Be mine

Af sweetenersrings

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*GxG* Arianas tour is gonna start in a few months. She practiced every day with her crew. A few months ago sh... Mere



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Af sweetenersrings

Ariana's Pov.

I was woken up by my ringing phone. It was 2:03 pm and Courtney was calling.

„Hello?" I said sleepy to my best friend.
„A-Ariana? I can't-" she stuttered and I got worried.
„Is everything okay with the baby?"
„Y-Yes but" she said loudly crying.
„What happened Courtney tell me."
„H-she cheated o-on m-m-me." I realized that she was taking about Damon.
„What happened?" I asked her and tried to calm her down.
„He said that he has another woman and h-he has a baby with h-her."
„Don't worry we will be there soon Imma say Victoria to visit you." I said and hung up the phone.

„Is everything?" I heard Danas sleepy voice asking.
„Damon cheated on Courtney, he—has another woman and a child."
„I can't believe that. And what are we going to do now? We have to fly to L.A." she asked me as she stood up.
„you know what? I'm gonna buy tickets for us and you are gonna drive to your Nonna and took your suitcase. Then when I came home I'm going to pack my suitcase. Okay?" I suggest.
„Sounds good" she answered and smiled.
I was ready so I gave her a kiss and went out to the airport. When I arrived I tried to book the first plane to L.A.
„Please we need to go to L.A. as fast as we can" I discussed with the woman who sells the tickets.
„But there aren't any free places Mrs."
„Are you so stupid? My friend is pregnant!!!! I need to see her now!!!" I yelled as I noticed that everyone in the row behind me was starring at me.
„Please calm down Mrs."
„No I don't. It's an emergency and you? You just talk with me ‚no it's not possible' IT IS!" I screamed even louder.

After long discusses I got the tickets and went out. She made me so fucking angry. Little bitch.


Me: baby is everything okay?❤️
my🌎: yeah I just came back from my grandma's
my🌎: I've got my suitcase and I started to pack your clothes too
my🌎: what bout u ?
Me: I got the tickets
Me: this little bitch made me so aggressive
Me: little hoe
my🌎: you are really crazy😝
Me: imma see you
Me: I love you 🤍
my🌎: I love you too🖤

I went to an restaurant and ordered some pizzas for our flight. When I came back into the hotel, our suitcases were packed and Dana was laying on the bed and fell asleep. I was starring at her like 10 minutes. Then I kissed her cheek and covered her up with the blanket. Our flight started in 3 hours so I decided to wait and sleep in the plane.


Me: hey babe how r u ?
bestie🍑: I don't know
bestie🍑: yk it's just...weird I'm pregnant with his child he made an application
bestie🍑: and he has a wife all the time
Me: I know...I know that your sad but you need to be strong
Me: for your baby you are its mother
bestie🍑: I know but it's so fcking hard
bestie🍑: when r u two commin?
Me: in 3 hours we need to be at the airport
Me: we're gonna be there for you we promise
bestie🍑: I love you ❤️
Me: we love you too❤️❤️

It was 3 am and I slowly woke up Dana whom was still sleeping. I was so sorry that I need to wake her up. But I need to.

„Baby?" I whispered into her ear while stroking trough her hair.
„We need to go."
She turned her face to me and looked with a small smirk at me.
„Good morning" she said and hugged me.
„Did you sleep well?" I asked her. She nodded and got up. She stretched and went into the bathroom.


When we arrived the airport we got in the plane and flew home.

Courtney's Pov.

„How could you do that? Tell me. Am I a bitch? Am i looking like a cheap bitch on the street?" I asked Damon as he cried.
„You ruined my life Damon you ruined my fucking future!" I added and startet to cry too.
„Please let me explain everything to you" he suggest as I wiped out my tears.
„I told you once that the woman is my ex wife and yeah we have a child together but I don't love her anymore Courtney. I wanna be with you!" he spoke while I was starring down.
„You need to believe me!"
„Why didn't you tell me that???" I yelled.
„I was afraid of losing you!!! I love you!!"
„That's not love. You're such a liar!" I said as my cracked. I felt pain and got down the floor. When I looked at my hand I saw blood.
„Courtney? Are you okay?" I heard his voice.
I just saw everything black as I knocked out.


Danas Pov.

We were driving home to changed our clothes. We need to go to Courtney to see after her. I'm going to beat up this Fuckboy. When we arrived I got a message on my phone.


bitchy🍾: hey it's Damon where are you???
Me: hey is everything we're at home we need to change clothes
Me: how's Courtney doing?
Me: you know that Imma break your bones when I see you
bitchy🍾: do that but please come into the hospital

I phone him as he took off.

„Hello? What happened? Where's Courtney?" I asked concerned.
„S-She started to bleed. I called the emergency and they took her into the hospital" he answered as I tensed my jaw.
„Which hospital?"
„PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital" he answered and I heard him crying.
„We're coming" I spoke and hung up.

I looked shocked as Ariana touched my hand.
„Babe what happened?" she asked me.
I swallowed and took her hand. We went into the car I started it as quickly as possible.
„Why are you crying what happened?" she asked me again.
„Courtney is in the hospital."
„W-Wait, what? What happened? Is it something bad?" she asked me upset.
I shrugged and tried to concentrate on the rode.

