Avengers The Hacker

By IronMan2105

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Skye Grey, wasn't you're normal thirteen year old, she lived on her own under the radar, hacking into any wor... More

Ch. 1 "Life of Skye"
Ch. 2 "Skill"
Ch. 3 "Conversation"
Ch. 4 "Tony Stark"
Ch. 6 "Mission"
Ch. 7 "Fumes"
Ch. 8 "The Past"
Ch. 9 "Not possible"
Ch. 10 "Not Good"
Ch. 11 "Pain"
Ch. 12 "What?"
Ch. 13 "Bored"
Ch. 14 "Getting even"

Ch. 5 "Introduction"

12.2K 285 47
By IronMan2105


                                                        Skye POV

we exit the limo and walk into a giant tower, my head is turning in different directions, this.. this is amazing, 

"Pretty incredible huh kid?" Tony said 

"You have no idea," I said looking around 

we get into the elevator, 

when we finally get to the floor I see a bunch of the avengers that I read about in the Database I hacked of Tony's I mean don't get me wrong I knew who they were to begin with but I had no idea they lived here, I thought 

"Holy sh- Shrimp," I said 

Tony elbowed me, 

"Nice save," He said 

"You.. him...her huh?" I said 

"Let me introduce you to everyone," Tony said 

"No need I already know, Over there is Natasha Romanova  aka Black Widow x assassin really really awesome techniques by the way," I said 

She smirked at me, 

"Then next to her is Clint Barton aka Hawkeye awesome skills with the bow might I add really cool," I said making the okay sign with my fingers 

"Oh I like her already," Clint said 

"Over there is Bruce Banner scientist, intelligent also known as the hulk really awesome," I said 

"The hulk or the science?" He asked 

"Both duh," I said 

they all chuckled 

"They Steve Rogers aka Captain America man out of time super solider not to mention being frozen in the ocean they brought back gotta say that's amazing," I said to him 

"Um thanks," He said confused 

"Then the big guy over there is Thor Odin from another planet which might I add is extremely cool, god of thunder it should be lightning since you can do both i said tapping my pointer finger on my chin, from Asgard," I said 

"Thank you little one," He said 

"Last but not least Bucky Barns x assassin very good with stamina very awesome military techniques and also known as the Winter Solider," I said 

"Yeah," He said 

"So you are the one who hacked into my system," Tony said 

"Only twice," I said 

He arched his brow, 

"Okay three time, it was a dare," i said 

Everyone started chuckling 

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