Eyebee ( 50's AU Yandere 2p!H...

By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

3.1K 123 10

(Y/N) was born and raised in a foster home by a wonderful caring man named Mr. Kirkland. Eventually (Y/N) is... More

In the mirror, Prologue
Fairies and Fireflies
The Fairytale of the Mirror
A Toast To The Middle School Orphans
The Heated Brawl
Quick confusion/Quick Victory
Everything that happend before Recess
To Summon A 2p
April trees
"Only to get stabbed by a knife"
The Other Side Of The Mirror
Little Red Dots
Non-Family Dinner
Back the way I came
Thrill Of The Kill
A Letter In A Can Of Root Beer
Back To My Roots
Pond Frozen Over
Taking back The Good Life
Eyebee Act II now now

A Waltz For A Certain Secret Breaker

111 4 0
By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

The two slowly entered the dark creaking hallway, (Y/n) trailing behind shivering in fear. Alfred had his gun out ready to shoot at any moment. (Y/n)'s mind was racing, who was this Oliver guy and why was he here, she sure as heck didn't see a man with a blue bow tie in the mirror when summoning the 2ps, so why all of a sudden is he here.

"(Y/n), crap I think it's a false alarm." Alfred's voice was stiff, "I think we should go back before they find us." Alfred bolted in the other direction- or some direction because (Y/n) couldn't really tell. Now (Y/n) was alone, alone in a hellscape ready to be hunted down by 2ps down the hall (Y/n) heard the creaking of someone's weight shifting (Y/n) turned her head and saw him.

The light flickering above (Y/n) could barely make up the man, upon closer inspection (y/n) could see more details, his eyes were red and he wore a red velveteen cape and held a katanta, he was also sickly pale.

He looked rich, he looked dead.

(Y/n) didn't speak as the man in the black uniform came closer. He studied her, in fascination and curiosity, not in cold blooded murder. Something was off and he circled around her. (Y/n) cold barley breathe. She was terrified (Y/n) took out her knife in a threatening motion and screamed as this man tried to touch her hair. She pointed the knife in the middle of his abdomen.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing?"

"You're an artist's dream." He remarked, ignoring her question.

"I want to see how far you can make it, you know, before you get killed."

He moved to touch her face, (Y/n) went into attack mode and aimed the knife at him he moved inhumanly fast causing (Y/n) to slip and fall and almost stab the knife into her chest. The man chuckled.

"My name is Kuro, you must be (Y/n) I am assuming."

"What is your problem?" (Y/n) asked getting up and wiping the dirt off her dress.

(Y/n) didn't know what he was going on about and she wasn't about to let this man keep talking about her in such a demeaning way. If only Alfred would hurry up, maybe the two of you could take this on. But something in your gut told you this was a personal matter, that matter (Y/n) would have to figure out.

"W-what do you want out of me, I'm sorry for summoning you and the other 2ps but we didn't know, I'm just a kid, I just wanted to be included with my friends and go on some adventure, but this adventure has gone too far and I want to go home, p-please."

"(Y/n)?" (Y/n) heard Alfred voice at the end of the corridor. the man in the black uniform smiled, pulling out his katana and swinging in an arc for her head making her scream as she tumbled to the dirty ground, in the mists of luck she dodged but it still cut her arm. She winced in pain as Alfred loaded his shotgun, Kuro didn't notice.

"Too bad I have to destroy such an innocent child." Kuro raised his Katana about to stab it into (Y/n)'s chest as she covered her eyes. Alfred shot a bullet through the Katana making it fall off of Kuros arms.

"You're one to talk, you caped freak, get off of her before I fill your body with rather high quality bullets I got off the dollar store for 1.99!!" for the first time ever (Y/n) was finally happy to see the school pseudo hero, Alfred Jones.

Kuro growled inhumanely, making Alfred shake the gun in fear yet still stand his ground.

"You aren't my boss kid, you think you can kill me with that? Do you even know why you're here in the first place, do you have the slightest idea why me and my comrades came out of the mirror to kidnap a bunch of loser children?"


Kuro chuckled. "I like your bravery, It's loud and obnoxious but still bravery. A certain little girl summoned us and couldn't keep our little secret"

Just like that the light flicked off and Kuro started circling around (Y/n) faster and faster causing her to get dizzy and scared. Alfred let his gun fire but all he did was hit the walls as the mad man circled around the terrified girl. The lights kept flickering on and off and Alfred cried out to (Y/n) but she couldn't think, everything was growing cold and ice danced around her. Faint music could be heard as the ground rumbled.

(Y/n) screamed for mercy but there was no mercy, no forgiveness and no sparing her. (Y/n) blacked out and in that split second she was in a different hall, a different hall of the same building waltzing with Kuro as slow mystic carnival music played in the background. He was dancing with her but (Y/n) couldn't control her body, all she could do was stare into Kuros dead eyes as they danced, as he twirled her and they spinned in circles. Alfred was no longer standing there. (Y/n) felt like she needed to pass out of throw up. Her legs were growing tired as the carnival music got faster and faster. Along with the music Kuros dancing got faster and faster until it was no longer Humaley fast. (Y/n) could barely see or cry but she could still feel like arm arms were being ripped off by Kuros frozen grasp and her feet couldn't simply move that fast.

(Y/n) twisted her ankle painfully as she fell to the ground and passed out from exhaustion. She was still bleeding from her right arm. Kuro chuckled slightly as he picked up her body, under his breath he whispered.

"Welcome to the other side of the mirror." 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two chapter a day, guess that is an accomplishment, I promise to actually do this twice a day since I have time apparently, I mean I fulfilled my promises right? I love you all even though my wattpad version of this story is unsuccessful as hell <3

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