friend

Shekhar - What do you think I am sitting free that you will introduce me to your friends

( Shekhar said while looking at Naveen with oblique eyes )

Rocky said to Shekhar,

Rocky - There is no such thing, brother, I want to talk to you about my friend problem, first of all, you sit on the couch.

Rocky placed his hand on Shekhar's shoulder and placed him on the couch.

( Rocky said to Naveen )

Rocky - Naveen why are you not sitting
come and sit near me

(and he grabbed Naveen hand and he made Naveen sit with him)

that time Naveen was silent
and shekhar was watching carefully everything

Shekhar - if Rocky your drama is over, so please start telling me your friend's problem

Shekhar was talking to Rocky, suddenly he looked at Naveen and Naveen again took his head down

Rocky - Oh sorry brother i tell you everything
Brother this is my friend Naveen and it came from India

Shekhar - India?

Rocky - yes india we first met in mumbai shoping mall

Rocky told to shekhar everything
wait wait wait ...
only one thing he didn't telling him
our kiss

Actually Naveen also don't like to tell him about this shit

Shekhar was listening silently to Rocky's words,
but Naveen thinking by looking at shekhar it seemed as if shekhar was not convinced on these things.

Shekhar was listening to these things carefully,
but he was looking at Naveen with his questioning eyes in between.

When Rocky told Shekhar all story, after 2 minutes, Shekhar got up from the couch and
started says to Rocky

Shekhar - Rocky, "Come with me to my room, I want to talk to you in private."

And after speaking this, Shekhar started going towards his room,

Rocky and Naveen?
Were not able to understand anything
but few seconds after
Rocky told Naveen

Rocky - you sit here i will be right back

(Rocky told his servant)
Mark -  bring cold drinks and snacks for my friend and give my friend what he wants
Do you understand

Mark - yes sir

Rocky- okay, now I'm going

The Mark asked Naveen what do you want sir

Naveen - No, I don't want anything, just give me a glass of water

Mark - Okay

Naveen was bored sitting down and other side Rocky and Shekhar, was discussing Naveen job in room.

Shekhar closed the door from inside and said

Shekhar - Rocky first you sit then talk

Rocky - Brother, why did you call me here? That Naveen is sitting alone.

Shekhar - Because I want to talk to you about something important, that's why, I invited you here

Rocky - okay

Shekhar - Rocky, why have you brought your friend home, your friend has come from India and his friend cheated on him, what can I do in this

Shekhar - Rocky, does he need the money

Rocky - No brother, he doesn't need your money, he needs a job

Shekhar - give him any job of

Rocky - No brother, I want to give him a job in Mom and Dad's coffee shop

Shekhar - What?

Rocky - Yes brother because there is a vacant place in the coffee shop and you were saying that you give someone a job in the coffee shop so why not Naveen give him this job

Shekhar asks Rocky with questioning eyes

Shekhar - I can understand that he is your friend What will you do if your friend does not know how to make coffee

Rocky - but brother

Shekhar - And do you know if he knows how to make coffee or not, have you ever tast your friend's coffee?

Rocky - I don't know

Shekhar - Rocky, you don't even know him well, so how can I give him a job in a coffee shop, Rocky You know that the coffee shop is the last sign of our parents.

Rocky - But brother

Shekhar - The condition of our coffee shop is already bad and I don't like the rating of our coffee shop getting down and due to someone else

Rocky said by holding Shekhar's hand

Rocky - Please brother, at least you give him only 1 chance
and i takes his guarantee

Shekhar - But he is a stranger

Rocky - please brother give him a job in coffee shop i request you

(Rocky said with folded hands to Shekhar)

Rocky - please brother
please, please, please...

Shekhar - please Stop Rocky okay i am ready to give Naveen job but on one condition

Rocky - what Condition

Shekhar - I am giving him a job but I will take his test as to how he is and what kind of a boy he is.

Rocky - What does this mean? Shekhar I did not understand anything

Shekhar - I mean I will see how he treats his customers
And how will he treat an angry customer

Rocky - when will you take him test

Shekhar - I can take his test anytime but I will not tell you

Rocky - why

Shekhar - I will not tell you because you like Naveen

( Rocky said blushing )

Rocky - Brother there is no such thing, he is very cute and always afraid of me but it does not mean that I like him

Shekhar - So what does this mean?

Rocky - Brother, leave it all and come straight to the point, what will you do with Naveen

Shekhar - don't worry it's a easy test
you don't worry about it okay

(Rocky thinking his mind if brother didn't given a job to Naveen than)

And Shekhar said pinch in front of Rocky's face

Shekhar- where are you lost

Shekhar- Rocky, I asked you something and you have not answered me yet and you know if someone does not answer me, I get angry.

Rocky - But brother, what is the need of the test, give him a job without any test, please brother

Shekhar said angrily to him

Shekhar - no more talking Rocky

Rocky - but brother

shekhar - i said no more talkings

Rocky - ok

Shekhar - humm and yes, come on down quickly, how long your friend is waiting.

