A Fluke of Sorts

By moon_rose_petals

24.5K 632 294

a cedmione fanfiction by toastedmuffinz on fanfiction.net. He's the pretty boy, she's the brainy girl. It al... More

Hogwarts' Book Thief
Of Robes & Stars
Let Me Be Yours?
Between A Reality & A Memory
Keeping You Warm With Me
The Prince & The Princess
In All Honesty
Coming To A Full Circle

A Sunshine Fixation

2.6K 71 43
By moon_rose_petals

When Hermione Granger woke up that morning, she wasn't expecting anything different for her morning save for the fact that Ron may stuffed more than two sausages in his mouth at the same time. So when she took her seat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, opposite Harry and Ron and with her back to the Hufflepuff table, all that she did expect was a warm, hearty breakfast to start off her day while busily ignoring Ron's gluttony. She certainly didn't expect Cedric Diggory to suddenly appear behind her with a cheerful, and loud, greeting, or in his very words, "Good morning sunshine!" – which resulted to her almost choke on her piece of toast.

She whirled around in fright. "Cedric Diggory!" She croaked.

He grinned, "The one and only."

"You gave me a fright." Hermione retorted as soon as she dislodge the piece in her throat with orange juice.

"Well, you see, my plan was botched yesterday so I thought I would try again today." He casually answered. "Morning Harry," Cedric lifted his gaze to the puzzled young wizard with a grin before nodding at a disorientated Ron, "Ronald."

"Uh – morning Cedric." Harry replied with a faint smile, still surprised at Cedric's sudden verbal ambush on Hermione. Ron said nothing but gaped at the seventh year Hufflepuff. Their fellow Gryffindors curiously looked at the quartet, the girls in particular, began to whisper and giggle among one another at the sight of the good-looking boy by their table.

"Diggory, I would appreciate it if you try to frighten me when I'm not trying to swallow my breakfast." Hermione spoke up with a slight crease in her forehead, indicating her annoyance though her tone was light.

"Sorry Granger. I will catch you at lunch the next time." Hermione's eyes widened. "I'll see you later." Cedric gave her a quick wink before turning around to join his friends and left Hermione staring after him. He didn't bother to turn around at all and after a few seconds, Hermione realized she was being watched by the other Gryffindors so she quickly shifted her gaze away.

"I didn't know you knew Cedric." Harry curiously pointed out.

"I didn't, until yesterday. I mistook his book for my own and one thing led to another and then we got acquainted."

"How did that happened?" Ron suddenly blurted aloud. Everyone with two meters of their vicinity stopped at their conversations to focus on the trio. Hermione glared at Ron while Harry gave him a quick jab in the sides.

"Draw attention, will you?" Hermione hissed.

"Sorry." Ron sheepishly replied.

They waited until everyone resumed their talking, although snooping glances were frequently thrown at their direction. Hermione sighed and leaned forward to quickly explain the previous day's events in a rushed whisper to avoid the prying ears of the others.

"But why sunshine?" Ron asked.

"What do you mean sunshine?"

"The greeting, 'good morning – '"

"Shush Ron. You don't have to repeat his exact words in the exact tone of voice." Hermione quickly interjected exasperatedly. Harry chuckled at Ron's obliviousness to his surroundings. "Anyway, he better not try the same thing at lunch. Merlin knows if I'll survive the next scare." She gathered her things as she stood up, "I'll see you both in class." Harry nodded with a smile while Ron merely waved his hand, too preoccupied to answer with all the food in his mouth.

She had just reached the double doors when Cedric caught sight of her leaving and hurriedly excused himself from his friends to catch up with her. "Granger!" he called out as he reached the Entrance Hall and caught her about to walk up the stairs. Hermione turned around in surprise but when she saw it was him, her surprise turned into a frown.

Cedric laughed as he walked up to her, "I was only kidding earlier. How's your cheek?"

Slightly mollified, the frown on her face faded away. "Better, though when I looked in the mirror this morning there's still a faint line."

Cedric stooped to her height, she was at least a head shorter than him, with his hand reached out but paused for a moment to look at her in the eye, "May I?" he gestured to her cheek and she briefly nodded. His warm and slightly calloused hand – from Quidditch, proceeded to its destination and gently touched the faint mark on Hermione's cheekbone. "Looks like it might take another day or so before it goes away."

