The Forgotten 🐺

By Supreme_Enchantress

10K 370 27

"No ones truly forgotten," - Alice The Beast of Gevaudan was finally dead, for good this time. Theo was lock... More

~ Recap ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Candid
Chapter Two: Hunt
Chapter Three: Scott
Chapter Four: Missing Friend?
Chapter Five: Party Crash
Chapter Six: Parrish Love
Chapter Seven: Rider Weakness
Chapter Eight: Stiles
Chapter Nine: Canaan
Chapter Ten: Trap & Date
Chapter Eleven: Hellhound
Chapter Twelve: Rift
Chapter Thirteen: Remembered
Chapter Fourteen: Stiles Is Stiles
Chapter Fifteen: Train Tracks
Chapter Sixteen: Price Paid
Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Doesn't Stay Dead
Chapter Eighteen: New Life
Chapter Nineteen: Dead Heard
Chapter Twenty: Frozen Deputy
Chapter Twenty-One: Death Twice Took
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lunch Date
Chapter Twenty-Three: Faceless
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stand-Off
Chapter Twenty-Five: Man With a Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Armoury
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bullets
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nemeton Power
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silver
Chapter Thirty: Halwyn
Chapter Thirty-Two: Consume
Chapter Thirty-Three: Eichen Break Out
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lived
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Chosen
~ Epilogue ~
~ Bonus Chapter ~

Chapter Thirty-One: Time of Need

180 9 0
By Supreme_Enchantress

I dressed for the day, after what happened in the woods. I kept it to myself, I couldn't have Parrish and the rest of my friends worrying over me. There was enough to be worrying about with Gerard and this Anuk-ite. I tried phoning Lydia, but I couldn't get any answer, nor could I get one from Malia or Scott...

I arrived at Scott's place, my heels clicking against the pavement before I entered the kitchen door. "Scott!" I shout throughout the house, the door shutting behind me. "Scott!" I shout again but I heard no answer nor a heartbeat. I stood in the living room, before turning around. Just in time to see Lydia entering through the kitchen door. "He's not here," I told her as she picked up her peace to me, standing in front within seconds. 

"Where is he?" Lydia asks, but I gave her a shrug before looking behind me. 

"Hello, girls," Peter's voice rang out in my ear, making Lydia spin around, gasping for a moment as she was shocked. 

"Oh, my," Lydia cuts herself off as she took a deep breath as I hear her heartbeat loudly for a moment. "What are you doing here?" Lydia finally asks him.

"Looking for Malia. What are you both doing here?" Peter asks his hands on his waist, his gaze flickering between us. 

"Looking for Scott," Lydia began as we both take a few steps closer to him. "Obviously," I see her eyes roll around the room as we were in his house.


"Why are you looking for Malia?" Lydia shot back to him.

"Parental concern," Peter replies after a moment, making Lydia and I 'Hmm' at him, as there was more to this than he's telling us. "Why didn't you just call Scott?" He asks.

"Why didn't you call Malia?" I ask back, raising an eyebrow to him.

"This... We're not... This is..." Peter tried to form the words. "We're not getting very far with this conversation," Peter states as he was right, we didn't have time to play games.

"I can't reach him," Lydia broke the cycle as we were now getting somewhere.

"Well, I can't reach her, or anyone. There's reports that several cell phone towers in the area are down," Peter told us, and we didn't know that.

"Can we have big concern for that?" I ask my gaze flickering between them both. 

"It's more than that," Peter states to us, as we were connecting the dots now. 

"Monroe and Gerard?" Lydia replies to him as this was on all our minds right now. 

"They're cutting us off from the outside," Peter states, making me raise an hand to my forehead as I began to gently message it.

"And from each other," I said, but didn't lower my hand from my forehead. 

"Which likely means that they've already started amassing troops on their side," Peter spoke as I lowered my hand from my forehead as we needed to find our friends.

"Then we better find ours," Lydia states as she was right we needed to find them now than ever. Just then a pain twinged in my head just for a moment, making me screw my eyes up for a moment. 

"What's wrong with you," Peter asks, but his voice kind of not cared but just wanted to make fun of me. I peeled open my eyes to see him staring at me. 

"Nothing," I braked back at him. 

"Touchy. Need some blood," he asks sarcastically, making me shake my head to him. "Aw feeling under the weather?" He kept on going.

"Don't push me Peter. I'm not in the mood," I spat at him, my voice slightly raised.

"Time of the month," he mumbled to himself as he turns away, but he knew I would hear him. 

"Shut up!" I shout at him, without thinking, but a force of energy came emitting off of me, and hit Peter. He went flying back, he gained air for a moment, before crashing down to the ground and slid across the floor. Peter was on the ground for a moment, as his gaze met mine. I didn't speak as I moved my gaze from his as he stood to his feet, brushing his clothes down. "I told you not to push me," I brought my gaze back to Peter as he came back to stand in front of us.

"What the hell was that!" Peter exclaims, his eyes went wide for a moment. "You nearly threw me through the wall!" He raised his voice at me, but I rolled my eyes at him as he was being dramatic. 

"You're not hurt are you. So stop complaining," I shot back, as I walked away from Lydia and him.

"Alice, you sure you're ok?" Lydia's voice echoed in my mind, making me come to a halt just before the kitchen door. I turned swiftly, giving her a fake smile. 