(Shekhar was about to open the door of the room, suddenly he stopped and started going to Rocky again)

Rocky - what happened brother

Shekhar - is nothing but yes, take care of one thing, what we are talking about Naveen, you will not saying to Naveen, understand

Shekhar was warning Rocky

Rocky - yes, got it

Shekhar - hmm
Ok now let's go down

Shekhar opened the door of his room and Rocky Shekhar both came out of the room and started coming downstairs and after coming down both the stood near Naveen.

Shekhar was standing in front of Naveen but Naveen could not face him and suddenly shekhar starting talking to Naveen.

Shekhar - Your name is Naveen.

Naveen - Yes.

Shekhar - Naveen you are our guest, so feel relaxed here, if you ever any problems then tell Mark.

(Shekhar called his servant Mark in front of his)

Shekhar - Mark come here
Take Mark Naveen's luggage to the guest room and show him the room

Naveen - but why

Shekhar - Because today you're going to live here

Naveen - But Rocky told me that if I get a job in your coffee shop then I will get a room to stay
so why I stay here

Then suddenly Rocky and Shekhar saw each other

(15 minutes ago)

// Both started thinking //

Shekhar was going to open the door of his room that Rocky stopped Shekhar and said

Rocky - brother, I want talking to you one more thing .

Shekhar spoke

Shekhar - ufffff, and Now what Rocky if you are talking about the tests again, then I am sorry

Rocky - no brother I am not talking about the tests
i want to talk about something else

Shekhar - whatever you want to say, speak fast, I don't have time, I have to go out speak from work

Rocky - Will you let Naveen stay in the house for a today
(Rocky said fearfully)
Please brother only today
i know you don't like a stranger but it's only today

Shekhar - ok Rocky but only today

Rocky - thankyou brother

Shekhar - ok now let's go

15 minutes later

Naveen could not understand what Rocky and Shekhar were thinking after seeing each other

Naveen started watching both of them carefully and pretended to have a sore throat to divert their attention from each other.

Naveen - uhhh, uh-huh....

Hearing Naveen's voice, both of them shifted their attention from each other.
Now both of them started looking at Naveen, Rocky asked Naveen

Rocky - What Happened Naveen

Naveen - hummm finely,
(Naveen said slowly)

Rocky- you said something

Naveen- No, I did not say anything.

Rocky - okay forget this, Shekhar Naveen is my friend
( Speaking of this, Rocky suddenly stood near Naveen and stood up And Rocky puts his hand on Naveen's shoulder and Rocky said looking at Naveen )
so I want Naveen to sleep with me in my room

( When Rocky asks Naveen to sleep with him in his room, Naveen's eyes suddenly become bigger )

Shekhar - Why?

Rocky - Brother, if Naveen has any problem or needs anything in the middle of the night, he will tell me what he wants or not. that's why I am telling you to sleep with me

Naveen - but why?
You told me that if you get a job
You will get a room

Rocky - My brother told me that it is going to be evening and half a day has passed, so I will take you to the coffee shop tomorrow

Rocky was saying that suddenly Shekhar stared at him at Rocky with his questioning eyes and he shook his eyebrows as if he was asking when I said this

Rocky - Brother, you said this, remember you said in the room

( And in this, Shekhar said )

Shekhar - Yes, yes, I said it

Shekhar - Yes Naveen, you stay here today, now I am leaving

Shekhar - Rocky Come I have to Talking to you

Rocky - yes

Naveen said slowly with a putting a hand on  neck

Naveen - how many times god

Rocky- you said something

Naveen - no
you go
Otherwise shekhar will have go

Rocky - Yes,
Naveen, you wait,
l am coming

Naveen said softly again and where can I go now

Rocky was run out of house

Shekhar was waiting for Rocky

Rocky going to Shekhar

Seeing Rocky coming, Shekhar said

Shekhar - I have been waiting since

Rocky - sorry brother.

Shekhar - Never mind, tell me now why you lied to Naveen, do you like Naveen, tell me because I feel

(Rocky said blushing and turning his hand on his hair)
Rocky - brother is not like that because he cute that's why

Shekhar - Ok Rocky listen to me carefully, this is my warning for you

(Shekhar said angrily)

Rocky - Brother, what did I do that you're giving me a warning

Shekhar - Rocky, you know when I say something and someone stops me
I get very angry

Rocky - Sorry brother

Shekhar - nice and listen to me carefully
//First thing, do not lie to your friend by taking my name from next time

And second thing, speak your friend to stay away from my room and

The last thing tell your friend don't need to touch anything in the house//

Rocky - But Brother

Shekhar - Rocky now silent

Rocky - hmm

Shekhar - Driver get the Car out

Rocky was very sadly going inside the house
That he suddenly got the idea of ​​Naveen and he accelerated his walking speed

When rocky came into the living room
He saw Naveen sleeping like a child on the couch and seeing Naveen sleep Rocky was started smile .

