FADE | Kylo Ren

By savememercury

268K 7.2K 2.5K

γƒŸβ˜† - π™ΆπšžπšŽπšœπšœ πšπš‘πšŠπš 𝙸'πš– 𝚊 πšπš˜πš˜πš• πšπš˜πš› πšπš‘πšŽ 𝚠𝚊𝚒 πšπš‘πšŠπš 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšŒπšŠπšžπšπš‘πš πš–πšŽ I... More

- prologue
- chapter one
- chapter two
- chapter three
- chapter four
- chapter five
- chapter six
- chapter seven
- chapter eight
- chapter nine
- chapter ten
- chapter eleven
- chapter twelve
- chapter thirteen
- chapter fourteen
- chapter fifteen
- chapter sixteen
- chapter seventeen
- chapter eighteen
- chapter nineteen
- chapter twenty
- chapter twenty-one
- chapter twenty-two
- chapter twenty-three
- chapter twenty-four
- chapter twenty-five
- chapter twenty-six
- chapter twenty-seven
- chapter twenty-eight
- chapter twenty-nine
- chapter thirty
- chapter thirty-one
- chapter thirty-two
- chapter thirty-three
- chapter thirty-four
- chapter thirty-five
- chapter thirty-six
- chapter thirty-seven
- chapter thirty-eight
- chapter thirty-nine
- epilogue part two
graphics + new story
two ghosts + polaris

- epilogue part one

3K 97 75
By savememercury

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

fade: epilogue
part ONE

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

THEY SETTLE ON NABOO. In a big estate with a large surrounding garden, they find themselves truly home. It is situated on the outskirts of a trading settlement a bit outside of Theed: they're not too far from anything yet perfectly far away from everything that the surrounding area around their house is dead silent, save for the birds singing in the mornings and chirping throughout the day. Naboo is like nothing she has ever seen, the beauty just astounding to her. Every single pillar and every wall is filled with details and pretty fabrics make for gorgeous decorations. It is everything she wanted and more.

Ben and Florence marry on a terrace in front of a lake, surrounded by mountains and gorgeous, vibrant greenery. The ceremony is short and sweet. All they want is to make it official, the rest they could care less about. Whatever they want to say, they both already know. There is no need for extravagant speeches, or any audience for that matter. It is just the two of them and a priest who makes it truly official; Florence Solo.

They carry many names and many bloodlines together; Solo, Skywalker, Organa, Naberrie, Kenobi. Naya. But ultimately, Ben Solo comes to accept the man his parents wanted him to be. He does not hate his name any longer, for how could he, when he shares it with the love of his life? It seems only right to keep the name his parents gave him and Florence is adamant he keeps it because she loves the way it sounds. Florence and Ben Solo. He can only agree.

In the months to come, the two do the most they can to make their house feel like home. Decorating; twisting and turning everything until Florence is content with the way everything looks. Ben gladly does anything she asks of him, and changes anything she even makes the smallest of uncertain looks at. There comes a point where she doesn't even have to say anything for him to rush over to the wall and reposition the painting she was looking at.

Eventually, they're satisfied with the house. Perhaps it will always be a work in progress because Florence is so filled with ideas now that she finally, finally, has a place of her own, and that's okay with Ben. He's happy to do anything she wishes. He knows how important this is to her — the house needs to be utterly perfect.

The nursery is her favorite part of the house. She spends most of her time in there just looking at every single piece of interior, every small piece of clothing and every teddy bear. Being finished with the house, it is just a waiting game until the baby arrives. It finally feels truly, completely real. Standing over the crib, fingers tracing the soft colorful fabrics, it feels insanely surreal and wonderful at once. She cannot wrap her head around all of this — everything she has ever wanted, she finally has.

Not only is she married to her soulmate, the man she has been destined to love for her entire life. But they have finally escaped all that plagued them and found themselves a real home, a house that is theirs and theirs only. And they're expecting a child that is bound to be here any moment now. She is bursting with joy, every morning she wakes up in their bed and she takes a minute just to thank whatever being, whatever entity or even if there aren't any, she takes a moment just to express her gratitude towards everything that she has.