"Yeah," I lied to her, but I just didn't want her to worry. I didn't want any of them to worry. 'Alice', 'Alice'. My gaze seemed to drift from Lydia's gaze as I hear the Sheriff's deep voice ringing out in my head. "I have to go. But take this," I rushed forward to Lydia, holding my hand out as a purple shimmer of light came in my hand before it disappeared. "It's an amethyst crystal. When you need me, think about me when you hold it," I hand the slender crystal to Lydia as she took it from my hand. 

"Where are you going?" Lydia asks wondering why I have to suddenly run out on them.

"I gave one to the Sheriff after what happened. I told him to use it in dire need," I replied to Lydia's question as she gave me a firm nod of her head. I made my way back to the kitchen door, and out of the McCall house, following the magic in the crystal I gave the Sheriff. I hope he was alright...


I followed the trail of magic to the tunnels, that leads to the Argent bunker. I wonder why the Sheriff was hiding out in here. I came to the metal door, and pulled the handle down, opening it and entering. Just then I see the Sheriff pull his gun on me, aiming at me before he realised who it was.

"Only me," I told him as I shut the bunker door behind me. "You called?" I swayed my hips into the room, coming closer to the Sheriff. He places his gun on the table, as he look kind of worried. "What's wrong?" I pushed as he looks a me with concern. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks with a fatherly concern. 

"It frankly wasn't your choice to make. It was mine," I told him sternly, as he slightly look taken back by my comment. 

"But you just made the decision without consulting Scott, Lydia. Your friends," the Sheriff said, as everyone was on my case about this thing. 

"Because it wasn't their choice either. I did it for them," my voice rose with volume as I spoke. "I did it to protect them, to battle the oncoming war!" My voice rang throughout the bunker, but the tables around us began to shake, like a mini earthquake was happening. I looked around the bunker as things rattled on tables, but the vibrations began to slow until it was gone. 

"Was that you?" The Sheriff spoke as he turned his gaze back to me. But I sheepishly took my eyes away from him. 

"I'm channelling a lot of power," I replied to him as I lifted my gaze to meet him. "I'm fine," I ensured him, but he held a disbelief expression as he wasn't convinced with my statement. "I can handle it. It's nothing new to me," I went on but he still didn't look convinced. 

Just then, we hear the metal door handle be pushed door, before we shot our heads around as the Sheriff grabbed his gun and aimed it at the door. The door opens and slips in Parrish as he had his back to us as he closes it. Parrish turns as the Sheriff lowers his gun, Parrish eyes caught him, making me jolt back a bit in surprise. The torch he held shined to the ground as his eyes flickered between us two.

"Hey Parrish," I spoke softly, as he smiles at me, before coming over turning his torch off and placed it on the side. 

"What you got?" The Sheriff asks as he halts in front of us, bringing his bag around and opens it.

"Monroe has the entire station pulling accident reports," Parrish began, pulling out a report and hands it to the Sheriff. "They're going back a decade... Things like totaled cars, industrial accidents, fires," Parrish told us both, as the Sheriff reads the reports Parrish had got. 

"Melissa told me she saw the same thing happening at the hospital. She saw a nurse collecting charts, pulling all the same kind of stuff... Strange reports, incidents where patients came in covered in blood, and then somehow ended up miraculously healed and discharged on the same day," the Sheriff explained on what Melissa had told him. Thank God, she told me not to come in as it wasn't safe, and though I could handle myself. She was worried for my safety. "That's not the only thing. McCall, Scott's dad, he told me about something he saw at the high school. Kids walking around with bandages. They're being tested to see how fast they heal. They're making lists," he told us, his eyes flickering between us both. But that was horrible, they're testing if their supernatural.

"This is everyone around us. Neighbours, friends," Parrish spoke up as he was right, this was happening all over Beacon Hills.

"They've planned this out. It's not just random opportunities, it's an operation," Noah made the realisation of what was truly going on.

"This is really happening," Parrish seemed worried, and I was as well.  

"We need to find out when, exactly when," Noah states, as if we found on when this is going down we could stop it. 

"Unit Ten, we've got a Two-One-Seven at Eichen House. We need all available units in the area," The female deputy's voice came over the radio.

Parrish raises his hand to the radio on his shoulder and held the button. "Ten-Four, I'm not exactly in the area," he states over the radio.

"Copy, Unit Ten, all available units," she went on, but this felt like a trap, like they were luring him into Eichen to kill him. 

"Ten-Four, on my way," Parrish replied back, making my eyes widen in surprise as he was going to go down there. He turns and begins to walk away.

"Parrish," my voice soared through the air making him stop and turn to face me. "I know you can handle yourself, but they know what you are," I rush forward, my hand going into his, as I held it tight. "Promise me you'll come back to me, because I can't lose you," my voice trembled with the thought of losing him, tears swell my eyes as the thought was racing through my mind. 

"I can't lose you either," he replies in a soft tone, as his gaze was also soft. But he pulls our interlocked hands back, making me come forward, and his lips came crashing down on mine. I melted in his hold, our lips moving in sync as the kiss was heated, filled with love, but there was also a sense of it being our last due to all of this... The kiss ended, as we pulled back to face one another. Parrish offers me that alright look, like in the end we'll be fine. His hand dropped from mine as I let him go, he turns and heads for the metal door. A single tear ran down my cheek as I watch him go, maybe for the last time...



Ok guys, only a few more chapters to go until the end of the book. I think I am planning on doing extra chapters. Just to show the future or some drama... 
Enjoy and see you in the next chapter!!

- Josh(Yoshi)

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