
By LastIOU

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She wasn't created to belong, she was created to destroy. She had always felt so lonely, until he arrived.... More

Chapter One - Loss
Chapter Two - Fight
Chapter Three - Friendship
Chapter Four - Storm
Chapter Five - Sorry
Chapter Six - Memory
Chapter Seven - New
Chapter Eight - Pain
Chapter Nine - Christmas
Chapter Ten - Surprise
Chapter Eleven - Party
Chapter Twelve - Battle
Chapter Thirteen - Found
Chapter Fourteen - Drowning
Chapter Sixteen - Road
Chapter Seventeen - Something
Chapter Eighteen - Team
Chapter Nineteen - Assemble
Chapter Twenty - Battle
Chapter Twenty One - Recovery
Chapter Twenty Two - Soul
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Fifteen - Family

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By LastIOU

Kal had finally gotten up the courage to go visit Tony and Pepper, Steve drove her out to their lake house and she fidgeted in her seat the entire way.

"It's going to be alright Kal, he's your brother and he wants to have a relationship with you" Steve said as they pulled into the driveway bringing the car to a stop.

"Don't leave me Rogers"


They were greeted by a very pregnant Pepper who hugged them both affectionately.

"Anything you care to share Pepper?" Steve teased looking down at her belly.

"As a matter of fact there is" Tony said coming down the stairs "We FINALLY set a date for the wedding, you are both coming, no arguments and the rest of the team of course"

Steve and Tony hugged, Kal was glad they were able to put the past behind them.

"Steve, I am glad you're here. I could use your help putting together the crib before this one turns it into some advance AI nanny that I can't operate" Pepper joked gesturing at Tony.

"At your service ma'am"

Steve followed Pepper upstairs leaving Kal and Tony standing in the front room together.

"Do you want to take a walk and talk?" Tony asked gesturing to the path that led around the lake.

"That would be nice" Kal said quietly.

Tony started walking slowly with Kal beside him.

"You know, that is the first time I have heard you speak"

"Talking has never been my strong suit, I've never had many people to talk to" Kal admitted.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself" Tony offered "I've read the Hydra files, but I want to know about you, my sister"

Kal shared her life with Tony as they walked around the quiet lake, she left nothing out finding Tony very easy to talk to and Tony shared stories from his life as well. After their walk Steve and her stayed for dinner where Pepper told several stories at Tony's expense, Kal felt happy for the first time in almost a year she felt actual happiness and it gave her hope.

As they were leaving Tony gave Kal a warm hug.

"I'm very happy that you are my sister, now don't be a stranger"

A few months later baby Morgan was born and Kal was instantly in love with her little niece, spending quite a bit of time at the lake house with Pepper, Tony and Morgan. When she was there she was able to forget her loneliness and enjoy the feeling of family, but back at the compound at night her nightmares still haunted her and she often woke up screaming. Nat and Steve would often be there to comfort her, the others were often on missions trying to restore a sense of peace and order to the galaxy, but the pair always made sure that Kal was never at home alone taking turns joining the team.

Bruce and Tony had constructed a gamma chamber that helped Kal settle the energy from the stones making it easier for her to control her new strength an with some testing they determined that she was also able to absorb new energy easier as well. Nat took this as a sign that Kal should start going on missions as well, but she was not ready uncertain that she really could control her power and not willing to risk injuring her friends in the process of finding out so she stayed behind.

The wedding was fast approaching and everyone was back at the compound for a few weeks to help prepare, even Carol and Thor. Kal worried over Thor who seemed to be letting himself go and drinking quite a bit and he did his best to assure her that everything was fine, though she didn't believe it.

Kal was reading a book on the couch when she heard Carol's heavy footsteps as she entered the room.

"We are going to train, we need you out there so get up" Carol said abruptly.

"Nice to see you too Danvers, how have you been?"

"Fine, now suit up and meet me outside in ten minutes"

Kal rolled her eyes and trugged off to her room, there was no point in arguing with Carol she was as stubborn as a mule and it would be nice to punch something. Kal dressed in her suit, boots and gloves but left her weapons behind, she didn't trust herself to not stab Carol if she got cocky.

She met Carol in the middle of the large field while the rest of the team watched from safely inside the compound.

"No powers, just strength" Kal said tentatively.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" Carol said cocking her head to the side.

Kal rolled her eyes and braced herself for Carol's attack knowing she likely wouldn't hold back much if at all. Carol ran at Kal swinging her fist in wide, sweeping punch which Kal easily avoided it, Carol was predictable relying on her superior strength not concerned about technique. Kal dropped down sweeping Carol's legs out from underneath her causing her to fall on her back, Carol got up quickly and Kal could tell she was annoyed. They quickly locked in a close contact fight mostly blocking each other's strikes, Kal made a little space with a push kick to Carol's chest making her stagger back a few feet then spun striking the side of Carol's head with a wheel kick. Carol hit the ground hard, now she was mad rising to her feet with her fists glowing she sent a photon blast right at Kal without thinking. Kal could have blocked the blast but didn't, when it hit her it causing she to take a step back but she steadied herself easily and absorbed the energy and before Carol could react Kal threw a ball of energy at her causing her to fly back about thirty feet, she landed with a hard thud on her front.

