In a heartbeat// cb

By bitchyvvitchy

116K 2.4K 960

In which a girl goes to a wedding with her best friend and meets someone that catches her eye More



3.8K 88 20
By bitchyvvitchy

Colby and I sat on the couch, cuddled up and watching a movie when we heard a knock.

"I'll get it." He said standing up. I gave a small pout knowing the body heat from him was now gone. Colby opened his door, revealing my sister.

She walked in with her mouth slightly open. She's like a kid who's never been to Disney, and is looking at the castle.

"Remember our deal, right?" Colby brought his pinky up as she laced it. They made a deal that if she came and hung out, she can't leak the address.

It's not that he didn't trust her, he just had to make sure knowing she's a big fan.

I'm just happy she's not a crazed fan, she's gotten used to the fact that Colby's in our life now. She looked around in awe.

"I'm sorry, this is just crazy to me. That I'm actually in your house. You care if I walk around and look at everything?" She asked as he shook his head.

He laid next to me, casually wrapping his arm around him. "When are we going to Sam's?" I ask as he taps his phone.

"In about an hour." He casually told me. Parker walked out of his room and made her way up the spiral staircase.

"She's so cute taking a little tour of my apartment." Colby attempted to whisper. "I heard that!" She yelled, making me laugh a little.

"It was a compliment." He tried to defend himself. After she walked around the house, she plopped on the couch with us.

"When are you two gonna date?" She asked, making me sit up and Colby choking on his drink. I looked at Colby to see him blushing.

I couldn't deny that I was blushing too. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. Make yourselves at home." He stood up and walked towards his room.

I looked at my sister to see her innocently smiling at me. "It was just a question." She shrugged. I shake my head as I look back at the tv.

We waited for him to shower and get ready, and it was now time to leave. I could tell my sister was nervous, but she was also excited.

I think I was more nervous to meet all of his friends. "You two ready?" He asked before opening the door.

We both nodded our heads, causing him to twist the doorknob. We were one of the first ones to show up.

There was a blue haired girl on the couch with a boy and a girl with black hair. Sam walked out of the kitchen and smiled at us.

"Colby's back!" The blue haired girl screamed in happiness. The other two got up and followed her to us.

They hugged him real quick and looked at Parker and I. "And you must be Sydney and Parker." The blue haired girl smiled at us.

She seemed so nice. "I'm Kat, I'm Sam's girlfriend." She gave us both a hug, Parker internally freaking out.

"I love your music, you're so good." Parker praised her, causing Kat to smile. I drifted away as the boy and the girl came up to me.

He was much more taller than her. "Hi, I'm Tara. And this is my boyfriend Jake." They introduced themselves.

They both seemed younger. "Come with me, I wanna get to know you." Tara grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch.

I looked over at Colby to see him already looking. He was making sure I was okay. I give him a thumbs up as he smiled.

"He talks about you a lot." Tara said making me look at her. "He does?" I ask surprised.

She nodded her head. "I was so happy to hear that you were coming along with him. We've all been dying to meet you." I couldn't help but smile.

It made me feel comforting knowing they were ready to meet me too. I looked over to see Kat was giving Parker a tour around the apartment.

It's not everyday you get to go inside your favorite celebrities house.

"Honestly, I was scared to meet everyone. But everyone is super nice." I smile towards her.

It's true though, everyone's been so nice to Parker and I, it was crazy. As the time went on, more people were showing up.

Parker seemed to stick around one of their friends, Kevin. He called himself the dad of the group, which I can tell.

He was super nice and welcoming. As I sat with Kat and Tara, Colby came over with two plates of pizza.

"Here you go, Syd." He smiled as I take it. I kiss his cheek right before eating a piece. As everyone oohed, his face reddened.

Looking at him embarrassed as his friends mess with him was the cutest thing. He casually wrapped his arm around the back of couch as we all talked.

"I figured we could all play a game, if you guys want." Sam suggested. They all agreed as I stayed behind.

"Sydney, you wanna play?" Kevin asked, making everyone turn to me. They all wanted to play blindfold hide and seek.

They started pouting and begging me to play, which made me smile. "Okay. I'll play." I give in. They all cheer as I smile.

Sam gave us all the rules about how we have to be five feet apart from each other and we can't hide in the same room.

Sam walked out of the apartment knowing he was hiding. We decided to put Tara in a cabinet because she was the smallest.

Kat hid on the couch, Jake hid upstairs, Kevin went who knows where, as Colby, Parker, and I hid in the bathroom.

"We're totally breaking all the rules right now." I laugh as they joined.

"If Sam comes in here, we should throw something to trick him." Colby explained. "I think Sydney should do it." Parker spoke up.

"Why me?" I ask confused. "Cause you used to work backstage during plays and stuff so you can sneak around easier." She explained.

I mean, she has a point. I roll my eyes as I agree. Colby was on the toilet, as Parker and I were in the bathtub.

After a while, Sam came in causing us to be quiet. It was now my cue to get on the sink. "Is the anyone in here?" Sam asked swinging his arm.

I slowly get on the sink without him hearing. I grab the first thing I could reach, which was a bar soap. I tossed it in the air, making it land in the hallway.

He then got paranoid, but by the time he swung his arm around, I was back in the shower. "I guess no ones in here." He walked out of the room.

Once out of earshot, we all start giggling. "Are you secretly a ninja?" Colby asked as I shrugged. "If I told you, it'll ruin it." I joke along.

"Come on, let's go beat everyone else."

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