Rocky sat next to Naveen and caressed Naveen's hair.

Mark was watching Rocky doing this and suddenly Mark was going to say something to Rocky that he gestured to Mark to keep quiet

Rocky said softly to Mark
Rocky - Open my room door i carry him to sleep in my room

Mark - sir I help you

Rocky - no, I take him
You only open my room door

Mark - yes sir

Rocky gently lifted Naveen in his arms and climbed the stairs and took Naveen to his room.

Rocky - Mark Slowly Open the Door

Mark - yes sir

Mark slowly opened the door. As soon as the door opened,

Rocky put Naveen gently on his bed and took off Naveen's shoes and socks.
And Rocky said

Rocky - Mark nobody will come here in my room until I say
now go to your work

Mark - ok sir

Mark walked out of the room and slowly closed the door to Rocky's room.

Rocky lowered Navin's jacket when Rocky was taking off Naveen's jacket
Naveen said him

Naveen - please let me sleep i'm tired

Rocky - Yes you sleep but let me take off your jacket
Otherwise you will suffocated

Naveen said hummm

Rocky takes off Naveen's jacket
And cover Naveen with blankets

Rocky turns on his room air conditioner
Rocky landed his jacket after turning on the air conditioner
And went to sleep next to Naveen

Rocky was lying in the bed and continue watching the Naveen without blinking his eyes

Rocky caressed Naveen's hair.

Suddenly, Rocky's eyes went to Naveen's glasses and Rocky took off Naveen's glasses and started caressing Naveen's hair again.
When Rocky fell asleep seeing Naveen, he did not know

(1 hour later)
Rocky and Naveen were sleeping than, Rocky's mobile bell rang and Rocky suddenly got up.

Rocky watching at Naveen if Naveen's sleep has deteriorated due to his mobile bell.
Naveen was still sleeping

Rocky saw in the mobile that Shekhar had 3 miscalls. Rocky looked at the clock in fear and said

Rocky - what, it's 5 o'clock, I am to late, shekhar would kill me

Rocky was getting ready very quickly and quickly came down the stairs after coming out of his room.

Rocky said to Mark

Rocky - Mark I'm leaving now I'm getting late
Mark Naveen is sleeping Let him sleep and
Do not disturbed him
to Take care of this no one disturb him
so take care of Naveen
until I come
If he wants anything please give it to him
I'm getting late now

Rocky running out fast and says to driver

Rocky - driver, please drive the car faster
oh god help me

(After 2 hours)
It was 7 o'clock in the evening Naveen's sleep opened
Naveen was rubbing his eyes that he saw it he was lying on the bed
He sat up

Rocky sees Naveen sitting on the bed in the room and said

Rocky - Naveen finally you woke up
Ok go to washroom and wash your face and eat something

Naveen said slowly

Naveen - How did i come to your room in your bed, I was sleeping on the couch below
Rocky sit next to Naveen and Said to him

Rocky - I have brought you here in my arms

Naveen - Have you brought me here in your room in yourself arms?

Rocky - Yes, Do not think too much and go and wash your face

Naveen - hmm

Naveen got up from the bed and went to the washroom and Rocky started fixing the bed

When Naveen came out of the washroom and was wiping his face with a handkerchief. And he told rocky

Naveen - Rocky, can I ask you something

Rocky was busy cleaning his bed and he said without looking at Naveen

Rocky- Ask Yes

When i slept
(Naveen said softly) so what

Rocky - Ask what you're asking, are you ashamed

Naveen- No I do not shy you
Ok if you insist i ask you

Naveen - Did you taking off my shoes, socks (Naveen said stuck) while you were sleeping me on your bed?
and my jeket, my glasses

Did you taking off it all

Suddenly Rocky stops fixing the bed and (he stuck said Naveen )

Rocky - Yes, I did it because because
Because your dirty shoes and socks make my velvet bed messy

Naveen - But why did you take off my jacket and glasses
Rocky - because the jeket if you wearing in sleeping time you feel suffocated

Naveen - and glasses

Rocky - oh my god Naveen and( suddenly he turned in Naveen side and said in the turned ) how many questions

Both Naveen's hair and face were wet and Naveen was busy clearing her face with handkerchief.

Naveen ask Rocky

Naveen - where is my glasses Rocky without glasses I can't see anything

Rocky was continue watching Naveen with open mouth and without blinking his eyes

and naveen was cleaning face and asking him

Naveen - Rocky, Rocky
(Naveen quipped In front of Rocky's face and asked him)
what happened
why did you not answer my questions

Rocky - no, no 1 second
i gives you glasses

Rocky was going to the right side of bed And from there, he take Naveen's glasses and he said,

Rocky - yes, I have it, in my hand

(Standing near to Naveen and said)

Rocky - look, look.