It has taken long, but she is finally in a place where she truly could not ask for more. The journey has been excruciating at times, but she knows that if she was given it earlier, she would perhaps not appreciate it as much as she does, for it is just as much about the journey as it is the destination. Through trial and error, she has risen with the love of her life by her side, finally stepping into the life they have both craved since day one. It feels earned, it feels rewarding, it feels utterly unreal.

Ben is also in the best place he has ever been. His entire life, he has been chasing something. A feeling, a role, a power, he has never known. He has never been able to see his goal but he has always known to follow his heart. And that day, when Florence first appeared in front of him, he changed. It has taken him long to realize it but he finally understands that what he has been looking for all this time, was her. She was right in front of him for so long, and yet he was blinded by the promises snoke made him and the powers he possesses. His heart has always been with her, which is perhaps why he has been so torn. Brain set to rule the galaxy and heart tied to hers. A woman who seemed at first like a loyal henchman but with such conflicting morals, a goodhearted woman who cares for others more than she cares for herself. No wonder he had been so torn.

What pains him the most is that he could have had this long ago. He could have had this many, many years ago had he not been so stupid to believe what Snoke told him, obeying every order and trusting in him. She was there, all that time. Working under Hux's command, yes, but she was always within his reach and from those first moments he laid eyes on her, he knew there was something about her. She is his life. His future. The very reason he is where he is now and the sole purpose of his existence. Florence and him are one. He understands that now. He just wishes he could've seen it sooner. Before he killed his father, before luke saved the resistance and before his mother sacrificed himself.

He tries his best not to think about it. He tries to focus on his wife — a concept still strange to him but it brings him so much joy. Ben loves everything about this life, just being alone with her, helping her plant things in the garden and cooking dinner — quiet evenings in front of the fireplace. It seems so spartan, so unlike him. And yet he loves it.

        They bury the lightsabers under the large tree at the far back of the garden along with their pasts. There isn't any need to think about all that anymore, and they won't. Rey will go on to train a new generation of jedi — that will be sufficient enough. Florence and Ben have abandoned those ways, chosen to forget about their pasts and focus on what they have right now in these moments for they are the ones that truly count.

Just the two of them, no one else will know. These names bear no significance to people that aren't extremely familiar with the Skywalker family — they are just Ben and Florence Solo: a young, expecting couple that keeps mostly to themselves in their little corner. Just the way they want things to be.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

         ON A LATE SUMMER AFTERNOON, when the sun is particularly warm and the sky clear of clouds, Florence jusy knows it is time.; contractions getting way more serious than they have been for the last month — she is certain today is the day. She feels it in her bones, in her very being. It is both the most frightened and excited she has ever been. They have already set everything up with two medical droids who will help with the delivery so all she really has to do is say that it's time and they'll kick into assisting.

Ben has taken over her garden work as of late, she is too far gone to be sat crouched over plucking away weeds from the flowers and vegetables that has grown into a pretty-looking garden. He's sat out there this minute — doing her work without any complains even though he finds it utterly boring.

Florence already knows Ben will kick into panic mode the second she announces she thinks this might be it. For the last few weeks, every other day she has been taken by surprise by some hefty contractions and it has thrown him for a loop every single time. So instead of alarming her from where she's laid down on the sofa, with the doors out to the back open so that she can see him, she does not. She stays there, quietly breathing through the pain in wait of him to finish up first.

She thinks she may not be able to actually wait any longer, his name about to fall off her lips just as he steps inside and their eyes meet; her's panicked and his unbothered — his expression quickly turns from happiness to pure worry.

         He is shaking like a leaf in the wind as they make their way to one of the many rooms in their house, the one that they have had set up for this very moment. He holds her as they walk, one hand on her back, the other he offers for her to hold. And she does, squeezing it so hard he thinks he may lose all sense of feeling, the tips of his fingers growing white.