His voice resounded soft and deep in her ears and she decided she rather liked it, although her awareness of the close proximity between them had her suddenly jerking back from his touch. Cedric stared at her in bewilderment at her sudden retract.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No," Hermione quickly gathered her composure, "it's just a slight jumpy reflex of my own. Sorry about that."

"Are you sure it's not my presence that created a sudden rush of blood in your veins?" He slyly pointed out.

She raised an eyebrow at his words before bursting into laughter. "I don't think I've ever met anyone like you Diggory. Are you always like this?"

"Charming and alluring? Why yes."

She laughed again. "I was thinking along the lines of impudent and smug actually. But if that's what you wish to view yourself, be my guest. "

Cedric laughed. "That's the first I've heard of anyone describing me."

"I'd be more than pleased to tell you that more often." Hermione joked.

"And I suppose I wouldn't mind hearing it every now and then, helps to keep a guy on his feet."

"Oh trust me Diggory, you've gone beyond the ceiling."

Cedric shook his head with a wry grin, "Have you forgotten you are speaking to a seventh year prefect Ms. Granger?" He was very much amused with the boldness the girl before him possessed, and the easy humor that easily emanated from her. Never did he come across someone who treated him in such a casual manner with disregard of his status as Triwizard Champion or Hogwarts' Heartthrob – both titles which he takes no pleasure for, save for his good friend Haden Whitlock. He found himself immensely enjoying the presence of Hermione Granger, all within a period of a day. When he woke up that morning, he hadn't planned on scaring her during breakfast at the Great Hall. Like Hermione, he wasn't expecting anything unusual out of his morning but when he stepped into the Great Hall and saw her studiously looking over a book, his mind recalled of the previous night's event where he had attempted, and failed, to give her a scare. Cedric hated to fail at anything to be honest, so with that justification, he quickly made up his mind to swiftly go up to her before he could have any second thoughts and before she looked up from her book. He knew it was childish but the wide-eyed shock of her features definitely, undeniably, amused him so – not that he would admit it aloud to her. Although Hermione was two years below him, he knew better than to risk her wrath and be countered with her hexes.

"I could have been fooled with that first year stunt you pulled back there Diggory."

"Oh come on Granger, it was all in the good name of fun. I promise lunch's scare would be more mature." Cedric grinned.

"Don't you even dare to try at lunch." Hermione warned.

"Watch me."


"Come on, I'll walk you to your first class. What are you having?" Cedric held out his hand for the books she was holding. She eyed him skeptically and Cedric merely gave her his most disarming smile – in his humble opinion, which she replied with a scowl before reluctantly passing a book to him. "Granger, I think you misunderstood the concept of my altruism. You are supposed to allow me take all your books, not give me one out of the four you are holding."

"I can carry my books on my own but just to satisfy your male chivalry, I'm giving you one. You are still helping in that sense." Cedric exhaled sharply in response. "Well come on, I'm not going to be late because your need to feed your ego. It's third floor – Charms." Hermione said as she started off with a brisk walk.

"How can you possibly late when probably everyone in your class is still having breakfast in the Great Hall?" Cedric commented as he caught up to her. "Why didn't you wait for Potter and Weasley?"

"Because someone ruined my appetite this morning."

"Are you still going on about that Granger? Aren't you supposed to be a sunshine?" Hermione made it a point to look at him with the deepest scowl she could muster. Upon a look at her face, Cedric burst out laughing, clutching his sides as he howled in mirth. Seeing his infectious laughter, it didn't take long before Hermione's shoulders start to shake and giggles escaped from her.

A sudden burst of chatter emerged from the Great Hall emerged as students started streaming out to get to their respective classes. Hermione gathered her composure the best she could before telling Cedric to be on his way, still with laughter laced in her voice. "I'll be fine from here Diggory." She said in between breathless gasps as she took her book from Cedric's hand and gave him a shake of her head at their ridiculousness. "I'm off."

Lunch came and Hermione made it a point to sit with her back facing the wall instead of the Hufflepuff table, in slight precaution to Cedric's promised scare.

"'Mione, could you stop looking around every two minutes as if You-Know-Who's about to swoop in the Great Hall?" Ron said irritably upon Hermione's eighth look around the hall.

"Cedric's not going to scare you alright? Besides, you would know as soon as he walks in and I'm here right beside you. I promised I'd keep an eye out for you didn't I?" Harry added amusedly. Unlike Ron, Harry found Hermione's edginess rather comical though he'd appreciate it if she could sit still instead of constantly fidgeting.