Naveen said laughing

Naveen - now give it to me
I wear it now

Rocky - Yes, Oh Oh,
1 second
( Rocky says slowly in lower voice with Naveen) and
(he suddenly caressing Naveen's hair and he constantly looking into Naveen's eyes and said )

Rocky - Is it your beauty or
the magic of these drops of water that has enhanced your hair and face

(Rocky said while touching Naveen's hair )

(Rocky had forgotten everything by seeing Naveen's face,
Rocky was looking at Naveen with loving eyes )

(On this side, Naveen could not understand why Rocky is behaving like this )

How many times did Naveen called Rocky name

Naveen - Rocky, Rocky what are you doing

(Rocky ignore Naveen's words and put finger frames on Naveen's lips
Rocky said to Naveen )

Rocky - keep quiet today it's my day and I wear you glasses with my hands

Rocky wearing Naveen to comfort glasses

And he was starts to getting closer to Naveen lips

After Rocky's behavior, the two begin to see each other without blinking.

Rocky was completely lost in Naveen's eyes and Rocky was moving to kiss him,
suddenly Naveen pushed Rocky,
Rocky went backwards as soon as he pushed

Rocky's face seemed to finally he's dream was broken

After this movement of Rocky and Naveen, both of them were not able to get eye contact to each other.

Both were ashamed and Rocky's face turned red with shame

Rocky said without looking Naveen

Rocky - Naveen let's go down , Shekhar is waiting for us, i going and you
Come soon.

Rocky said in shy way

Rocky - I'm going now and you come fast.

And he accidentally went to the bathroom.

Naveen said
Naveen - you have to go to the bathroom.

Rocky - no, no

Rocky said itching on the hair.

Naveen started laughing after seeing Rocky.

Rocky quickly walks out of the room seeing Naveen laughing.

Shekhar out his room
And walking down the stairs asked Mark

Shekhar - food is ready Mark

Mark said shockingly

Mark - Yes Sir

Mark said in mind, Sir never asked this question before today

Shekhar says to Mark while sitting at the dining table

Shekhar - Mark come here

Mark - yes sir, what happened sir, Sir you need something

Shekhar - No, Mark, you saw that Naveen had not touched any of my things during my departure. did you notice

Mark - Sir,No sir, he did not hand over anything
Sir, he has been sleeping ever since you have gone out of the house

Shekhar - After I left, did he go straight to Rocky's room?

Mark - No Sir first of all he was sleeping in the couch but after that Rocky Sir picked Naveen in his lap and took him to his room
And Rocky sir did not take my help, only Sir telling me to open the door of his room.

Shekhar - Did you confirm if he was sleeping in rocky's room or not
That he was just acting

Mark - Sir, he was not acting because Rocky Sir was with him till 4 pm
And after Rocky Sir left him I was looking him sir he did not touch any thing and Sir, he has been sleeping since noon

shekhar - humm he eat something or not

Mark - No, Sir, he has drank just one glass of water since he came.

Shekhar - ok

Rocky was blushing down the stairs, his whole face was red
And just behind Rocky was Naveen

Naveen was coming down the stairs and Rocky said without looking at Naveen

Rocky - Naveen fast,  brother is waiting for us

Naveen responded to Rocky's

Naveen - humm

Rocky and Naveen comes in dining table shekhar was looking both of them

(Rocky said that)

Rocky - Comes and sit next to me

Naveen - But

(Bhekhar said to Naveen)

shekhar - No, Naveen you sit in front of me I have something talking to you,

Naveen and Rocky looking at each other and Rocky says to Shekhar

Rocky - But Shekhar

Shekhar - Rocky, no more questions, sit down both of you

Naveen felt weird to eating food sitting between them, but then Naveen celebrated his mind and
sat on the chair to eat

Shekhar said to Mark
Shekhar - Mark, Serve Chicken to Naveen
I think He's Hungry

Mark - Yes Sir

Mark was going to serve chicken to Naveen than Naveen suddenly stopped Mark and said

Naveen - No Thanks i don't want to eat this

shekhar - Why Naveen

Rocky - What happened Naveen something wrong
please tell me

Naveen felt strange to speak
But he hesitantly told Rocky

Rocky - Tell Me

Naveen - Actually Rocky
i am sorry and
thank you for your kindness
but actually, actually

Everyone was listening carefully to Naveen, why he is saying this and what is wrong

Naveen - Actually, I am pure vegetarian
sorry but I can't eat this food
( Naveen says sadly )

Rocky and Mark started laughing as soon as they heard Naveen's words.
And Shekhar just looked at Naveen and said

shekhar - Mark go and give my type of foods to Naveen

Naveen said shockingly
Naveen - what do you mean you both are vegetarian
Rocky said laughing

Rocky - No just Brother only one who vegetarian, i am not,
i am non-vegetarian
i love chicken

Mark brings rise lentils vegetable, for Naveen
Mark put the food it in front of Naveen.
And Naveen was happy to sees the food the and he was and he was says

Naveen - dal rice and vegetable is my favorite food

(Rocky said on seeing Naveen happy)