          Florence cannot get a single word out, teeth gritted in a successful attempt to breathe through the pain. When they come into the room with their makeshift but definitely functional setup, she is quick to lay down. Somehow that makes it even worse, back arching up in pain. She cringes, clenching her jaw as she breathes in slowly.

She had not expected it to be easy. She had, however, expected the last month or two to prepare her, but his is way, way different than what her brain had prepared her for. This is far more painful than she could've ever imagined. Florence has always thought herself to be a physically strong individual but no amount of training can prepare anyone for this.

         She's given some sort of injection and for a while, she's completely delirious, fading in and out of a very light sleep and waking up every time a contraction hits again which become closer and closer every time, eventually just a mere few minutes. Ben does not let go of her hand during all that time, providing with just the right amount of comfort and assurance that she needs.

"You okay?" Ben asks in a whisper, pushing strands of hair from her sweaty forehead. The words come out muffled to her, everything's around her blurred and distorted, but at least she can make out the words.

"Mhm," she gets out in a mumble, turning her head just a little to meet with his gaze. She tries to keep composed before another contraction ripples through her body, shooting pure pain up her back and her grip around his hand tightens. Eventually, she lets go of her pride and admits that no, she is not doing so well. It hurts like fucking hell and she's tired of trying to act as if otherwise. "Yeah no, not really."

         Florence isn't sure how much time passes between the moment she lays down and when she's given the thumbs up to push, but it seems an eternity in her opinion. Based on where the sun is positioned in the sky, she knows a handful of hours have passed. The sky is lined with a pinkish orange in the horizon, meeting the blue in a blur of purple just above the treeline at the back of their garden. It's late and she's oh-so hungry but that must wait. First, she needs to have this baby.

          And it is the most peculiar feeling, but the pain goes away the instant that the baby is out and little cries fill the room. Florence's struggled groans are quickly replaced with tears, her hold around Ben's hand loosens as shock overtakes her entire being. Beside her, Ben is completely frozen as the droid holds up the small child. A girl. A tiny little baby girl with a swirl of white locks on the top of her head.

Florence finds herself holding her breath the moment they hand the baby to her, placing the baby girl on her exposed chest. Ben and her exchange a look, both of them absolutely sobbing their eyes out. "Oh she's beautiful," Florence cries, ever so softly patting the back of their daughter's head as the baby's cries come to a cease. She has never felt this needed; a small child in her arms looks up at her, helpless without Florence's care and love. It's scary, knowing this is a human life she very much has to protect and nurture, but she loves it. She wants to do all that. She decides in this moment that she loves being a mother.

Ben is in some sort of trance, lips parted and eyes glued to the child but he cannot seem to get a word out. He is absolutely in awe, completely enamored with the sight before him. A daughter. Their daughter. It doesn't seem real but it is, she's right there, eyes wide open. She's looking at him, and he has never before felt so loved.

Slowly, he lets a hand find her tiny head, just ever so lightly rubbing his thumb across her temple. She doesn't make a sound, only shifts under his touch. Florence uses the back of her hand to wipe across her own tear-stained cheeks, shifting in her position to sit more comfortably. Throwing another glance at the sky through the large windows, she finds it has become even more gorgeous and it feels very fitting. A beautiful sky lighting up a beautiful moment — the most memorable of her life.

     Florence looks at Ben. He's deep in thought, just looking at the baby in her arms. "Hold her," she whispers, bringing him out of his thoughts. He hesitates for half a second before he realizes he very much wants to do so, and he gladly takes the baby off her hands for a moment while she sits up properly.

It is the most incredibly feeling to him, holding his daughter in his arms, gently caressing her cheek with his index finger. She makes no sound of dismay at his touch, rather embracing it. His heart has never been so full than in this moment. He is a father.

Looking at her, he vouches to protect her with his life, for the rest of his life — to raise her to be the strongest woman in the world. And he loves her so. He cannot hold in tears, rocking her ever so slightly to soothe her, she seems to fall asleep in his arms.