"I think it's safe to say you're ready for the field Kal!" Carol hollered causing Kal to laugh.

Later that night Kal snuck away from everyone and made her way up onto the roof, they were all set to leave for the Hamptons the next morning and she knew she wouldn't have much time alone until they returned. She put down a blanket and laid down looking up that the stars above and hoped that Bucky was up there some where watching over her.

"Bucky, I love you so much and I would give anything to see you again. I would lay down my life to hold your face in my hand one last time. I wish I hadn't been so afraid to tell you how I felt sooner, I wish we had more time. I am sorry that I was not stronger, that I couldn't protect you"

Kal hugged herself tightly and wept silently.

"I miss you Buck and not a day goes by that I do not miss you, but I am also doing my best to go on with life. Everyone keeps telling me that is what you would want and I try to listen, but I am not ready to let you go baby"

The next morning Kal was packing the last of her things when Nat stepped into her room.

"Hey Kal, the jet's ready and we are ready to head out" Nat said before turning to leave.

"Wait Nat" Kal called stopping her "I want to be an Avenger"

"It's about time" Nat smiled out of the corner of her mouth.

It was the big day, as bridesmaids Nat and Kal were getting ready in Pepper's Bridal Suite with her, make-up artists and hairstylists buzzed about the room while the women sipped champagne. Pepper looked stunning and statuesque in her satin mermaid fit gown and long veil. Nat and Kal wore light mocha colored, long, strapless chiffon dresses with their hair in a low up-do and simple jewelry.

"You look incredible Pepper" Kal was a little choked up.

There was a knock at the door and Happy popped his head in "Ready to get this show on the road ladies?"

"As I'll ever be" Pepper said with a nervous smile.

The women all carried simple bouquets of dried lavender tied with a ribbon. Nat and Kal walked side by side in front of Pepper escorted by Happy, who was also officiating the ceremony. Tony, Rhodey and Steve stood waiting for them at the alter on the beach, Tony was beaming as Pepper approached. The ceremony was simple and full of love with hardly a dry eye among the guests, Happy had a hard time getting so choked up he could hardly get the words out, which garnered a number of affectionate laughs. Kal felt true happiness watching her brother marry his love, but that feeling was immediately followed by guilt and sadness, though she tried not to let it show.

"There is no shame finding some measure of happiness you know?" Rhodey said joining her at the edge of the dance floor watching the newly weds share their first dance.

"I know" Kal said looking down.

"You look beautiful by the way" He said sweetly eliciting a blush "Come on, it's out time to join in"

He held out his hand to her and led her onto the dance floor where they were joined by Steve and Nat. Rhodey spun her around the floor smiling at her genuinely, Kal tried not to think of Bucky during this happy moment but it was impossible, so instead she smiled through the heartache. When the song was over she politely excused herself to freshen up, but instead she liberated a bottle of champagne from a table and made her way down to the beach. She sat on the beach with her toes buried in the sand watching the waves break on the shore while she sipped from the bottle, the music from the wedding filtered in behind her.

"You're at the party, but you're not in the party"

Kal smiled up at her brother who stood beside her.

"I was at the party and was even dancing, but you probably couldn't see me through your rose colored glasses"

"Oh I saw you dancing" Tony sat down next to her in the sand taking the bottle out of her hand and took a big swig "I also saw you fighting back tears while you did"

Kal snatched back the bottle and took a drink "I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Look kid, it's okay I understand"

"You know we are the same age, who knows I might even be older then you, so maybe I should be calling you 'Kid'" Kal deflected.

"My crows feet and your lack there of would beg to differ"

Kal gave Tony a light shove and laughed.

"But in all seriousness, I know you're hurting sis, but it is okay to have fun, to be happy and maybe one day fall in love again"

"I'm not hurting Tony, I'm broken"

"But the pieces are still there, which means that they can still be put back together" Tony put his arm around his sister "I know you loved Bucky and without a doubt he loved you which means he would want to you to be happy again"

"You're right"

"Of course I am, I'm a genius remember?"

"I'm just not ready yet"

Tony wiped a tear from her cheek.

"But one day you might be and in the mean time I insist that you have some fun" Tony stood "Drink up you owe me a dance"

A little while later Kal noticed Rocket sitting alone looking sad and out of place, Kal walked up to him.

"Will you dance with my Rocket?" Kal smiled offering him her hand.

Rocket slid of his chair and stood at his full height reaching just above her waist.

"And how's that gonna work chickie?" He replied rudely gesturing at their height difference.

Kal smiled curling her fingers from her outstretched hand, purple energy swirled around his feet lifting him up to her height, she arched an eyebrow and offered her hand to him once again. Rocket placed his paw into her hand and they swayed around the dance floor smiling and laughing together.

Tony stood next to Steve watching Kal and Rocket dance and couldn't help but smile.

"She'll be okay won't she Capsicle?"

"I hope so" Steve sighed. "I owe it to Bucky to make sure she is"

"She is also pretty incredible isn't she? I mean of course she is, she is a Stark after all, I think she gets it from me"

Steve couldn't help but laugh at Tony's remark.

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