"Sorry Harry." Hermione meekly answered before reaching out for her pumpkin juice. As soon as her hand grasped her goblet, Cedric walked in with Haden by his side and Cho on his other – the three of them were too occupied in their conversation for Cedric to even look up to notice Hermione. She discreetly kept her eye on them and watched as Cedric share a laugh with Cho before walking the latter to her seat at the Ravenclaw table and proceeded to his at Hufflepuff, beside Haden. She breathed in relief as soon as he sat in his seat without so much of a glance at her.

"See 'Mione, I told you he was just joking." Harry said as he dug into his lamb chops.

Hermione nodded and decided to concentrate on her own lamb chops which had been sitting at her plate for the past twenty minutes. She soon forgot all about Cedric when Ron and Harry started to discuss about meeting Snuffles during their upcoming Hogsmeade visit.

"Well, it's settled then. We'll send Pig to Snuffles with the news." Ron said with a grin. "We could go to The Three Broomsticks after that."

"Sounds good." Hermione smiled.

"Sunshine." Hermione inadvertently squeaked aloud at the sudden whisper in her left ear. She whipped her head around in annoyance with her wand in hand.

"Woah. Easy now Hermione." Fred Weasley said as he held his hands up. George Weasley chuckled.

"Now, now Hermione. Anger doesn't result in anything good. Take a deep breath and calmly put the wand down." George said in a mock stern voice.

"Sorry." Hermione blew a stray strand of hair from her face as she took a deep breath.

"You could have been hexed a whole year's worth Fred, what in Merlin's name were you thinking to sneak up on Hermione like that?" Ron shook his head in disapproval. Even Harry eyed the twins with a weary look.

"Well, excuse us –" Fred began as George continued.

"For wanting to be friendly –"

"To a fellow Gryffindor."

"Sorry Fred. Sorry George. It's my fault." Hermione apologized. "It's just that the sudden whisper in my ear with that word brought out an automated defense reaction from me."

"By just saying sunshine?" Fred exchanged a glance with George.

"Diggory really did mean it when he said it would produce a terrific reaction from you." George cheerfully said.

"Wonderful reaction indeed." Fred agreed.

"Diggory? Cedric Diggory put the both of you up to this?" Harry questioned with a disbelieving look.

"Oh yes." Fred beamed. "Weren't quite expecting such a reaction, almost got a heart attack but it was still funny."

George patted a sputtering Hermione Granger's head good-naturedly. "Thanks for the amusement Granger."

"I can't believe the nerve they have for being so brave as to tick Hermione off when they knew they could end up in the Hospital Wing." Ron said as he gazed at his brothers in admiration. Harry on the other hand, was too preoccupied calming a rather livid Hermione than to agree with Ron's words. He chanced a glance at the Hufflepuff table only to see a chuckling Cedric Diggory.

"You better run." Harry mouthed to the Hufflepuff. Cedric's chuckle stopped short when Hermione's gaze lifted to see who Harry was looking at. He immediately turned his attention on a girl sitting beside him instead, quickly engaging her in a conversation. "Calm down Hermione." Harry quickly said as he gestured to Ron to help out.

"Uh yeah 'Mione. It was just a small joke. Here, have a pudding." Ron pushed his pudding towards her from across the table.

"I have a good mind on what I'm about to do with that pudding."

"On a second thought, maybe a pudding's not so good." He quickly withdrew the pudding from Hermione's reach.

"'Mione – "

Hermione took a few deep breaths. "I'm fine Harry. I'll just go for a walk by the lake to calm myself down." Harry didn't look too convinced so she gave him a tight smile and his hand slowly dropped from her wrist. "I promise I won't go hunting for his blood."

Harry swallowed hard and made a mental note to inform Cedric of his incoming death sentence. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No Harry. I'm fine, thanks." Hermione got up from her seat and briskly walked out of the Great Hall without a look back. She reached the lake and sat down with a huff close to the banks, underneath a large tree. 'I wonder if Professor McGonagall would deduct house points if I used a Banishing Charm on Cedric Diggory. I wouldn't mind settling for a Bat-Bogey Hex either.'

"Enjoying the view Granger?"