He looks up to find Florence is already looking at them. Neither of them is sure what exactly to say — terrified of ruining this moment — so they stay silent, sharing a loving kiss instead, to remember a moment that neither of them will ever forget. The happiest both of them have ever been.

Neither of them cannot take their eyes off of her. Every moment of every day they watch her, love her, care for her and teach her everything she could possibly need to know. They love watching her grow up, through everything, every sleepless night and every tantrum, they cherish every single moment.

        Florence and Ben both weep when she says her first word, takes her first steps, the first time she eats with a spoon all by herself. Needless to say, they're both very emotional. Leia Solo is a curious young girl with bright eyes. She's wise beyond her years and wilder than anyone they've ever met. They both worry about the future for their daughter, a child of two powerful bloodlines is sure to be sensitive to the force, but they mutually agree not to think too much of that, and instead live happily for as long as the world will allow them to.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

LIFE IS GOOD. Like, truly, genuinely, without flaw, just completely perfect. Florence could not have ever imagined anything as good as this, every part of this life she absolutely adores and she thrives as a mother, a wife and the lady of a house. It isn't as if it doesn't get too much sometimes — but ultimately Florence she knows she is lucky to have all this and the stress is worth it.

           And Ben, well, he is completely and utterly besotted. So in love with his wife and his daughter. She's gotten so big, almost a whole year old, able to walk on her own and uttering short words here and there. Yet she is so small and so frail in their eyes. Their little Leia.

Florence walks inside with a basket full of freshly picked vegetables under her right arm. Her garden has proved quite a success, supplying them with enough food to not have to go to the market too often. They like to keep to themselves, which as also perhaps contributed to people's view of the Solo's, living outside the town in complete silence. Most people haven't even actually seen them. But they are respected by everyone. They want peace, just like the rest of them.

Spotting Ben on the sofa sat in the middle of the room, she comes to a stop. He is sleeping, soft snores escaping his lips. In his arms, he holds their daughter who is also asleep, stirring softly in his hold. She's been in their lives for the better part of a year and yet Florence can't seem to ever get used to then feeling that explodes in her chest upon seeing them like that. She wants every moment to last longer, to stop time and live just a little longer in every passing minute — this year has gone by way too quickly and Leia has grown up right in front of their eyes. Not that she hasn't loved every single second of it, but she loves a little one so much she doesn't want her little girl to grow up.

Ben stirs awake under her gaze, eyes opening only to meet with hers. "Hey," he says, softly and tiredly. He looks at her for just a second before he looks to their daughter to make sure she is asleep.

"Hi," Florence smiles, crouching beside him to place a soft kiss on his temple. "You
look wonderful," she whispers. Ben shakes his head lightly, eyes squeezed shut and cheeks flushing with embarrassment — he has never been one for receiving compliments well.

He instead looks at the basket full of produce she holds on her side. "I'd help you with that, but I wouldn't want to-"

She cuts him off, giving him an assuring nod. "Don't worry about it. Make sure she gets the most of out her nap and I'll handle the food."

          Florence has come to truly enjoy cooking, finding new foods at the market and trading her homemade vegetables for spices from the kind vendor who always gives her just a little bit more than her produce is actually worth. She always makes one plate for Leia — small pieces, less spices, softer in consistency. But sometimes she gets a bit too experimental and the food doesn't turn out that good, leading them to have a good laugh about it. It's all the same to Leia but Ben and Florence couldn't force themselves to finish some of her more weirder dishes.

After after putting Leia to sleep that same evening, together as they always do with one of them on each side of her on their bed, softly humming and drawing circles on her back until she falls eventually asleep, Florence and Ben lay quietly on top of the bedsheets on their bed, just watching her chest rise and fall in rhythm.

The fireplace is lit, a warm crackling being the only sound in their quiet room. After they are certain she is asleep because she hasn't made a single sound in ten minutes, Ben slips an arm under her back and carries her over to her cot at the end of their bed.

"That must've been our best one yet," Ben comments as he slides under their sheets, stretching out across the bed now that there is space.

"I think so too," Florence chuckles, propping herself up on her elbows, yawning. "What was that, like ten minutes?"