When we arrived the hospital we ran into it and asked for Courtney. The nurse led us to her room. We knocked and got in. Damon was standing in the middle of the room.
„Hey" I said and went into the room.
I saw Courtney sleeping in the bed. Thanks god she's alive. Ariana ran to her and took her hand.
„What happened?" I whispered.
„She started to bleed."
„How's the baby doing?"
„Thanks god it's alive and healthy" he answered and wiped out his tears.
„I'm going to talk with you later" I said angrily.
He nodded and went out of the room. I went to Courtney and took her other hand. I saw her slowly opening her eyes.
„Good morning princess" I whispered and smirked at her.
„You? You're here" she said as she tried to sat up.
„Don't so that. Relax yourself. It's important for my little baby." Ariana said and smiled to her too.

We talked a little bit when the doctor suddenly went in.
„Mrs. Chipolone how do you feel?" he asked her and checked everything.
„I'm fine."
„Don't stress yourself that much it's not good for the pregnancy" he added.
„I'll try. When am I supposed to go home?"
„Tomorrow. We would like to check you this night."
She nodded and he went out.

We said goodbye to her too and drove home.


„I'm hungry" I said and smirked.
„Let's order some pizza" Ariana suggest as I nodded.

When the food came to us we watched Netflix. It was 3:56 am and we were still awake.
„I can't sleep" she whispered.
„I can't sleep either. I was so fucking afraid."
„Me too" she added and cuddled me.
„Kiss me" she suddenly said.
I did what she said and placed a kiss on her plump lips.
„Another one." And I placed again a kiss.
„And another" she said again.
„Why should I kiss you the whole time?" I asked her and laughed. She sat up and looked into my eyes.
„When you kiss me I can forget my problems for a few seconds."
Awww that was cute. I blushed slightly but then I started to kiss her intensely. She sat onto my lap as I grabbed her ass.
„We're sexbombs" I said into the kiss and noticed her smile.
„Yeah I can handle that" she answered and took off my shirt.
„We can't fuck" I smiled and winked.
„Why not? Am I not sexy enough?" she yelled and looked mad at me.
„I got my menstrual" I said and rolled my eyes.
„Every time I said that we couldn't fuck you think that you're not sexy enough. Fuck you Grande." I added.
„I'm wet" she said and looked naughty at me.
„Bad luck. I've stomach ache."
„Am I supposed to do it on myself?" she asked curiously and rolled her eyes. I nodded and she stared mad at me what made me laugh.
She laid down on my lap and I stroke over her hair.
At some point we fell asleep till tomorrow.

Arianas Pov.

I was sitting in the dining room and ate my burgers from yesterday. Yeah I'm in love with these burgers I could they for them. That's why I love America.
„Baby?" I heard Danas voice screaming trough the whole house.
„I'm in the dining room" I screamed back.
She came into the room and she looked so funny. I tried not to laugh but it was impossible.
„It's not funny I've stomach ache. Let me in peace."
„Relax gorilla" I answered as she looked mad at me.
„Is there any pizza?" she asked me.
„I think there is some in the fridge."

We ate our breakfast and made us on our way to Courtney who arrived her home.


I was sitting with her and talked about what was going on in Italy.

Danas Pov.

Damon and I were outside and talked about what happened.
„Listen to me okay? I'll just say it ones that what you have done wasn't okay and I could kill you. But she loves you. You have to choose your live Damon. You can't be with two women at the same time. You're like the biggest fuckboy so stop it. She's pregnant it's not good for the baby. And the baby is your son or your daughter. Think about it. You chose Courtney to make her a baby and now you're gonna leave her or what?"
„No it's not like that really. I don't love the woman. I love Courtney I really do. She's my life and I'm happy with her. Of corse I'm gonna choose her." he answered me. I nodded and got in again.
„Baby lets go" I said and we drove home.

We were sitting on our couch. It was really boring but then I had the idea to invite some friends to play monopoly or Wii or something like that. Ariana was for that too so we called Victoria, Tiley, Alfredo, Riky, Mikey, Alexa, Tayla, Liz, Matt, Scootie and Tommy. We prepared some food and champagne for them.


„Okay, okay lets see—hmm. Dare!" Victoria said and waited for my question.
„Kiss Mikey" I answered and she did exactly that what I said. That was not just a kiss. They made out for like 5 minutes with moaning and so on.
I stood up and took a champagne bottle from the table.
I started to drink it and gave it then to Ariana.
The bottle made its round and when it came again to me, the bottle was empty. I took another one and we made another round. After a few bottles we were really drunk so we decided to play Wii. It was every time funny to play tennis on Wii when you're drunk. I was laughing the whole time and Ariana was laying on the floor and fell asleep. I gave the joystick to Tiley and went to Ariana. I sat down on her ass and started to ride while the whole crew was laughing.
„W-What happened" she stuttered as she woke up.
We stand up and I kissed her in the front of everyone intensely.
„They are really hot" Liz said and laughed.
„Okay who wants a sex night?" Liz asked again and everyone laughed. But then she pulled Tiley into a intense kiss. They stumbled into another bedroom.
„Lets go to sleep. We have 3 free rooms. The rest can sleep— I don't care good night." Ariana mumbled.
We went in our room and fell asleep.

[A/N: I don't like this chapter but I need to post it for the next one:) Hope you enjoy your quarantine hahahah]

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