~Fixing Her~Luna Lovegood~

By all-things-Strange

1K 38 64

Clara Song has always kept to herself, always being quiet, doesn't really talk to people, untill she meets a... More

{<¿Clara, your a witch¿>}
{<¿Nice to meet you¿>}
{<¿Welcome to Hogwarts¿>}
{<¿Bathroom Ghost¿>}
{<¿New friend¿>}

{<¿The old Legend¿>}

135 8 16
By all-things-Strange

The day went like any other day Hogwarts, the students learned about the magical world and Clara loved it, especially with Luna by her side.

Clara still had not forgotten to visit Dumbledore, it was just very hard to do, as he was the head master with a lot of work on his hands.

Luna and Clara were going to the great hall for tea, they sat at the big long table waiting for the food to appear.

Untill a large peace of paper hit Clara in the head, she rubbed the spot it hit her while picking the paper up, unraveling it.

She read it and her eyes started to well up with tears, Luna became concerned and went to comfort the girl bit she quickly got up and ran out of the great hall, dropping the peace of paper.

Luna picked it up and read it.

You stupid filthy mudblood. found out your adopted, I can see why your parents didn't want you with your freaky eyes and ugly face.

Luna looked up from the letter to see Draco Malfoy and his gang laughing, she got up off the table staring daggers at them as she went to find her friend.

Luna found Clara in the girls bathroom crying inside one of the stalls.

Clara noticed Luna and held her arms out for Luna to hug her, the blonde girl smiled as she sat on the toilet seat and Clara went into Luna's chest as the blonde held the crying girl.

Clara kept sobbing quietly as Luna stroked the brunettes hair "its not true you know" Luna said softly.

"Your very pretty and your eyes are so beautiful, so very beautiful that I can't stop thinking about them" Luna said softly, Clara smiled lightly at Luna's words, the brunette looked up to Luna's blue eyes.

They stared into each others eyes, not wanting to look away.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door "Hello, is everyone ok?" They heard a calm voice ask.

Both girls got up and exited the stall and the bathroom, they looked to see Dumbledore.

"Are you ok?" He asked, Luna was holding Clara as she still let tears come out of her eyes.

"Malfoy threw a peace of paper at Clara that said some very hurtful things" Luna explained, handing the paper to Dumbledore.

He read it and his face went to one of disappointment "he will be punished accordingly, I'll see to it myself" Dumbledore said causing Clara smiled lightly.

"And I have being told by Myrtle that Mrs Song wanted to see me, Mrs Lovegood, you may go back to supper while I tend to Clara"

Luna looked at Clara "are you ok with that?" The blonde asked, Clara nodded and Luna gave her a hug "see you back at the dorms"

Luna left to go back to the great hall, Clara looked at Dumbledore "now I understand that you had a dream, Mrs Myrtle told me that it was a memory of a time she had with someone who had the same eyes as you" Dubledore explained, Clara nodded "yes, and all I want is to understand how I dreamt of it"

Dumbledore motioned for Clara to walk along with him "have you ever heard of reincarnation, Clara?"

"Yes, the idea of rebirth of a soul in another body" Clara said

"Well, there is this old legend of a girl called Lillibeth, that reincarnates to be a sort of protector, in her first life, she protected the Wizarding world from evil magical users. Being a powerful wizard she knew that she was the only one who could defeat evil magical users. But as time went on, she got old, but she came up with a way of infinitely being reincarnated"

Clara couldn't believe what the headmaster was saying "does the legend say anything about the girl?"

"They say she was born from muggles and had a peculiar mutation of the eyes" Clara's eyes widened.

"With each reincarnation, she made sure to keep her eyes, one was red, the other purple"

This made Clara stop walking "s so that means"

Dumbledore smiled "you are the reincarnation of Lillibeth"

Dumbledore then went into his pocket and brought out a box "here" he said handing the box to Clara, she looked at it suspiciously "its chocolate, to calm you down"

She took the box and held it in her hands "now, I'm very sorry to leave you but I have some matters to attend to" Dumbledore then left.

Clara slowly went back to the Ravenclaw tower, pondering on the information the headmaster had told her.

When she finally got to her dorm room, Luna was on already in laying on her bed reading a book, when she noticed Clara had come in she smiled at the brunette.

"How was your chat with Dumbledore?" The blonde asked.

"Can I tell you tomorrow?" Clara asked shyly, Luna nodded "of course"

Clara thanked the blonde as she got ready for bed. She layed down, closed her eyes and began to dream.

It was a normal day in her house, Clara and Mary were sat in the living room watching telly. These moments were nice to Clara, being with her mother snuggled up and watching a movie.

But it was suddenly interrupted by Sean barging into the room, he grabbed Clara by her hair and punched Mary in the face, knocking her out.

Clara screamed in pain as he dragged her across the floor, he then threw her into a wall.

Clara was begging him to stop, but he then was about to punch her.

Clara shot up breathing heavily, and saw Luna by her bed looking worried "are you alright?" The blonde asked concerned.

Clara began crying and shook her head, the brunette then hugged Luna by her waist as the other girl started stroking her hair.

"Want me to sleep next to you, to calm you down?" The blonde asked softly, Clara nodded her head against Luna's waist as she let go.

Luna got beside the brunette as Clara hugged her tightly, bringing her head into the crook of Luna's neck.

Clara felt safe in Luna's arms, the brunette was finally calm and didn't have a nightmare for the rest of the night, her mind was only filled with good thoughts, and they were all about Luna.

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