"It would be better if it had you being tossed around by the Giant Squid." Cedric winced at the tone of her voice but bravely sat himself down beside her. She shot him a frown but he smiled at her in return. "Are you always this infuriating?"

"No, usually I tend to uphold my quiet prefect image."

"And you are breaking it now because?"

"Because you are unlike anyone else I've come to know of. You are funny Granger, and I mean that in a good way. I suppose you can say I'm putting myself up on a challenge to learn more of the many sides of you." Hermione looked at him as if he had just suggested she jumped into the great lake. "People around me always said you are Harry's best friend, some say girlfriend – not that you needed to hear that," he quickly added when her gaze narrowed, "how smart you are for a witch your age and your incredible loyalty to Harry. I admire all that; I really do, especially from what I've seen in the tournament last year. It got me curious about you and I wanted to know about the witch who's not just Harry's best friend, but also the girl that she is."

Cedric chuckled nervously and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm really sorry Granger if what Fred did scared you out of your wits."

Hermione's gaze softened. "It's okay."

"Though I had to admit it was hilarious to hear your squeak." He softly added.

"Diggory!" Hermione chided yet her voice betrayed the stern expression as a hint of amusement was apparent in her tone. "Does anyone else know of your insufferable nature?"

"Whitlock, and a couple of the lads."

"I'm amazed they are still sticking by you."

"That's what friends are for." Cedric sang out.

"Oh shush." Hermione laughed. Cedric smiled at her. "Why is it that I can't stay angry at you for long?"

"Because I'm adorable."

"You mean because you are a dork."

"Well, that too if it puts me in the adorable spotlight."

The both of then sat in silence for the next few minutes, watching as the autumn sun cast its gentle orange glow around them and the leaves twittered happily on the grounds. Occasionally, the autumn breeze would caress their faces, playfully pulling at their hair and messing it up. Hermione smiled at the tranquility of the moment as she placed her chin on her crossed arms atop her knees while Cedric pulled himself back and laid himself on the ground with closed eyes. For the first time since they've spoken to each other, they basked in the silent but comfortable company of one another. Just a year before, they had barely known each other except for their coincidental meeting at the Quidditch World Cup. Following that, brief polite smiles were passed in between hallways and classes should they happen to meet but not a word was ever exchanged between them, even if they were within the same room. Hermione wondered why they hadn't spoken to the other when it seemed as if they could easily converse about anything now. It seemed rather silly when she thought about it.

"Ready for your afternoon lessons Granger?"

"I suppose."

Cedric sat up and brushed his robes before standing up with a hand held out to Hermione. She affably took it and allowed him to pull her up. "A little on the heavy side aren't you?"

"You did not just say I'm fat."

"No, I didn't. I quote myself – 'a little heavy on the heavy side aren't you?'" Cedric grinned.

"Well I suppose it means I'm not underweight." Cedric started to laugh. "What?"

"That's the first I've ever heard – taking a sensitive comment with a dash of optimism. You really are a sunshine Granger."

"Don't let me blind you. Let's get going."

Cedric laughed again as he followed her across the grounds and into the Entrance Hall. Just as stepped into the Entrance Hall, Ron and Harry appeared from the Great Hall. They looked surprised to see her with Cedric, but mostly accounting to the fact that Cedric was still alive.

"I suppose I should take my leave here then." Cedric said with a nod at Harry and Ron in greeting.

"No more scares Diggory."


"You better."

Cedric chuckled and gave her playful wink before going into the Great Hall to locate his friends.

Over the next few days, Cedric and Hermione hardly spoke to one another as their homework piled on and their respective prefect duties dragged them from their free time. Cedric was constantly questioned by his house head, Professor Sprout, to settle on his choice profession after Hogwarts while being hounded by his Quidditch teammates for more practices. Haden wasn't on the Quidditch team; he only plays for recreational fun, though it didn't stop him from pestering Cedric alongside the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, much to Cedric's annoyance. Hermione on the other hand, along with the other fifth years, was feeling the strain of O.W.L.s with the constant emphasis on its importance by all their teachers, while having to deal with Harry's sudden infrequent restlessness at times as if he was hiding something and Professor Umbridge's degrading treatment towards her Defence Against Dark Arts students. When Cedric and Hermione passed one another in the hallways, they would try to say a hello but were always pushed by the tide of students or an interference of some sort would appear.