Ben shakes his head, holding up three fingers. "Try five."

"No!" She perks up, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Yeah! I was keeping track," he smirks.

Florence nods, impressed with their ability to put Leia to sleep. Practice does indeed make perfect and they've had an entire year of learning how exactly to put her to sleep on the most efficient way. "Wow, we are getting so good that this!"

"You were never not good at this," he arches a brow.

"Neither were you, dummy," she presses a kiss on his forehead. He really wasn't — from those first couple of moments of holding her in his arms he was a good father, a great one, even. A great husband too, taking care of both of them when Florence couldn't.

         A moment of silence hangs between them as Ben looks to the cot, seemingly deeply in thought. "I could do with a couple more, you know," he says humorously with a light chuckle, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. He's not particularly serious — but he's also not exactly joking.

Florence lets out a laugh, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment as she just looks at him, cheeks flushing in a warm red. "That's uhm, that's awfully lucky... because I'm pregnant."

He stares blankly at her for a beat, unsure of what to say. "What — for real?"

"Mhm," she kisses him softly, smiling against his lips. "Found just this morning, I haven't been keeping it from you, I promise."

"I wouldn't be mad at you either way," he frowns. "Florence, I- really?"

"Yes, really," she laughs, remembering to be quiet so she slaps a hand over her mouth, looking to Leia's cot with wide eyes. The baby doesn't make a sound, so she continues on. "I had not expected to have another so soon but I'm very happy."

          "So am I," he promises, lips grazing against hers for a moment before they share a gentle kiss. "So am I." He just looks at her for a long while, admiring her as if they had just fallen in love — it sure feels like it. All day every day, his admiration for her he never ceased.

           "I have a feeling he's a boy," she says in a whisper, letting a hand rest on top of her stomach, excitement in her veins like when she had first realized she was pregnant with Leia — only now there is no fear. Just love.

           Brought out of his thoughts, Ben blinks a few times, smiling like a damn fool. "Yeah?"

           "Can't say for sure of course but I wasn't wrong with Leia was I?" She arches a knowing brow. She is most certain that she is carrying a boy this time.

           "No," he lets out a snort-like laugh. "Have you ever been wrong in your entire life, Flo? Must be exhausting," he playfully rolls his eyes.

          "Yes, actually, I have," she admits quietly, eyebrows drawn together as her smile falls.  "Many times, of course but... I was especially wrong to blame you for all of my feelings back then and I was wrong when I said I didn't love you.  Cause I did, I could never stop. I don't think I even wanted to, I was just upset. I was lost."

           He nods closing his eyes for he too needs to confess. "I was wrong too. For so many years I was looking for something and all that time I was looking in the wrong direction. It was always you, Florence."

          "It was always me," she nods slowly. "It was always meant to end like this for us."

"Yes, I think so too."

Neither of them had expected it to end up this way — but it has, and they live a life they had never figured they would have the privilege of living but now enjoy every single minute of. And perhaps they do not deserve it, perhaps there are people out there who deserve it more than they ever did but they have bloomed from all the horrible things they have done, the pasts that will never stop haunting them. They have grown together, past all the pain and all the terror — into a life of peace and just that.

Ben and Florence Solo get their happily ever after; the life they dreamt of beneath all those first orders garments, behind closed doors and in the privacy of their own quarters — this is what they both, truly, wanted.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[ words 4200 ]

god I've been editing this like a
maniac for the last week and I'm still not entirely happy with it but I realize I have to post this sooner or later and I might
as well just do it. I hope you guys
enjoyed anyways, still one chapter to
go so this isn't the ending<3

thank y'all for sticking with this
story and commenting and voting it had
been an incredibly rewarding and fun experience. I've done quite a few stories
on here but this is the first one that I've actually finished. I'm so in love with these character and uGH idk it feels very
bittersweet to see it all come to an end;
I'm happy with this ending and I'm proud
that I've come so far but I'm also reluctant
to let go of these characters. Hope you guys have enjoyed this just as much as I have.

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