Rocky - My brother and you are the same kind

(Shekhar looked at Rocky angrily and
Rocky notices that Shekhar is angry with his words and
Rocky was scared of Shekhar and
Rocky turns his head down and starts eating food)

(Naveen was happy to hear Rocky's words
And he started seeing Shekhar
Was looking at Naveen Shekhar with loving eyes)

(And looking at Shekhar, he said to himself)

Naveen - yes ,We are one

(Shekhar was busy eating food, then suddenly his eyesight turned to Naveen
shekhar notice him
and he was saying with himself)

shekhar- again
(and then he started to looking Naveen angrily)

(Naveen saw Shekhar smiling for a few seconds. And he saw that Shekhar was looking at him in anger, then he was scared to see Shekhar's angry eyes and lowered his head and started eating. And He sees Shekhar once again)

(But Shekhar was still watching him
Naveen once again said to himself)

Naveen - i think Shekhar have seen me

(After that Naveen did not raise his head even once, he was eating food by head down)

(Then 2 minutes after that Shekhar said Naveen)

Shekhar - You are from India, Yes or not?

Naveen sees in Shekhar blushing and said softly

Naveen - Yes, Yes

Rocky - Yes brother

shekhar - Rocky keep quiet and i asking to him i am not asking you
so please quiet

Rocky - yes brother

(Naveen was sitting in peace watching both)

Shekhar - So Naveen where do you live in India, where is your house and how many people in your house

(Naveen said hesitantly)

Naveen - I live in Bandra, and
I live in the orphanage there
and no one in my family

Naveen said in sorrow

Rocky and Shekhar felt bad after hearing this about Naveen
But still Shekhar continued to asking to him questions

shekhar - sorry Naveen, But why have you come to London, have you not got a job in your India?

Naveen - No there is no such thing

Shekhar ignored Naveen talk and continued speaking

shekhar - i know, why are you come in London
May I tell you one thing, don't you mind, but there is no money in your India and not many people are educated and there is a lot of people blind faith.

(Naveen was angry at Shekhar's words, but he kept his anger under control, he kept listening to all those evils silently, Naveen held the glass of glass in his hand to calm his anger)

shekhar - I tell the truth, I do not like India, and I do not like the people there, I know what you are thinking about me
what kind of men is this

(Rocky said in between Shekhar's words)

Rocky - brother what are you saying all this

Shekhar - Do not speak in between, Rocky

Rocky - But Brother

shekhar - i said don't speak
Rocky said to shekhar

Rocky - hummm

(Rocky siting sadly in face down
and he was just listening shekhar
Rocky felt bad for Naveen)

(Naveen was being pressed a glass of glass with his hands in anger,
so that he would not getting angry but the bitter words of Shekhar were not tolerating from him)

(Shekhar bitter words were not ending for India
And Naveen anger kept growing and he broke the glass of glass in anger)

In angry Naveen got up from the chair and tells Shekhar

Naveen - quiet please

Naveen face was angry and he had tears in his eyes, and one of his hands was bleeding.

(Rocky and shekhar had realised that, Naveen is angry at Shekhar words,
Rocky was feeling really bad, for Naveen)

Rocky - Naveen

Shekhar was speaking in his mind

Shekhar - Now let's see what it does

Naveen - I think I should go from here

Rocky asks Naveen

Rocky - Where

(Naveen had tears in his eyes and he spoke to Rocky wiping those tears)

Naveen - Rocky you so much did for me
thank you so much but now I think I should go now

Rocky - But Why

Naveen - Rocky, you are probably forgetting that,
I also came from India .
And I don't want Shekhar Sar to feel bad because of me
and i don't want someone having a problem become of me

Rocky - what are you saying, Naveen

Naveen - Shekhar Sir Sorry but I don't know anything about you, but now I know everything

Shekhar - Naveen you can sit and talk

Naveen - How can I sit here sir

Shekhar - What do you want to say

Naveen - Sir, this means that it is not my right to sit in your midst to talk or eat here and stay here.

Shekhar - What do you mean?

Naveen - Sir, it means that I am an Indian, and I am an Indian resident and you don't like Indian and nor the people there, so how can I live here?
And I am from that poor country where you have opened your big mall and you are earning more than half of it in that poor country.

(Shekhar was listening carefully to Naveen)

Naveen - And the point of superstition is that they all believe in each other and not just like other countries,
sorry Shikhar Sir but i think you forgot but you're india, and you only lives in London,
and you're name is shekhar right, focus your name and surname
both belong to India

(Shekhar's mouth was closed on hearing Naveen's talk
Shekhar did not have the answer to Naveen's questions)

(Tears were still coming out from Naveen's eyes, but he kept those tears hidden, he did not want to show his emotions to anyone)

(Naveen said sadly)
Naveen- Sorry, I want to apologize to both of you. one Indian was spoil your evening, sorry.
But this Indian will not waste your night,
I walk
Rocky will you open your room door i have to take my luggage.