Hogsmeade weekend finally came around and the student body was more than glad to have a distraction to their otherwise hectic studying and sudden mad changes to their school regulations. Umbridge was beginning to make Hogwarts the horrid bore it wasn't supposed to be for the students.

"It's a bloody relief to finally be away from all those books and homework." Ron cheerfully said as the trio walked down the bustling streets of Hogsmeade. "And that barking mad Umbridge."

"Agreed." Harry grinned.

"Well, the professors are doing all they can to help us with O.W.L.s."

"Hermione, just admit it that you are just as relief as we are to be out here on this lovely day, away from those books." Ron spat the last word out as if it were a foul sweet.

"Honestly Ron, you wouldn't have that much trouble with your homework if you had done them on time instead of procrastinating with your Quidditch nonsense."

"Can we stop the arguing for today?" Harry's voice raised a notch higher than his usual. He watched as his two best friends frowned at one another before looking away, behaving almost similar to five year olds. He sighed and briefly muttered under his breath.

"Where is Snuffles meeting us again mate?"

"The foot of the cave where he was at last year."

The trio met Sirius, also affectionately known as Snuffles, by said spot and spent almost two hours with him before reluctantly taking their leave. Harry of course, was the most averse to Hermione's suggestion that they should leave before anyone noticed their missing presence within the Hogsmeade vicinity. It took a word of promise from Sirius to meet them again soon to get Harry to his feet. Hermione hadn't approved of the older man's words, considering the danger he was putting himself in with that very promise, but held her silence.

"Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asked warily as she noted the distant look in Harry's eyes as they walked down the pathway which led them back to the main street of Hogsmeade.

"Yeah." Harry answered quietly. Hermione exchanged a look of concern with Ron but both said nothing. Instead, she walked closer to Harry and briefly placed her hand in Harry's to give the latter a small squeeze. "Thanks Hermione." Harry looked at her with a faint smile, easily understanding her well-meaning intention.

"You need some butterbeer Harry. That should cheer you up." Ron cheerfully patted Harry on the back and led the latter towards The Three Broomsticks.

"Granger?" Hermione looked over her shoulder at the sound of her name. A grin crossed her features when she saw who it was.


Cedric grinned as he walked up to her. "I thought I saw you from a distance." He shifted his gaze to Harry and Ron for a brief moment with a warm nod of acknowledgment to which Harry replied with a diminutive smile and Ron with a short nod.

"We'll see you inside 'Mione." Harry offered as he tugged a surprised Ron with him into The Three Broomsticks.

"Haven't talked to you in ages Granger. How's the sunshine?"

"Still shining." Hermione replied dryly.

"Always good to hear that. I thought I could use some sunshine today. Mind taking a walk with me?" Hermione shifted her gaze to The Three Broomsticks for a moment before nodding her head. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to have the Golden Trio back together in no time. Merlin forbid for the Trio to ever be apart." Cedric playfully teased.

Hermione decided to ignore his comment, "So where would you like to go?"

"I thought we could just walk for a bit around Hogsmeade." Cedric shrugged. "How's the cheek by the way?" Hermione turned sideways as she walked so he could see. He nodded in satisfaction upon seeing her flawless cheekbone. Curious yet harmless stares and murmurs arose among onlookers but Cedric paid no heed. Hermione however, looked around for a bit with a slight flush in her cheeks at the sudden attention.

"Why can't a member of the opposite sex talk to the other without having people staring?"

"Beats me. It's a habit I suppose – to be strangely fascinated with the interaction between a male and a female." Cedric absently replied as he continued walking.

"You'd think they could get a free show by watching their parents." Hermione muttered irritably. "This doesn't bother you at all?"

"I've gotten used to it. The whispers and stares increased after the tournament." He muttered darkly before shaking his head as if to push his thoughts away. "Besides," he shot her a teasing grin, "it happens a lot when you are the Hogwarts Heartthrob too, didn't you know?" His words were accentuated by a brush of his hair with a suave flick, which more than often – produced delighted giggles from the opposite sex.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Like you could ever let me forget with those ever frequent pompous words of yours. Save your hair-flicking for someone who'd appreciate it Diggory."

"I don't flick my hair at every girl. It's a privilege to be earned."

"You mean it isn't a default setting of yours?" Cedric grimaced. Hermione laughed. "Alright, I will stop giving your pride a hard time. I imagine it's rather bruised by now." Cedric raised an eyebrow as if wondering she was serious with her words. "Although I don't blame myself for being eager to stomp on your ego – it's a natural reflex." Hermione beamed. Cedric scowled again.

