Crimson Hollows

By Gothic_Angel_25

195 10 3


The Woods
The Test {/REALLY/ short chapter}
Unexpected Message

Meet the wolves

111 2 0
By Gothic_Angel_25

Ara Blood Moon

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Position: Alpha

Power: Fire and Mind reading

Likes: Dark things, Lolita, Gothic music, any food, fire, the sun, night, screamo

Dislikes: people in general, pink

Personality: Shy, happy, friendly, violent


Mate: Thomas Anderson

Adopted sister: Akita Fairy Blade

Destiny Emerald Caster

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Position: Beta

Power: Wind and mind control

Likes: Night, Wind, meat, blood

Dislikes: Vegetables, day, the sun, snobs, liars

Personality: Emo, Depressed, Hot-headed, agressive, mean when angered, 


Adopted sister: Midnight Angel Moon

Zoey Black Water

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Position: Lead hunter

Power: Water and shape-shifting

Likes: Country, chicken, riding horses (In human form of course), reading

Dislikes: Self centered people, judging

Personality: Hyper, smart, funny, bookworm


Akita Fairy Blade

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Position: Baby bearer/hunter

Power: Myth and Kung-fu

Likes: Naruto, Ramen, animals, anime

Dislikes: bullies, swearing

Personality: Funny, hyper, can be sad when she's really hurt, hates a lot of people


Adopted Sister: Ara Blood Moon

Midnight Angel Moon

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Position: Hunter

Power: Earth and animals

Likes: Anime, kids, love, cute things

Dislikes: Back stabber, bullies

Personality: loving, sweet, nice, smart


Adopted sister: Destiny Emerald Caster

Mate: Rex Slayer Heart

Rex Slayer Heart

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Position: Hunter

Power: Ice and Telekinesis 

Likes: Nice people, cute things, Love

Dislikes: The Dark, blood

Personality: Sweet, kiddish, kind


Mate: Midnight Angel Moon

Journey Dreams Amaranth

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Position: Baby bearer/ hunter

Power: Love and dreams (?)

Likes: Homestuck, anime, animals, cute things

Dislikes: Bullies, meat

Personality: Nice, Vegetarian, hyper


Thomas Anderson

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Position: Second Beta

Power: Superior tracking skills

Likes: Almost everything, Ara

Dislikes: Raw onions

Personality: Headstrong but caring


Mate: Ara Blood Moon

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