Baby Names

By ErinPotts

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This book is filled with baby names my husband and (primarily) I like. I could never have enough children to... More

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Christopher Michael
Kimbra Don
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Girl Names 4 - 10
Twin Names 21 - 40
Blake Ryan
Jillian Grace
Baby Names 43 - 60
Baby Names 61 - 90
Baby Names 91 - 110
Tony Keen
Gaia Terra
Darren Talin
Baby Names 114 - 120
Baby Names 121 - 140
Baby Names 143 - 170
Carrie Renae
Baby Names 172 - 272
Charles Ray
Margo Marie
Toran Bryan
Baby Names 276 - 325
Loran Beth
Baby Names 327 - 430
Baby Names 431 - 461
Baby Names 527 - 551
Baby Names 552 - 586
Baby Names 587 - 627
Baby Names 628 - 635
Baby Names 636 - 665
Baby Names 666 - 687

Baby Names 462 - 526

59 0 0
By ErinPotts

This list will contain names from mythos. Not just the Grecian mythos either. Each name will have it's culture, a brief explanation of who or what it is, and at the end the pronunciation. I've done quite a bit of research before piecing this list together. So if you find a mistake of one of your cultures mythos, please do not hesitate to correct me so I can get the list corrected. 

Thank you for reading.

462. Odin (Norse) the God associated with healing, death, knowledge, sorcery, poetry, battle, and the runic alphabet. OH-din

463. Thor (Norse) the God of thunder and lightning, associated with strength, storms, hallowing, and fertility. tor

464. Loki (Norse) a cunning trickster who has the ability to change his shape and sex, also considered as a god of fire. LOAH-kee

465. Baldr (Norse) the god of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun. BALD-er

466. Frigg (Norse) queen of the Aesir, goddess of the sky, fertility, household, motherhood, love, marriage, and domestic arts. FRIG

467. Tyr (Norse) the god concerned with the formalities of war, especially treaties, and of justice. tier

468. Freya (Norse) the goddess of love, also associated with sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war, and death. FREY-ah

469. Njord (Norse) the god of the wind, seafarers, coasts, inland waters and wealth, often mistaken as the god of the sea. nyawrd

47O. Hel (Norse) the giantress/goddess who presides over a realm of the same name, the goddess of death. hell

471. Fenrir (Norse) monstrous wolf who is the son of Loki and the giantress Angrboda. FEN-rir

472.  Valkyrie (Norse) a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live, after selecting those who may die they choose again to take to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla. VAL-ker-ee

473. Ra (Egyptian) the god of the sun, the first pharaoh of the world. Rah

474. Geb (Egyptian) the god of the earth, he was one of the first ods to appear from the sea of chaos. geb

475. Nut (Egyptian) the goddess of the sky and Geb's wife, she is depicted as a woman with skin like a starry sky, dark blue and covered in constellations. nut

476. Osiris (Egyptian) a son of Geb and Nut who over-took Ra as pharaoh, he taught man farming and created the first cities. Due to the jealousy of his brother, Set, Orisis became the first mummy. He is the god of the underworld. Oh-seers-is

477. Anubis (Egyptian) the god of funerals, he helped prepare the soul for the Afterlife and escorted the dead to the hall of judgement. UH-NYOO-BIS

478. Khonsu (Egyptian) the god of the moon, he loved to gamble and lost five days of moonlight to the sky goddess Nut in a game of senet. k on su

479. Babi (Egyptian) the god of wild baboons, he was an aggressive and bloodthirsty god whose job was to eat the wicked dead in the Underworld. Bah-bee

48O. Tawaret (Egyptian) the goddess of hippos, it is said Tawaret looked after pregnant women and is able to scare off evil spirits. TAO-erAHT

481. Bes (Egyptian) the god of dwarves, protector of households, mothers and children, and has the ability to scare off evil spirits. Bes is considered extremely good luck, and will watch over the common man, children, women in childbirth, and anyone else who needed protection from evil. bes

482. Horus (Egyptian) known as the Avenger, son of Osiris and Iris, he defeated his uncle Set and became the new pharaoh of Egypt. Afterwards, all mortal pharaohs considered themselves to be descendants of Horus. hawr-uh s

483. Bastet (Egyptian) the goddess of cats, the home, fire, sunrise, music, dance, pleasure as well as sexuality, fertility, family, pregnant women and children. BAAS-TehT

484. Anu (Celtic) Mother Earth, goddess of fertility, prosperity, comfort. An-oo

485. Arawn (Celtic) God of revenge, terror,  war, and the underground kingdom of the dead. Ar-awn

486. Badb (Celtic) a goddess of war and death and the creator of confusion, she is a member of the fearsome Morrigan, the triple goddess of death and prophecy. bov

487. Belenus (Celtic) A sun and fire god, associated with science, healing, hot springs, fire, success, prosperity, purpification, crops, vegetation, and fertility. BEL-en-us

488. Brigit (Celtic) goddess of spring, life, fire, fertility, the hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, and martial arts. Closely associated with healing, physicians, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, smithcraft, animal husbandry, love, witchcraft, and occult knowledge. Breet

489. Cernunnos (Celtic) the horned god, master of wild places and things, he was a mediator of man and nature, able to tame predator and prey. Ker-noo-nos

49O. Taranis (Celtic) god of storms and thunder, associated with bad weather and sacred wheels. ta-RAN-iss