"Keep it up Granger and your title as sunshine will be revoked."

"My distraught at your words is inconceivable." Hermione deadpanned.

"Well you sure look like it." Cedric answered dryly as he nonchalantly nudged her in the shoulder with a little more force than necessary to pass it off as accidental. Hermione skittered off her path with the abrupt impact. She turned around with a frown at an innocent-looking Cedric. "Lost your footing on the flat surface Granger?"

Hermione bit her lower lip from a response instead and looked down at the autumn leaves below her shoes. The streets of Hogsmeade were colored in hues of red and orange and brown as the trees happily scattered their leaves for the season. She smiled as she crouched to pick up an amber-colored leaf and carefully examined it in her hand. Cedric frowned at her actions. She listened carefully as his footsteps drew closer as her other free hand casually gathered a pile of leaves. "Granger?" She gathered the leaves in her hands and smiled at them. Cedric took another step closer and was now a foot away. With a brief chuckle, Hermione swiftly threw the leaves upwards – at his face.

"Granger!" Cedric barked out in midst of a laughter. He grabbed whatever leaves he could and threw them back at her. Hermione shrieked as she dodged the hurtling leaves. She began running off the street and onto the grounds. Cedric immediately took off in her direction. Considering he was taller than her, Cedric of course had longer legs, which allowed him to catch up on her almost too easily. When he was within two feet of her, Cedric hurled himself at her but Hermione looked over her shoulder in time to see the sudden onslaught. Her eyes widened as she quickened her pace and shifted to her left. Cedric couldn't shift in time and fell with a loud thump amidst the heap of leaves which thankfully, cushioned his fall. Hermione stopped in her tracks and burst into hysterics at the sight of Cedric.

"I wish everyone could see the Hogwarts Heartthrob now." Hermione choked out in between her fits of laughter.

Cedric glowered. Hermione couldn't help but laugh even harder as her shoulders shook and her eyes turned glassy with mirthful tears. "Very funny."

"I know. Isn't it?" Hermione teased. She eventually stopped laughing and sat down beside a now grumbling Cedric Diggory who was examining himself for any injuries. "Are you alright?"

"Thanks to the leaves – I don't think there would be a need for Madam Pomfrey to grow any bones for now."

Hermione's gaze softened as she carefully examined him herself. "I'm sorry. But honestly, hurling yourself at a running person isn't the wisest thing to do Diggory."

"I wasn't expecting you to suddenly shift course."

"That's not the point." Hermione chuckled, "You shouldn't have even thought of doing that. You are not on the Quidditch field with your broom."

"Merlin knows how many bones I would break if you were the Snitch."

Hermione laughed again. "Well come on, I reckon it's time we get back." She got to her feet but a sudden tug from Cedric, and a little help from gravity, had her stumbling back to her behind once more. She shot a dark look at a chuckling Cedric Diggory.

"That wasn't retaliation if that's what you are thinking. I just thought we could enjoy some time away from the prying eyes of the public for a moment."

"Oh." Hermione's glare withered and she settled herself comfortably cross-legged.

"Brilliant day isn't it?"

"I can't help feeling like it's the calm before the storm though." Cedric shifted his gaze from the sky with a quizzical look to Hermione's brown orbs. "It's a crazy foreboding notion I have." Hermione explained.

"Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure you'll do fine Granger," Cedric answered her reassuringly. "Besides, we are barely into our new school term, surely things aren't that bad for you yet – with the exception of Umbridge of course." Cedric reached over and gave her a squeeze on the shoulder.


"Anytime, Granger." He flashed a wide grin at her.

"Well aren't you quite the sunshine now."

"That's all your doing. Like the saying goes – no matter the weather, bring your own sunshine wherever you go."

"Are you implying I'm your sunshine?"


"Should I be prepared to run now?"

"Nah, I reckon not. It would begin to rain if you did."

Hermione shook her head in amazement. "This weather fixation of yours has got to stop Diggory. It's honestly creepy." Cedric laughed. Hermione watched as his apparent amusement danced in those steel grey orbs, suddenly feeling grateful for his narrow escape with death. She would have missed out on a wonderful, warm being who saw the world in his own brilliant scope of optimism with a dash of good wit, without even her knowing it.

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