Avengers The Hacker

By IronMan2105

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Skye Grey, wasn't you're normal thirteen year old, she lived on her own under the radar, hacking into any wor... More

Ch. 1 "Life of Skye"
Ch. 2 "Skill"
Ch. 3 "Conversation"
Ch. 4 "Tony Stark"
Ch. 5 "Introduction"
Ch. 7 "Fumes"
Ch. 8 "The Past"
Ch. 9 "Not possible"
Ch. 10 "Not Good"
Ch. 11 "Pain"
Ch. 12 "What?"
Ch. 13 "Bored"
Ch. 14 "Getting even"

Ch. 6 "Mission"

11.6K 279 15
By IronMan2105

                                                                   Skye POV

"So not that this isn't cool but why am I here?" I asked 

"Oh I'm glad you asked kid you see before you decided to hack into my system, we were trying to track down this group," Tony said 

"A group?" I said 

"Yes a group, and get this, it's you're specialty of hackers who call themselves brother eye," Tony said 

"Yeah, I've heard of them," I said crossing my arms 

"You have?" Bruce asked 

"Yeah, a bunch of wanna be's if you ask me," I said looking at my fingers 

"Why you say that their wanna be's?"Natasha asked 

I hopped on the counter swinging my legs back and forth,

"Well because they're sloppy don't know how to cover their tracks, if their as good as they make themselves to be they would know how to do that," I said with a smirk 

"I mean they practically leave a bread crumb trail," I said 

"So you can trace them and track them down?" Clint asked 

"Please have you met me?" I said with a smirk 

"Oh I like her," Tony said 

"What do you need?" Bruce said 

"All I need is a working computer," I said 

"Okay kid follow me," Tony said 

I jumped off the counter following Tony, he leads me into a room full of computers,

"Holy-!" I said in amazement 

"This is awesome!" I said 

I sit in one of the spinning chairs touching the keyboard in amazement,

"Oh baby if I'm dreaming don't wake me now," I said 

Tony chuckled,

"Okay, what was their last target?" I asked 

as i started typing viciously on the keyboard, 

"The CIA database," Clint said 

"Nice.." I said with a smirk, 

Everyone looked at me, 

"I mean that's terrible," I said 

"Can you get in?" Natasha said 

"Already am," I said 

"What?" Tony said 

"This is gonna be fun," I said with a smirk

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