Rocky - Naveen, why are you saying this?
(And as soon as he said this, Rocky stood up from the chair and went to Naveen and placed his hand on his shoulder and said)

Rocky - Naveen, where will you go with your luggage

Naveen - Rocky, maybe you are forgetting that a friend of mine also lives here, I will go to him

Rocky - But Naveen what will he do with you? you know

Naveen - You do not tention about that, Rocky Already you have a lot of trouble because of me. but this time please

(Naveen spoke with folded hands)

Naveen - I will keep your favor dim but now let me go

(Rocky saw
Naveen's blood coming out of his hands and the broken glass was smashed into his hand,
Rocky held Naveen's hand and said)

Rocky - Your hand

Naveen - You open the door

Rocky - But Naveen

Naveen - So, let me go like this
Rocky said to Mark in a hurry

Rocky - Mark go and open the door

Naveen - Thank you i take my luggage

(And he said to Naveen)
Rocky - Naveen if you respect me so please waiting for me in my room
Mark you go with Naveen and tie the bandage in his hand

Naveen - But Rocky

Rocky - please Naveen, i request to you

Naveen - ok

Naveen and Mark both are going to the Rocky room

Naveen and Mark both walked towards Rocky's room
And as they go
Rocky told Shekhar

Rocky - Shekhar I like all your things, but this time you are wrong

Brother, he was rightly saying that we are an Indian but I did not know that you have a such thoughts about India, brother, bhai I want say one thing.

(Shekhar felt bad for Naveen and listening to Rocky.
Even after listening to Rocky, he was silent)

Rocky said
Rocky - Brother you know he did not want to come to London because his friend forced him here because Naveen was no other than his friend in this world, so he came to his friend
But when he came here he came to know that his friend was selling him in his boss

Brother, he came very hard from that place, but now he is talking about going back to those people after listening to your talks.
Brother you know if he goes to those people

So what will happen to him
Those people will torture him sexually

Shekhar - Rocky i know, i was wrong this time, I shouldn't have done that but I was just watching his anger i just testing him

(Rocky said in a calm voice, calming himself)

Rocky - I did not know that the owner of such a big office and mall checks a straight guy like this
brother i am sorry but you are wrong this time

Rocky walks to his room with a sad face after speaking
Shekhar tries to stop Rocky from behind by giving him voice but Rocky was ignored shekhar voice and he goes to his room

When Rocky reached his room, he saw that Naveen was still bleeding and Naveen was sitting on Rocky's bed and crying.

Rocky ask to Mark
Rocky - Why didn't you tie bandage her up?
Mark - Sir Sorry, but i am scared to blood.

Rocky - so why are you still stands here, go if you scared

mark - because i felt really bad for him and he was crying continued, that's why i am not going

Rocky said Mark
Rocky - You go, I see him

Mark - yes sir

Rocky sat next to Naveen and held his hand and he was cleaning the blood with his hands and he bandaged him and he tell me

Rocky - it's paining or not

Naveen cried and nodded his head yes
Rocky strips Naveen hand and says
Rocky - Sorry Naveen
And Rocky wipes Naveen's tears

And suddenly Shekhar knocked the room door and said
Shekhar - Rocky

Got up from the Naveen bed and said

Naveen - Rocky I must walk

While Naveen was going out of the room, Shekhar said holding his hand

Shekhar - Where are you going?

Naveen - going to my friend

Shekhar - I want to apologize to you Naveen I know I said wrong because I was taking your testing your anger.
Naveen - what
shekhar - sorry, but this is first time i apologize someone
You can also ask Rocky if you don't believe me.

Naveen looked at Rocky and Rocky nodded yes.

Rocky - Yes, you are the only person

You know that brother never apologized to anyone in his life, not even to me

Shekhar placed a hand on Naveen's shoulder and said

Shekhar - I know Naveen you are angry and you are crying and you feel bad about my words
But I was just watching your anger and taking your test
And you have passed this test because you spoke softly to me
I do not know how much you have heard my bad word, but you did not tell me any such bad thing, while you explained by speaking slowly.
And when everyone gets angry most of the time he tries to kill him. You did not even try to kill me.
But at that time you controlled your anger due to which you wept and you hurt yourself and this shows that
It shows that you have the courage to control your anger

Rocky - brother one second what does it mean the first test will be any 2 test also

shekhar - yes, you are right but this test is normal for every one

Rocky - what test

shekhar - Rocky you are a idiot,

Rocky - Brother, why are you speaking in front of Navina

Shekhar - You are my brother and you don't even know that much, Naveen if you want this job then you want's have to cleared that test

Naveen - Sorry sir but I can't do this job
Rocky - what are you saying Naveen brother has already apologized
shekhar - because of the test
Naveen - no, actually because i am a indian, and you don't like indian and this is not clear you like India or not

Rocky - but brother already said that was a test

Naveen - yes, but in the future he says to me he is a India and i can't tolerate any other bad words of india
that's why i can't do that job

Shekhar - Naveen you are saying this rightly and do you know that your best is that you cannot hear bad about India and you don't know this i love so much India

Naveen - what, it's true

Shekhar - yes, it's true that's why I was doing evil to India in front of you, how much you love India and I also wanted to see how much you control your anger

Naveen - If I were agreeable to you at that time

Shekhar - I don't let you live in a house and don't even give a job

Naveen - Somewhere you are not telling lies,
Do you like India

Shekhar - Why do I lie to you? what are you to me?