491. Aengus (Celtic) god of youth, love, and poetic inspiration. He had powers over life and dath, including the ability to resurrect the dead. eng-iss

492. Beira (Celtic) queen of winter, goddess of the cold and the winds. She controlled the weather and the winds. Also known as Cailleach Bheur. b ai r ah

493. Gwydion (Welsh) a magician and trickster, that possesses a dubious nature. Gwid-ee-ohn

494. Dagda (Celtic) chief of Tuatha de Danann, god of life, death, seasons, agriculture, fertility, magic, and druidry. dahg-duh

495. Dionysus (Greek) god of the grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, uninhibited passion, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre. die-on-eye-sus

496. Hestia (Greek) goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. He-s-ti-a

497. Hecate (Greek) goddess of magic, witchcraft, night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. HEK-UH-TEE

498. Melinoe (Greek) goddess of ghosts, represented as a bringer of nightmares and madness. m ell-een-AW-ee

499. Hephaestus (Greek) god of fire, the kiln, master of metallurgy, stone masonry, forges, and patron of all artisans. He was also known as a disabled god. hi-fes-tuh s

5OO. Atlas (Greek) a Titan famed for his prodigious strength and intelligence, after the war of Titans versus Olympians, Atlas became the titan who held the world on his shoulders. aht-les

5O1. Phoebe (Greek) a Titan goddess of prophetic radiance, she is associated with the shining light and bright intellect Greeks attributed to those who had the gift of prophecy. fee-bee

5O2. Scylla (Greek) a legendary monster who lives on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite of Charybdis. Scylla had actually began her life as a ravishing nymph. Sill-ah

5O3. Ladon (Greek) a serpent-like dragon with a hundred heads that was tasked with guarding the Golden Apples in the Garden of Hesperides, slain by Hercules. leyd-n

5O4. Delphyne (Greek) a female dragon born to Gaia, tasked with guarding the oracle of Delphi, slain by Apollo. del-fayn

5O5. Arachne (Greek) a Lydian weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena, and consequently transformed into a spider. uh-rak-nee

5O6. Susanoo (Japanese) god of the sea and storms, he is a chaotic, stubborn, and foolhardy soul. su-san-ooh

5O7. Ebisu (Japanese) god of luck, wealth, prosperity, and the patron god of fishermen. EHBIYSuw

5O8. Inari (Japanese) kami of prosperity, tea, agriculture (especially rice), industry, smithing, and protector of foxes. Inari is variously portrayed as male, female, or as androgynous. ee-nar-ee

5O9. Raijin (Japanese) god of thunder, lightning, and storms, a chaotic being born of death who brings the vital rains as well as chaos and destruction to the world. ray-jin

51O. Fujin (Japanese) god of the wind, often a destructive force, Fujin is neither good nor evil. fooh-jin

511. Amabie (Japanese) a legendary yokai who appears from the sea, in the now Kumamoto Prefecture, with the appearance of either a mermaid or merman with three legs. Prophesies either an abundant harvest or an epidemic. ah-mah-bee-ey

512. Amaterasu (Japanese) goddess of the sun, she is the queen of the kami and ruler of the universe. ah-mah-te-rah-soo

513. Hiroku (Japanese) god of the morning sun who is also known for looking over young children, giving them good health. hee-roo-ko

514. Hachiman (Japanese) ancient Shinto god of war, divination, and culture, also referred to as patron deity of warriors and the Minamoto clan. haa-che-mon

515. Namazu (Japanese) a giant catfish held responsible for creating earthquakes, and on occasions bring good fortune and redistribution of wealth as well as devastation. He lives in the mud being restrained by the god Kashima with a stone. Nah-mah-z-oo

516. Medeina (Lithuanian) goddess and protector of forests, as well as a ruler of forests, trees, and animals. Mey-DIY-nah

517. Dalia (Lithuanian) a goddess of fate, giver and taker of goods and property. dah-lei-uh

518. Laima (Lithuanian) goddess of fate and destiny, associated with childbirth, marriage, and death, she was known for being the patron of pregnant women. lay-muh

519. Milda (Lithuanian) goddess of love, courting, friendship, and freedom. mill-dAh

52O. Saule (Lithuanian) goddess of the sun, she determines well-being and regeneration of all life on Earth. s aa oo l ee

521. Velnias (Lithuanian) the trickster god of the underworld, receiver of death. vel-nes

522. Dievas (Lithuanian) god of the skies, light, peace, order, justice, cultural values and generally all good things. day-vus

523. Teliavelis (Lithuanian) the sun god of death and fire, said to forge the sun every day and toss it into the sky. tel-ai-vel-es

524. Ausrine (Lithuanian) a goddess of beauty and youth, described as rays of sun descending and rising above the horizon. ows-rine

525. Austeja (Lithuanian) goddess of the bees, protector of brides and pregnant women. ow-STAY-uh

526. Aitvaras (Lithuanian) protector spirit and bringer of wealth and prosperity, it is a mythical being that takes the shape of a fiery bird or a snake. at-var-as

I was going to make this list even longer, and include even more cultures, but I started struggling on if these names would actually be used in modern times. Even some of those that I have listed, I don't feel like many parents would find them... pleasing? Anyway, I'll try to update again soon. Thanks for reading!

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