Naveen - Yes, you are right
(Naveen says slowly)

Rocky - Now everything is solved then brother please
Forgive me how did I talk to you at that time

Shekhar - Never mind, at least I came to know that you respect India.

Shekhar - Now let's give me a hug Rocky
Rocky - yes brother
Everyone was happy, Rocky and Shekhar hugging, this seeing Naveen's smiled.

Rocky hugs Shekhar
Rocky - Sorry, Brother, I Won't Do This Next Time

Shekhar - I have forgiven you

All three had tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces

Shekhar - It's done, drama eagle,
Okay Naveen rest tonight, and be ready for your next test

shekhar - good night

Rocky - good night brother

Naveen - one second sir i am sorry for today

shekhar - it's ok, Naveen no problem, ok now go and relax, good night

Out of the room, Shekhar closed the door of the room
And Rocky said with a hand on Naveen's shoulder

Rocky - Now it's all right so why the tears

Naveen said taking off his glasses and he wiping his tears

Naveen - no, Just like

Rocky - ok forget everything let's eat something

Naveen - no i am not hungry

Rocky - why, I saw you you didn't eat anything

Naveen - but I'm not really hungry

Rocky - ok if you not eat anything than i also not eating

(and he started over acting )

Rocky - OMG i am so hungry but someone is here, I will not eat anything until he not eat, even if I die of my hunger, god,
I am coming to you

Naveen came to know that Rocky is acting
And seeing Rocky's play, Naveen started laugh and
he said to Rocky

Naveen - don't act anymore I know you are doing drama
Rocky says himself in slowly

( how did he knows that )
Rocky - No, I'm not acting in Naveen, seriously, i am really hungry

( And he acted by holding his stomach and said )

Rocky- What do you know, I'm hungry
You're refusing to eat, okay, if you don't eat it's okay,
I'm not eating either
Ok good night Naveen

So ok, change Naveen clothes and sleep,
I also sleep by changing cloths

Naveen said laugh
Naveen - Your brother said right, you are a drama eagle, ok now eat something
Rocky - and you will eat something or not
Naveen - hummm

someone knocked on the door
Rocky opened the door and said
Rocky - Mark you are here, but It's your time to go home

Mark - Yes, but Shekhar sir asked me to give it to you first,
Here's your food
Rocky - Who told you to give food?
Mark - shekhar sir
Rocky - brother, thank-you Mark give me this now you go home

Rocky went inside the room with the food and told Naveen to put the food on the table
Rocky - you keep eating, I come in 2 minutes
Naveen - where are you going now

Rocky - I'm going to meet brother, he sent food for us, I come

Naveen - hmm

Rocky went to meet Shekhar in his room. Rocky knocked on Shekhar's room, Shekhar opened the room door

Shekhar - Rocky you here, some problem
Rocky - no brother
Shekhar - so what are you doing here, go to sleep

Rocky - Brother
Shekhar - What
Rocky - Thank-You Brother
Shekhar - For what

And Rocky hugs Shekhar
shekhar - what's wrong Rocky

Rocky - Brother, I am ashamed of what I said to you today
Shekhar - Rocky, but I already forgotten
Rocky - Brother, you are my parent and everything for me, so you understand my pain, thank you brother

Shekhar - Rocky just go and eat something and go to sleep and forget everything that happened today, just relax, good night

Rocky - Okay brother, good night
Rocky walks out of the room and closes the door of Shekhar's room

It was 2 o'clock in the night, everyone was sleeping peacefully in his room, except Naveen, he could not sleep and his reason was Rocky.

Because Rocky's sleeping style was very dangerous, Rocky's snoring was causing trouble to Naveen.

Around 2 o'clock in the night, Naveen got up from bed and went to sleep on the couch and while sleeping on the sofa, Naveen pressed his ear with the pillow So that he doesn't hear Rocky's snoring
It was 2.30 in the night, Rocky suddenly woke up
And seeing Naveen not sleeping on his bed, he gets tense and then suddenly his eyes go to the couch and he sees Naveen sleeping on the couch and Rocky feels bad and then Rocky gets up from his bed.
And went to Naveen, Rocky lifted Naveen on his lap and put him to sleep on the bed, and looking at Naveen went to sleep next to him.
It was 2.45 in the night. Naveen's sleep once again opened up with Rocky's snoring and Naveen looked at himself in bed and told himself

Naveen - must have brought me here Rocky
And then once goes back to sleep on the couch but this time Rocky's snoring increased

And Naveen sleep flew away due to Rocky's snoring, Naveen walked out of the room, he did not want to disturb Rocky while he was sleeping, Naveen walked into the room without any sound and slowly closed the door of the room.

Shekhar and Rocky's room were face to face, Naveen came out of Rocky's room and sat on the couch of outside Rocky's room.

Outside Rocky's room, there was a large window from which the view of the beautiful moon and mountains could be seen clearly.

Sitting on the couch, Naveen's first look fell on Shekhar's room. And Naveen himself says

Naveen - Shekhar sir's room light is currently on, Shekhar sir is awake
Leave it, his house is his room, he can wake up there or sleep what do i have to do with this, but I do not understand that my sleep has flown, so what should I do now?

And then Naveen's eyes went to the window and he stood near the window.
Naveen loved to see the light of the moon
and he said to himself

Naveen - What a beautiful moon
But this moon reminds me of the beautiful face of Shekhar sir
(and a smile came on Naveen's face.
And Naveen turned his hand to her hair and said)
"Why am I feeling so attractive to Shekhar, I am attracted to him. Why is this happening to me?"

And suddenly Shekhar opened the door of his room and Shekhar's eyes turned to Naveen.

Shekhar - Naveen is standing here at this time, what is he doing here

Naveen was so busy looking at the moon that he did not see Shekhar coming to him anymore.
Shekhar - Naveen Naveen
Naveen said fearfully

Naveen was suddenly shocked to see Shekhar standing near him
Naveen - Shekhar Sir you are here
Shekhar - these questions I must ask you what are you doing here ib the middle night
You were sleeping in the room, so what are you doing here, tell me
Naveen said slowly
Naveen - I came here really because of Rocky because
Because Rocky is snoring loudly inside the room
Shekhar gave a small smile and said
Shekhar - I know Rocky's way of sleeping is dangerous

Naveen - Sir, you had not slept yet and why have you come here
Shekhar - Why do you feel that I have not slept yet

Naveen - Because when I came here, my eyes went to your room and your room light was on, so that's why

Hearing this, the smile disappeared from Shekhar's face and he gave a fake smile.

Shekhar- So you are standing here watching my room

Naveen- No, sorry but my eyesight suddenly went away your room.

Shekhar - I'm joking, why are you so afraid of me
See, you are sweating because of fear, forget it all, you asked me what I am doing here.
So I was going to get cold water down, but I have to ask you one thing, you have come outside to here avoid snoring, so why are you standing here? so why are you not sleeps on the couch

Naveen - Yes, I came here to sleep on the couch, but my sleep has flown and when I went to the window, I could not control myself to come here, such a beautiful moon

Shekhar - So it means that you like to see the moon.
Naveen said blushingly
Naveen - We
Shekhar - Naveen you look at the moon here
I bring water from the kitchen

And Shekhar started going down to get water

Naveen was watching Shekhar to going and then he took out the mobile from his pocket. And he took 2 photos of Shekhar in his mobile phone

Naveen is scared to see Shekhar coming close
And he told himself
Naveen - if he saw his picture on my mobile

Shekhar came very close to Naveen
Naveen was holding the mobile

Naveen was going to close the mobile and keep it in his pocket, after seeing that Shekhar coming to him, the mobile fell from his hand to the ground.

Naveen was going to get up his mobile, he saw that Shekhar is also leaning down to get the mobile, Shekhar and Naveen hands were placed each other.

Seeing each other's hands, the two started looking at each other, but then Naveen withdrew from Shekhar and Naveen took his mobile and he told Shekhar

Both stood up and Naveen's face turned red and Naveen was blushes

Naveen felt ashamed to see Shekhar and then Naveen said quickly without looking at Shekhar

Naveen- I think I should go to sleep in the bedroom
Aaaaa ....good night.

Shekhar was confused, he could not understand why Naveen is behaving like this.

Naveen opened the door to Rocky's room and he went inside the room

shekhar still watching the Naveen behaviour

shekhar - what happened
(and he said to himself)
Now it was saying that it was not sleeping in the room, what happened to it suddenly, and why it was hiding its mobile from me
then what happened to it all of a sudden,
And why did he blush so much after seeing me

Shekhar went to his room and closed the door of his room and sat in front of his computer and started pressing the computer button.

Shekhar had fitted the CCTV camera and mic everywhere in the house without telling Rocky on his computer and on his mobile.

So that whatever happens in the house, it is immediately known that, Shekhar wears headphones.
And started to watching and listening to Naveen what he did when he came out at night

Shekhar, is not interested those footage when Naveen talking with  himself,

Shekhar all the footage was being runned at fast speed
But runned the video, she glanced at the one footage and sayd himself

Shekhar - Why is he taking my photo, now I know why he was scared to see me and why he hid his mobile from me

And he rewinded all those videos and listened carefully to Naveen's personal talk And after hearing these things, Shekhar removed the headphones and he got up, and he said in shock

Shekhar - what?

To be continued ...........


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